Narrative: A critical linguistic introduction

1990, Journal of Pragmatics

Reviewed by Edk Mt3LLER* Toolan's work is the first in a new series appropriately called 'Interface' since it aims "to build bridges between the traditionally divided disciplines of language studies and literary studies" (front cover). In the introduction to the series, the general editor Ronald Carter states that the audience may be students "at senior high-school/upper sixth form level to university students" (p. x) and that the books "are designed to be used by students" and to be "used by teachers" (p. x), In other words, this is a textbook and I recommend it for use in introductory courses for university students in their first or second year. As the title indicates, Too!an tries to be introductory and critical at the same time, and most of the time he succeeds in doing so. Although professional linguists will probably be familiar with the material, Too!an has come up with some new critical points which will be of interest to the teacher as well as the student. The style of the book is fluent and clear, and difficult linguistic theories are explained in such a way that readers whe have little knowledge of the subject will find it easy to understand. As the book under review is a textbook, the pedagogical perspective w,d be discussed first. This will then be followed by a brief discussion of the theoretical basis.