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Geosfera Indonesia
This article presents the results of the first implementation of map literacy learning model in middle school classes - this is the preliminary test. The implementation of this learning model will gain optimal results when it is conducted by following all the component of the model such as the syntax, theoretical framework, social system, teachers' roles, and support system. After the model implementation has been completed, the results showed that there was significantly different in students' spatial thinking skills before and after the treatment. However, the implementation also revealed that the model has some technical issues and thus to be improved. In a social system revision, the teacher has to be flexibly provide scaffolding every time he/she sees that the students need it. Teacher's book is significantly important to help a teacher lead the learning process. After improvement of the model has been completed, then it is ready to be implemented in the main field ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Map is an important media information today. School has responsibility to give knowledge and skill on how to use map. However, it is only used as a directional indicator instead of being utilized as a teaching-learning media or resources of learning. Actually, teachers realize that map is necessary to increase the quality of learning. They also believe that map literacy skill will be useful for daily activities and is able to improve student's high order thinking skills. In answering the needs, a learning model focusing on the map utilization as a teaching-learning media and learning resources was designed. It was developed by ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). This paper examines the result of the design and development stage of map literacy model of learning. The model arranged is consisted of philosophical and theoretical grounds, sintax, social system, teachers' role, supporting system, instructional and nurturant effects, and learning principle. Those two stages produce map literacy model of learning's preliminary design which is ready to be tested.
Proceedings of the First Indonesian Communication Forum of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Leaders International Conference on Education 2017 (ICE 2017), 2018
Map is required many disciplines to present information. Various professions and occupations require maps to support their activities. Social Studies as the first subject in schools has a great responsibility to teach and build map literacy. Presenting map as an alternative media and learning resources and developing it into a learning model are strategic efforts to realize a powerful Social Studies learning. A concept from the United States which is adequate in affecting curriculum of the latest social studies education prevailing in Indonesia today. social studies are the first subject to introduce map in school, has a great responsibility to teach and build map literacy. This article aims to identify maps usage in Indonesia secondary school IPS lessons. It would reveal teachers perception on assumption that IPS will be powered by the application of map literacy in learning. Research result exhibits that the utilization of map has not been optimal because the map is still limited as a medium to merely present a location. The majority of teachers are very confident that by utilizing maps in social studies learning would make social studies meaningful, challenging, value-based, integrative and active (powerful). These results ultimately suggest that map literacy is a necessity for learners in Indonesia and teachers are very supportive for the development for a model of learning-based literacy map that is able to realize a powerful IPS learning.
Review of International Geographical Education Online, 2021
The aim of this research is to determine the impact of activity-based teaching on students' map literacy academic achievements in teaching secondary school seventh grade map skills subjects. The research was carried out in a semiexperimental design model with a pretest-posttest control group. The academic achievement test, consisting of a total of 12 items at three different difficulty levels, was used as a data collection tool in the study. The developed measurement tools were applied to 61 people from seventh grade students studying in thirteen different secondary schools located in Talgar district in Almaty region of Kazakhstan. Directional variance analysis (repeated measures) technique was used for repeated measurements on a single factor to solve the sub-problems of the study. According to the results of the research, easy, medium difficulty, difficult questions and total test scores of the experimental group students who applied the activity-based learning model and the control group students who applied the program-based learning were found to be similar according to the group variable. In contrast, easy, medium difficulty, difficult questions and total test scores related to map skill subjects of experimental group students and control group students were found to be significant in favor of experimental group according to the measurement variable and the common effect of group*measurement factors. In other words, activity-based map skills teaching applied to the experimental group is more effective in increasing the academic success of secondary school seventh graders in map skills than Program-based teaching applied to the control group. Accordingly, it is recommended that secondary school students acquire map skills while enriching these skills with activities.
Investigation of Geography and Social Sciences Curriculum in Terms of Map Skills, 2020
Map skills are included in the curriculum of different courses in basic education and secondary education, although they are more involved in the Social Sciences Curriculum (SSC) and Geography Curriculum (GC). Based on this situation, the research aimed at a comparative examination of the mapping skills included in the SSC and GC, which were updated in 2018. In the research, qualitative research model and document review method were preferred. The data source of the study was designated as 2018 SSC and GC. The analysis of the data was done with descriptive analysis technique. As a result of the research, it was observed that the map skills included in 2018 SSC continued in 2018 GC. However, different mapping skills were also included in the 2018 GC. In 2018 SSC 'people, places and environments' (PPE) learning area attainments in grades 4, 5 and 6 are observed to include map skills. However, other areas of learning of these grades and 7. It was determined that none of the attainments in classroom learning areas included map skills. In the 2018 GC, mapping skills were included in the attainment of almost all grades and units. In the 2018 GC, it was reached that the numbers of attainments involving mapping skill are similar in their distribution to grades, while there are differences in their distribution to units. However, the 2018 GC has been observed to include more extensive mapping skills than the 2018 SSC.
