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Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Crime is as old as man and it exists in every society in respective of its level of development. The rate at which criminals operate unhindered in most societies especially in developing countries around the world is worrisome. Crime creates fear and untold suffering among people. Crime often stands as a barrier to socio-economic growth of society, discourages investment, increases the cost of transactions and ultimately fuel migration which eventually creates economic development disparities around the world. The aim of this study is to analyze the manifestation of crime the world over with a view to intimating government of all countries to have a firm control of all criminal activities in their respective countries for a better society. The approach methodology is based on a literature review of scientific journals and reports. Secondary data were sourced from both published and unpublished works as the study applies descriptive method. The main results showed various manifestati...
European Journal of Political Science Studies
Maintaining peace and harmony is a crucial challenge for developing nations, and the crime rate is a significant factor in achieving this goal. This study is intended to examine the relationship between a developing country's crime rate and the economic factors that influence it. This quantitative study aims to test the objective hypotheses through multiple regression analysis. The study utilized secondary data from the World Bank from 1990 to 2018 to assess the Philippines' crime rate and economic factors. The analysis reveals that economic factors, such as urbanization, GDP per capita, financial development, and labor force, substantially impact the national crime rate. This study provides policymakers with vital insights for implementing evidence-based peace and development initiative strategies. Article visualizations:
R ep ro d u ced with p erm ission o f the copyright ow ner. Further reproduction prohibited w ithout perm ission. List of Tables-Continued 25. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient of the Effects of the Percentage of the Population Employed in Industry and Different Crimes in the Middle East (1960-1984) and Actions Taken on the Null Hypothesis.
Three Seas Economic Journal
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to study the impact of criminal business activities on public order and stability of the country. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is the theoretical and philosophical foundations of the origin of criminal business, its economic reasons, economic crime, competition, institutions. Practical Value. Depending on the scale of distribution and the volume of sales, drug trafficking is considered to be one of the most important areas of criminal activity. Criminality is a complex synthesis of legal, social, economic, political, psychological and other factors. The science of the mentioned phenomenon and its causes under the name of criminology was developed in the second half of the 19th century. However, the views were expressed by those who thought about it much earlier. The relevance of the topic. The scientific novelty of the research can be discussed in relation to the modern scientific and historical situation of the developme...
Development and Change, 1982
The relationship between economic developdent and crime has been a subject of serious study at least since the second decade of this century. Much of the interest in this area may be attributed to the apparent coincidence of steadily improving standards of living in several countries and the continuing increase in the rates of crime. Most research using one or several of the usual indicators of development (such as industrialization, urbanization, population mobility, occupational differentiation, etc.) have found a positive relationship between these indicators and the level of crime (e.g. Webb 1972). This finding seems to fit well with Durkheim's and Toenis's notion that the process of modernization involves social disorganization on the local community level. Most of the studies are limited in their scope to the rise and fall in the frequency, intensity, of crimes in a single city, state, or country (Park 1916; Lane 1969; Weirs 1947; Lodhi and Tilly 1973). Findings of studies based on single cases, although over-generalized without adequate evidence and verification in other similar cases, cannot be completely valid universally. Cross-national or crosscultural comparative research therefore becomes an urgent
Crime is an increasingly worrying social phenomenon in the developing world in general, and in Latin America in particular. As shown in Figure 1 ‡ , the crime rate (measured by homicide/100 000, as reported to the UN crime surveys by national police authorities) has virtually exploded since mid 1980s in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe. Latin America clearly stands out as an exceptional case. Annually in Latin America, approximately 140 000 people are murdered (Londoño and Guerrero 1999:27). Using other sources does not really change this picture. Figure 2 confirms the exceptional position of Latin America, where the source in mortality statistics is collected from national health authorities instead of the police. Indicators of crime other than homicide are less reliable for international comparison, but estimates point in the direction of Latin America being way above the average for any other region of the world (Bourguignon 1999, Table 1). It has been estimated that 28 million Latin American families are victims of theft or robbery every year (Londoño and Guerrero 1999:3). Crime and violence are now viewed as a development issue of importance, which was probably not the case two decades ago. Development agencies such as the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) have quite recently initiated ambitious research projects on crime and violence. Projects directed to the judicial system or police authorities have increased their share in the project portfolio of multilateral as well as bilateral development cooperation agencies. More importantly, crime is becoming a major concern in the daily life of an increasing number of citizens in the developing world, manifesting itself in national political agendas, in higher crime related expenditures and, not the least, in human suffering.
Prepared as White Paper for the World Bank. We thank the comments and suggestions of Macartan Humphreys and Eric Mvukiyehe.
African Security Review
Improving Quality of Life - Exploring Standard of Living, Wellbeing, and Community Development, 2021
The purpose of this chapter is to study the detailed dynamics of economic and financial crimes within the European Union member states, namely corruption, shadow economy, tax evasion, money laundering, cybercrime and financial frauds. Our econometric modelling focuses on the impact of the vector of financial and economic crime proxies upon economic prosperity and human development. In accordance to the reviewed literature, for our sample of European Union countries, corruption and shadow economy have a negative effect upon the vector of development proxies while money laundering and cybercrimes belonging to “white collars” are positively correlated with the vector of development proxies that we analyze. All the data are interpreted and discussed, and then conclusions are drawn. Governmental policies on economic prosperity and societal wellbeing should focus on reducing corruption and shadow economy, in order to favour benefits in the field of economic and human development.
