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In 1996, the Australian electricity market was liberalised and the National Electricity Market Managing Company (NEMMCO) was established to manage the pool of electricity used by generators and retailers. Although the electricity market is new, the contracts traded over the counter and on exchange range from vanilla swaps to exotic options and other more complex contracts compared to capital markets. Nevertheless, there is no standard methodology for pricing such contracts as is the case of products in …nancial markets, where closed-form solutions of Black and Scholes type are commonly used.
Decision Support Systems, 2001
We present and apply a methodology for valuing electricity derivatives by constructing replicating portfolios from electricity futures and the risk-free asset. Futures-based replication is made necessary by the non-storable nature of electricity, which rules out the traditional spot market, storage-based method of valuing commodity derivatives. Using the futures-based approach, valuation formulae are derived for both spark and locational spread options for both geometric Brownian motion and mean reverting price processes. These valuation results are in turn used to construct real options-based valuation formulae for generation and transmission assets. Finally, the valuation formula derived for generation assets is used to value a sample of assets that have been recently sold, and the theoretical values calculated are compared to the observed sales prices of the assets.
Energy Economics, 2008
In this paper we propose a jump-diffusion type model which recovers the main characteristics of electricity spot price dynamics in the Nordic market, including seasonality, mean-reversion and spiky behavior. We show how the calibration of the market price of risk to actively traded futures contracts allows for efficient valuation of Nord Pool's Asian-style options written on the spot electricity price. Furthermore, we study the evolution of the market price of risk (and the risk premium) over a three year time period and compare the obtained results with those reported in the literature.
Quantitative Finance, 2005
We address a method for pricing electricity contracts based on valuation of ability to produce power, which is considered as the true underlying for electricity derivatives. This approach shows that an evaluation of free production capacity provides a framework where a change-of-numeraire transformation converts electricity forward market into the common settings of money market modeling. Using the toolkit of interest rate theory, we derive explicit option pricing formulas.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This paper analyzes the valuation of monthly Physical Transmission Rights (PTRs) on the German-Dutch interconnector. From a …nancial perspective, PTRs are exchange options written on the German and Dutch day-ahead electricity price. We extend the famous exchange option model by Margrabe (1978) and include jumps in the underlying prices. We develop a quasi closed-form solution for our exchange option model and compare its pricing performance to the basic model without jumps for all monthly PTRs between 2001 and 2008. Our results show that the inclusion of jumps signi…cantly reduces the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) between model and market prices. We further show that the inclusion of de-spiked prices into both models also improves their pricing performance. Overall, the empirical results show that monthly PTR options are clearly undervalued compared to model prices and even strictly cheaper than the corresponding futures contracts.
Journal of Banking & Finance, 2008
Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2015
We propose an ambit stochastic model to study the electricity forward prices. We provide a detailed analysis of the probabilistic properties of such model, discussing the related martingale conditions and deriving concrete implementation of it for the related underlying spot price. The latter is obtained from the forward model through a limiting argument. Furthermore, we show, also providing a concrete example, that a proper specification of these models is able to effectively forecast prices of forward contracts written on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) AG, or German Energy Exchange, market.
In this paper we implement a real option model for the unit commitment problem of a single turbine in a liberalized market. The model accounts for various operating constraints of the turbine. Price uncertainty is captured by a mean reverting process with jumps and timevarying means to account for seasonality. We demonstrate how the model can be used to make profit-maximizing commitment decisions and to compute risk profiles of generating assets.
2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings,, 2003
Abstract The paper considers a flexible forward contract implementation in the market environment. A market participant is able to draw electricity from the forward contract and resell it to the spot or retail market. Several stochastic optimization problems are ...
Preprint, 2003
Pricing options on electrical power is important because of the worldwide trend toward deregulated electricity markets. It is fascinating because of the exotic nature of most power derivatives and because of the many unique features of electricity markets. One of these unique features is that electrical power cannot, in appreciable quantities, be stored. While this plays havoc with arbitrage-free pricing strategies, non-storability and the near inelasticity of electricity demand over short times make possible the supply-demand modelling of electricity spot prices. We use these insights to create an approximate pricing model for electricity spot prices and use this model to approximate the early exercise boundary for simple swing options.
Econometrics, 2005
In this paper we propose a jump-diffusion type model which recovers the main characteristics of electricity spot price dynamics in the Nordic market, including seasonality, mean-reversion and spiky behavior. We show how the calibration of the market price of risk to actively traded futures contracts allows for efficient valuation of Nord Pool's Asian-style options written on the spot electricity price. Furthermore, we study the evolution of the market price of risk (and the risk premium) over a three year time period and compare the obtained results with those reported in the literature.
Quantitative Finance, 2004
In this article, we analyze the evolution of prices in deregulated electricity markets. We present a general model that simultaneously takes into account the following features: seasonal patterns, price spikes, mean reversion, price dependent volatilities and long-term non-stationarity. We estimate the parameters of the model using historical data from the European Energy Exchange. Finally, it is demonstrated how it can be used for pricing derivatives via Monte Carlo simulation.
This Ph. D. dissertation deals with the pricing of derivatives on electricity price. It belongs to the field of Arbitrage Pricing Theory and financial mathematics. The first part is a theoretical extension of Arbitrage Pricing Theory: we assess the problem of pricing European contingent claims when the financial agent has the possibility to transform assets by means of production possibilities. We propose a specific concept of arbitrage for such portfolios and extend some results of Rásonyi [Rásonyi 10] in discrete time for markets ...
