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2008, Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services - MobileHCI '08
This paper shows how basic human values are related to behavior patterns of the usage and production of mobile multimedia content. For these purposes we applied an interview technique called "Laddering", a technique referring to the means-end theory. These in-depth interviews establish relations between product characteristics (attributes), user behaviors (consequences) and basic values and user goals. We carried out interviews with 24 respondents. We found that the entertainment of other people, the exchange of content, the desire to save time and strategies to influence one's mood are the main driving forces for multimedia usage. Those are strongly related to basic values like social recognition, pleasure and happiness as well as to ambition. It is shown that usability aspects, like an intuitive UI, are strongly related to the users' desire for being effective and ambitious. Summarizing, we report the method's applicability in the realm of (mobile) HCI.
… Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), 2010
ビジネス アカウンティングレビュー, 2012
Mobile phone has significantly extended its purpose from merely a voice communication tool into a multipurpose personal communications device in less than three decades. Users in many developed markets are now moving into web-based applications includes various services of information, entertainment, financial and education. Mobile usage experience has both tangible and intangible aspects, thus considered as hybrids of product and services.
This paper aims to identify the kinds of pleasures involved in the interaction of mobile application users and how users with different levels of experience may differ in their emotional response, influencing the design for experience. To develop a product or service that a consumer has some kind of emotion: this goal is directly related to design for experience, which is defined as an activity to map processes that support these experiences. For this study, we selected the photo-sharing application Instagram and we used the theoretical model proposed by Jordan (2000), which classifies the pleasures in four types: physical, psychological, social and ideological. Exploratory factor analysis results show the existence of two major emotional responses ("appreciation" and "security"). Anova results show that users with more experience have higher emotional response "appreciation". Finally, regression results show that both "appreciation" and "...
8th global mobility roundtable, GMR, 2009
The purpose of this paper is to complement previous research on the adoption and use of smart phones by introducing theories from consumer research. The focus is on both the intrinsic and extrinsic values that users experience when possessing, interacting, and using smart phones. We investigate smart phone usage in a six month field study with 16 participants. As such, it shows how the Theory of Consumption Values and its five value categories: functional, social, emotional, epistemic, and conditional are useful constructs ...
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 2012
Mobile games are one of the largest mobile application areas and one where users are often willing to pay for services. Furthermore, the market for mobile games is expected to grow dramatically as most phones sold now are capable of running games. Despite this, there is surprisingly little research concerning user expectations from mobile games. In this exploratory study, we examine the consumers' values, needs, and objectives related to mobile games. Based on earlier literature on mobile services, we developed a preliminary ...
Although a few studies have focused on mobile value from the distinctive feature of a wireless mobile technology perspective, limited attempts have been made to study mobile value from a mobile application perspective. Thus, in this study we elaborate on mobile application as two types of values: utilitarian and hedonic. Based on these two values, we conceptualize two types of mobile value tendency: utilitarian tendency and hedonic tendency. The goal of this study is to examine the relationships between mobile users' value tendency and their personal predispositions (i.e., socioeconomic status and level of maturity) and their perceptions on mobile Internet service quality dimensions (i.e., connection quality, design quality, and information quality). Results of the study show that mobile users of lower maturity level are more likely to have hedonic tendencies than those of a higher maturity level, who in contrast exhibit more utilitarian tendencies; the mobile users' hedonic tendency is positively associated with their perceptions on mobile Internet service quality. However, unlike our expectations, mobile users' socioeconomic status is not related to their utilitarian tendency of mobile Internet use; the mobile users who have a higher level of utilitarian tendency are more likely to show negative perception on mobile Internet service quality. The interpretation of the unexpected results, research contributions, and limitations are discussed.
