Comparative Study and Analysis of Scrum and Lean Methodology

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology


For the development of any product, different software development approaches are embraced. Contingent on the sort of prerequisites and venture a reasonable procedure is embraced. Agile is an overall acknowledged software development process. In the research work we will contrast scrum and lean methodologies. Scrum is an Agile procedure. Lean and agile offer a considerable measure of standards which are in like manner. In the work, the attention is on understanding scrum and lean and their work process alongside the entire procedure. Additionally, the emphasis is on its application in different enterprises and the venture that fused these procedures. The work depicts an analysis amongst them and the contrasts between these two procedures. Likewise, it centers around the factual information gathered by leading a review on an arrangement of inquiries. The statistics collected from the survey indicate which is the best technique acknowledged in different businesses.