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1995, Rq
The critical thinking movement is now at the forefront of educational reform in the United States and elsewhere. This major initiative seeks to transform education in all disciplines and at all levels. Although not new, the movement has gathered strength in recent years as a result of increasing concerns among employers, educators, and public officials that students are not learning the thinking and reasoning skills needed to manage the complexity of contemporary life. Indeed, many feel critical thinking ability (along with creative thinking) may well be the most important characteristic of the successful individual in the next century Interest in critical thinking is not new among librarians. Even though library literature abounds with references to critical thinking, such references often lead only to brief discussions with imprecise definitions of the term. In part, this is due to the complexity and difficulty of understanding the controversies within the movement. These controversies center on three issues: the differences between the conceptions of critical thinking held by psychologists and philosophers; the confusion of critical thinking with an entire cluster of related thinking processes; and the extent to which critical thinking is generic or discipline specific. This column will review these controversies and then analyze their impact in the field of instruction.
Critical thinking in the classroom is a common term used by educators. Critical thinking has been called "the art of thinking about thinking" (Ruggiero, V.R., 2012) with the intent to improve one's thinking. The challenge, of course, is to create learning environments that promote critical thinking both in the classroom and beyond. Teaching and practicing critical thinking provides adults with the opportunity to embrace and take charge of their learning. Adults engaged in critical thinking approach the classroom experience differently. Typically, students who implement critical thinking skills approach the courseware in a more thoughtful and effective manner, ask more challenging questions and participate in the learning process more intensely. This critical thinking process endures beyond the classroom and into the workplace. This session examines the background of critical thinking, its role in the classroom and beyond that to the workplace.
The eighties witnessed a growing accord that the heart of education lies exactly where traditional advocates of a liberal education always said it was-in the processes of inquiry, learning and thinking rather than in the accumulation of disjointed skills and senescent information. By the decade's end the movement to infuse the K-12 and post-secondary curricula with critical thinking (CT) had gained remarkable momentum. This success also raised vexing questions: What exactly are those skills and dispositions which characterize CT? What are some effective ways to teach CT? And how can CT, particularly if it becomes a campus-wide, district-wide or statewide requirement, be assessed? When asked by the individual professor or teacher seeking to introduce CT into her own classroom, such questions are difficult enough. But they take on social, fiscal, and political dimensions when asked by campus curriculum committees, school district offices, boards of education, and the educational t...
College & Research Libraries, 1998
The purpose of this study is to determine the influences that affect the development of critical thinking skills in undergraduate students. This study examines data from the College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ), a national, cross-sectional survey completed by students during the 1992–1993 academic year. Using Astin’s I-E-O model and Pace’s quality of effort theory as the conceptual framework, the study examined students’ background characteristics, library experiences, experiences with faculty, course learning, and experiences with writing to determine the greatest influences on gains in critical thinking development. Results of the factor analyses and the hierarchical multiple regression indicated that grades, class year, focused academic library activities, informal faculty interaction, active course learning, and conscientious writing all resulted in gains in critical thinking. Implications of these findings suggest that academic librarians should design library resea...
Educational Theory, 1993
Seen from inside the critical thinking movement, things could not look better. Informal logic, the foundational discipline upon which recent conceptions of critical thinking rest, is a progressive research program. More philosophers and logicians are taking informal logic seriously. Its theory is getting both deeper and broader. More extensive and compelling analyses of basic concepts are increasingly available in the literature; new approaches, such as applied epistemology, are expanding the concepts available to members of the field. Informal logicians are moving away from a near exclusive focus on introductory college courses and text books, and are developing concepts and procedures that can support critical thinlung across the disciplines. There are deep continuities between critical thinlung and other theoretical approaches to argumentation theory and rhetoric, particularly with the work of Jurgen Habermas. Psychological grounding is available from psychologists such as Jerome Bruner and L. S. Vygotsky. There are many suggestive commonalities between critical thinking and social theories of reasoning and learning of all sorts, including trends in cognitive psychology. Critical thinking moves with a strong current in philosophy of education. It speaks to the educational goals associated with liberal education, and places the development of competent and reasonable learners and citizens at the center of its concern. It comports nicely with recent and credible pedagogical approaches such as cooperative and collaborative learning, problem solving, discovery methods in science, writing process, the use of schema in reading comprehension, and multiculturalism. Most important, perhaps, the integration of critical thinking into school practices, the vitality of in-service and pre-service efforts, a growing and influential professional literature, and well-attended conferences, all point to its attractiveness as a framework for progressive educational change. In the United States, national and regional reports identify critical thinking as a desired educational outcome, often citing the business community's belief that critical thinking is necessary within a modern workforce. Critical thinking has, however, been challenged at a deep theoretical level. In 1981, John McPeck published Critical Thinking and Education, which contained a sustained critique that had, at its core, an argument that denied the possibility of critical thinking, construed as striving to offer educationally relevant general procedures and concepts. The argument is both simple and profound:
Ample literature on the instruction of critical thinking in higher education can help colleges and universities make proper decisions about teaching and assessing critical thinking.
