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1997, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
In this paper we describe the design of a distributed animation system built using the Java language, a Parallel Virtual Machine platform, and the WorldWide Web. We focus on two aspects. One is the design of a platform to support distributed 3D animation, the other is the improvement of the efficiency of the parallel computing. Due to the collaborative and distributed nature of the Web, the Web browser is integrated with the distributed computing system like a Parallel Virtual Machine. The model emphasizes the separation of interface and function. It provides a very friendly and portable interface to manipulate the PVM console and the 3D animation system. To improve the efficiency of the parallel computing, we propose a new load balancing strategy, called global distributed control to balance the load in the network processors. The algorithm not only has the ability to dynamically adjust to the load imbalance, but also has the fault tolerance ability. It performs the best when it is compared with three traditional load balancing schemes. Q 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
The continuously increasing complexity of computer animations makes it necessary to rely on the knowledge of various experts to cover the different areas of computer graphics and animation. This fact, which can be noted in many areas of scientific working, leads to increasing effort being put into research concerning cooperative working over the internet. However, it still requires substantial effort and time to combine different animation techniques in a common virtual environment. When trying to perform collaborative animation over a network, we often face the problem of having to combine animation systems and applications based on different software and hardware and using incompatible data structures. We present an approach, based on a client-server architecture and employing a VRML-based language as common interchange format, that allows inhomogeneous systems to be easily incorporated into a collaborative animation. The applications can be freed from employing plug-ins or libraries to link into a common animation platform; they keep a local copy of the global scene and only need the ability to export the internal data representation into the so called ”PaVRML” language, the language we use use to exchange data and synchronize the clients. This approach does not only allow a number of practitioners to share their know-how within a common animation without requiring the huge amount of work necessary to port their application to a common platform. It also makes it often possible in the first place to combine the capabilities of different animation systems into a single complex animation. Additionally, we investigate solutions to optimize the network load for real-time applications. In this paper we present preliminary results and discuss the future developments of this ongoing work.
This report describes our attempt to add animation as another data type to be used on the World Wide Web. Our current network infrastructure, the Internet, is incapable of carrying video and audio streams for them to be used on the web for presentation purposes. In contrast, object-oriented animation proves to be efficient in terms of network resource requirements. We defined an animation model to support drawing-based and frame-based animation.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology - Web3D '15, 2015
The main motivation of this paper is to provide a current state and a brief overview of animation on the web. Computer animation is used in many fields and it has seen a lot of development in the recent years. With the widespread use of WebGL and the age of powerful modern hardware available on small devices, 3D rendering on the browser is now becoming commonplace. Computer Animation can be described as the rendering of objects on screen, which can change shape and properties with respect to time. There are many approaches to rendering animation on the web, but none of them yet provide a coherent approach in terms of transmission, compression and handling of the animation data on the client side (browser). And if computer animation has to become more accessible over the web, these challenges need to be addressed in the same "minimalistic manner (requirement wise)" as every other multimedia content has been addressed on the web. We aim to provide an overview of the current state of the art, while commenting on the shortcomings pertaining to current formats/approaches and discuss some of the upcoming standards and trends which can help with the current implementation.
We present a distributed algorithm animation system called Catai (for Concurrent Algorithms and data Types Animation over the Internet). Among the features of this system are a low e ort required for animating algorithmic code, and the possibility of embedding animation clients in standard Java-enabled Web browsers. We believe this to be a good compromise between two di erent viewpoints: the programmer's perspective, which typically includes the goal of animating e ciently and unobtrusively a given algorithmic code, and the user's perspective, which can bene t from interactive, easy-to-use, distributed and cooperative interfaces.