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, 2020
This study discusses the crimes that have occurred in Padang city and their relationship with the development of the city itself. This study used a descriptive spatial approach. The data on crime obtained from Pos Metro Padang newspaper, which specifically contains criminal news from 2015-2016. The data on the development of Padang city was taken from a literature study using a Central Bureau of Statistics or Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) report. The study used indicators such as the economic level of the region, population data, population density, regional infrastructure, and any linkages with other regions. The results of this study involved the dominant crimes in Padang city of theft, illegal drugs, and immorality. The results showed that there were six sub-districts with high crime rates in 2015 and 2016, including West Padang, South Padang, Lubuk Begalung, Kuranji, East Padang, and Koto Tangah. West Padang and South Padang are downtown areas with high levels of economic activity...
This study intents to achieve three main purposes; first is to examine the crime rate in Estrada, Arroyo and Aquino II administrations. Second, to determine and compare the strategies that the three said administrations used to alleviate crime in the Philippines and lastly, to evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies and identify the factors which promote or constrain the effectiveness of these strategies.
This study is an effort to explore the determinants of violent crimes by using the panel data of 34 countries covering the time span from 2000 to 2014. The robust least square technique is applied for empirical analysis. The findings of the study reveal that the economic complexity, institutions and per capita income have significant negative impact while economic misery and population growth have significant positive relationship on violent crimes. Moreover, efficient institutions have prime importance to curb the crimes in a society. The better provision of knowledge and highly skilled labor force in an efficient institutional environment for alleviation of crimes is suggested as a policy tool. Additionally, serious efforts to decrease the economic misery and population growth are need of the hour to overcome the crimes.
It is our prerogative to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to our expedient guide, Ms. Shailu Singh for her unreserved help and immense guidance.
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between crime and economic variables such as income, unemployment, inflation, interest rate, and also the political violence, both domestic and regional. The main motivation of the study was to have a better understanding of crime, finding and suggesting alternative way of approaching crime. We analyzed 21 countries, with data spanning from 1960 to 2001.We started our study on this objective by adapting the model and framework that was introduced by Viren (2001) based on Becker (1968), Block and Heineke (1975) and we made slight modification by rephrasing it in order to not only capture the long run relationship but also the short run adjustment. We employed panel-error-correction based cointegration (Persyn and Westerlund (2008)) to analyze and estimate the model. A number of important findings were extracted from the analysis in accordance to the objectives of this study. Firstly, it determines the negative long run relation...
What are the developments since 2016 regarding the evidence and conceptualisation of serious and organised crime in relation to development, i.e. economic, political and governance, sociocultural and security issues? What new evidence is there about the impacts of serious and organised crime in each of the areas identified, i.e. economic, political and governance, sociocultural, and security issues?
International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2019
This study is an effort to explore the determinants of violent crimes by using the panel data of 34 countries covering the time span from 2000 to 2014. The robust least square technique is applied for empirical analysis. The findings of the study reveal that the economic complexity, institutions and per capita income have significant negative impact while economic misery and population growth have significant positive relationship on violent crimes. Moreover, efficient institutions have prime importance to curb the crimes in a society. The better provision of knowledge and highly skilled labor force in an efficient institutional environment for alleviation of crimes is suggested as a policy tool. Additionally, serious efforts to decrease the economic misery and population growth are need of the hour to overcome the crimes.
Research background: Although some authors propose that economic growth should reduce crime rates as wider opportunities to earn money in a legal way diminish the incentives to commit illegal activities and lead to rising costs of the latter, the results of many studies indicate that an increase in crime rates is also possible under the conditions of economic growth. There are also differing views on the relationship between various economic indicators and crime rates as well as the nature of the relationship between the above-mentioned phenomena in the long and short run. Purpose of the article: After classifying the EU member states by their crime and economic indicators, the main objective of the article is to assess the relationship between the crime and economic development and identify the causes of this relationship. Methods: Systematic and comparative literature analysis, the Promethee and Entropy methods, Spearman?s correlation coefficient. Findings & value added: The Prome...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 2018
This study was conducted to explore the impact of crime on socioeconomic development of the country. The purpose of the study was to comprehend the increasing crime rate and to know its influences on socioeconomic progress. To examine the crime and its impacts on country development, a field survey was conducted and questionnaires was developed to understand the ground situation. For the purpose of the interviews the members of the community were selected by using simple random sample technique. This study is found that crime rate is cumulative due to dissimilar socioeconomic snags like, poverty, unemployment, uses of drugs, etc. Further this study highlights the causes and recommends possible solutions for the curbing the threat of crime in Karachi. The main focus of this research paper is to find out the pathways to overcome crime in Pakistan.
European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2019
Sustainable development of public security should be based on a balanced, rational and effective criminal justice policy. Criminal justice policies can be perceived, valued and also implemented as a set of scientific theories and concepts on the conceptual, strategic and tactical elements of preventing and combating crime and other anti-social phenomena. The fight against crime can be recognized as an element of the cultural environment. It is not possible to achieve the effective functioning of society and its legal system without relying on general human norms and values. The criminal justice approach reflects the common values of the society, which are directed to the interests primarily protected. Criminal justice policy is concerned with the detection of criminogenic processes, crime, their determinants and the effectiveness of measures to prevent and combat crime.Keywords: Crime, Criminal policy, societal development, public security
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