Critical thinking can help its practitioners understand the issues in society. The authors discuss the method involved in evaluating the validity of arguments and the need for teaching and using critical thinking skills across the curriculum. Introduction Critical thinking, simply stated, is arriving at conclusions based on the legitimacy of one's research. "Legitimacy" is the operative word here, for the critical thinking process eradicates faulty thinking patterns and, in particular, those known as fallacies. Why is this process important in today's teaching climate? With controversies like the 2000 Presidential election, the McVeigh execution, the Megan's Law Internet connection, and, above all, the September 11th tragedy, there can be little doubt that improved critical thinking could provide a means of combating tendencies that might undermine some basic democratic rights on no firmer foundation than raw emotion, popular opinion, ideology and certain infle...
Using a qualitative research methodology, known as the Delphi Method, an interactive panel of experts was convened to work toward a consensus on the role of critical thinking (CT) in educational assessment and instruction. In Delphi research, experts participate in several rounds of questions that require thoughtful and detailed responses. Panelists work toward consensus by sharing reasoned opinions and reconsidering the opinions with regard to comments, objections, and arguments offered by other experts. A total of 46 scholars, educators, and leading figures in CT theory and CT assessment research were gathered for the panel meetings. About half of the ranelists were primarily affiliated with philosophy departments; the others were affiliated with education, social sciences, or physical sciences. Recommendations resulting from the discussion rounds address the cognitive skill dimension of CT, the dispositional dimension of CT, and specific recommendations on CT instruction and assessment, including development of a CT curriculum. A discussion of commercially available CT assessment tools, a bibliography with an emphasis on assessment, and a set of letters which chronicle the progress of the Delphi research group are appended. (TJH)
Higher Education Research & Development, 2013
This paper argues that Moore's specifist defence of critical thinking as ‘diverse modes of thought in the disciplines’, which appeared in Higher Education Research & Development, 30(3), 2011, is flawed as it entrenches relativist attitudes toward the important skill of critical thinking. The paper outlines the critical thinking debate, distinguishes between ‘top-down’, ‘bottom-up’ and ‘relativist’ approaches and locates Moore's account therein. It uses examples from one discipline-specific area, namely, the discipline of Literature, to show that the generalist approach to critical thinking does not ‘leave something out’ and outlines why teaching ‘generic’ critical thinking skills is central to tertiary education, teaching and learning, and employment opportunities for students. The paper also defends the assessment of critical thinking skills.
practice” (1991, p. 354). Research in the U.S. supports these observations. For example, Su’s (1990) study, based on interviews with 112 educators, found that although teachers stated that they valued critical thinking they did not implement it in their classrooms. Similarly, in her study of a three-year project to foster critical thinking in social studies, McKee (1988) found that teachers spent only four percent of class time on reasoning activities.
The aim ofthis paper is to clarify what is involved in the notion of teaching for critical thinking and identify some of the challenges that this notion faces. The paper is divided into two sections. Section one attempts to clarify the notion of teaching for critical thinking by focusing on and analyzing the assumptions and practical implications oftwo contrasting teaching situations. Section two identifies and briefly comments on some of the common challenges that face those who take the ideal of critical thinking seriously.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 1982
has, from it inception, claimed that critical thinking at the post-secondary level requires engagement with the forms of inquiry. Embedded in language, such forms yield the tools for inventing, organizing and communicating the content of the various areas of human concern. In our efforts we have been guided by Matthew Lipman's analysis of critical thinking seen to require the skillful, responsible, self-correcting and context-sensitive use of criteria ("Critical Thinking What Can It Be?"
