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This paper describes a number of real applications of meta-heuristics (in this case, Simulated Annealing) and Genetic Algorithms to Power System problems. The research work was developed in the framework of European projects and industrial contracts and addresses areas as: planning and operation of electrical distribution systems, wind park layout, unit commitment of isolated systems with renewable energy sources and voltage collapse in interconnected systems. The combinatorial nature comes naturally in Power Systems, since most of the decision variables are binary or integer due to technical reasons. On the other hand, a common characteristic to these problems is the presence of technical constraints, which poses difficulties to the application of meta-heuristics, leading to the need of penalty factors in the evaluation functions. The extended abstract also includes feature selection for security analysis using Artificial Neural Networks, a related topic, although not really an application of meta-heuristics. The abstract is organized as follows. Regarding each topic, the corresponding problem is briefly described, followed by the presentation of the approach and, in some cases, a summary of the results. Global conclusions and references complete the extended abstract.
This thesis details the approaches which aim to automatically optimize power system security schemes. In this research, power system security scheme includes two main plans. The first plan, which is called the defence plan scheme, is about preventing cascading blackouts while the second plan, which is called the restoration plan, is about rebuilding the power system in case of failure of the first plan. Practically, the defence plan includes under-frequency load shedding and under-frequency islanding schemes. These two schemes are always considered the last stage of the defensive actions against any severe incident. It is recognized that it is not easy for any power system’s operational planner to obtain the minimum amount of load shedding or the best power system islanding formation. In the case of defence plan failure, which is always possible, a full or partial system collapse may occur. In this situation, the power system operator is urgently required to promptly restore the sys...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2020
In the power and energy systems area, a progressive increase of literature contributions containing applications of metaheuristic algorithms is occurring. In many cases, these applications are merely aimed at proposing the testing of an existing metaheuristic algorithm on a specific problem, claiming that the proposed method is better than other methods based on weak comparisons. This 'rush to heuristics' does not happen in the evolutionary computation domain, where the rules for setting up rigorous comparisons are stricter, but are typical of the domains of application of the metaheuristics. This paper considers the applications to power and energy systems, and aims at providing a comprehensive view of the main issues concerning the use of metaheuristics for global optimization problems. A set of underlying principles that characterize the metaheuristic algorithms is presented. The customization of metaheuristic algorithms to fit the constraints of specific problems is discussed. Some weaknesses and pitfalls found in literature contributions are identified, and specific guidelines are provided on how to prepare sound contributions on the application of metaheuristic algorithms to specific problems.
Journal of research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2021
Optimization methodshave been appliedin power systems for the last hundred years. They have been applied across a broad regionspanning from power system design to power system planning and economic power dispatch to protection. This workpresents an overview of the metaheuristicoptimization techniques and their applications to power systems.
Optimization of solutions on expansion of electric power systems (EPS) and their control plays a crucial part in ensuring efficiency of the power industry, reliability of electric power supply to consumers and power quality. Until recently, this goal was accomplished by applying classical and modern methods of linear and nonlinear programming. In some complicated cases, however, these methods turn out to be rather inefficient. Meta-heuristic optimization algorithms often make it possible to successfully cope with arising difficulties. State estimation (SE) is used to calculate current operating conditions of EPS using the SCADA measurements of state variables (voltages, currents etc.
In this paper, a software is developed in order to evaluate optimum allocation of any power system elements such as power plant, substation and capacitors. This software is based on genetic algorithm and use heuristic rules in order to get more applicable. This software is currently using to find substation allocation in optimum point regarding to their place and size. The mathematical model of problem which uses minimum investment costs and power loss, obtains the goal. A genetic algorithm which is an effective tool in non-linear and discrete functions optimization is used. Finally, the proposed method is applied on a typical network and the results are obtained.
