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2009, Nature Chemistry
Spin transition has attracted interests of researchers in various fields since early 1930's, with thousands of materials being realized including minerals and biomolecules. However, so far the metal centers in which it occurs have been almost always octahedral sixcoordinate 3d 4-7 metals, such as Fe(II). A five-coordination is only rarely seen. Here we report that SrFe 2+ O 2 , featuring a four-fold square-planar coordination, exhibits a high-spin (S = 2) to intermediate-spin (S = 1) transition on pressurization. A transition from antiferromagnetic insulator to ferromagnetic metal transition takes place at the same time. The ferromagnetic S = 1 state is found to be a half metal due to the inception of halfoccupied spin-down (d xy , d yz) states. These results highlight the square-planar coordinated iron oxides as a new class of magnetic/electric materials. Since the early 1930's the phenomenon of spin transition has attracted researchers of various fields, finding thousands of materials including minerals and biomolecules. In spite of all these efforts up to now, the metal centers, which undergo the spin transition, are nearly exclusively in an octahedral six-fold coordination such as Fe(II). A five-fold coordination is only rarely seen. Here we report that SrFe 2+ O 2 , featuring a four-fold square-planar coordination, exhibits a high-spin (S = 2) to intermediate-spin (S = 1) transition on pressurization. This transition is accompanied by a transition from antiferromagnetic insulating to a ferromagnetic so-called half-metallic states: only half of the spin-down (d xy , d yz) are filled. These results highlight square-planar coordinated iron oxides as new class of magnetic/electric materials. Spin transition, or spin crossover, generally occurs in compounds of octahedrally coordinated 3d transition metal ions with d 4 , d 5 , d 6 and d 7 electronic configurations, and they are driven by the competition between the intra-atomic exchange energy and the crystal field energy. The former stabilizes a high-spin state, a spin state with a maximum spin multiplicity as for the free ion, while the latter stabilizes a low-spin state where the electrons occupy low energy orbitals only at the expense of increasing the exchange energy 1. This transition, which can be induced by external perturbations such as heating 2, 3 , pressurization 4-8 , lightning 9 , magnetic field 10 , chemical substitution 11 , and gas adsorption 12 , were found in a wide range of materials like oxides (FeBO 3 , CaFeO 3) 4, 5, 7, 10 , metal-organic complexes 1 , porous materials 12 ,
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015
Iron sesquioxide (Fe2O3) displays pressure and temperature induced spin and structural transitions. Our calculations show that, density functional theory (DFT), in the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) scheme, is capable of capturing both the transitions. The ambient pressure corundum type phase (hematite or α-Fe2O3), having R3 c symmetry, gets distorted by the application of pressure and transforms to a distorted corundum type or Rh2O3(II) phase with P bcn symmetry, in agreement with recent experiments. GGA + U calculations show the same trend but shift the transition pressures to higher values. Experimentally, the onset of the structural transition begins in the vicinity of the spin transition pressure and whether the system undergoes spin transition in the corundum type (HP1) or in the Rh2O3(II) type (HP2) phase, is still a controversial issue. With a relatively simple, but general, octahedral structural parameter, Voct (the octahedral volume around iron ions), we show that in order to acquire a low spin (LS) state from a high spin (HS) one, the system does not necessarily need to change the crystal structure. Rather, the spin transition is a phenomenon that concerns the cation octahedra and the spin state of the system depends mainly on the value of Voct, which is governed by two distinct equations of state, separated by a well defined volume gap, for the HS and LS states respectively. Analysis of the results on the basis of octahedral volume allows to sum up and bridge the gap between two experimental results and thus provides a better description of the system in the region of interest.
