
Dedicated to my wife, Penny, and my son, Adrien, who always bring a smile to my mind, and without whom the road I have travelled would have been less exciting and more difficult to traverse. ABSTRACT This dissertation examines the processes by which strategy takes shape in a nonprofit human service organization, specifically Association of Salt Lake City, the Young Women' s Christian that is externally controlled by funding sources . Hrebiniak and Joyce have proposed a fourquadrant matrix which posits a relationship between forms of strategic content and the intersections of high/low levels of strategic choice and environmental determinism. This same framework offers a structure for relating modes of strategic process with the intersections of strategic choice and environmental determinism. This framework suggests that high choice/low determinism organizations are susceptible to the traditional model of strategic planning which is based on the premise of a formally deduced espoused-strategy. The low choice/low determinism organization is indicative of a spontaneous model of strategic management that draws on the premise of an informally induced strategy-in-use. The high choice/high determinism organization is representative of the dialectic model of strategic management by which that organization's strategy is the product of the inherent tensions between the formal processes of the espoused strategy and the informal processes !!1!!!!!!!111!"" ---of the emergent strategy.