2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, 2014
The utilization of Genetic Algorithms (GA) in tackling engineering problems has been a major issue arousing the curiosity of researchers and practitioners in the area of systems and engineering research, operations research and management sciences in the past decades. The limitations on the use of conventional methods and stochastic search paved the way to wide applications of GA optimization techniques in tackling problems related to engineering and sciences. In view of this, this paper presents a state-of-the-art survey of applications of GA technique in engineering with focus on system power optimization using GA in the last decade. Hence, the scope of this paper is centred between the years 2003-2013.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2019
Optimal power flow (OPF) is a non-linear solution which is significantly important in order to analyze the power system operation. The use of optimization algorithm is essential in order to solve OPF problems. The emergence of machine learning presents further techniques which capable to solve the non-linear problem. The performance and the key aspects which enhances the effectiveness of these optimization techniques are compared within several metaheuristic search techniques. This includes the operation of particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, firefly algorithm (FA), artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm and differential evolution (DE) algorithm. This paper reviews on the key elements that need to be considered when selecting metaheuristic techniques to solve OPF problem in power system operation.
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Many optimization problems admit a number of local optima, among which there is the global optimum. For these problems, various heuristic optimization methods have been proposed. Comparing the results of these solvers requires the definition of suitable metrics. In the electrical energy systems literature, simple metrics such as best value obtained, the mean value, the median or the standard deviation of the solutions are still used. However, the comparisons carried out with these metrics are rather weak, and on these bases a somehow uncontrolled proliferation of heuristic solvers is taking place. This paper addresses the overall issue of understanding the reasons of this proliferation, showing a conceptual scheme that indicates how the assessment of the best solver may result in the unlimited formulation of new solvers. Moreover, this paper shows how the use of more refined metrics defined to compare the optimization result, associated with the definition of appropriate benchmarks, may make the comparisons among the solvers more robust. The proposed metrics are based on the concept of firstorder stochastic dominance and are defined for the cases in which: (i) the globally optimal solution can be found (for testing purposes); and (ii) the number of possible solutions is so large that practically it cannot be guaranteed that the global optimum has been found. Illustrative examples are provided for a typical problem in the electrical energy systems area-distribution network reconfiguration. The conceptual results obtained are generally valid to compare the results of other optimization problems.
The question of energy supply continuity is essential from the perspective of the functioning of society and the economy today. The study describes modern methods of forecasting emergency situations using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, especially neural networks. It examines the structure of a properly functioning model in the areas of input data selection, network topology and learning algorithms, analyzes the functioning of an energy market built on the basis of a reserve market, and discusses the possibilities of economic optimization of such a model, including the question of safety.
Several heuristic tools have evolved in the last decade that facilitate solving optimization problems that were previously difficult or impossible to solve. These tools include evolutionary computation, simulated annealing, tabu search, particle swarm, etc. Reports of applications of each of these tools have been widely published. Recently, these new heuristic tools have been combined among themselves and with knowledge elements, as well as with more traditional approaches such as statistical analysis, to solve extremely challenging problems. Developing solutions with these tools offers two major advantages: 1) development time is much shorter than when using more traditional approaches, and, 2) the systems are very robust, being relatively insensitive to noisy and/or missing data.
Annals of Operations Research, 2003
Due to a variety of political, economic, and technological factors, many national electricity industries around the globe are transforming from non-competitive monopolies with centralized systems to decentralized operations with competitive business units. A key challenge faced by energy restructuring specialists at the World Bank is trying to simultaneously optimize the various criteria one can use to judge the fairness and commercial viability of a particular power districting plan. This research introduces and tests a new algorithm for solving the electrical power districting problem in the context of the Republic of Ghana and using a random test problem generator. We show that our mimetic algorithm, the Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm, outperforms a well-known Parallel Simulated Annealing heuristic on this new and interesting problem manifested by the deregulation of electricity markets.
A specialized genetic algorithm applied to the solution of the electric grid interdiction problem is presented in this paper. This problem consists in the interaction of a disruptive agent who aims at maximizing damage of the power system (measured as load shed), and the system operator, who implements corrective actions to minimize system load shed. This problem, also known as “the terrorist threat problem”, is formulated in a bi-level programming structure and solved by means of a genetic algorithm. The solution identifies the most vulnerable links of the network in terms of a terrorist attack, providing signals for future reinforcement of the network or more strict surveillance of critical elements. The proposed approach has been tested on three case studies: a didactic five-bus power system, a prototype of the Colombian power system and the IEEE Reliability Test System. Results show the robustness and applicability of the proposed approach.
