Meta-heuristics Applied to Power Systems



This paper describes a number of real applications of meta-heuristics (in this case, Simulated Annealing) and Genetic Algorithms to Power System problems. The research work was developed in the framework of European projects and industrial contracts and addresses areas as: planning and operation of electrical distribution systems, wind park layout, unit commitment of isolated systems with renewable energy sources and voltage collapse in interconnected systems. The combinatorial nature comes naturally in Power Systems, since most of the decision variables are binary or integer due to technical reasons. On the other hand, a common characteristic to these problems is the presence of technical constraints, which poses difficulties to the application of meta-heuristics, leading to the need of penalty factors in the evaluation functions. The extended abstract also includes feature selection for security analysis using Artificial Neural Networks, a related topic, although not really an application of meta-heuristics. The abstract is organized as follows. Regarding each topic, the corresponding problem is briefly described, followed by the presentation of the approach and, in some cases, a summary of the results. Global conclusions and references complete the extended abstract.