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Journal of Counseling and Educational Technology
Stressful early life experiences may cause traumatic experience across the lifespan. The aim of this study was to explore a CSA female victim’s lived-experience. Interviews were conducted with this 13-year-old girl, N, using a case study approach. N was still a young child (seven years old) when her uncle started to rape her, and when she was 10 years old, her father raped her. Since her childhood, she has experienced complex and widespread consequences such as vaginal and abdominal pain, shivering, sleeping problems, digestive problems, back problems, emotional and cognitive problems such as she was thinking to commit suicide, scared that her uncle and father will come to her, dissociation, study problems and isolation. N’s situation, might reflect similar problems in other female CSA victims.
International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, 2024
For children to develop in a healthy manner, they must have positive and healthy experiences. On the other hand, some children have gone through traumatic events as a result of early sexual abuse. X, a sixteen-year-old girl, was sexually abused by her own brothers from the age of six until fifteen. She was sexually abused and assaulted by her two brothers more than 20 times, and she has suffered from traumatic experiences up until this point. X experiences a range of symptoms, including behavior, emotion, physiology, spiritual, irrational beliefs and maladaptive coping. X acknowledges that the traumatic experience she went through is still plaguing her and that she needs assistance to deal with all the fallout. In order to support victims of child sexual abuse like X in her future development, it is hoped that the findings of this study will aid future researchers in creating and establishing a helping model.
Sexual abuse is a phenomenon that affects different spheres of a person's life, especially in the emotional field. It is observed that society is organized through social roles, which establish expectations about the behavior of individuals. The objective of the study was to understand the emotional repercussions of sexual abuse on children and adolescents, analyzing the influence of gender roles on this event. The research was framed as a narrative literature review, of an exploratory nature, the data collection took place in the following databases: PUBMED, LILACS, CAPES, SCIELO and PEPSIC. The descriptors used to search for data were “sexual abuse”, “children” and “emotional”. The present study found that the consequences produced by sexual abuse are related to the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of nosological conditions. It is understood that these behaviors come in an intensified way and cause harm in several aspects required for the development of these subjects. The other outcomes suggest that children and adolescents who are victims of abuse exhibit behavioral changes, and these changes are presented as difficulty understanding aspects about sexuality, concerns about body image and inability to interact with the changes generated by development, evocation of behaviors non-suicidal and suicidal self-harm and experiences of negative affect. It is concluded that a tiny amount of research that met the criteria analyzed the behavioral and emotional repercussions in light of gender roles. The consequences entailed, for the most part, are perceived as generalizable to boys and girls.
Children Australia, 1990
In the last fifteen years a great deal of material has been published on child sexual abuse. All violence within the home retains a significant element of secrecy, but child sexual abuse has remained a shadowy secret longer than other forms of intra-familial assault. The battle to draw attention to physical abuse of children within the family was hard fought but controversy over child sexual abuse retains its intensity.There are disagreements over the scale of the problem (Glaser and Frosh, 1988; Search. 1988) and the research findings concerning the effects of child sexual abuse vary ‘wildly’ (O'Hagan, 1989:53). Some myths about the problem however, have been successfully challenged. The stranger is no longer seen as the main danger and it is recognised that most perpetrators are members of the victim's immediate or extended family or known to the victim (Goddard, 1988).