GEOMATE Journal, 2020
Education cannot be separated from the learning process, which aims at useful and useful learners in the future. Geography as a subject in formal educational institutions, has objects of study regarding the spatial conditions of the earth's surface, these subjects are related to the formation of students' spatial thinking or known as spatial intelligence, one of the components students must have regarding their thinking. Through a descriptive qualitative approach and research method of literature study, where data are collected through scientific publications in the form of related journals, this article shows the role of maps as a medium for learning geography, which can improve students' spatial intelligence. The results showed that there was a positive correlation, between the use of maps as a medium for geography learning in increasing each indicator of students' spatial intelligence indirectly, the map shows the route from one object to another thereby increasing a) cognitive map, the map also connects between the characteristics of objects in the real world and the position of objects on the map so that it is formed b) cognitive collage, an understanding of the characteristics of the real world and the position of objects with a certain scale on the map so that students understand the spatial impact known as the ability c) spatial mental. In conclusion, the map is recommended to be used as a medium for learning geography to improve students' spatial intelligence, which will be indirectly beneficial for students.
The paper presents a project on the use of maps in the kindergarten. Twenty-four children (4 to 6 years old) from three nursery schools in a rural area in central Greece participated in the program, which aimed at initiating them into the cartographic knowledge through the understanding and production of maps. Furthermore, the project aimed to promote the children’s decoding skills in order for them to develop visual literacy which appears to be a necessity in today’s pictorial world. Data about the preschoolers’ cartographic knowledge prior to the program was gathered through personal interviews based on a semi-structured questionnaire. The same method was used for the final assessment of the program. Discourse analysis was conducted using electronic data gathered from the questionnaire in order to explore the children’s comprehension of maps prior to and after the completion of the program. Additionally, the entire procedure was evaluated by appropriately designed observation sheets. A variety of activities with electronic and printed maps was designed to help the children reorganize their beliefs and expand their ideas and representations about maps as a means of communication. They were trained in the proper use of maps, meaning that they were familiarized with reading and interpreting visual information presented in symbolic form on maps. The project was integrated into the weekly program of the kindergartens for a four month period and was implemented by cross-thematic, collaborative activities of a constructivist approach. The results indicate that maps should be incorporated into the early childhood curriculum as a source of visual information and that preschool children are capable of reading and producing maps provided that they have been adequately trained in their use.
The research investigates the effects of activity-based method of teaching on students' performance in the concept of map reading in Geography in Mangu L.G.A. The research was Quasi -experimental in nature that utilizes pre-test posttest control group. 50 students were randomly selected and divided into two groups of 25 students each. The sample comprises of ten (10) students both male and female from five (5) selected Secondary Schools, comprising Government and Private. Geography Achievement Test (GAT) was used to collect data. In order to analyze the data, t-test, mean score and standard deviation were used. This t-test of independent sample was used to test the hypothesis formulated for the study at 0.001significant level. The result shows that experimental group performed significantly better than the control group due to the use of activity-based teaching method as a strategy for teaching map reading. Therefore, geography teachers are to utilize the activity-based strategy in teaching practical geography.
This study compared the achievement of students taught social studies with and without maps. It was an experimental research which was carried out on two sections of grade six of Federal Government Secondary School number 21, G-9/1, Islamabad. There were 26 students in control and 28 in experimental group. Both the groups were equal in achievement at initial level. Experimental group was taught by one of the researchers with the help of maps and related activities and control group was taught by their class teacher the same content at the same time in the traditional way. Both the groups were tested soon after the experiment and same test was repeated after the gap of two weeks. Throughout the experiment students behavior was observed by the researcher. Analysis of data was carried out by applying t test. Analysis of data showed that the achievement level of the students of experimental group at knowledge, comprehension and application level of the cognitive domain was better than c...
The aim of this reseach are: (1) To describe the use of geospatial information in improving the skills of students in making maps, (2) To improve the skills of students in making maps. This class action research uses two cycles with research subjects in class XI IPS 4 at SMAN 1 Purwantoro academic year 2018/2019. The indicator of success in this study is the classical completeness of students above 70% and there is an increase in student learning outcomes. The results of this study are (1) Utilization of geospatial information in improving map-making skills through several stages, namely introduction, gathering geospatial information, making maps, presentations, closing. (2) Utilization of geospatial information on geographic subjects can improve students' skills in making maps. Improvement of student learning outcomes is reflected in the percentage of classical completeness in the first cycle of 57.69% and in the second cycle rose to 88.46%. While the average value in classical...
