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Pasaulietinės religijos sąvoka, vartojama socialinėje filosofijoje, taip pat gali būti šiek tiek kitaip pritaikyta ir mokslo analizei, nes tarp mokslininkų galime aptikti nepastebėtų religinių nuostatų, kaip antai pasitikėjimo nuomone ar šventumo pajauta. Tokios nuostatos žadina abejotinos argumentacijos vartojimą kovojant prieš pseudomokslus, skatina kontekstinę demagogiją mokslinėje propagandoje. Pasaulietinės religijos moksle pripažinimas leistų atskirti disciplinas, kuriose religiškumas yra klaidinantis reiškinys (pvz., fizika), nuo tų, kurios yra pagrįstos religiniais įsitikinimais (pvz., astrologija). Religiškumą moksle galima tyrinėti pasitelkiant daugiamates religiškumo skales. Remdamiesi pragmatizmo ideologija, mokslininkaigalėtų išsaugoti savo ištikimybę tikrovės pažinimui, išvengdami nukrypimo į pasaulietinę religiją.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: įsitikinimai, religiškumo matmenys, civilinė religija, mokslo filosofija, religiškumas moksle.Unperceived Civil Religion in ScienceEnn ...
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 2013
Katalozi i monografije 31, 2018
Svrha izložbe „Religije kamenog doba“ traganje je za prapočetcima religioznog načina mišljenja, odnosno ranim manifestacijama simbolike i religije. Stoga se donosi izbor materijalnih dokaza takvog ponašanja u paleolitiku ili starijem kamenom dobu, mezolitiku ili srednjem kamenom dobu te neolitiku ili mlađem kamenom dobu, koji zajedno pokrivaju golem vremenski raspon od približno 3,3 milijuna godina do šest tisuća godina prije sadašnjosti. Na četrnaest izložbenih plakata predstavljene su teme koje obrađuju pojavu simbolike, religijska poimanja i ritualno ponašanje zajednica kamenoga doba na širem prostoru Europe i Bliskog istoka, s posebnom pažnjom usmjerenom i na domaći, hrvatski prostor. Za razdoblje paleolitika u vitrinama su izložene kopije svjetski poznatih primjeraka figurativne umjetnosti, dok mlađe kameno doba predstavljaju vrijedni nalazi dalmatinskog neolitika iz zbirki Arheološkog muzeja Zadar. Prapočetci religije udaljeni su desetcima tisuća godina od povijesnih pisanih izvora pa smo usmjereni na proučavanje arheoloških i paleoantropoloških nalaza. Za razdoblje paleolitika oni u najvećoj mjeri uključuju tragove posmrtnih rituala i rituala koje možemo povezati s figurativnom umjetnošću. Premda su paleolitičke religije prakticirale ukopne rituale, magiju i šamanizam, teško je reći koliko je granica između materijalnog i duhovnog svijeta u poimanju tadašnjih ljudi bila čvrsta. Religija je tada dio općeg svjetonazora pa nije odvojena od ostalih životnih područja, a čovjek dio prirode koju dijeli s okolnim svijetom. Velika je pozornost usmjerena k životinjama, jer bez njih nema opstanka. One nisu samo materijalni izvor hrane već imaju mitsku dimenziju, o čemu svjedoče mnogobrojni umjetnički prikazi. Simbolika i religija gornjeg paleolitika na taj se način najzornije očituju u špiljskoj umjetnosti i figurativnim prikazima životinja, a posebno ženskih figura, takozvanih paleolitičkih Venera. Umjetnici svoju djelatnost razvijaju do savršenstva, a vračevi ili šamani vjerojatno imaju posebni društveni status. Neolitik se razvija u izmijenjenim okolišnim uvjetima i unutar posve novog društveno-gospodarskog okvira. U novije se vrijeme uzroci prijelaza na sjedilaštvo i proizvodno gospodarstvo pronalaze upravo u sferi duhovnog života kasnih lovačko skupljačkih zajednica. Čini se kako ključni element leži u načinu na koji je čovjek počeo promišljati svijet koji ga okružuje postavljajući sebe iznad pojavne, materijalne stvarnosti, ali ispod posebnih, nadnaravnih bića koja su upravljala njegovim prosperitetom. Uz izmijenjeno poimanje čovjekove uloge u kontroliranju prirodnih procesa stvoren je novi religijski koncept izražen kroz bogati simbolički repertoar. Prve sjedilačke zajednice grade monumentalna zajednička svetišta i proizvode simbolično-umjetničke izrađevine poput ljudskih i životinjskih figurica ili kultnih posuda raznih oblika. Koriste ih pri obavljanju obrednih radnji najvjerojatnije vezanih uz osiguranje plodnosti, te razrađuju složene ukopne prakse vezane za vjerovanja u zagrobni život i kult predaka. The purpose of the exhibition Stone Age religions is to trace the origins of the religious way of thinking, namely early manifestations of symbolics and religion. Therefore, a selection of material evidence of such behavior in the Palaeolithic or Early Stone Age, Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age, and Neolithic or Late Stone Age is presented, which together cover a vast time span of approximately 3.3 million years to six thousand years before present. Fourteen exhibition posters present topics that address the emergence of symbolism, religious understanding, and ritual behavior of Stone Age communities across Europe and the Middle East, with particular focus on the domestic, Croatian space. The Palaeolithic period is represented by the copies of world-renowned specimens of figurative art exhibited in the display cases, while the Late Stone Age is represented by the valuable finds from the Dalmatian Neolithic period from the collections of the Archaeological Museum Zadar. The origins of religion are separated by tens of thousands of years from the historical written sources, so the focus is on the study of the archaeological and paleoanthropological findings. The archaeological findings from the Palaeolithic period largely include the evidence of funerary rituals and rituals which can be related to figurative art. Although the Palaeolithic religions practiced burial rituals, magic, and shamanism, it is difficult to say how strong was the boundary between the material and spiritual worlds in the minds of the people of that time. Religion was a part of the general worldview in that period, so it was not separate from other aspects of life, and man was a part of the nature which he shared with the surrounding world. Special