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2015, Nice Newsletter
3 pages
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The paper discusses the inaugural Summer School in Padova, emphasizing the necessity for the development of career guidance and counselling (CGC) as a distinct academic discipline in Europe. It highlights the future challenges faced by researchers in an evolving society, the importance of international collaboration among academics, and the values instilled during cultural activities. The event is presented as a pivotal step towards fostering a vibrant community and advancing a European Doctoral Programme in CGC, ultimately aiming to position the discipline as significant in both scholarly and practical contexts.
MeTis. Mondi educativi. Temi, indagini, suggestioni, 2017
Nell'epoca del cambiamento continuo, l'incertezza e l'instabilità del lavoro divengono caratteristiche sistemiche che rendono evidente l'avvenuto passaggio dalla società del lavoro alla società dei lavori.
The opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the publisher is given prior notice and sent a copy.
The article analyzes the current status of student counselling in vocational education institutions, contextualizes findings on this problem and discloses contradictory points of counselling. It is justified that vocational education institutions normally view professional career counselling as the processes of dealing with and solving students' internal conflicts within professional self-determination. Career centres are positioned to be the implementers of the ideas of student career counselling. However, such research methods as theoretical analysis, comparison, pedagogical observations and logical generalization made it possible to specify some typical problematic aspects of career counselling within professional development of the modern personality, which are mostly reduced to the inconsistencies of the ideal and real images of the chosen career, subjective perception and ignoring of value orientations in relation to professional success and career growth in a market environment, irrelevant self-assessment of individual and personal qualities, etc. The authors of the research suggest some promising ways of solving the problematic aspects of student counselling in vocational education institutions, which are conceptualized in the mechanisms of a productive innovative interaction between scholars from the Institute for Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine and the teaching staff and are implemented in the framework of introducing the system of professional career counselling in vocational education.
The purpose of the study was to explore the correlation between career guidance practitioner's previous education and student career choice and learning for working life in general education. Guidance plays a decisive role in the major decisions that individuals have to take throughout their lives. In Latvia the most often career guidance are implemented by school teacher-career counselor, career counselor, classroom teacher, in some cases the deputy director, school librarian. Lack of common vision to competencies, necessary for career guidance, lead's to different specialist's involvement in career guidance implementation. Scientific and empirically tested evidences of special training in career guidance and counseling benefits still needed. Empirical data were collected through student self-assessment questionnaires (n=1013) and analysis of group (n=633) and individual (n=699) counseling evaluation reports. 18 counselors were involved in the study. Data collected in the period from September, 2012 till May, 2013. Results of the study show that career guidance practitioners with career counsellors qualification act effectively than practitioners without special training in guidance. Correlation analysis between career guidance practitioner's previous education and students' comprehension about their career choice show positive correlation-Spearman's rho = 0.624. This means that the higher career counselor's qualification is facilitative factor of student's comprehension about their career choice.
Perspectives of Science & Education, 2024
Introduction. The current situation with the employment of graduates, when almost half of them do not work in their speciality, is a negative phenomenon for both the state and the citizens. One of the reasons for this situation is a gap between the graduates’ expectations and the real content of labour activity. The core of the problem is inefficient career guidance. The need to modernise the career guidance system is recognised worldwide. Forecasting of new professions for career guidance should be one of the directions of this modernisation. Specialists having new competencies will be able to ensure the systemic and planned nature of transformations in the sphere of career guidance in order to optimise it. The aim of the study is to justify the need for and predict the emergence of new professions to improve the efficiency of career guidance. Materials and methods. The study involved the materials of the European Training Foundation, the World Economic Forum; the documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: letters, orders, methodological recommendations; the data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service; scientific articles by Russian and foreign authors. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis of the career guidance development sphere; inductive inferencing; forecasting based on the study of documents and scientific literature on the problem. Results. At present, there is a problem connected with the professional training of specialists engaged in career guidance. People with education in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, sociology and social work are not able to efficiently solve the numerous tasks of modern career counselling. The solution can be achieved by the introduction of new specialisations of employees in this sphere matching the needs of modernity and development trends. It is predicted that these specialisations will be transformed into new professions in the future. For instance, such new professions for career counselling as career research foresighter (prognosticator), career guidance playwork specialist, career guidance testing specialist and developer, career guidance imagemaker, etc. will presumably appear. Conclusion. The modernisation of the career guidance system requires innovations not only in its content and technical fit-out but also in its staffing. The research results can be further used in the process of development of new qualification requirements; for substantiation of proposals on training specialists in upand-coming professions in the sphere of career guidance. They can also serve as a basis for the development of training programmes in new specialities.
Career Designing: Research and Counselling, 2014
Social systems interventions and connecting "role" of all competences by generic competences of career practitioners. • NICE professional roles (NPRs)-fi ve main roles of career practitioners: career counselling, career education, career assessment and information, career service management, social systems inetrventions. • Career expert-career practitioner who concentrates on one or two of the roles, and is the person to go to for more complex services relating to one of the roles, for example somebody, who is specialized on competence diagnosis. Research interests: quality of studies, career designing, familistic and teacher education.
Review of the Air Force Academy
Career planning is an action which takes place over a long period of time-starting from school and continuing with university of masters. A special importance in career counseling has the making of the career plan. The study brings to light, through the realization of an intervention in the area, the necessity to support young people in the access to jobs, but also the differences that can appear between participants depending on their specialization in studies. A number of 121 students took part in this study from four different specializations: geography, history, political science and journalism.
Tathapi Multidisciplinary Journal, 2020
Career guidance plays an important role in helping product markets work and education systems to meet their goals. Because the choice of a career is undeniably one of the most crucial decisions one makes in life. The irony is that such an important decision is often made quite early in the life of an individual and is sometimes made without giving much thought to it. A career should be chosen with utmost care, thought, and planning. Individual have different innate capacities and abilities and hence aptitudes for different kind of work. The purpose of Career Guidance is to match the individuals and the occupation optimally for mutual benefits. It also promotes equity. Recent evidence suggests that social mobility relies on wider acquisition not just of knowledge and skills, but also understanding how to use them. In this context, the mission of career guidance is very vast, to become part of lifelong learning. In this paper, we become to know about the needs and importance of Career Guidance and its proper implementation. And we know how to improve C.G for making children"s beautiful life as well as for all of us. But today in some places of our country this service is already started and adapted, departing from a traditional model of occupational interviewing students about to leave school.
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Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling
Polish Political Science Yearbook, 2011
European Journal of Education, 2007
European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Göttingen, Germaany: …, 2005
Annual Review of Italian Sociology, 2007
KnE Social Sciences
Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, 2011
In A. Klim-Klimaszewska, M. Podhajecka, A. Fijalkowska-Mroczek (Eds.), Orientacje i przedsiewziecia w edukacji przedszkolnej i szkolnej /Monografia/ (pp. 216-236).
In: Tatiana Fumasoli, Gaele Goastellec and Barbara M. Kehm (eds.), Academic Careers in Europe – Trends, Challenges, Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer, 41-68, 2014
Inland Norway University of Applied Science, 2021
Katchar scientific periodical, 2021
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching