Communication in parallel systems

1996, Lecture Notes in Computer Science


E cient communication in networks is a prerequisite to exploit the performance of large parallel systems. For this reason much e ort has been done in recent years to develop e cient communication mechanisms. In this paper we survey the foundations and recent developments in designing and analyzing e cient packet routing algorithms. Organization of the Paper In the following chapter we introduce the basic notation about networks, messages, and protocols for routing. In Chapter 3 we introduce the routing number of a network, and relate it to the dilation and congestion of path systems. Chapter 4 contains an overview of oblivious routing protocols, and Chapter 5 describes e cient adaptive routing protocols. 2 Networks, Messages, Protocols In this chapter we introduce the basic notions used in routing theory. In particular, we describe a typically used hardware model and message passing model, de ne the routing problem, and describe di erent classes of strategies to solve routing problems. 2.1 The Hardware Model We model the topology of a network as an undirected graph G = (V; E). V represents the computers or processors, and E represents the communication links. We assume the communication links to work bidirectional, that is, each edge represents two links, one in each direction. The bandwidth of a link is de ned as the number of messages it can forward in one time step. Unless explicitly mentioned we assume that the bandwidth This article was processed using the L A T E X macro package with LLNCS style View publication stats View publication stats