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2002
We present a distributed algorithm animation system called Catai (for Concurrent Algorithms and data Types Animation over the Internet). Among the features of this system are a low e ort required for animating algorithmic code, and the possibility of embedding animation clients in standard Java-enabled Web browsers. We believe this to be a good compromise between two di erent viewpoints: the programmer's perspective, which typically includes the goal of animating e ciently and unobtrusively a given algorithmic code, and the user's perspective, which can bene t from interactive, easy-to-use, distributed and cooperative interfaces.
Multimedia communication over the Internet has gained popularity in recent years. An efficient means of communication is vital for multimedia movies to reach consumers who can use voice commands to interactively modify XML based animations and movies depending on their subjective need. However, the initial modeling of an XML based multimedia movie is low level, time consuming, and not suitable for large scale multimedia animation and modeling. In this paper, we integrate the concept of dynamically modifiable XML scripts and the TANDEM language -a high level XML based Internet multimedia modeling language to transmit asynchronous, nondeterministic, and deterministic events to model and communicate web based multimedia streams over the Internet -to model dynamically modifiable Internet based interactive multimedia animated movies. The integration has been illustrated using a realistic example.
In this paper we present our Networked Virtual Environment (NVE) System, called W-VLNET (Windows Virtual Life Network), which has been developed on the Windows NT Operating System (OS). This paper emphasizes the Real-Time aspect of this NVE system, the advanced interactivity that the system provides and its ability to transfer data across the Internet so that geographically distant users can collaborate with each other. Techniques for communication, scene management, facial and body animation, and general user interaction modules are detailed in this paper. The use of VRML97 and MPEG4 SHNC is overviewed to stress the compatibility of the system with other similar Virtual Reality systems. The software provides realistic virtual actors as well as sets of applicable high-level actions in real-time. Related issues on obtaining actor models and animating them in realtime are presented. We also introduce a case study to show an example of how the system can be used.
This paper proposes a Java-based multi-participant 3D graphics application interface to provide 3D graphics and interactive capabilities over network. Two libraries support this interface, one is a 3D graphics library, called JavaGL, and the other is a network library, called JavaNL. The 3D graphics library is almost identical to OpenGL application interface but is written in Java to satisfy the 3D graphics requirement of the application model. The network library follows the concepts of Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), and is also written in Java. With these two libraries, we are able to provide an interactive application written in Java, gains the flexibility in cross-platform capability, while maintaining reasonable performance over Local Area Network (LAN).
Abstract We describe Leonardo Web, a collection of tools for building animated presentations that can be useful for teaching, disseminating, and e-learning. Presentations can be created via the combined use of a visual editor and a Java library. The library allows it to generate animations in a batch fashion directly from Java code according to an imperative specification style. Batch-generated animations can then be refined and customized using the editor.
We discuss a novel technique for animating algorithms over the web. Although there are several existing software environments for the animation of algorithms, some of which are web-enabled, ours is designed specifically to simplify the process of adapting an algorithm for animation and delivering the animation over the web with a simple web interface. This provides a first stage for more advanced development of webbased interactions to support animation. Our goal is to provide general web-based support to enable much more widespread use of animation in teaching. In particular we want to address the active participation of the observer in using algorithm animation technology. We describe the current implementation of the animation engine which is based on a simple co-processing method with CGI implementation on a web-server, along with plans to use this as a base to include emerging technologies (web-services with XML to markup examples and asynchronous interaction). We also illustrate the current web interface with some examples.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Web3D '01, 2001
This paper proposes a new platform for 3D graphics on the Internet (and recently also for Web3D). To develop 3D graphics programs on the Internet is not very easy, because there are no high-quality tools like OpenGL. For this purpose, we have developed a 3D graphics library, called jGL, by using pure Java since the end of 1996. At that time, we ignored some functions, such as texture mapping, because these functions were too complex to be realized on low-cost machines, even on the fastest machine three years ago. jGL is a general-purpose 3D graphics library, and its application-programming interface is defined in a manner quite similar to that of OpenGL. Today, the hardware is better, but the network bottleneck is still the same as before, so we almost re-wrote all the code to enhance its capabilities and performance and minimized its code size to make it more suitable for running on the Internet.