The consolidation of mobile communication technologies has given rise to an entire new ecosystem within digital media landscape. Mobile ecosystem involves a complex and changing set of players (including telecomm operators, handset suppliers, software developers, content aggregators, content producers, new advertising players and users) that are becoming increasingly influential in the sphere of media and cultural industries. The changes introduced by mobile technologies and industries and the subsequent pervasiveness of mobile social information, however, do not only affect social and inter-personal dynamics. They have also revolutionized digital media and legacy media industries as well as media consumption dynamics. After the advent of mobile media, cultural content (entertainment, advertising, information) has entered new processes of symbolic exchange, new consumption rituals and new value networks that radically change the concept of cultural content and the position of legacy media in relation to it. From the point of view of users, mobile content shifts from a ‘seeing-oriented’ logic to a ‘doing-oriented logic’ (characteristically illustrated by mobile application formats), becoming a main driver for creating, consuming and accessing mobile social information about users’ environment. Users expect to be able to act upon mobile content, to do things with it, be it re-creating (transforming mainstream media content into forms of parody, irony, protest or support), co-creating (merging it into user generated content) or channelling (recommending, resending, commenting, etc.). In the mobile context, cultural consumption process does not end in content itself (reading, watching or listening): it includes (and it is addressed to) social relationships. Media content, thus, integrates social symbolic exchanges as a specific language through which users express ideas, preferences, feelings and aspects of the self. From the point of view of content formats, mobile applications raise as a prevailing form, where cultural content is naturally integrated into action oriented logics and where the product of mainstream media functionally meets user activity parameters (position, movement, time, social network contacts, buying behaviour, etc.). Both from the perspective of user’s integration of mainstream media content into social exchanges and from the perspective of mobile industry players’ exhaustive processing of user activity and profile related data mining, the activity around mobile content contributes to configure what we have called ‘egospheres’, i.e. coherent repositories of information about user’s identity, affective networks, networks of interest, communication behaviour, search behaviour and consumption behaviour. While in digital inter-personal interactions egospheres seem to play a similar role to Goffman’s façade, they also constitute a relevant source of value for economic players. Media content therefore plays the role of a main door for accessing valuable information about users and for providing a functionally relevant integration of cultural consumption into mobile social information. In this paper we explore the implications of the above mentioned changes, focusing on two complementary sides of the process: the appropriation of cultural content into everyday social practices and the operationalization of user information as a valuable resource for digital media. The paper presents a summary of the results of a 4 year research project on the impact of mobile technologies and industries in the transformations of cultural content. The project involved a revision of existing industry reports, two series of focus groups and in-depth interviews with smartphone and tablet users and with application and software developers, a set of expert panels with telecomm operators, handset suppliers, operative system developers, content aggregators and media industry related content producers; and a structural analysis of content oriented mobile applications.
Behaviour & Information Technology, 2013
When people interact with digital artefacts they perceive their pragmatic and hedonic qualities. In the case of interacting with mobile devices and applications, users seek utility as they try to satisfy certain needs, but at the same time they have certain feelings and emotions when, for example, they feel attached to their personal phone and/or trust its brand. Due to this strong relation between users and mobile devices a significant problem occurs when researchers want to evaluate the user experience of a mobile application in laboratory settings: the selection of an appropriate mobile device. Towards this end, this paper aims to unveil the effect of perceived hedonic quality of a mobile device on the user experience evaluation results of an application. Our results show that the perceived hedonic quality of a mobile device significantly affected the perceived pragmatic quality of the application, but not the hedonic one.
Advances in Journalism and Communication, 2015
This study compares the hierarchical value maps (HVMs) for portal sites, smart phones, and social network services (SNSs) according to means-end chain theory. Means-end chain theory offers insights into how a media product satisfies the personal values of consumers. We derive the HVM for each media and investigate the effect of involvement on the HVM structure. A total of 424 individuals were queried for their opinions on the attributes, functional consequences, psychological consequences, and value of each media product through association pattern technique laddering. These elements constitute the value chain structure. Our findings show that the value of each media is determined by involvement levels. For each media, high-involvement user groups regard self-satisfaction as the most important value they aspire for. This study determines that different levels of involvement do not affect the relationships among the elements of the value chain. HVMs for smart phones, portal sites, and SNSs are focused on a special value. However, the level of involvement generally does not seem to alter the structures of HVMs.
Proceedings of the 2014 Mulitmedia, Interaction, Design and Innovation International Conference on Multimedia, Interaction, Design and Innovation - MIDI '14, 2014
A starting point in a development of a new application is the identification of an end-user problem that further is translated into usability goals. In this paper, the goals are derived exploring an experience gained from successful mHealth projects. Gartner's report of Hype Cycle for Human Computer Interaction concludes that context-aware applications has already passed the peak of inflated expectations, periods of disillusionment and understanding of the technology's relevance in a domain, and now are entering the plateau of productivity. Although the report explores important for investors indicators of market, investment and adoption activities, the conclusions are relevant for the human computer interaction design, too. One of the sources that generalize understanding of technology relevance is the PricewaterhouseCoopers research that crystallized the principles of successful mHealth projects. As a result, a list of mobile product usability goals is formulated. Literature search allowed compiling a collection of studies that helps defining usability goals for mobile technologies.
Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2014
With the increasing number of usage-based offerings, such as smartphone apps, consumers' usage processes are becoming increasingly relevant for scientific research. Thus, the concept of value-in-use is of particular importance. The paper presents a method for analyzing usage processes and capturing value-in-use. Based on a study of smartphone usage, the approach developed shows that valid value dimensions can be identified which characterize value-in-use. The proposed method proves to be a promising approach for value-in-use conceptualization.
