Optimal quantum cloning and universal NOT without quantum gates

2000, Journal of Modern Optics

We present ways of realizing quantum cloning via stimulated emission. Universality of the cloning procedure is achieved by choosing systems that have appropriate symmetries. We ® rst discuss a scheme based on certain three-level systems, e.g. atoms in a cavity. Our numerical results show that this scheme approaches optimal cloning for short interaction times. T hen we demonstrate that optimal universal cloning can be realized using parametric down-conversion. At the same time, our down-conversion scheme also implements the optimal universal NOT operation. We conclude with some remarks on cloning and superluminal signalling, using our cloner as an illustrative example. T he optimal cloning map for general d-dimensional systems was found by Werner [9], and optimal cloning machines (i.e. unitary transformations realizing this map) for d-dimensional systems were constructed by Buz Ï ek and Hillery [10].