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Jurnal Penamas Adi Buana
10 pages
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The Covid-19 pandemic has changed people's perspectives and behaviour in many ways, especially those related to health and the environment, especially in waste management. Waste management in the community that has been managed by the Trash Bank has also experienced congestion because generally, the managers (officers) do not dare to come into direct contact with garbage. As a result, waste piles up is not managed correctly and becomes a source of disease. Community service aims to provide socialisation and practice of standard operating procedures (SOP) for waste management during a pandemic. The method used is socialisation and exercise according to the SOP for Waste Management during the pandemic, including making hand sanitisers. The results obtained are that the community is no longer worried about waste management activities such as sorting waste and depositing dry waste to the Garbage Bank.
Household waste management changed drastically due to Covid-19 global pandemic. This Covid-19 adds the household consumption for health masks and it increases the solid waste number. People must wear the health mask that covers the nose and mouth if they do outside activities. This health mask becomes the most demanding item in the market but not enough supply. It increased the price badly and make people buying it irrationally. The used masks create another issue on the solid waste household. This waste is different from organic waste and inorganic waste. It has different solid waste management system too. We must separate the waste from the rest of the household solid waste by cutting the used health masks and put it in a plastic before we put it in the trash bin in front of our house. The special care for this infectious waste could help the safety workers and other people for not being sick from the Covid-19. It can help to reduce the number of household solid waste before it go...
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas, 2021
Handling infectious waste is a major global concern for public health and the environment if improperly hands. Personal protective equipment used masks;gloves are the main contribution to the volume of waste. The purpose of this literature study is to discuss ways of handling infectious waste, household at the time of a pandemic COVID-19. The method used is a literature review. Literature in the form of national journals published from 2020 until 2021. The collection of literature using Google scholar and database with the keywords "infectious waste COVID-19", "impact COVID-19", and "infectious waste household”. The search results obtained 21 articles according to keywords. Once filtered using exclusion and inclusion criteria obtained 8 articles in the review. The results of the reviews indicate the amount of medical waste during a pandemic COVID-B3-19 increased, this infectious waste is classified as medical waste garbage haz...
Terjadinya pandemi akibat penyakit dari virus Corona berdampak pada semua lini kehidupan. Tidak hanya kesehatan masyarakat, sektor ekonomi dan pangan juga terancam krisis. Pembatasan mobilitas manusia membuat banyak kegiatan kemasyarakatan tertunda bahkan gagal. Kegiatan KKN tematik yang sedianya dilaksanakan secara berkelompok untuk mengelola sampah organik di desa Darmakradenan Kecamatan Ajibarang tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Sebagai upaya tanggap pandemi covid-19, kegiatan KKN dilakukan secara mandiri sesuai domisili mahasiswa dengan tema tanggap covid-19. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada masyarakat dalam hal budidaya pertanian di lahan pekarangan untuk memenuhi sebagian kebutuhan pangan keluarga di masa pandemi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode partisipatif dengan mengajak masyarakat melakukan sekaligus memperlajari secara bersama-sama budidaya ikan dan sayuran dalam ember (budikdamber), budidaya sistem hidroponik sederhana, pembuatan p...
Background: Infectious medical waste during the COVID-19 pandemic becomes a virus dissemination medium if it is not managed properly. Lack of information in the community about household infectious waste management is one factor that affects how to manage infectious medical waste. This article describes household infectious waste management from the source to further treatment. The purpose of this research is to know the definition, determine the types, and learn how to manage household infectious waste during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The method is a literature review of journals, articles, and health and environmental guidelines that apply nationally and internationally. The search process was carried out using keywords such as the management of COVID-19 infectious waste and household infectious waste. The results were obtained from 31 articles according to keywords. After being filtered using inclusion criteria, four articles were reviewed. The inclusion criteria were health journals and articles with the keywords infectious waste management during the pandemic and the range of years of publication from 2020-2021. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria were health journals and articles with problem topics not related to infectious waste management during the pandemic and journals and articles published before 2020. Result: The result of this paper is the management of waste from households that is by sorting, storing, and disinfecting. Further treatment can be done in 2 ways. Those are transportation by ad hoc services and without ad hoc. The result shows that it is crucial to implement the method of managing infectious waste properly. It is also essential to build cooperation between the government and the community. The role of local governments, communities, and families is needed in handling household infectious waste so that the household infectious waste treatment process becomes effective.