South African geography student teachers should master map skills to teach mapwork effectively in their future classrooms. Spatial cognition, prior learning of map skills and map interpretation at secondary school-level are highlighted as being important in furthering map literacy, which is required by geography student teachers. A mixed-method research framework investigated the causes of map literacy difficulties experienced by first year geography student teachers. Lecturers who train prospective teachers should be aware of the conceptual and/or skills-based difficulties associated with poor map literacy amongst their own students in order to address these problems. This paper outlines problems experienced by first year geography student teachers associated with their own acquisition and understanding of mapwork. Furthermore, it argues that without deeper comprehensive development of their own mapwork content knowledge, the geography student teachers' ability to teach map skills effectively will be adversely affected.
The development of maps is directly proportional to the rapid advance of information and communication technology. Map becomes a tool to support a wide range of human activities, especially for urban societies. Various professions, daily mobility and lifestyle use map as a tool. It makes map literacy, for urban society, a must-have skill in order to live more effectively and efficiently. Map literacy is believed to have an interrelationship with spatial thinking. This ability gave a chance to build space literacy required by the urban people to adapt, act, behave and make decisions within the context of space. From the perspective of dynamic spatial changes and the complex problems of urban areas, it is necessary for urban society to have excellent map literacy and spatial thinking skills. Both of these abilities will reduce burden of urban society in their activity. Map literacy and spatial thinking are very good to build from early age. When children are already capable of abstract thinking, that's a good time to develop them. One way to build spatial literacy and thinking skills is to put it into school learning process. Social Science as a subject has a strategic position in developing that ability. This article examines the importance of map literacy and the ability to think spatially for urban society of the results of the literature study and previous research. The discussion in this article started from the various urban problems associated with space, then defined map literacy and spatial thinking ability and the role of Social Studies in developing both of these abilities.
Participatory Educational Research
Review of International Geographical Education Online, 2014
The purpose of the present study is to develop a valid and reliable map literacy scale that is able to determine map literacy of individuals, especially that of high school and university students. The study sample was composed of 518 students studying at various faculties at Cumhuriyet University and high schools in Sivas and its counties. With this aim in mind, an initial item pool for piloting was prepared in line with the literature, and expert opinion was sought on the item pool. After the piloting exercise, the draft scale was administered to the study sample. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was carried out to investigate the factor structure of the scale; confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out to test construct validity of the scale along with other validity analyses. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, it was seen that the scale was composed of 4 factors. These factors are as follows: reading and interpreting maps, using maps, carrying out procedures in maps, and sketching maps.
Cartographic compilations, in the form of maps and atlases, are one of the forms facilitating commu− nication in a teacher−student relationship in the process of knowledge transfer, especially in the field of geography and history. Spatial information referring to objects, phenomena and events, both nat− ural and socio−economic,occurring today and in the past, is represented on maps in the form of car− tographic signs. After meeting certain conditions geographical and historical maps are an effective communication instrument. These conditions include the conformity of the map content with the curriculum and information capacity of a scale (in which the map is presented) and the elaboration of map graphic in accordance with cartographic semiotics principles. Both conditions – the first one related to the map content and the second related to the graphics – are closely related to the char− acteristics of the user, who, depending on the age, may have different perception and experience. This applies mainly to the recipient of school maps. Separate requirements are imposed by students with vision defects (partially blind or blind). In the first stage of teaching both geography and history, in the process of communication between the map and the student, it is a teacher who plays a key role. He is considered to be the one who teaches how to interpret the map by discussing and ex− plaining its content. However, at the high school level, communicationin school−student relationship no longer requires the participation of the teacher; the map takes a direct dimension.
The aim of this study was to analyze the attainments of map literacy skills in the 2018 Social Studies course curriculum according to the learning areas and examine the applicability of the program. The research sought answers to the following questions: 1. How is the distribution of attainments related to map literacy skills in the 2018 Social Studies course curriculum by class levels and learning areas? 2. What is the level attainments associated with map literacy in the 2018 Social Studies course curriculum related to the lower dimensions of map skills in the high school geography curriculum? 3. What is the applicability level of map literacy skills in the 2018 Social Studies course curriculum for student-centered learning activities? Looking at the results of the study, it was found that at fourth-grade level, there was an improvement in the global connections learning area, where four skills were included with map writing in People and Places and Environments. At fifth-grade le...