The wide range of intriguing characteristics exhibited by Fe2O3 with pressure and temperature has renewed the attention of the scientific community in the last decade. Experimental and theoretical efforts are on to address and unravel the complexity of the system. The ambient pressure phase, hematite (alpha- Fe2O3) transforms to a new structural phase (HP1). That the HP1 phase is orthorhombic perovskite (Pbnm) or Rh2O3-II type (Pbcn) is still a debate and yet to be explored theoretically. Experimentally, the succeeding high pressure phase (HP2) was proposed to be Cmcm type post-perovskite (without any structural assignment). From the spin transition point of view, there has been a long-standing issue of an isostructural high spin (HS) to low spin (LS) transition. And experimental data till date are divided into two horizons -- one assigning the spin transition in the hematite phase and the other in the HP1 phase. In this work, motivated by these exotic unresolved controversies of th...
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013
A novel quaternary compound in the Ba−Y−Fe-O phase diagram was synthesized by solid-state reaction and its crystal structure was characterized using powder X-ray diffraction. The crystal structure of BaYFeO 4 consists of a unique arrangement of Fe 3+ magnetic ions, which is based on alternate cornershared units of [FeO 5 ] 7− square pyramids and [FeO 6 ] 9− octahedra. This results in the formation of stairwise channels of FeO polyhedra along the b crystallographic axis. The structure is described in an orthorhombic crystal system in the space group Pnma with lattice parameters a = 13.14455(1) Å, b = 5.694960(5) Å, and c = 10.247630(9) Å. The temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility data reveal two antiferromagnetic (AFM) transitions at 33 and 48 K. An upturn in the magnetic susceptibility data above these transitions is observed, which does not reach its maximum even at 390 K. The field-dependent magnetization data at both 2 and 300 K show a nearly linear dependence and do not exhibit significant hysteresis. Heat capacity measurements between 2 and 200 K reveal only a broad anomaly without any indication of long-range ordering. The latter data set is not in good agreement with the magnetic susceptibility data, which makes it difficult to exactly determine the magnetic ground state of BaYFeO 4. Accordingly, a temperature-dependent neutron diffraction study is in order, which will enable resolving this issue. The theoretical study of the relative strengths of magnetic exchange interactions along various possible pathways, using extended Huckel spin dimer analysis, shows that only interactions between square pyramidal and octahedral centers are significant, and among them, the intrachannel correlations are stronger than interchannel interactions. This is the first physical property study in such a magnetic ion substructure.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011
A small class of oxides that contain iron in a high valence state of Fe 4+ (d 4 ) are known. The most representative phase is SrFeO 3 (SFO) that crystallizes in the cubic perovskite structure containing corner-sharing (FeO 6 ) 12À octahedra and Sr 2+ ions that occupy the resulting large open voids. It has been shown that SFO and related oxides behave very differently from Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ oxides such as FeO, Fe 2+/3+ 3 O 4 , and LaFe 3+ O 3 (LFO). To the best of our knowledge, all these Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ oxides are antiferromagnetic (or ferrimagnetic) insulators in their ground states. Valence mixing often generates good electrical conductivity, but even for the most well-known case of Fe 3 O 4 , an insulating gap of 0.11 eV eventually opens at 119 K (the Verwey transition). Fe 3 O 4 and Y 3 Fe 3+ 5 O 12 have nontrivial spontaneous magnetizations of approximately 1 m B per Fe ion, but these values are due to simple imbalance between the antiferromagnetic sublattices and not to ferromagnetism. In contrast, the Fe 4+ oxides commonly exhibit a shift toward metallicity and ferromagnetism. SFO maintains cubic symmetry down to low temperatures in spite of the instability inherent to the twofold orbitally degenerate t 2g 3 e g 1 configuration and, at the same time, maintains metallic conductivity down to low temperatures. SFO is seemingly an antiferromagnet (T N % 134 K), but the nearest neighboring spins make an angle of only approximately 468 (3.1 m B per Fe ion at 4 K) in the helicoidal spin structure with a long wavelength. Moreover, genuine ferromagnetism appears when the specific volume is compressed to V(7 GPa)/V(0 GPa) = 0.95. As discussed in our recent report on an Fe 4+ oxide SrCu 2+ 3 Fe 4+ 4 O 12 , the specificity of Fe 4+ oxides can be assigned to the fact that the approximate effective charge transfer energy D eff drastically drops from 8 eV for FeO and 5.5 eV for LFO to À3 eV for SFO. Thus, Fe 3+ (O 6 ) 11À or Fe 3+
Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 2009
Since the discovery of the spin transition phenomenon in tris(N,N-dialkyldithiocarbamato) iron(III) complexes [1], numerous investigations have been devoted to this field of molecular magnetism. The spin transition phenomenon is probably the most spectacular example of bistability in molecular chemistry. However, it is a challenge to obtain spin transition materials when working under ambient conditions (e.g. room temperature and pressure), which would be highly advantageous for potential applications. So far, only some Fe(II) and Fe(III) molecular systems have shown temperature-induced spin transitions around and even above room temperature. Within this review we discuss the characteristics of this class of bistable compounds in detail and we try to draw more general conclusions regarding the integration, implementation and application of spin transition compounds as switching elements in hybrid molecular devices.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2020
Two polymorphic modifications (1-I and 1-II) of the new spin crossover (SCO) complex [Fe{H 2 B(pz)(pypz)} 2 ] (pz = pyrazole, pypz = pyridylpyrazole; 1) were prepared and investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), magnetic measurements, Moßbauer, vibrational, and absorption spectroscopy as well as single-crystal and X-ray powder diffraction. DSC measurements reveal that upon heating the thermodynamically metastable form 1-II to ∼178°C it transforms into 1-I in an exothermic reaction, which proves that these modifications are related by monotropism. Both forms show thermal SCO with T 1/2 values of 390 K (1-II) and 270 K (1-I). An analysis of the crystal structures of 1-II and the corresponding Zn(II) (2) and Co(II) (3) complexes that are isotypic with 1-I reveals that form II consists of dimers coupled by strong intramolecular π•••π interactions, which is not the case for 1-I. In agreement with these findings, investigations of thin films of 1, where significant π•••π interactions should be absent, reveal SCO behavior similar to that of 1-I. These results underscore the importance of cooperativity for the spin-transition behavior of this class of complexes.
Dalton Transactions, 2013
The mononuclear ferric compound Fe(H-5-Cl-thsa-Me)(5-Cl-thsa-Me)·H 2 O (1) was synthesized and characterized using powder/ single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and magnetic susceptibility measurements. This photo-responsive compound shows reversible, two-step spin-crossover behaviour. Moreover, dielectric anomalies were observed during the spin transitions, demonstrating the multifunctional properties of compound 1. † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Synthesis, elemental analysis, variable-temperature IR, single-crystal structural parameters and DSC. CCDC 936360-936362. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see
Dalton Transactions, 2012
The mononuclear compound (1) [Fe II (L) 2 ](BF 4 ) 2 (L = 4-ethynyl-2,6-bis( pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine) was prepared and structurally as well as magnetically characterised. The crystallisation revealed the formation of two polymorphsthe orthorhombic 1A and the tetragonal form 1B. A third, intermediate phase 1C was found exhibiting a different orthorhombic space group. Reversibility of the phase transition between 1A and 1C was studied by variable-temperature single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction studies, while an irreversible phase transition was observed for the transition of 1B→1C. The magnetic studies show that the 1A↔1C transition is accompanied by a very abrupt spin transition (ST) with 8 K hysteresis width (T 1/2 (↓) = 337 K, T 1/2 (↑) = 345 K). The ST was confirmed by Mössbauer spectroscopy as well as by DSC studies. In contrast, the 1B polymorph remained low-spin up to 420 K. In conclusion, a full cycle of intertwined phase-and spin-conversions of three polymorphs could be proven following the general scheme 1B→1C↔1A. † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. CCDC reference numbers 846470-846473. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2007
The preparation of new geometrically spin-frustrated magnetic materials that approximate theoretical models is a challenge. Although the Mermin-Wagner theorem indicates that long-range magnetic order can exist in two dimensions at zero Kelvin, order can be destroyed either by quantum fluctuations or geometric frustration even at this temperature. Theoretical studies indicate that the ground state of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet is most likely to be semiclassically ordered. However, the interplay of geometric frustration and quantum fluctuations has been found to give rise to a paramagnetic ground state without semi-classical long-range order in two types of lattice.
