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2014, Physical Review D
Recently it has been claimed that the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of gravity is unable to avoid cosmological singularities. However, in order to make this assertion, one must specify the underlying interpretation of quantum mechanics which has been adopted. For instance, several nonsingular models were obtained in Wheeler-DeWitt quantum cosmology in the framework of the de Broglie-Bohm quantum theory. Conversely, there are specific situations where the singularity cannot be avoided in the framework of the Consistent Histories approach to quantum mechanics. In these specific situations, the matter content is described by a scalar field, and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation looks-like a Klein-Gordon equation. The aim of this work is to study the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of cosmological models where the matter content is described by an hydrodynamical perfect fluid, where the Wheeler-DeWitt equation reduces to a genuine Schrödinger equation. In this case, it is shown that the conclusions of the Consistent Histories and the de Broglie-Bohm approaches coincide in the quantum cosmological models where the curvature of the spatial sections is not positive definite, namely, that the cosmological singularities are eliminated. In the case of positive spatial curvature, the family of histories is no longer consistent and no conclusion can be given in this framework.
Physical Review D, 2002
The quantization of gravity coupled to a perfect fluid model leads to a Schrödingerlike equation, where the matter variable plays the role of time. The wave function can be determined, in the flat case, for an arbitrary barotropic equation of state p = αρ; solutions can also be found for the radiative non-flat case. The wave packets are constructed, from which the expectation value for the scale factor is determined. The quantum scenarios reveal a bouncing Universe, free from singularity. We show that such quantum cosmological perfect fluid models admit a universal classical analogue, represented by the addition, to the ordinary classical model, of a repulsive stiff matter fluid. The meaning of the existence of this universal classical analogue is discussed. The quantum cosmological perfect fluid model is, for a flat spatial section, formally equivalent to a free particle in ordinary quantum mechanics, for any value of α, while the radiative non-flat case is equivalent to the harmonic oscillator. The repulsive fluid needed to reproduce the quantum results is the same in both cases.
Physics Letters A, 2001
Quantization in the mini-superspace of a gravity system coupled to a perfect fluid, leads to a solvable model which implies singularity free solutions through the construction of a superposition of the wavefunctions. We show that such models are equivalent to a classical system where, besides the perfect fluid, a repulsive fluid with an equation of state p Q = ρ Q is present. This leads to speculate on the true nature of this quantization procedure. A perturbative analysis of the classical system reveals the condition for the stability of the classical system in terms of the existence of an anti-gravity phase.
We illustrate the crucial role played by decoherence (consistency of quantum histories) in extracting consistent quantum probabilities for alternative histories in quantum cosmology. Specifically, within a Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model sourced with a free massless scalar field, we calculate the probability that the univese is singular in the sense that it assumes zero volume. Classical solutions of this model are a disjoint set of expanding and contracting singular branches. A naive assessment of the behavior of quantum states which are superpositions of expanding and contracting universes may suggest that a "quantum bounce" is possible i.e. that the wave function of the universe may remain peaked on a non-singular classical solution throughout its history. However, a more careful consistent histories analysis shows that for arbitrary states in the physical Hilbert space the probability of this Wheeler-DeWitt quantum universe encountering the big bang/crunch singularity is equal to unity. A quantum Wheeler-DeWitt universe is inevitably singular, and a "quantum bounce" is thus not possible in these models.
Gravitation and Cosmology, 1995
A cosmological model describing the evolution of n Ricci-flat spaces (n>1) in the presence of 1-component perfect-fluid and minimally coupled scalar field is considered. When the pressures in all spaces are proportional to the density, the Einstein and Wheeler-DeWitt equations are integrated for a large variety of parameters. Classical and quantum wormhole solutions are obtained for negative density. Some special classes of solutions, e.g. solutions with spontaneous and dynamical compactification, exponential and power-law inflations, are singled out. For positive density a third quantized cosmological model is considered and the Planckian spectrum of ``created universes'' is obtained.
We study the Wheeler-DeWitt quantum cosmology of a spatially flat Friedmann cosmological model with a free massless scalar field. We compare the consistent histories approach with the de Broglie–Bohm theory when applied to this simple model under two different quantization schemes: the Schrödinger-like quantization, which essentially takes the square root of the resulting Klein-Gordon equation through the restriction to positive frequencies and their associated Newton-Wigner states, or the induced Klein-Gordon quantization, that allows both positive and negative frequencies together. We show that the consistent histories approach can give a precise answer to the question concerning the existence of a quantum bounce if and only if one takes the single frequency approach within a single family of histories; namely, a family containing histories concerning properties of the quantum system at only two specific moments of time: the infinity past and the infinity future. In that case, as shown by Craig and Singh [Phys. Rev. D 82, 123526 (2010)], there is no quantum bounce. In any other situation, the question concerning the existence of a quantum bounce has no meaning in the consistent histories approach. On the contrary, we show that if one considers the de Broglie–Bohm theory, there are always states where quantum bounces occur in both quantization schemes. Hence, the assertion that the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization does not solve the singularity problem in cosmology is not precise. To address this question, one must specify not only the quantum interpretation adopted but also the quantization scheme chosen.