International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation, 2010
Well established conventional algorithms are available for solving the optimum power flow (OPF) problem. But the recent trend is to use the tools such as genetic algorithms (GAs) evolutionary programming technique, etc., because of some of their superior qualities. Simulated annealing (SA) is one such tool which can be used for solving optimisation problems. In this paper, SA technique has been applied for solving OPF problem which is simultaneously composed by economic dispatch (ED) and load flow problems (LFP). This technique is compared with GA, which represents a class of general purpose stochastic search techniques which simulate natural inheritance by genetics, illustrated by considering a three bus system.
JETIR, 2018
Unit commitment (UC) is considered one of the essential activities in power system planning and operation. The complexity and non-linearity nature of the UC problem make metaheuristic optimizations techniques more relevant for their solutions. Apart from minimizing the operational cost, the increased public awareness regarding the harmful effects of atmospheric pollutants on the environment and other environmental regulations have led researchers to focus on environmental effect as another unit commitment objective function. This paper reviews some published research papers based on metaheuristic techniques considering their single and multi-objective functions. However, the practical, technical and economic importance of the unit commitment problem is proven by the enormous amount of the available literature for attaining their solutions.
Each interconnected electric system has to define its operating mode and how expansion and operation planning are made. This paper presents the first phase of the work of implementing a tool with application to Colombian power system operative planning. The tool uses genetic algorithms to optimize the cost functions that arise in which the elements of the system are the variables that can be operated to reduce losses and fulfill the operation restrictions. Tests results with IEEE systems and two fitness functions proposed by the authors are presented in this work; from those results is estimated the computing time needed to evaluate the Colombian system.
In this paper, a preventive control action that involves both generation rescheduling and load curtailment is proposed for enhancing the dynamic security of large interconnected power systems. The control action is formulated as a security-constrained optimization problem that is solved by mean-variance mapping optimization (MVMO) integrated with a self-adaptive penalization technique and artificial neural networks to develop a fast and effective methodology. The proposed methodology is applied to a 16-generator 68-bus test system to solve the security-constrained optimization problem with both continuous and discrete decision variables. To find a proper and cost-effective solution for the control actions within an acceptable time, dynamic security assessment methodology based on artificial neural networks is integrated into the optimization process for predicting the violations of security constraints brought about by the candidate solutions. The proposed method effectively integrates a variety of popular heuristic optimization algorithms, including MVMO, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithms, big bang-big crunch, and artificial bee colony. MVMO outperforms all the others in various aspects such as reliability and robustness.
Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2015
Reactive power planning (RPP) is generally defined as an optimal allocation of additional reactive power sources that should be installed in the network for a predefined horizon of planning at minimum cost while satisfying equality and inequality constraints. The optimal placements of new VAR sources can be selected according to certain indices related to the objectives to be studied. In this paper, various solution methods for solving the RPP problem are extensively reviewed which are generally categorized into analytical approaches, arithmetic programming approaches, and meta-heuristic optimization techniques. The research focuses on the disparate applications of meta-heuristic algorithms for solving the RPP problem. They are subcategorized into evolution based, and swarm intelligence. Also, a study is performed via the multi-objective formulations of reactive power planning and operations to clarify their merits and demerits.
The key goal of electric power distribution companies is to provide a high quality of service with a low cost of operation. The growing customer needs requires a re-distribution of the Power over various nodes of the Distributed Generation (DG) facilitates. The re-distribution might cause over load on various parts of the networks which if not correctly optimized might increase the cost of maintenance and affect the overall network reliability. This is why it is urgently requited to find a methodology that can effectively provide a schema for re-distribution of the power and achieve both customers and power companies contracting objectives. In this paper, we explore our new proposed idea of using a simulated annealing based local search technique to provide an efficient power load distribution for distributed generation network. On doing this, we will apply our approach on the famous IEEE14 and IEEE30 power systems as two test cases. The developed results show the significant of the proposed approach.
This work reports the use of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the Power System Restoration Planning Problem (PSRP). The solution to the PSRP is described by a series of operations or a plan to be used by the Power System operator immediately on the occurrence of a blackout in the electrical power supply. Our GA uses new initialization and crossover operators based on the electrical power network, which are able to generate and maintain the plans feasible along GA runs. This releases the Power Flow program, which represents the most computer demanding component, from computing the fitness function of unfeasible individuals. Results for three different electrical power networks are shown: IEEE 14-Bus, IEEE 30-Bus and a large realistic system.
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