The landmark 1990 APA Delphi Report presents the findings of the two year project to articulate an international expert consensus definition of “critical thinking. Over the past 25 years this report has been adopted by educators at every level and in every discipline, as well as by business, military, healthcare, and technology professionals seeking to make the idea of “critical thinking” practical, positive, and applicable. Today the Delphi conceptualization grounds is used throughout the world. It grounds academic requirements, courses, textbooks, peer-reviewed research, dissertations, competitively funded grants, institutional accreditation projects, and numerous assessment tools used for educational and employment purposes when evaluating an individual’s or a group’s reasoning skills and mindset attributes are important. The international panel of experts who participated in the APA Delphi research project come to the consensus that critical thinking is best understood, taught, and modeled for students as the process of purposeful and reflective judgment. When engaging in critical thinking we solve problems and make decisions by considering the questions, evidence, conceptualizations, context, and standards to apply to the problem or issue at hand. The process is non-linear and the application of our specific critical thinking skills can be recursive, for we can analyze our interpretations, evaluate our inferences, or explain our analyses. The key, of course, is that we are being reflective and fair-minded and truth-seeking throughout the process of determining what to believe or what to do in any given context. Defined in this way, critical thinking is a powerful tool for learning as well as for our professional and civic lives. We all may have different beliefs, values, perspectives, and experiences influencing our problem solving and decision making. But we share the human capacity to be reflective, analytical, open-minded, and systematic about thinking through our problems and choices, so that we can make the best judgments possible about what to believe or what to do. That human process of well-reasoned, reflective judgment is critical thinking. In the Delphi Report the international panel of experts identify the attributes of ideal critical thinker as well as the specific skills that are engaged in the process of purposeful, reflective judgment. The report includes detailed pedagogically focused tables and specific recommendations relating to critical thinking instruction and assessment.
This paper addresses issues of implementing critical thinking in the basic communication course. A new paradigm of critical thinking, which includes a dualistic approach of teaching both the logical and creative skills, must be considered in communication classes in order to meet the needs of the core communication curriculum and mission. As a starting point to assessing both of these skills, a pretest of the logical side of critical thinking was conducted with 222 Creighton University undergraduate students who completed the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Assessment Test. One-way analyses of variance found only statistical significance between United States (domestic) and international students such that international students scored lower than the domestic students. Descriptive differences among sex and class standing are also discussed. Overall, it is argued that communication instructors need to take more of a dualistic approach in facilitating logical and creative thinking skills to meet the needs of all students. Contains 30 references and a table of data.
This report describes the development over three trial semesters of a required course for sophomores at Baker University (Kansas) to develop reasoning and critical thinking skills that would prepare them for a required senior capstone course. The report describes the work of the faculty team that prepared two textbooks ("Reasoning and Writing: An Introduction to Critical Thinking, and "Reasoning and Thinking,") designed to integrate instruction in written composition and critical thinking with the study of primary texts, and which included readings from classic texts, discussion questions, and other course material. Evaluation of the process suggested the following: focused training is recommended for humanities faculty who are not comfortable teaching material where answers are either right or wrong; faculty who teach critical thinking must themselves understand logic and be able to pass the understanding on to students early in the semester; writing is best taught in a trial-and-error process with much student-faculty interaction; critical thinking courses should be student-centered, using discussion questions rather than lectures; evaluation of reasoning and writing skills is difficult and time-consuming; and faculty members should be drawn in equal numbers from humanities, sciences, social sciences, and other departments. Appended are course descriptions and reading assignment lists.
Critical thinking in the classroom is a common term used by educators. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information gathered from or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or communication as a guide to belief and action (``Scriven, 1996”). The challenge, of course is to create learning environments that promote critical thinking both in the classroom and beyond. Teaching practicing critical thinking provides adults with the opportunity to embrace and take charge of their learning. Typically, students who implement critical thinking skills approach the courseware in a more thoughtful and effective manner, ask more challenging questions and participate in the learning process more intensely. To promote the critical thinking among the students various types of teaching strategies can be used by the teacher in the classroom.
Ikala Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 2012
Critical thinking includes the component skills of analyzing arguments, making inferences using inductive or deductive reasoning, judging or evaluating, and making decisions or solving problems. Background knowledge is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for enabling critical thought within a given subject. Critical thinking involves both cognitive skills and dispositions. These dispositions, which can be seen as attitudes or habits of mind, include openand fair-mindedness, inquisitiveness, flexibility, a propensity to seek reason, a desire to be wellinformed, and a respect for and willingness to entertain diverse viewpoints. There are both general-and domain-specific aspects of critical thinking. Empirical research suggests that people begin developing critical thinking competencies at a very young age. Although adults often exhibit deficient reasoning, in theory all people can be taught to think critically. Instructors are urged to provide explicit instruction in critical thinking, to teach how to transfer to new contexts, and to use cooperative or collaborative learning methods and constructivist approaches that place students at the center of the learning process. In constructing assessments of critical thinking,
Cross-cultural Communication, 2012
It is argued that the need for critical thinking in university education is accentuated in response to the rapidly changing world and the complexity of today's world where people are required to comprehend, judge, and participate in generating new knowledge and processes. It is also argued that integrating critical thinking skills into American literature classes is a prerequisite for learning and succeeding not only at school but also in the workplace and personal life. The discussion shows the manner in which critical thinking skills are promoted and employed in the classroom to enhance learning and equip learners with skills that prepare them for their future careers. It has been demonstrated that critical thinking skills are indispensible, advantageous, and necessary. Without these skills, learners won't be able to function well and actively participate in social and political spheres.
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