British Journal of Psychotherapy, 1988
This paper looks at child sexual abuse from a child's viewpoint, and postulates three levels at which the child experiences the abuse, both at the time fit, occurrence and during later development. It is suggested that the greater the child's difficulty in integrating the experiences from these three different levels the poorer the healing process after abuse and the worse the effectwill be on the child's subsequent mental health. Clinical examples are given of some of theconcepts described.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024
This study was designed to explore and understand the common experiences of mothers whose children were sexually abused by their biological father. It is a qualitative approach using multiple case study research design. The study was conducted to selected Shelter House of Sexually Abused Children specifically Incest case. Three (3) mothers referred by Laura Vicuña Foundation; four (4) from Palayan City Home for Girls; and three (3) mothers from NCR referred by Guidance Counselors with the case of Incest. The criteria of selection were limited to mothers whose daughter was sexually abused by their biological father. The ages of the children are between 7 and 16 years old who are still living with their mothers whose ages range from 40-59 years old. The study revealed that the experiences before, during and after the disclosure, were described as painful, unbelievable, and unexpected by the mothers. The indicative themes directly helped the mothers realize the difficulties they encountered in the arms of their own biological fathers. This represents how the indicative themes of time, person and event leads to the discovery of the abuse which leads to positive responses of being strong for their daughters as represented by the results. However, during the disclosure of the abused, it was revealed that there is an evident vision of a mother in anger and pain knowing that their daughters were abused by their biological fathers, a mother in confusion who cannot easily manage and understand the entire scene of the abuse, a mother in a jealous state since her daughter confided that in the long run of the abuse, she felt the sexual urge with his father. More so, a mother in shame is also visible for her daughter as well as her entire family because they may be put into conviction by the people around them and a mother of strength who never doubted their heart of sending her husband to jail and let him pay for his crime. Finally, the aftershock or final disclosure was also a painful revelation among daughters who were sexually abused by their own biological fathers. As such, mothers are being their daughter's shoulder to cry on, a cure to their aching hearts, a protective shield against harm, a genuine friend, and a hero to win the battle for their abused daughters. The mother and daughter respectively signify their continuous determination to move on with life and be a positive will of helping their daughters to survive from the abuse. Thus, the result became the basis in the development of a TOOLKIT FOR MOTHERS OF SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN. This would be used by the guidance counselors, in helping mothers to cope up with the trauma, community and shelter house catering sexually abused children, and most specially, mothers who are the second victim of the abuse.
Public health, 1991
This study reports the results of questioning 1,253 women about experiences of sexual abuse during childhood. An incidence of 3.5% was identified; many of those affected reported benefit from the opportunity to discuss what had happened, an aspect which should be facilitated during routine consultations. The study identified a substantial burden on emotional health presenting into adult life.
Journal of Medical Sciences
Sexual abuse has existed since ancient times, in all strata of every society, but has remained under reported. The few cases that do get reported are an important source of knowledge about the patterns and consequences of abuse. Following five vignettes show-case abuse experience and sequelae in the victims. The victims experienced trauma between the age of 4 to 12 years, three of them were males and four were the eldest issues in their families. In four cases the perpetrator was a relative. None of the subjects was abused by more than one perpetrator and only one was abused continuously over the years. The commonest manifestations were anxiety, depression, dissociation, somatization and obsessive traits. All these facts would hold a key value for clinicians posed with challenges of evaluating abuse patients. (JK-Practitioner 2006;13(Suppl 1):S79-S81 S Keywords : Childhood sexual abuse, anxiety, depression, dissociation, somatization
Sexual abuse impacts different spheres of a child's life, generating consequences for physical, psychological, social, affective and cognitive development. This study aims to present the phenomenon of intrafamily sexual abuse and the psychological, social and legal aspects experienced by victims. For that, a case study of two brothers victims of sexual abuse was used. Observation of the children was carried out in the institutional reception environment; projective techniques with social educators, and documentary research of the legal processes of the brothers, o In 2018, the brothers were welcomed after presenting, in an emergency medical consultation, signs of sexual violence and neglect of care. The documents contained in the legal proceedings found intrafamily sexual abuse, neglect of parental care, developmental problems: speech delay and muscle tone; and difficulty in establishing affective bonds and socialization, among other health problems. The storytelling of the educators showed anguish and commitment in the care of the brothers. The observation of the children pointed to the global improvement over the months, the establishment of affective bonds and initial difficulties overcome. It is concluded that the institutional reception promoted an environment of protection and individualized and affective care, allowing the siblings to develop again and to establish an affective bond between themselves and with others. The study reiterates the seriousness of sexual abuse in early childhood, highlights the serious violation of rights, which must be addressed within the scope of public and mental health and social assistance, implementing and expanding public policies aimed at early childhood.
