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2009, The Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics
The first part of this chapter sets out a coherent approach to dynamic macroeconometric model building; the second part demonstrates the approach through building and evaluating a small econometric model; the final part demonstrates various ...
American Finance & Banking Review
Different sizes of macro-econometric models are used for different policy purposes. In this paper, we introduce a small macro-econometric model that includes macro-aggregates variables that can be solved dynamically and be used as a sample model to be estimated for other countries.
Journal of Policy Modeling, 1990
The macmeconometic (ME) and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models can be considered the cornerstones of the spectrum of quantitative models used today for macroeconomic policy analysis. In the paper we design two small-scale models (an ME and a CGE model) in such a manner that they are representative of their largescale counteq~~~, estimate them on a common database, and attempt a systematic comparative assessment of their simulation properties. We suggest various possibilities for use in policy analysis that explore and combine the results of both models. 'See, for example, Powell (1981). who follows a different nomenclature and uses the terms Keynes-Klein (KIQ and Walras-Johansen (WJ) model classes, respectively, in an attempt to label them by considering both the theoretical economist who provided tF? vision and one who used it as the Fnunework for a prototype model.
European Journal of Operational Research, 1987
The analysis of the dynamic behavior of macroeconomic systems is the focus of many macroeconometric studies. The question of whether business cycles are due to internal properties of the system or caused by external shocks is of particular interest. We discuss some of the problems that arise when tackling this question with standard econometric methods. An approach, based on system theoretic realization theory, is proposed as an alternative to conventional macroeconmetric modelling.
Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 2016
In recent years DSGE (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium) models have come to play an increasing role in central banks, as an aid in the formulation of monetary policy (and increasingly after the global crisis, for maintaining financial stability). DSGE models, compared to other widely prevalent econometric models (such as VAR, or large-scale econometric models) are less a-theoretic and with secure microfoundations based on the optimizing behavior of rational economic agents. Apart from being "structural", the models bring out the key role of expectations and (being of a general equilibrium nature) can help the policy maker by explicitly projecting the macroeconomic scenarios in response to various contemplated policy outcomes. Additionally the models in spite of being strongly tied to theory, can be "taken to the data" in a meaningful way. A major feature of these models is that their theoretical underpinnings lie in what has now come to be called as the New Consensus Macroeconomics (NCM). Using the prototype real business cycle model as an illustration, this paper brings out the econometric structure underpinning such models. Estimation and inferential issues are discussed at length with a special emphasis on the role of Bayesian maximum likelihood methods. A detailed analytical critique is also presented together with some promising leads for future research.
Journal of Policy Modeling, 1980
This pepcr :Ie.~cribes the latest version (MDM~) cf a hrge-scge model of the UK ec~nomy that r,a~ been developed for eeo~c:,rr~ic 9o~icy ~Lnalys.~s by ',he C~.bridge G~owth Proje~. The model is both dynamic and. rr ultiseetoral s.~ ,nat it car. be used to investigate the eflec~ of policies on individua~ sectors of the econo:r~y as they vary through tirae. Just as impo:~antly, the model can simulate the effects of char~ges at a sect:or }ev.',.'l on the whole economy and its iml:.~[¢,~Zi6i',~ for policy, for example a char~g¢ in the price of oil. The five sections of this paper could be regarded as Hve d/ffer~:)nt ways of describing lhc mtg]el: the first section is a verbal descriptit~n; th~ second section gives ~!he condense~ form ofth~ mode,l, which is a ~mmerical summ~ry of its main eqaati,t)ns; t.~,~ th~ird section presents some properties of the model c.f interest to the economist; the fc~urth section shows the effects of e.c<~nomic policie~ as simulated 0y the" ~node~; and the final sectio~ illustrate~ the u~e of me ~uodel for rx~licy analysis. The model described in this paper is the fourth, ~ad lat~,st, me~ber c)f a family of models that starteci :in 1976 with the first of the Carabridf;e Growth Project's dynamic raodels (B,'trker 1978). These represent a radical shi~ fi'om the earlier apprc~,ch of having two models, a sta~: medium-to long-terra d~sa~gregated modLq and a transient, more a~!gregated one (Stone 1964). The new appr.,~ach was to consdidate the~ two models into c~r,e dl, saggregated, d~iseq~iHbrium model that will provide yearly p':ojections ov~r the next 20 years without necessarily providing a balanceC~ picture of flail employ)nent or b~a, '~ c,f payments equHibriu~q.
