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Quality Management is very important in Software Projects. Quality is achieved to the extent that a project end product meets the client's needs and expectations; it also means that a product should meet its specification. Paper discusses about Life Cycle approach to Software Quality Management process and its principles, activities, factors, methods, benefits, and also Principles of Quality Risk Management.
In a world of growing competitiveness, ”quality” is a main subject. On recent years, there has been a trend towards the improvement of software projects’ quality. This means improving not only the final software products, but especially the quality of leadership and of project management. It is now recognized that the quality of software products and services can be improved if quality management is accomplished according to the unique characteristics and complexity of each project. In this paper we present the main concepts of quality management, as also some approaches of software quality assurance.
Software quality assurance (SQA) is a process that ensures that developed software meets and complies with defined or standardized quality specifications. SQA is an ongoing process within the software development life cycle (SDLC) that routinely checks the developed software to ensure it meets desired quality measures The Quality Management software that exists in the market nowadays is designed based on total quality management principles that can be found in quality standards and regulations. and discusses about Life Cycle approach to Software Quality Management process and its principles, activities, factors, methods, benefits, and also Principles of Quality Risk Management.
In this paper, we discuss the concept and principles of the total quality management (TQM). The paper describes the main Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models and pros and cons of each one. In addition, overview measures of quality during SDLC. Finally, the paper describes the software quality problems and how to achieve TQM via defect prevention. Keywords: Quality; quality management; SDLC; software development; total quality management.
Many organizations has been utilizing the benefits of information technology to gain competitive advantage in their respective businesses. As a result, the number of software development companies increased many folds during the last three decades. As the competition increased, the need for delivering good quality software within the committed schedule also increased. Even today many software companies have to deal with the consequences of delivering poor quality products, schedule and cost overrun problems. Many software quality and development frameworks have been suggested in the past to get rid of the aforementioned problems and a lot of research has been carried out in the field of software quality management and practices. In this paper, the authors provide a review of the major research works published in the field of software quality management. The study found that the research works in the software quality can be classified into five categories namely studies exploring the relationship between software quality and (i) total quality management implementation, (ii) adoption of quality management systems like ISO 9000 series of standards, (iii) capability maturity model level, (iv) development of defect prediction models and (v) quality management and evaluation practices of specific categories of software development process. The authors also tried to identify the gaps in existing research and future areas of research in software quality management.
This paper discusses the essences of total quality management (TQM) concept and identifies the principles of successful TQM implementation. It contrasts the Quality Seven (Q7) and the Management Seven (M7) tools commonly used in the TQM process. It also describes the Deming's quality management concept and his fourteenpoint management method. It briefly explains the similarities between software development process and product development process. Finally, it discusses how to instill Deming's TQM method in software development process and provides recommendations to TQM prospects or participants for avoiding pitfalls and ensuring success during TQM implementation.
Software quality is specific property which tells what kind of standard software should have. In a software project, quality is the key factor of success and decline of software related organization. Many researches have been done regarding software quality. Software related organization follows standards introduced by Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) to achieve good quality software. Quality is divided into three main layers which are Software Quality Assurance (SQA), Software Quality Plan (SQP) and Software Quality Control (SQC). So In this study, we are discussing the quality standards and principles of software projects in Pakistan software Industry and how these implemented quality standards are measured and managed. In this study, we will see how many software firms are following the rules of CMMI to create software. How many are reaching international standards and how many firms are measuring the quality of their projects. The results show some of the companies are using software quality assurance techniques in Pakstan.
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Software quality is specific property which tells what kind of standard software should have. In a software project, quality is the key factor of success and decline of software related organization. Many researches have been done regarding software quality. Software related organization follows standards introduced by Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) to achieve good quality software. Quality is divided into three main layers which are Software Quality Assurance (SQA), Software Quality Plan (SQP) and Software Quality Control (SQC). So In this study, we are discussing the quality standards and principles of software projects in Pakistan software Industry and how these implemented quality standards are measured and managed. In this study, we will see how many software firms are following the rules of CMMI to create software. How many are reaching international standards and how many firms are measuring the quality of their projects. The results show some of the companies are using software quality assurance techniques in Pakstan.
2015 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation (AIMS), 2015
Software quality issues require special attention especially in view of the demands of quality software product to meet customer satisfaction. Software development projects in most organisations need proper defect management process in order to produce high quality software product and reduce the number of defects. The research question of this study is how to produce high quality software and reducing the number of defects. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to provide a framework for managing software defects by following defined life cycle processes. The methodology starts by reviewing defects, defect models, best practices, and standards. A framework for defect management life cycle is proposed. The major contribution of this study is to define a defect management roadmap in software development. The adoption of an effective defect management process helps to achieve the ultimate goal of producing high quality software products and contributes towards continuous software process improvement.
Quality of software has growing role of the modern software engineering work. Typical current trends in the development process are the dominating role of quality systems, the use of "productivity tools" in the development, fast time to market and the adoption of the practices of the software development industrialization. Correspondingly the software product trends point out the growth of software size, longer life time, the critical role of software in services and products, increasing amount of client oriented variations of the same base product, and standardized platforms under the product solutions itself. As a consequence the new paradigms are guiding the software development: e.g. object oriented development culture is spreading fast and the role of reuse in its different forms (component level, patterns, designs) is becoming more important. Even the standard platforms, like Symbian, are giving guidelines to the developers restricting the freedom of solutions. The question on the software quality -in principle a clear and simple concept -is becoming more complex to specify and especially to teach for becoming software specialists. The paper includes the discussion on software quality issues from different points of view. The approach adopted classifies the quality based on software life cycles pointing out that the importance of different factors is changing along the development cycle.
The TQM Magazine, 2007
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of quality related to the context of software development using the ISO, TickIT and CMM frameworks. The paper also seeks to stress the fact that the different perspectives of those involved in software development will influence how quality is seen and measured. In the context of software engineering projects, quality takes on a broad meaning that refers not only to the way in which companies manage software engineering projects, but also to the software development process itself. Design/methodology/approach-The approach and methodology adopted for this paper were a review of the literature and best practice in software engineering. It is argued that users of software systems are more interested in how easy the software is to use than in the underlying application code that is used to generate the system. Using the body of knowledge that is software quality the basic characteristics of software quality are described and compared in terms of quality standards such as ISO, TickIT and CMM. Each of these standards is decomposed further in order to clarify its usefulness. Findings-The findings in the paper suggest that, whilst there are many differences in the quality standards used, there are a number of similar characteristics. In essence the underlying philosophies of ISO and CMM have at the core the same goals. Some academics see CMM as being technically over-engineered; a CMM-compliant quality system is in many respects far in advance of ISO. Research limitations/implications-This paper helps define the strengths and weaknesses within ISO, TickIT and CMM from a software engineering practitioner perspective. Practical implications-The paper shows that software engineers need to pay more attention to the performance and conformance issues in software projects and to be proactive rather than reactive to quality issues. Originality/value-It may be argued that the importance of this paper lies in the assertion that those engaged in the software engineering are in need of a multi-perspective view on quality and, with that in mind, this paper should appeal to practitioners and members of the academic community with an interest in software quality.
Software systems are often maintained by different development teams during their lifetime. Knowledge transfer is a very critical point when a system is passed from one team to another. The source code’s quality is a key to successful sourcing of software development activities. However, if no measures are enforced, the code’s quality continuously decays over time. In order to avoid this decay and to even improve the quality of grown software systems, an additional quality control process has been established for a complex software engineering project at Audi. This paper describes the new quality process and presents the gained experiences. Keywords—software quality management; software quality analysis; quality control; software development outsourcing
The software quality is very important research of software engineering grown from the last two decades. The software engineering paradigm adopted by many organizations to develop the high quality software at affordable cost. The high quality software is considered as one of the key factor in the rapid growth of Global Software Development. The software metrics computes and evaluates the quality characteristics and used to take qu antitative and qualitative decisions for risk assessment and reduction. The multiple stakeholders can view the software quality in multiple angles with various aspects. In this paper we present multiple views of the software quality with respect to various quality aspects.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
To develop a quality software "System development life cycle" is the best technique to be adopted. Software has the ability to map itself on a Quality Model so that its working can be seen on a set of factors along with their criterion. By this correlation better results can be gained from the working of software on every environment. To achieve a quality product it is necessary for the developer to understand how it can be achieved. Theoretical study is the main phase of understanding the performance of software. For achieving a quality product, in this paper the collaboration of SDLC with Criteria of Quality models will be seen for the better working of a software system.