attention was paid to animals, because without them there would be no survival. They were not only a material source of food, but they also had a mythical dimension, as evidenced by numerous artistic representations. The symbolism and religion of the Upper Palaeolithic are therefore most clearly manifested in cave art and figurative representations of animals, and especially in female figurines, the so-called Palaeolithic Venus figurines. The artists perfected their craft and the medicine-men or shamans probably had a special social status. The Neolithic developed under changed environmental conditions and within a completely new socio-economic framework. More recently, the causes of the transition to sedentism and productive economy have been found precisely in the sphere of spiritual life of late hunter-gatherer communities. The key element seems to lie in the way in which man began to contemplate the world around him by placing himself above the manifesting, material reality, but below the special, supernatural beings that governed his prosperity. With a changed understanding of man's role in controlling natural processes, a new religious concept was created, expressed through a rich symbolic repertoire. The first farming communities built common monumental sanctuaries and produced symbolic artworks such as human and animal figurines or cult vessels of various shapes. They used them to perform ritual acts most likely related to fertility, and they elaborated complex mortuary practices related to the beliefs in the afterlife and the ancestral cult.
zbornik je objavljen u okviru edukacionog programa "uloga religija u post-konfliktnom društvu" uz podršku organizacije kerk in actie, holandija Novi Sad, 2012.
An enormous volume of research in the area of the psychology of religion is focused on the positive function of religion in terms of somatic health and well-being, in particular on its role in the processes of coping with stress in difficult life situations. However, thinking about God is not always a source of comfort and consolation. Despite many benefits derived from it, religion is sometimes also a source of stress and internal strains. God sometimes seems to be distant, punishing and even cruel. People disagree with the basic elements of religious
Tribute to the Great Generation of Hungarian Sociologists of Religion was written in honour of Ferenc Gereben, István Kamarás, and Endre Nagy J ., whose jubilee we are celebrating now and who undertook to render a kind of the summary of their life-work and life-philosophy for the present and future generations, on the pages of this book. The editors, Gabriella Pusztai and Ágnes Lukács, paid special attention not only to the authors, who provided the high-quality intellectual content of the book, but they also looked at its layout, where-symbolically-a tree with deep and far-reaching roots, producing plenty of fruits, can be observed. In this book, we can read the writings of the above mentioned three researchers, in the first place, composed in different but remarkable styles. Among others, we can get to know Ferenc Gereben, whose area of research was cultural behaviour, self-awareness, and value orientation. In the beginning, he was interested in arts and literature, but later, in the mid-1980s, he got more and more involved in the sociology of religion in addition to cultural sociology. One of his most important researches abroad (Gereben and Tomka 2000) was carried out by using the multidimensional scaling method (MDS). The research points out the positive connections of the various parameters of national identity and religiousness, as well as the nature of native and reading culture. In this work, the peaceful and harmonious self of a believer and researcher emerges, who is passing down his work to the younger generation and is soon resigning .
Beyond psychology 12:30-13:15 Anastasiya Dyakun (Ukranian Catholic University) Assessment of the technocratic civilization in the Magisterial Documents and official speeches of Pope Francis 13:15-14:00 Safer Grbić (University of Zagreb) On the relationship between science and religion in general, and the relationship between science and religion in Early Modern Philosophy in particular
İnsan & Toplum Dergisi (The Journal of Human & Society), 2016
Özet Hem din hem de maneviyat, tabiatları itibariyle çok boyutlu ve kompleks fenomenlerdir. Dolayısıyla modern dini ve maneviyatı sınırlı kavrayışımız göz önünde tutulursa, her iki terimin kapsamlı ve tek bir tanımı üzerinde ısrar etmek için muhtemelen vakit erkendir. Bu sebeple bu makalede böyle bir girişimde bulunulmamakta, daha ziyade her iki kavramın temel özellikleri betimlenerek din ve maneviyat temel seviyede incelenmekte, böylece kavramsal aynılıkları ve farklılıkları tespit edilmekte ve sonuç itibariyle literatürde dinin ve maneviyatın nasıl kavramlaştırıldığının ve tanımlandığının bir analizine ve genel bir görünümüne yer verilmektedir. Departure Abstract Both Spirituality and religion are complex phenomena, multidimensional in nature. Given our limited understanding of contemporary religion and spirituality, whereas, it is perhaps premature to insist on a single comprehensive definition of either term; as a result, no such attempt will be made in this article. Rather, the purpose of this paper is to examine religion and spirituality at a basic level by describing the fundamental characteristics of each construct, thereby identifying conceptual overlap and distinctiveness. As a result, what will be presented here is an overview and analysis of how religion and spirituality have been conceptualized and defined in the literature.
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State Religion and Church
The Experience of Faith in Slavic Cultures and Literatures in the Context of Postsecular Thought, 2018
Sociologija , 2021
Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 2021
In:Sights : International Student Journal of Anthropology, 2022