European Journal of Political Economy, 1990
Economic Modelling, 1991
his report describes the structure and simulation properties of a small global macroeconomic model (SGM). Simulation experiments comparing SGM results with those of other world models suggest that SGM is a viable tool for macroeconomic policy analysis.
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 1996
isomorphic model representations are analyzed in Clements and Hendry (1993) and will not be discussed here.
Firenze University Press eBooks, 2013
INFORUM models. A multiregional model for Italy (MRIO) has been developed also in the work by Cherubini and Paniccià, MRIO). Important methodological improvements in this work concern the multiregional trade flows estimate procedure, thanks to the availability of unique survey data produced by Banca d'Italia. The model is used to investigate changes of the Italian economic and productive structure at a sub-national level in the 1995-2006 period, with a special focus on the role of spatial interdependencies among regions in the transmission of shocks. Two specific issues are studied by the remaining papers of this session. Werling and Horst investigate the effects of defense spending cuts on the US economy using the LIFT model. The analysis is conducted to determine the economic and employment impacts of specific alternative scenarios for federal defense spending cuts from 2012 to 2022 considering the effects on the U.S. economy as a whole, on the industrial composition of the country, and the effects on each state. Finally, a medium term forecast of the Russian economy is developed by Baranov, Gilmundinov, Pavlov and
This paper provides a selective survey of the panel macroeconometric techniques that focus on controlling the impact of “unobserved heterogeneity” across individuals and over time to obtain valid inference for “structures” that are common across individuals and over time. We consider issues of (i) estimating vector autoregressive models; (ii) testing of unit root or cointegration; (iii) statistical inference for dynamic simultaneous equations models; (iv) policy evaluation; and (v) aggregation and prediction.
The policy implications of estimated macro-econometric systems depend on the formulations of their equations, the methodology of empirical model selection and evaluation, the techniques of pol- icy analysis, and their forecast performance. Drawing on recent results in the theory of forecasting, we question the role of 'rational expectations'; criticize a common approach to testing economic theories; show that impulse-response methods
Research Papers in Economics, 2015
We analyse model choices of various international institutions and find that the majority of the studied central banks have chosen so-called DSGE-models. Ministry of finances have chosen to continue using so-called Semi-Structural Models (SSM) while international organisations such as the IMF and the OECD have “a suite of models” including both DSGE and SSM. Based on these international experiences and the specific institutional set up in Sweden we list a number of criteria and rank different modelling strategies. We propose that a DSGE-model for both forecast and policy analysis including a rich modelling of fiscal policy would be appropriate for the Ministry of finance and the National Institute of Economic Research in Sweden.
Journal of Applied Thought, 2018
The book comprised of six parts and a total of twelve chapters. Part I, “Introduction to Dynamic Stochastic and General Equilibrium (DSGE) Modelling,” set the underlying foundation of the basics of three key agents in DSGE formulation, namely, the Households, Firms and Government, while also acknowledging the important role policy-oriented agents like Central Bank and the External sector play in understanding the complex operations of macroeconomic models to economic realities.
Metroeconomica, 2017
We propose a simple macro-dynamic model to rethink standard policy prescriptions. Our model includes exogenous growth, endogenous capital accumulation and debt, demand-driven production with a non-linear IS curve, a dynamic Phillips curve, and fiscal and monetary policy instruments. It has multiple steady states with different stability properties, and it is analytically tractable to a significant extent. We complete the analytical results with simulations. We find alternative growth patterns, endogenous fluctuations, and demand-driven level effects even in the long-run. For certain steady states the model shows saddle-path type instabilities, which lead us to reflect on fiscal and monetary policy standards.
Macroeconomic Modelling of R&D and Innovation Policies, 2021
This chapter discusses the Proceedings of the JRC-IEA Roundtable, which objective was to promote a technical debate on the recent developments of DSGE and alternative modelling strategies, the main mechanisms at play and their effectiveness in assessing the impact of R&D and innovation policies. Leading academics presented state-of-the-art macroeconomic models in the area of economic growth and innovation. It follows a debate between academics and practitioners trying to figure out the key elements of a macro model designed to evaluate innovation policies should include.
CESifo Economic Studies, 2006
This article discusses the evolution of dynamic macroeconomic models from calibrated Real Business Cycle models to estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models. The purpose is to suggest the usefulness of these models as a tool for policy analysis, with a particular emphasis on aspects of monetary policy. (JEL classification: D58, E50)
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