Materials Research Bulletin, 1981
A simple model for the variation of crystal field and of cov~encv with the distortion of FeO~ octahedra shows that Fe(IV) with ground term 5Alq(d~vdSzd~xd~2d~9 .2) can be stabilized in an elongated FeO 6 octahedron. Such an electronic configuration has been found actually in a Sr 0 5Lal.5Li0 5Fe0.504 phase with K2NiF 4 structure. Struc{ural (c/a "= 3.46), magnetic (Curie constant C = 3.06) and M~ssbauer resonance (isomer shift at room temperature relative to metallic Fe 6 = -0.19 mms-l) studies illustrate this electronic configuration.
The synthesis, structures, and magnetic properties are reported of three new polynuclear Fe III complexes containing the anions of picolinic acid (picH) and triethanolamine (teaH 3) as chelates. The complexes [Fe 6 O 2 (OH) 2 (O 2 CR) 4 (pic) 4 (teaH) 2 ] (R = Me (1), Ph (2)) and [Fe 5 O 2 (O 2 CBu t) 4 (pic) 3 (teaH) 2 ] (3) were obtained from the reaction of [Fe 3 O(O 2 CR) 6 (H 2 O) 3 ](NO 3) (R = Me, Ph, Bu t) with picH and teaH 3 in a 1:2:1 ratio in MeCN. The core of 1 and 2 consists of an [Fe 4 (m 3-O) 2 ] 8+ 'planar-butterfly' unit to which is attached an Fe atom on either side by bridging O atoms. The core of 3 consists of an [Fe 5 (m 3-O) 2 ] 11+ unit comprising two near-perpendicular vertex-sharing [Fe 3 (m 3-O)] 7+ triangular units. Variable-temperature (T) and-field (H) solid-state dc and ac magnetization (M) studies in the 5.0-300 K temperature range revealed that 1 and 2 have an S = 5 ground state spin whereas 3 has an S = 5 / 2 ground state. J ij exchange couplings were calculated by DFT and a magnetostructural correlation (MSC) for polynuclear Fe III /O complexes. This allowed rationalization of the observed ground states from the analysis of the spin frustration effects operative, and provided good input values for fits of the experimental v M T vs T data to obtain the J ij values.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2013
A novel quaternary compound in the Ba−Y−Fe-O phase diagram was synthesized by solid-state reaction and its crystal structure was characterized using powder X-ray diffraction. The crystal structure of BaYFeO 4 consists of a unique arrangement of Fe 3+ magnetic ions, which is based on alternate cornershared units of [FeO 5 ] 7− square pyramids and [FeO 6 ] 9− octahedra. This results in the formation of stairwise channels of FeO polyhedra along the b crystallographic axis. The structure is described in an orthorhombic crystal system in the space group Pnma with lattice parameters a = 13.14455(1) Å, b = 5.694960(5) Å, and c = 10.247630(9) Å. The temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility data reveal two antiferromagnetic (AFM) transitions at 33 and 48 K. An upturn in the magnetic susceptibility data above these transitions is observed, which does not reach its maximum even at 390 K. The field-dependent magnetization data at both 2 and 300 K show a nearly linear dependence and do not exhibit significant hysteresis. Heat capacity measurements between 2 and 200 K reveal only a broad anomaly without any indication of long-range ordering. The latter data set is not in good agreement with the magnetic susceptibility data, which makes it difficult to exactly determine the magnetic ground state of BaYFeO 4. Accordingly, a temperature-dependent neutron diffraction study is in order, which will enable resolving this issue. The theoretical study of the relative strengths of magnetic exchange interactions along various possible pathways, using extended Huckel spin dimer analysis, shows that only interactions between square pyramidal and octahedral centers are significant, and among them, the intrachannel correlations are stronger than interchannel interactions. This is the first physical property study in such a magnetic ion substructure.
Dalton Transactions, 2011
Reported herein are the synthesis, structural, magnetic and Mössbauer spectroscopic characterisation of a dinuclear Fe(II) triple helicate complex [Fe 2 (L) 3 ](ClO 4) 4 .xH 2 O (x = 1-4), 1(H 2 O), where L is a bis-bidentate imidazolimine ligand. Low temperature structural analysis (150 K) and Mössbauer spectroscopy (4.5 K) are consistent with one of the Fe(II) centres within the helicate being in the low spin (LS) state with the other being in the high-spin (HS) state resulting in a [LS:HS] species. However, Mössbauer spectroscopy (295 K) and variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements (4.5-300 K) reveal that 1(H 2 O) undergoes a reversible single step spin crossover at one Fe(II) centre at higher temperatures resulting in a [HS:HS] species. Indeed, the T 1/2 (SCO) values at this Fe(II) centre also vary as the degree of hydration, x, within 1(H 2 O) changes from 1 to 4 and are centred between ca. 210 K-265 K, respectively. The dehydration/hydration cycle is reversible and the fully hydrated phase of 1(H 2 O) may be recovered on exposure to water vapour. This magnetic behaviour is in contrast to that observed in the related compound [Fe 2 (L) 3 ](ClO 4) 4 •2MeCN, 1(MeCN), whereby fully reversible SCO was observed at each Fe(II) centre to give [LS:LS] species at low temperature and [HS:HS] species at higher temperatures. Reasons for this differing behaviour between 1(H 2 O) and 1(MeCN) are discussed.
Inorganics, 2017
The investigation of new spin-crossover (SCO) compounds plays an important role in understanding the key design factors involved, informing the synthesis of materials for future applications in electronic and sensing devices. In this report, three bis-bidentate ligands were synthesized by Schiff base condensation of imidazole-4-carbaldehyde with 4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane (L 1), 4,4-diaminodiphenyl sulfide (L 2) and 4,4-diaminodiphenyl ether (L 3) respectively. Their dinuclear Fe(II) triple helicates were obtained by complexation with Fe(BF 4) 2 •6H 2 O in acetonitrile. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the steric nature of the ligand central atom (-X-, where X = CH 2 , S or O) on the spin-crossover profile of the compound. The magnetic behaviours of these compounds were investigated and subsequently correlated to the structural information from single-crystal X-ray crystallographic experiments. All compounds [Fe 2 (L 1) 3 ](BF 4) 2 (1), [Fe 2 (L 2) 3 ](BF 4) 2 (2) and [Fe 2 (L 3) 3 ](BF 4) 2 (3), demonstrated approximately half-spin transitions, with T 1/2 ↓ values of 155, 115 and 150 K respectively, corresponding to one high-spin (HS) and one low-spin (LS) Fe(II) centre in a [LS-HS] state at 50 K. This was also confirmed by crystallographic studies, for example, bond lengths and the octahedral distortion parameter (∑) at 100 K. The three-dimensional arrangement of the HS and LS Fe(II) centres throughout the crystal lattice was different for the three compounds, and differing extents of intermolecular interactions between BF 4 − counter ions and imidazole N-H were present. The three compounds displayed similar spin-transition profiles, with 2 (-S-) possessing the steepest nature. The shape of the spin transition can be altered in this manner, and this is likely due to the subtle effects that the steric nature of the central atom has on the crystal packing (and thus inter-helical Fe-Fe separation), intermolecular interactions and Fe-Fe intra-helical separations.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2008
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Temperature and pressure effects on the spin state of ferric ions in the [Fe(sal-trien)][Ni(dmit)] spin crossover complex
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1991
The structural, spectroscopic, and magnetochemical characteristics of a new tetranuclear iron-oxo complex are reported. [ Fe402(02CCH3)7(bpy)2](C104)*1 4CH2C12-H20 (1) crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C 2 / c with a = 27.261 2646 reflections having F > 2.33u(F), giving final R factors of 0.0644 and 0.0688 for R and Rw, respectively. The [Fe4021s+ core of the cation is structurally similar to other [M402]*+ (M = Mn, Fe) complexes which have been previously reported.
Dalton Transactions, 2007
A series of spin transition (ST) iron(II) compounds of the type [FeII2](X)2.{S}2 (where is 4'-(4'''-cyanophenyl)-1,2':6'1''-bispyrazolylpyridine, X=ClO4- or BF4-, and S is acetonitrile) was synthesized and magnetically investigated. The effects of the removal of the lattice-solvent molecules and of their different positions relative to the iron(II) cations on the ST process were investigated. Crystallization yields orange block (A.{S}2) crystals of the composition [FeII()2](ClO4)2.{S}2, and two polymorphic compounds of the stoichiometry [FeII()2](BF4)2.{S}2 as red coffin (B.{S}2) and orange block (C.{S}2) crystals. The Fe-N bond distances of A.{S}2 (from 1.921(9) to 1.992(3) A; at 150 K), B.{S}2 (from 1.943(2) to 2.017(2) A; at 180 K) and C.{S}2 (from 1.883(3) to 1.962(3) A; at 180 K) indicate low spin (LS) states of the respective iron(II) ions. Notably, the observed small difference in the Fe-N distances at 180 K for the two polymorphs B.{S}2and C.{...
Inorganic chemistry, 2016
Square-planar high-spin Fe(II) molecular compounds are rare, and until recently, the only four examples of non-macrocyclic or sterically driven molecular compounds of this kind shared a common FeO4 core. The trianionic pincer-type ligand [CF3-ONO]H3 (1) supports the high-spin square-planar Fe(II) complex {[CF3-ONO]FeCl}{Li(Sv)2}2 (2). In the solid state, 2 forms the dimer complex {[CF3-ONO]Fe}2{(μ-Cl)2(μ-LiTHF)4} (3) in 96% yield by simply applying a vacuum or stirring it with pentane for 2 h. A detailed high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance and field-dependent (57)Fe Mössbauer investigation of 3 revealed a weak antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between the local iron spins which exhibit a zero-field splitting tensor characterized by negative D parameter. In solution, 2 is in equilibrium with the solvento complex {[CF3-ONO]FeCl(THF)}{Li2(Sv)4} (2·Sv) and the dimer 3. A combination of frozen solution (57)Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray crystallography...
Physical Review Materials
Fe 2 (MoO 4) 3 was synthesized and characterized as a prototype of L-type ferrimagnets (L-FiM) with an ordering temperature T N1 ∼ 12 K using magnetic susceptibility (χ), specific heat (C p), and dielectric (ε) anomaly. Two remarkable findings are magnetic field (H) induced (i) an additional magnetic phase transition at T N2 below T N1 ; and (ii) the emergence of flexible ferroelectric polarization (P) with the tuning parameters H and T below T N2. Thus, the H-T phase diagram for spin-induced type-II multiferroics was established. In contrast to some known multiferroics with a critical field-induced spin-flip P below T N1 , the observed multiferroic nature is exotic. The origin of the profound multiferroic nature may be hidden in the complex T-and H-dependent spin and lattice structures. Consequently, the schematic picture of H-induced possible change of lattice symmetry and conical spin structure has been proposed. More experimental and theoretical works providing solid evidence and interpretations have been suggested to explore these peculiar multiferroic phenomena.
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