Agreeing on Defeasible Commitments



Social commitments are developed for multi-agent systems according to the current practice in law regarding contract formation and breach. Deafeasible commitments are used to provide a useful link between multi-agent systems and legal doctrines. The proposed model makes the commitments more expressive relative to contract law and it stresses the representational rather than the operational side of the commitment life cycle. As a consequence, the broader semantics helps in modeling different types of contracts (gratuitous promises, unilateral contracts, bilateral contracts, and forward contracts) and negotiation patterns. The semantics of higher-order commitments is useful in deciding whether to sign an agreement or not and to represent a larger variety of protocols and legal contracts.

Key takeaways

  • The classical definition of a conditional commitment states that a commitment is a promise from a debtor x to a creditor y to bring about a particular sentence p under a condition q.
  • If the creditor wants to explicitly reject the request, it will respond by creating the negative commitment ¬C 0 1 (y, x, 1, pay : 3) : 5, having the same deadline with the request commitment 2 .
  • In these commitments the debtor promises that a specific commitment will exist in a given window of time.
  • Similar rules are defined for other types of commitments, the main difference results from what acceptance means for each type of commitment.
  • Consider the contract between two agents me and you, with agent me having to deliver the item, while agent you having to pay for it.