Proceedings of the Fourth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, 2003. ENC 2003.
In this work, we propose a 3D rendering system that distributes rendering tasks across a multi-agent platform. The new approach is based on a multi-agent platform, where the goal is to create a virtual 3D environment. The main task is the rendering of individual objects. Each 3D object must be rendered in a remote unit; the resulting rendering is sent through the network to a 3D visualization process which generates the visualization of the whole 3D environment. The object movement and remote communication requirements have been implemented using a multi-agent system platform. The distributed system is implemented in Windows O.S., using DirectX graphical libraries and JAVA programming. The multi-agent platform used is JADE. The computer connection is a LAN at 100 MBS in a star topology.
This paper presents a 3D graphics library, or JavaGL 1 , written in Java to provide 3D graphics capabilities over network. To make the 3D graphics library easy to learn and use, we define the application programming interface (API) in a manner quite similar to that of OpenGL, since OpenGL is a de facto industry standard. Furthermore, we have also developed a network library, or JavaNL 2 , and combined it into JavaGL, so that a programmer can develop multi-participant 3D graphics applications easier using JavaGL and JavaNL. Implementation issues and performance evaluations are addressed.
Abstract The design, implementation, and performance of a distributed interactive graphics software system are described. The software is distributed between two machines with very different ca pabilities, a supercomputer (CRAY-2) and a graphics workstation (Silicon Graphics Iris). Both machines run the same operating system (UNIX) and are programmed by the user.
Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 1996
In this paper we propose a new model, called Mocha, for providing algorithm animation over the World Wide Web. Mocha is a distributed model with a client-server architecture that optimally partitions the software components of a typical algorithm animation system, and leverages the power of the Java language, an emerging standard for distributing interactive platform-independent applications across the Web.Mocha provides
Handbook of Internet computing, 2000
Integration of the multi-user virtual reality environment into the Web environment provides a richer way for the user to access the network resource, such as video or sound clip, and to build a virtual society over the Internet.
This paper presents GAT!, an animation server that provides for, distributed, potentially collaborative, real time interactive animation in two and three dimensions. The system supports a high level animation language based upon a commands/event paradigm. Examples are given of how the toolkit is being used in a distributed, collaborative geometrical modeling environment. GAT! runs on unix platforms supporting the X-ll windowing environment and using the XS Graphics Libraries.
Science of Computer …, 2004
The ITB Journal, 2004
Many efforts have been made to provide a mechanism for delivering interactive 3D content over the WorldWide Web. The majority of the solutions put forward require the use of a proprietary plug-in on the client browser and none of these required plug-ins have so far become part of the standard browser installation package. The Macromedia Flash player has however achieved near ubiquitous status as the standard plug-in for displaying interactive multimedia and graphics content. Flash does not provide native support for 3D graphics but the recent addition of the Shape Drawing API opens up the possibility of developers using ActionScript for this purpose. This paper describes the development of an ActionScript graphics library that consists of a set of reusable classes for adding interactive 2D and 3D graphics to Flash content. We describe these classes in detail, show examples of programs developed using them, and discuss the advantages of this approach
Rendering of an animated scene is considered to be one of the most important steps in 3D animation construction. Rendering basically converts 3D geometric models into graphic images. In 3D animation training courses, rendering complex 3D models is a very time consuming task since thousands of frames are needed to create an animation. It is considered one of the major limitations for creating professional 3D animation. This paper presents the use of grid computing for 3D rendering. It can reduce the rendering time and still maintain the quality of the final animation. Software and system architecture solutions are proposed and developed. A graphical user interface (GUI) plug-in and web portal were developed in order to access grid computing facilities. Animators are able to render highly complex 3D models in order to create their animation sequences by using high performance grid computer technologies, monitor rendered scenes, and download the finished images from the server to their...
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