SBC Journal on Interactive Systems, 2018
Academic literature has indicated a new moment for the HCI field that requires it to revisit methods and practices to consider aspects that are difficult to deal with, such as human values and culture. Although recognized as important and a challenge for HCI, human values is still a topic that demands investigation, discussion, and practical results (theoretical, methodological, technical) so that it may become somewhat useful for HCI as both a discipline and a community. This paper presents an informed discussion in which we explore possible understandings for values in HCI, the importance of the topic, and existing approaches. We draw on the literature and on our own research experiences in the topic to develop critical discussions and suggest possible directions for advancing the research and practice in the context of this challenge.
European Conference on Cognitive …, 2009
We present a questionnaire called Attrak-Work to support the evaluation of user experience of mobile systems in the context of mobile news journalism. We discuss theoretical background of the questionnaire and describe the development process including the field study within which the questionnaire was developed. The presented questionnaire assesses user's perception of the pragmatic (usability and task and goal achievement) and hedonic (stimulation and identification) qualities and an overall judgment of appeal. We used the questionnaire as part of a field study to corroborate and expand the findings of observations and interviews. We found the Attrak-Work questionnaire a useful tool to be used in this manner especially for the evaluation of the hedonic qualities.
Procedia Manufacturing, 2015
The basic building blocks of HCI, that is, the 'human', the 'computer' and 'interaction' concepts have been around for a long time. There is a need to understand people, in relation to how they are supported, augmented or constrained by technology, and how this may have an impact on the way we design human computer interactions. In the near future, 'human values' will play a vital role in conceiving the 'human' in HCI. In the light of changing human values, which are, what is desirable in different situations, societies and cultural contexts, we need to embed these into the entire interaction design process to realize it. Simplified steps to achieve this will increase the wider adoption of these concepts and will help stakeholders realize their human values. This paper explains our approach to formulate and realize human values through the interaction design process with four simple steps. This work is currently intended for software application development. We believe that this is the first step towards simplifying the human value realization process to make a stronger impact on the relationship between people and technology.
In this capstone project, means-end theory through laddering interview technique was used to reveal how basic human values are related to behavior patterns using social platforms such as Facebook. The behavior patterns exhibited while using Facebook, transformed into quantitative data by the laddering analysis, were compared with the ones demonstrated while using a prototype of a new social platform design. The results of this comparison were used to determine if this new platform provided the necessary values to be adopted by the targeted audience. Analysis of the data showed that the new social platform provided almost all the values Facebook provided, but the main goals users perceived in both of them were different. This suggests that both platforms could exist in a user’s preferred social platform list and be both adopted.
IRIS2009, 2009
Abstrakt The purpose of this paper is to complement previous research on the adoption and use of smart phones by introducing theories from consumer research and media studies. The focus is on the both intrinsic and extrinsic values that users experience when possessing, interacting with, and using smart phones as well as the media usage associated with the smart phone. As such, it shows how the Theory of Consumption Values and its five value categories: functional, social, emotional, epistemic, and conditional are useful ...
Book Title: Towards Industry Excellence: The Application of Technology and Innovation, 2017
This study would attempt to better understand motives or determinants of individuals voluntarily behaviour of downloading a mobile-game applications. Downloaders are considered as both consumers and users who pursue hedonic as well as utilitarian purposes. The behavioural intention of downloaders are assessed from a value maximization perspective where, based on economic theories, an individual's goal is to maximize utility or satisfaction. A synthesis of previous literature demonstrated that factors influencing consumers' intention to download a mobile-game application fall into two main categories including: Extrinsic/Utilitarian and Intrinsic/Hedonic determinants. Accordingly, a conceptual framework is presented where the relationships and their direction are formulated. In real situations, developers of mobile-game applications must better understand and identify motives/determinants which influence individual's behavioural intention to download. This study focuses on user and consumer variables which represents individual's values. The framework of this study is expected to explain how different motives/determinants are related and are influential in determining downloader behaviours.
Usability has been regarded as a critical factor affecting the quality of mobile phones. Many studies have examined usability impact factors of mobile phones on the basis of software usability concepts. However, considering mobile phones as multi-media and information appliances, a new usability concept and associated factors should be developed. This paper proposes a conceptual framework which has five views to reflect different aspect of interactions between users and mobile phones, and from which various usability impact factor models can be derived. Five views include user view, product view, interaction view, dynamic view, and execution view. Furthermore, we developed a hierarchical model which organizes usability factors in terms of goalmeans relations. Through two case studies, we could verify the usefulness of the framework and model. Lastly, we developed a set of checklists that are helpful to measure the usability of mobile phones, thereby increasing the practicality of the framework and model.
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