The European Physical Journal C, 2016
We apply the complex de Broglie-Bohm formulation of quantum mechanics in
I discuss the problem of inflation in the context of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Cosmology and show how, after a simple change of variables, to quantize the problem in a way which parallels the classical discussion. The result is that two of the Einstein equations arise as exact equations of motion and one of the usual Einstein equations (suitably quantized) survives as a constraint equation to be imposed on the space of physical states. However, the Friedmann equation, which is also a constraint equation and which is the basis of the Wheeler-deWitt equation, acquires a welcome quantum correction that becomes significant for small scale factors. To clarify how things work in this formalism I briefly outline the way in which our formalism works for the exactly solvable case of de-Sitter space.
In this paper we discuss the quantum potential approach of Bohm in the context of quantum cosmological model. This approach makes it possible to convert the wavefunction of the universe to a set of equations describing the time evolution of the universe. Following Ashtekar et. al., we make use of quantum canonical transformation to cast a class of quantum cosmological models to a simple form in which they can be solved explicitly, and then we use the solutions do recover the time evolution.
This paper discusses the problem of inflation in the context of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Cosmology. We show how, after a simple change of variables, one can quantize the problem in a way which parallels the classical discussion. The result is that two of the Einstein equations arise as exact equations of motion and one of the usual Einstein equations (suitably quantized) survives as a constraint equation to be imposed on the space of physical states. However, the Friedmann equation, which is also a constraint equation and which is the basis of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, acquires a welcome quantum correction that becomes significant for small scale factors. We discuss the extension of this result to a full quantum mechanical derivation of the anisotropy (δρ/ρ) in the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the possibility that the extra term in the Friedmann equation could have observable consequences. Finally, we suggest interesting ways in which these techniques can be generalized to cast light on the question of chaotic or eternal inflation. In particular, we suggest one can put an experimental lower bound on the distance to a universe with a scale factor very different from our own, by looking at its effects on our CMB radiation.
Gravitation and Cosmology
We explore at phenomenological level a model of the Universe filled with various kinds of matter characterized by different equations of state. We show that introducing of each kind of matter is equivalent to a certain choice of a gauge condition, the gauge condition describing a medium with a given equation of state. The case of a particular interest is when one kind of matter (de Sitter false vacuum) dominates at the early stage of the Universe evolution while another kind (radiation, or ultrarelativistic gas) dominates at its later stage. We can, therefore, consider different asymptotic regimes for the early and later stages of the Universe existence. These regimes are described by solutions to the Wheeler - DeWitt equation for the Universe with matter in that given state, and, at the same time, in the "extended phase space" approach to quantum geometrodynamics the regimes are described by solutions to a Schrodinger equation associated with a choice of some gauge condit...
Abstract We present perfect fluid Friedmann–Robertson–Walker quantum cosmological models in the presence of negative cosmological constant. In this work the Schutz's variational formalism is applied for radiation, dust, cosmic string, and domain wall dominated Universes with positive, negative, and zero constant spatial curvature. In this approach the notion of time can be recovered. These give rise to Wheeler–DeWitt equations for the scale factor. We find their eigenvalues and eigenfunctions by using Spectral Method.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2006
The perfect-fluid cosmology in the (1+d+D)-dimensional Kaluza–Klein space–times for an arbitrary barotropic equation of state p = (γ-1)ρ is quantized by using the Schutz's variational formalism. We make efforts in the mathematics to solve the problems in two cases. In the first case of the stiff fluid γ = 2 we exactly solve the Wheeler–DeWitt equation when the d space is flat. After the superposition of the solutions the wave-packet function is obtained exactly. We analyze the Bohmian trajectories of the final-stage wave-packet functions and show that the scale functions of the flat d spaces and the compact D spaces will eventually evolve into the nonzero finite values. In the second case of γ≈2, we use the approximated wave function in the Wheeler–DeWitt equation to find the analytic forms of the final-stage wave-packet functions. After analyzing the Bohmian trajectories we show that the flat d spaces will be expanding forever while the scale function of the contracting D space...