Maps are defined as a two dimensional, geometrically accurate representation of a three dimensional space. It is graphic representation of a set of features whose relationships are shown by size, position and time. Map is a tool by which we can view, measure and understand our environment. Map is one of the easiest tools and probably the best tool for establishing any environmental dialogue. It has generally been observed that the basic knowledge about maps is rather low among the people of this country, even among the formally educated. Map learning can make people able to handle geo-environmental information of local, regional, national and global levels efficiently and more accurately. Science Communicators’ forum, a Kolkata based NGO is pursuing map literacy programme in West Bengal since 2004. The organisation had implemented map literacy programme in 40 rural schools of West Bengal where 3000 students were given training on understanding, using, updating and creating maps of their local area. The exercises had given them a better idea and understanding of their local environment. They learnt how to observe the changes that occurred in terms of demography, social pattern, natural resource, pollution and biodiversity. Environmental mapping programme can be a part of environmental education where the learners will learn to prepare local area thematic maps based on different environment related themes and develop local environmental database. In an advance stage of map learning other geo-informatics tools like GPS, remote sensing and GIS may be introduced. A systematic curriculum can be prepared
RETAIN, 2015
This study deals with the implementation of map-drawing to teach listening skill to the tenth graders. Based on the curriculum of 2013, listening of recount text is re-taught in the tenth grade. Here, the teacher is supposed to conduct listening activity of recount texts in this grade. However, the implementation of listening is sometimes neglected by some teachers. Besides, the students show a little interest in listening activity because of the task was boring. Furthermore, some students get difficulty gaining the information of the listening audio/task because they are busy with their long notes. As the result, they get a very little information, and they cannot do the task perfectly. This problem can be overcome by bringing a media, which is map-drawing. It is a media which presents incomplete map with pictures. The students" job is to draw the lines from one place to others and put the numbers of the pictures which represent the story. In this study, the writer would like to describe the implementation of map-drawing as a media to teach listening skill of recount texts and students" attitudes toward the implementation of this media. This study used descriptive qualitative design. The subjects chosen were the students of the tenth grade of MIA/IPA of MA. Roudlotul Banat. The observations were conducted twice. The writer used observation checklists and questionnaire to gain the data of the map-drawing implementation and students" attitudes. The data of observation checklists were taken when the teaching-learning was conducted, and the questionnaires were given to the students after the program. From the results, the writer concluded that map-drawing could help the student do the listening activities of recount texts, because it released the students" burdens while having listening practice by providing pictures and numbers. Besides the pictures and numbers could interest the students, so that they could do the task better. Moreover, the students also gave positive attitudes towards the implementation of map-drawing. It could be seen from the students" ability in answering the teacher"s questions both orally and written.
SIMILE: Studies In Media & Information Literacy Education, 2005
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of map literacy of pre-service geography teachers. The research was carried out using the relational survey model. The data collection tool used in the research was the map literacy scale. The research was conducted on 391 undergraduate geography students in 2016-2017 academic year. Multiple linear regression analysis technique was applied in solving the sub problems of the research. According to the findings of the research; when the correlations between the predictive variables and the dependent variable were examined, a positive and moderate correlation was seen between the level of map literacy of geography pre-service teachers and variables such as competence in the frequency of using map, the frequency of activity by maps, and the level of interest in geography. When the partial correlations between the predictive variables and the dependent variable were examined, it was determined that the undergraduate geography students had a positive and weak relationship between map literacy levels and the frequency of using map and the frequency of activity by maps variables. On the other hand, it was determined that undergraduate geography students had a positive and moderate relationship between map literacy levels and the level of interest in geography variable. In addition, under graduate geography students had a moderate and meaningful relationship with their map literacy level together with the frequency of using map, the frequency of activity by maps, and the level of interest in geography variables. According to the results of the research, it is seen that the activities that geography undergraduate students perform with the maps are a moderate predictor of map literacy. For this reason, it is suggested that emphasis should be given to the courses and practices that will develop the map skills in the geography undergraduate programs.
The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) a method of learning that is appropriate to increase the ability of students to read a map using ADDIE models, (2) the ability of students to read a map before and after the implementation of the model ADDIE. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data obtained using the test, and observation, which is based on basic competencies and indicators of achievement of competencies required to understand the fundamentals of mapping, P Remote Sensing, and Geographic Information Systems. The object of this research is class X IPS student of SMAN 23 Bandung in the academic year 2019/2020, with a sample of class X social studies 3 totaling 3 4 students. Results of the discussion: based on the Guttman rating scale when the score> 50%, then it was declared sufficient to be able to read the map with the distribution of indicators and percentages as follows on the indicators of students who were able to show the location of a particular place / geographical location had 80.5 % , students who were able to orient map (determine the direction on the map) amounted to 55.5% , students were able to interpret the symbols on the map 69.4% , students were able to reveal information on the map totaling 47.2%.
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