2014, IJRCAR


The problem of real-time scheduling spans a broad spectrum of algorithms from simple uniprocessor to highly sophisticated multiprocessor scheduling algorithms. Real-time software must satisfy not only functional correctness requirements but also timeliness requirements. A lot of real-time researches were focused on analysis rather than testing recently, observes that real-time testing is still a “lost-world” compared to “civilization” developed in other areas of software, reflecting the little work done in the area. In this paper, we have studied the various scheduling algorithm of the real time system.

Key takeaways

  • Real-time scheduling algorithms work either dynamically or statically.
  • However, in spite of an extensive literature on scheduling, scheduling algorithms that is of practical value for real-time computing, ones that take real-world considerations into account, have only begun to appear.
  • They focused on the problem of scheduling periodic tasks on a single processor and proposed two preemptive algorithms.
  • The two main approaches for scheduling real-time systems fall into two categories: the use of heuristic scheduling algorithms for real-time systems in which the timing constraints of the system can change frequently or are unpredictable and the use of rigorous schedulability analysis coupled with predictable scheduling algorithms to guarantee performance for real-time systems in which the timing constraints do not change dynamically.
  • Examples of proposed heuristic approaches show that online scheduling can provide acceptable scheduling performance for dynamic real-time systems.