Physics Letters B, 2008
We present a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker quantum cosmological model in the presence of Chaplygin gas and perfect fluid for early and late time epoches. In this work, we consider perfect fluid as an effective potential and apply Schutz's variational formalism to the Chaplygin gas which recovers the notion of time. These give rise to Schrödinger-Wheeler-DeWitt equation for the scale factor. We use the eigenfunctions in order to construct wave packets and study the time dependent behavior of the expectation value of the scale factor using the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. We show that contrary to the classical case, the expectation value of the scale factor avoids singularity at quantum level. Moreover, this model predicts that the expansion of Universe is accelerating for the late times.
In "extended phase space" approach to quantum geometrodynamics numerical solutions to Schrodinger equation corresponding to various choice of gauge conditions are obtained for the simplest isotropic model. The "extended phase space" approach belongs to those appeared in the last decade in which, as a result of fixing a reference frame, the Wheeler - DeWitt static picture of the world is replaced by evolutionary quantum geometrodynamics. Some aspects of this approach were discussed at two previous PIRT meetings. We are interested in the part of the wave function depending on physical degrees of freedom. Three gauge conditions having a clear physical meaning are considered. They are the conformal time gauge, the gauge producing the appearance of Lambda-term in the Einstein equations, and the one covering the two previous cases as asymptotic limits. The interpretation and discussion of the obtained solutions is given.
We formulate a "minimal" interpretational scheme for fairly general (minisuperspace) quantum cosmological models. Admitting as few exact mathematical structure as is reasonably possible at the fundamental level, we apply approximate WKB-techniques locally in minisuperspace in order to make contact with the realm of predictions, and propose how to deal with the problems of mode decomposition and almost-classicality without introducing further principles. In order to emphasize the general nature of approximate local quantum mechanical structures, we modify the standard WKB-expansion method so as to rely on exact congruences of classical paths, rather than a division of variables into classical and quantum. The only exact mathematical structures our interpretation needs are the space of solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and the Klein-Gordon type indefinite scalar product. The latter boils down to plus or minus the ordinary Work supported by the Austrian Academy of Scie...
Quantum cosmology from the late sixties into the early XXI st century is reviewed and appraised in the form of a debate, set up by two presentations on mainly the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization and on loop quantum cosmology, respectively. (Open) questions, encouragement and guiding lines shared with the audience are provided here.
Canadian Journal of Physics, 2019
We present a Friedmann–Robertson–Walker quantum cosmological model within the framework of Finslerian geometry. In this work, we consider a specific fluid. We obtain the corresponding Wheeler–DeWitt equation as the usual constraint equation as well as the Schrödinger equation following Dirac, although the approaches yield the same time-independent equation for the wave function of the universe. We provide exact classical and quantum mechanical solutions. We use eigenfunctions to study the time evolution of the expectation value of the scale factor. Finally, we discuss the physical meaning of the results.
Physics Letters A, 1998
We apply the causal interpretation of quantum mechanics to homogeneous and isotropic quantum cosmology where the sources of the gravitational field are either dust or radiation perfect fluids. We find non-singular quantum trajectories which tends to the classical one when the scale factor becomes much larger then the Planck length. In this situation, the quantum potential becomes negligible. There are no particle horizons. As radiation is a good approximation for the matter content of the early universe, this result suggests that the universe can be eternal due to quantum effects. PACS number(s): 98.80.H, 03.65.Bz
Gravitation and Cosmology
The paper is the first of two parts of a work reviewing some approaches to the problem of time in quantum cosmology, which were put forward last decade, and which demonstrated their relation to the problems of reparametrization and gauge invariance of quantum gravity. In the present part we remind basic features of quantum geometrodynamics and minisuperspace cosmological models, and discuss fundamental problems of the Wheeler - DeWitt theory. Various attempts to find a solution to the problem of time are considered in the framework of the canonical approach. Possible solutions to the problem are investigated making use of minisuperspace models, that is, systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. At the same time, in the last section of the paper we expand our consideration beyond the minisuperspace approximation and briefly review promising ideas by Brown and Kuchar, who propose that dust interacting only gravitationally can be used for time measuring, and the unitary appro...
In this work the scalar free Klein-Gordon field coupled to the quantum mechanical gravity equation (QMGE), that takes into account the quantum property of matter, is quantized. The model has been developed at the first order in the metric tensor with a self-consistent analytical dependence of the energy impulse tensor by the quantum field. The quantum behavior, due to the quantum potential energy, in the gravity equation (GE) has been investigated by studying the energy-impulse tensor density generated the quantum field. The outputs of the theory show that the vacuum energy density of the zero point is effective for the cosmological constant only in the volume of space where the mass is localized in particles or in high gravity bodies, leading to a cosmological effect on the motion of the galaxies that is compatible with the astronomical observations. The paper shows that the energy-impulse tensor density makes the QMGE, in the quasi-Euclidean limit, physically independent by the le...
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