Energy Economics, 2019
In liberalized electricity markets, ongoing uncertainties play a major role to delay the decision-making of new power generation investments. A valuation framework of power plant investments, based on Real Options Analysis, is integrated with a long-term electricity market model. The decision-making model considers that the addition of new power capacity is guided by the economic value of the option to defer projects under uncertainty. The main contribution is the integration of decision and option valuation theory in a long-term model for reproducing investment cycles observed in electricity markets.
Energy Economics, 2008
We discuss the modeling of electricity contracts traded in many deregulated power markets. These forward/ futures type contracts deliver (either physically or financially) electricity over a specified time period, and is frequently referred to as swaps since they in effect represent an exchange of fixed for floating electricity price. We propose to use the Heath-Jarrow-Morton approach to model swap prices since the notion of a spot price is not easily defined in these markets. For general stochastic dynamical models, we connect the spot price, the instantaneous-delivery forward price and the swap price, and analyze two different ways to apply the Heath-Jarrow-Morton approach to swap pricing: Either one specifies a dynamics for the non-existing instantaneousdelivery forwards and derives the implied swap dynamics, or one models directly on the swaps. The former is shown to lead to quite complicated stochastic models for the swap price, even when the forward dynamics is simple. The latter has some theoretical problems due to a no-arbitrage condition that has to be satisfied for swaps with overlapping delivery periods. To overcome this problem, a practical modeling approach is analyzed. The market is supposed only to consist of non-overlapping swaps, and these are modelled directly. A thorough empirical study is performed using data collected from Nord Pool. Our investigations demonstrate that it is possible to state reasonable models for the swap price dynamics which is analytically tractable for risk management and option pricing purposes, however, this is an area of further research.
In recent years a great deal of interest has been paid to the market-based pricing of electrical power. Electrical power contracts often contain embedded options, the valuations of which require a stochastic model for electricity prices. Successful stochastic models exist for modeling price variations in traditional commodities. Electricity is critically different from these commodities as it is difficult to store and, on short time scales, its price is highly inelastic. This has important implications for stochastic spot price models of electricity. Several stochastic models of electricity spot prices already exist. In these random models, price returns play a dominant role.
Power Systems, IEEE …, 2002
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The electricity price is a stochastic decision variable which depends on the load, temperature, unit breakdowns, seasonal affects, and workdays etc. Wholesale electricity customers aim to minimize their cost through long term bilateral contracts. One way to deal with the problem is to get electricity options in Turkish derivative markets for future periods which need to be exercised before the expiration date. An option gives the right to consume 0.1 MWH of energy with the strike price for each hour of the month that is the option is exercised. We assume that a wholesale power costumer would like to have options from the market in an effort to get physical energy at the option expiration. The option is exercised only if the strike price is less than the average of the hourly day ahead power prices. This imposes a limit on the strike price that is then used in the Black-Scholes model. Using cyclic behavior of daily power prices and historical price data provided by the market authori...
Energija, 2007
Rizik od stalnih promjena cijena moguÊe je umanjiti koriπtenjem razliËitih fi nancijskih instrumenata. U tu skupinu instrumenata spadaju ugovori o opcijama, odnosno opcije. Po njima kupac otkupljuje pravo na ugovorene cijene nekog predmetnog sredstva, na primjer elektriËne energije. S obzirom na varljivost cijena kupac ne mora izvesti opciju. Tada je njegov jedini gubitak otkupljeno pravo ili premija, πto odgovara vrijednosti jedne opcije. MatematiËki modeli za odreivanje vrijednosti opcija razvijaju se veÊ viπe od sto godina. No, svoj procvat doaeivljaju sedamdestih godina 20. stoljeÊa zahvaljujuÊi formuli Black-Scholes kojom se odreuje teoretska vrijednost opcija. U Ëlanku se daje podjela opcija po razliËitim kriterijima, opisuju naËini njihovog izvoenja te prati povijesni razvoj modela za odreivanje vrijednosti opcija. Izloaeen je primjer izvoenja opcije na najveÊoj srednjoeuropskoj burzi elektriËne energije EEX uz primjenu margina. Continual price fl uctuations are possible to hedge by using various fi nancial instruments, including options. An option buyer buys the right to the settlement price of an underlying asset such as electricity. Due to the volatility of the asset price, the buyer is not obliged to exercise the option. In such a case, the buyer's only loss is the purchased right or the option premium, which is equal to the option price. Mathematical models for option pricing have been developed in the last hundred years. These models were very popular during the 1970s, owing to the application of the Black-Scholes formula for the calculation of theoretical option prices. In this article, options are distinguished according to various criteria, specifi c exercising methods are described and the historical development of option pricing models is reviewed. An example of option exercising with closing out of the margins on the largest Middle European electricity exchange, EEX, is presented.
The electricity price is a stochastic decision variable which depends on the load, temperature, unit breakdowns, seasonal affects, and workdays etc. Wholesale electricity customers aim to minimize their cost through long term bilateral contracts. One way to deal with the problem is to get electricity options in Turkish derivative markets for future periods which need to be exercised before the expiration date. An option gives the right to consume 0.1 MWH of energy with the strike price for each hour of the month that is the option is exercised. We assume that a wholesale power costumer would like to have options from the market in an effort to get physical energy at the option expiration. The option is exercised only if the strike price is less than the average of the hourly day ahead power prices. This imposes a limit on the strike price that is then used in the Black-Scholes model. Using cyclic behavior of daily power prices and historical price data provided by the market authori...
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