Pada masa pandemic Covid 19 ini banyak berdampak langsung kepada kehidupan masyarakat termasuk pola kehidupan dalam masyarakat terutama terkait dengan bagaimana masyarakat tumbuh tentang kesadaran sosialnya. Kesadaran sosial merupakan upaya yang dapat dicapai dengan proses interaksi serta didukung dengan Pendidikan, kemudian dapat terkonstruksikan oleh suatu kesadaran diri atau Self Awareness yang menjadi struktur dasar sebagai pendukung sistematika di dalamnya. Sampah pada masa sekarang ini merupakan salah satu masalah yang kompleks dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Banyaknya sampah yang tercecer maupun berserakan serta tidak pada tempatnya menimbulkan masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Pelaksanaan PKM ini akan dilakukan oleh tim dengan memberikan pelatihan bagaimana mengelola Manajemen Pengelolaan Bank Sampah lebih rapi dan teratur, Lahan terbatas dapat dimanfaatkan dengan membuat tempat pengempulan Bank Sampah Unit Tamansari Bukit Damai Desa Curug Gunung Sindur Bogor dan Meningkatkan jiwa...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional LPPM, 2021
Plastic bottle waste is a serious problem in many countries, including Indonesia. Plastic bottles that are difficult to decompose make the need for various efforts to reuse plastic bottle waste such as recycling. However, in practice in the community, not all plastic bottle waste sells for recycling, in fact a lot of plastic bottle waste does not sell and then accumulates as happened in Sukunan Village, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This encourages the need for creative and innovative efforts in the utilization of plastic bottle waste, one of which is by utilizing plastic bottle waste into pipe glue. The training on the use of plastic bottle waste in this program was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic with restrictions on community activities so that the implementation was carried out online through online groups, video calls, video conferences, video delivery, modules, and independent experiments by the community. The community feels the benefits and supports this program. However, the results of this online training are not optimal, so further offline training is needed.
JI-KES (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan), 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic disaster has resulted in thousands of people dying and being treated in hospitals, so handling Covid-19 patients requires more medical equipment than normal conditions. Medical B3 waste generated by RSUD Polewali is 12,000 kg in 2020. The purpose of this research is to determine the management of waste management during the covid-19 pandemic at RSUD Polewali. The method used is a qualitative research design with a case study approach. Research informants are the Head of the Hospital, Person in Charge of Environmental Health, Incinerator Officer, cleaning service, Head of Installation Room and Planning Section. Research at Polewali Hospital shows that waste management management has identified, separated, labeled, transported, stored and disposed of/destroyed and used third parties for solid medical B3 waste in the final disposal process in accordance with the Waste Management Guidelines for Referral Hospitals, Emergency Hospitals and Hospitals. Health Center that handles Covid-19 Patients of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020. The conclusion of this study is that the management of Domestic Solid Waste Management, Liquid Waste, and Medical B3 Solid Waste at the Polewali Regional General Hospital shows that the management already has an SOP by referring to the Referral Hospital Waste Management Guidelines.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Jupemas), 2023
The global economy is experiencing a considerable shock; it is predicted that a recession will occur in 2023. Poverty is threatened to increase, and people's purchasing power has decreased. Based on Law No. 18 of 2012 concerning Food, fulfillment of food is the basic right of every Indonesian people. The state is obliged to guarantee the realization of food security. The waste in the downstream Cibiru village has not yet been managed. This organic waste will be used as a planting medium and as an ecoenzyme that will be used as a useful product. This activity aims to help the community or service partners: Help to inspire the public to understand the importance of handling waste upstream, namely households, Inviting the community to participate and play an active role in utilizing waste to reduce waste generation in waste banks, creating a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment invites people to turn it into useful products.
Sjofjan O. 2021. Processing of livestock waste as a source of fertilizer and community economic value during pandemic. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 19-26. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, starting last year, it has limited the space for human activities from all professions of community life activities, both formal and non-formal. The existence of the 5 M Health program activities has an impact on humans working and living at home which causes a sense of saturation so that many people seek independent activities that are useful with activities around the house by planting, gardening, raising livestock, etc. On the other hand, efforts to increase immunity in overcoming the transmission of the Covid-19 pandemic will also have an impact on increasing demand for food from animal protein. This has a positive impact on livestock re...
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