Alabama Counseling Association Journal, 2011
In the United States, annual prevalence factors indicate that 25% of women are reported survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). Existential concerns and basic purposes within the physical, social, personal and spiritual dimensions of female CSA survivors' worldviews are explored. The recognition and meanings of existential purposes and concerns for CSA survivors are described. Following, implications of these explorations for CSA therapists are identified. An Existential Exploration and Implications for Therapists Sexual abuse comprises inherent variations depending upon the age of children, the specific act committed by an adult, and the type of relationship between an adult and child (Lowenthal, 1996; Scannapieco & Connell-Carrick, 2005). Physical contact sexual abuse includes perpetrator behaviors such as fondling and forced intercourse or penetration. Further, non-contact sexual abuse includes perpetrator behaviors such promoting sexual activity of children as well as permitting children to watch pornography or witness sexual intercourse (The Norma J. Morris Center, 1995). Scannapieco and Connell-Carrick (2005) provide three differing definitions of sexual abuse and generally conclude that sexual abuse involves any sexual activity with a child where consent is not or cannot be given" (p. 12). Individuals who have endured these experiences are referred to as survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) survivors (Wilken, 2009). Although accurate childhood sexual abuse rates are difficult to obtain, Pereda, Guilera, Forns, and Gomez-Benito (2009) concluded that approximately 25% of women in the United States are survivors of childhood sexual abuse. In their meta-analysis of the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse across an international sample of 22 countries, the researchers projected that 19.7% of women experience sexual abuse before the age of 18. Africa was reported as having the highest prevalence rate (34%) and Europe was reported as having the lowest prevalence rate (9%). In a similar study of an Australian sample (Dunne, Purdie, Cook, Boyle, & Najman, 2003), 34% of women reported non-penetrative sexual abuse (e.g., inappropriate touch behaviors such as fondling) during childhood while 12% reported penetrative sexual abuse (e.g., rape). Sexual abuse occurs across all communities, regardless of gender, race, religion, cultural heritage, or socioeconomic status (Bass & Davis, 2008; Pereda et al., 2009). For example, Dunne et al. (2003) reported significant rates of males that experience non-penetrative sexual abuse (16%) as well as unwanted sexual penetration (4%). The circumstances
The Journal of International Social Research, 2020
This study is about the own child sexual abuse experience of a participant followed by a critical literature review, case presentation, method and conclusion. The literature review firstly presents definitions about abuse, sexual abuse, prevalence of childhood sexual abuse and then focuses on effects of child sexual in childhood and adulthood. Case presentation includes parts from own narrative of the research participant and principally outlines the effects of sexual abuse experience from childhood to adult life. The study was designed in a phenomenological pattern that is rooted in qualitative research. As a result of the analysis, emotions after sexual abuse, need of support, injuring of sense of trust, memories and flashbacks, coping with and managing negative effects of sexual abuse themes were obtained. In line with the findings, sources of the participant are related to sexual abuse in childhood was determined, and the contents of the themes were presented in detail.