With the advancements in the technology, software has become a crucial part. The future cannot be even imagined without software's. Software engineering has evolved over years promoting a good development cycle of software products. But somewhere somehow quality is still compromised. Though it is a systematic and disciplined approach towards the development, not much focus is laid on the quality of the developed software. This paper will provide a brief knowledge of the proposed ideas for implementing concepts to enhance the quality of the software product some of which will work in interaction with software development life cycle models.
Quality management is a very important contributor for the success of software project management. In quality management area we can find multiple activities to carry out, however organizations cannot always execute all those tasks and many times it is indispensable to make choices about what can and should be made. In order to help the organizations to identify the most important activities in quality management, we carried out a Delphi study with the participation of several senior project managers. The result is the identification of several groups of activities, ordered by importance for the project success.
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 2020
Every organization wants to run with profit only and it is a common trend to acquire the new technologies, methods and models to enhance the quality of software product. Quality of product is directly proportional to the value of the product and the profit of the organization. Different quality model are used by different organization foundation upon the requirements. Different thoughts of software quality attributes with various software quality models are evaluated and examined in this survey. Also researcher performed comparative study of different software quality models utilized by different organizations. Making software by using open source software (OSS) and commercial of the shelf (COTS) component is very useful for any organization. So as to quantify quality in software, quality
International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology, 2012
Software Quality is an important factor in software industry which depends on many factor involving process and product development. In this era achieving standard quality level in software is very important because of the high customer demands. This paper identifies reviews and addresses the factors affecting the quality of software in long run and indirectly suggests improvement for achieving it.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2017
In the product business still battles with the hard assignment of creating programming applications that meet quality gauges, and spending limitations. The requirement for programming to be without mistake remained a test to the IT business. Hence, the basic role of this study is to answer why officials hesitant to apportion assets to quality confirmation (QA) process amid the procedure of the framework advancement life cycle (SDLC)? This exploration utilized a quantitative study outline to research to what degree the inclusion of QA amid the SDLC procedure diminished programming venture disappointments. The information will be investigate utilizing inductive techniques and was expected to be summed up to the whole IT programming improvement populace. The exploration showed a feeling that incorporation of QA in all periods of SDLC was a great marvel. To gather the essential information, a proficient study will be led through survey structure will be utilized to take the criticisms and perspectives from various programming houses and industry specialists. The last stage will be the elucidating factual investigation by utilizing measurable techniques. Matlab programming will be utilized to gauge the fluctuation and execution by contrasting the execution parameters. As a consequence of this examination, the odds of the venture disappointment amid undertaking advancement will be declines and the business execution of the tasks will be expansions.
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering , 2021
The aim of quality assurance in software development is to ensure that a software product meets its practical business specifications and quality requirements. A comprehensive overview of different software quality requirement and quality assurance practices have been performed to find out the most appropriate software quality assurance practices at different stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC). A methodology along with its implementation during SDLC has been proposed in this research paper. The proposed methodology will help software development teams to achieve quality assurance goals during software development.
Software Quality Journal, 2014
Software quality is recognized as being very significant for achieving competitiveness in the software industry, so improvements in this area are gaining increasing importance. Software quality improvements can only be achieved by managing all of the factors that influence it. However, in a real business system, there are a great number of factors impacting software quality, while the processes are stochastic and resources are limited, so economic data should also be taken into consideration. This paper uses a Markov chain and proposes a systematic framework for modelling the stochastic processes of a quality management system and selection of the optimum set of factors impacting software quality. A methodology is presented for managing the factors that affect software quality with an illustrative hypothetical example for convenience of application of the proposed methodology.
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