The experience of child sexual abuse can leave a host of adverse behavioral, emotional, and psychological consequences. The objective of this study, therefore, is to investigate the major psychosocial problems of sexually abused children and their coping mechanisms in Hamlin Fistula Hospital and Mother Teresa Charity Missionary's Children's Home. Qualitative methods namely in-depth interviews, observation, FGD and document analysis were used to collect the required data. The data were presented, organized and analyzed by using thematic analysis. The research finding reveals that, the survivor children are suffering from a whole range of physical, behavioral, social and emotional problems which in turn affect their personal wellbeing and social relations. However, some of the cases have not experienced some of the problems which others faced. As the result indicates incest type of child sexual abuse is the common form of sexual abuse that children face. The research result also shows strategies such as destructive behaviors like smoking, drinking, chewing and using substances; engaging in prostitution, begging, theft; attending religious places, deviating from social interaction and hiding themselves under some issues) were adopted by these sexually abused children to cope up with the sexual abuse and its related problems. Cooperation of different initiatives is imperative to solve the problem of sexually abused children in a sustainable manner. Therefore, the researchers believe that the GOs, NGOs, the community and other actors should integrate and coordinate different activities undertaken in relation to the problem of sexually abused children. It is also believed that community based strategies and empowering the victim children were identified as pillar of halting the problem. Besides, interested researchers could host similar researches with related to the multifaceted problem of abused children.
Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2018
Background: Increasing cases of child sexual abuse happen unreportedly. This has caused repetition of abuse and made accurate prevalence of happening difficult to predict. Repetition of abuse will result in worse negative impacts to children, both for long and short term. Aim: To explore the chronology of child sexual abuse. Methods: It is a qualitative study with phenomenological approach. The participants were those who were involved or who knew the happenings. Snowball technique was used for collecting data and the initial participants were the abusers jailed in IIB Class custody of Raba Bima, West Nusa Tenggara. Thourough interviews were conducted from February to March 2016, involving 22 persons for 8 cases of girl sexual abuse. Results: This study reports the relationship between the victims and abusers; time, place and frequency of sexual abuse; occupation of abuser's wife; reasons of commiting sexual abuse; how it was revealed, the handling of victims and the intervention to abusers. Conclusion: Sexual abuse is an unpredictable crime which may happen to anybody, anytime, anywhere and may be committed by anybody. Parents should give more attention to their children, choose and monitor the child's environment, introduce sex education in their early age and tell them how to get help when they are sexually abused. Thematic oral analysis was used for data analysis whereas triangulation method was used for data verification.
Traumatic psychosocial environments directly impact adult life. Compromised self-esteem, emotional self-regulation, and interpersonal relationships are observed, and a predisposition to the presence of mental and personality disorders is exacerbated in cases of sexual abuse. Science has presented quantitative and statistical studies on child abuse and a limited number of studies that have investigated the consequences and long-term impacts on the lives of individuals who suffered maltreatment in childhood and did not have access to forms of protection or social support after the identification of child abuse, especially in Brazil. Therefore, this case report is a qualitative study of an ideographic nature which aims to evaluate the “particular” form of abuse repercussions in the life of a 60-year-old woman, giving voice to the victim of child abuse through the process of the investigation and complex analysis of her life history and family relationships. The psychological assessment...
JK-Practitioner, 2006
Sexual abuse has existed since ancient times, in all strata of every society, but has remained under reported. The few cases that do get reported are an important source of knowledge about the patterns and consequences of abuse. Following five vignettes show-case abuse ...
Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 2011
Child sexual abuse is a global phenomenon that affects many families and appears to be increasing dramatically in South Africa. The literature on child sexual abuse focuses mainly on the victims and perpetrators while largely ignoring the experiences of non-offending mothers. The objective of this study was to explore the lived experiences of mothers whose children were sexually abused by their intimate male partners. Existential phenomenology was employed in the study, and Braun and Clarke's (2006) six-phase thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The results indicate that the participants experienced emotions similar to those following loss including disbelief, anger, guilt, depression, trust and blame.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Child sexual abuse (CSA) includes abusive contact experiences, which habitually impact the victim’s whole life. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of six CSA experiences with physical contact, including penetration, in a representative sample of the Spanish population. Participants were 1071 Spanish adults (53% males; Mage: 45.37) who completed the Child Sexual Abuse Experiences Questionnaire. The victim’s age at the first episode, the perpetrator’s characteristics, and the number of times that each experience occurred were analyzed, taking into account gender differences. Results were reported for every experience independently. The most prevalent age at the first experience was from 6 years old onwards, but with differences in some experiences. The abuses usually happened more than once, committed by the same person. The most prevalent perpetrator is a male, although a female perpetrator is more prevalent in male victims. Most of the abuses were committed by an adult a...
Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 2020
Longitudinal research of CSA in infancy and early childhood is scarce. The current study examined the long-term course of psychological outcomes (PTSD, dissociation and internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems) in children who were sexually abused in the early childhood. Additionally, we looked into the outcomes for their parents by assessing PTSD symptoms and negative emotional reactions towards the sexual abuse of their child. We examined the outcomes for five consecutive years in a sample of children (n = 45) who were sexually abused at a very young age (0–3) and their parents (n = 42), included in the Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case-study. We found that outcomes following CSA in early childhood go beyond PTSD symptoms and can manifest in atypical symptoms such as behavioral problems. Parents experienced persistent PTSD in the years following CSA disclosure. CSA in very young children warrants long-term monitoring, as negative outcomes still present 8 years later.
Jurnal Hukum Sasana, 2022
Law enforcement officers give appropriate punishments to perpetrators of sexual violence, so that the rule of law is truly enforced and order is created in society. Sanctions are intended to provide a deterrent effect for perpetrators of sexual violence so as not to repeat their behavior and prevent others from committing the crime because of the threat of severe punishment. The purpose of this study is to find: 1) children who are victims of criminal acts of sexual harassment; 2) the impact of children as victims of crimes of sexual violence; and 3) efforts to tackle crimes of sexual violence against children. The results of the study are as follows: efforts to overcome crimes of sexual violence against children are the role of parents who play an important role in protecting children from the risk of sexual violence; legal care as well as psychological rehabilitation support and psychological services for both children and their parents; and the role of the community to ensure the protection of children; also the role of the State, in the form of rehabilitation, which is an integrated process of treatment activities by restoring the child's condition. Rehabilitation in question is a process of organizing physical, mental, and social rehabilitation activities in an integrated manner so that the child can continue to carry out his social functions and skills in social life.
Background: The child psychiatry unit of the Cochin Hospital in Paris is specialized in a transcultural clinical approach and treatment of psychotraumatism. The clinical demands addressed to the service often combine several levels of vulnerability: recent migration, repeated and intentional traumas, isolation and breach in family bonds sometimes precarious living conditions. Mastering how to approach trauma content adapting to the person’s temporality while taking into account the individual, family and collective dimensions, is a key driver to the clinical intervention (of our approach). Objective and method: We describe a paradigmatic clinical situation articulating its multidimensional complexity: the case of Céline, a 16-year-old Mozambique teenager, unaccompanied minor (UM), who arrived in France three years ago with her 4-year-old child born out of rape. They are both cared for by Paris Child Welfare Bureau. The authors used the CARE guidelines for a rigorous approach to clin...
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016
For the full and harmonious development of their personality children should grow up in a family environment in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. In many families, children are not provided with fundamental rights and fulfillment of their needs: safety, love, acceptance, and respect. Their sense of dignity collapses, they are prohibited from revealing emotions and thoughts. All this triggers a sense of shame, anger and fear, which are often passed on to the child's functioning in different environments. The phenomenon of violence against children in the family-care deprivation, negligence of their emotionality as well as of bringing up, physical and mental harm, beatings, abuse, and sexual abuse are not uncommon. The issue of various types of child abuse, its recognition, intervention as well as prevention, and helping those children is a concern and a great challenge not only for teachers, educators, psychologists, therapists, but for the whole society, too. In the first part of the considerations theoretical framework for difficult issues posed by sexual violence against children has been presented. An attempt at defining the problem has been presented: a form of sexual abuse, signals that may indicate that the child was the object of sexual violence and direct and long-term consequences of sexual violence against a child. In the second part, in a form of commentary the results of the author's own research regarding the various categories of respondents, who are employees of the social services on sexual violence against a child have been thoroughly analyzed.
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