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There has been long and time immemorial struggle towards equal status for women. It is difficult to understand the reason for the struggle and even more difficult to understand the need for such a demand, as it should have been available naturally. Many men do object for such a demand, but it is very difficult to gauge rational behind it. However, the roots of this opposition can be traced back to the historical division of work between male and female which was decided in ancient times. What were the reasons for such approach by our forefathers? This article attempts to unveil the same, the emphasis being on those aspects of the consequences of suppression, which have been ignored.
Бюллетень науки и практики, 2019
Journal of Exclusion Studies, 2020
Exclusion has been practiced towards individuals and groups since time immemorial. They are deprived of rights, dignity, amenities and possibilities, which are otherwise accessible to other people, in an organized, well-planned manner. People are isolated on the basis of gender; class; race, racial roots and skin colour; religious leanings; cultural preferences; economic status; political inclination/s; healthcare, academic standing; living style; appearance; and dressing style. Social exclusion is a forcefully aggressive process. It is advocated comparatively; an individual’s/ a group’s situation/s is/ are compared with those of another/ others based on socio-religio-historical contexts. It is not one-dimensional but multi-dimensional. Gender based seclusion can be witnessed everywhere even in present day. Women, who constitute fifty percent of the population, are denied social rights and resources; suppressed; cheated of social involvement and cultural inclusion. The reason behind this is that girls and boys are brought up differently. They are given distinct roles and taught contrasting values. In due course, this ‘gendering,’ at a very early age, leads to their exclusion at every stage of life, which results in oppression. The society fails, at large, in incorporating their due concerns in the social domain. Thus, seclusion, which is the result of apathy, provides, basis for inequality, making one member of the society feel superior to the other. This marginalization is a deep-rooted problem which is the consequence of the social system/s prevalent in the country. During the times of Vedas and Upanishads, women enjoyed respect and freedom. The advent of Smritis redefined the status of women. With the passage of time, her role changed. She was made more submissive and had to acquiesce to men. The present paper deals with the changed perception and status of women, primarily based on the Manusmriti. (288 words) Keywords: Women, status, perception, freedom, exclusion.
Throughout the historical process, in many of the different civilizations, a gender-oriented approach, such as the lack of housing of women or girls in social life, has led to ideas that transform women into nothingness in everyday life. However, for the first time in the public sphere, women's influence in the social sphere with the realization of the industrial revolution did not prevent the woman from being placed in a secondary position. The feminist movement, which advocates the denied rights of women in male-dominated societies, fills an intellectually important gap in the social sphere. On the other hand, the common goal of the feminist movements that come together to prevent women from being pushed to the second plan within the social structure is to restore the honor and pride of the oppressed woman. Especially, even though the different feminist movements that emerged after the industrial revolution tried different ways in terms of practice and method, the goal they wanted to reach was to carry the power of the woman to the public sphere with her hand. This research focuses on women's participation in the public sphere as well as their private sphere, and examines the role of women in society in the context of feminist theories with historical and contemporary headings.
The transformation of gender relations since the beginning of the 20 th century is one of the most rapid, profound social changes in human history. For the more than 7,000 years of human history since settled agriculture and early states emerged, male domination has characterized the gender relations of these societies and their successors. Even at the beginning of the 20 th century, men and women were generally viewed as occupying sharply different roles in society: a woman's place was in the home as wife and mother; the man's place was in the public sphere. Men had legal powers over the lives of their wives and children, and while wife beating was never strictly legal in the United States, its practical legal status was ambiguous and perpetrators of domestic violence rarely punished. To be sure, articulate critics of patriarchy -rule by men over women and children -had emerged by the end of the 18 th century, and the movement for the right of women to vote was well under way by the end of the 19 th century, but nevertheless, at the beginning of the 20 th century the legitimacy of patriarchy was taken for granted by most people and backed by religious doctrines that saw these relations as ordained by God.
Women and the Ideology of Political Exclusion: From Antiquity to the Modern Era,, 2020
Women’s social and political status is a topic that has inspired many scholarly studies, but the question of the factors that have shaped it has not been sufficiently explored, especially in the context of its historical continuity from antiquity to the modern era. The volume “Women and the Ideology of Political Exclusion: From Antiquity to the Modern Era” attempts to address one of these factors, that is, the cumulative effect of the ideology of female inferiority over the past 2500 years, examining it as a phenomenon that has figured roughly continuously, despite various breaks and permutations along the way. Our effort aims at aligning classical scholarship with studies on women’s status in the Western world across a great expanse of time and space. Focusing on the constructs of femininity (and, at times, on masculinity), contributors interrogate the relationship between gender and political ideology across the spectrum of Western history, starting with antiquity. Making the connection between modern and ancient theorists is important for understanding the tenacity of modern conventions and biases regarding women; it is one thing to consider the idea of female inferiority to be four or so centuries old, but it is another to have the weight of a 2500-year-long history behind it.
Philosophical Topics, 2018
ABSTRACT. In this paper, I examine the arguments offered by prominent ancient philosophers (Plato and Aristotle) and medical theorists (Hippocrates and Galen) to justify the view that female bodies are imperfect or “mutilated” compared to male bodies from which it is supposed to follow that women are morally inferior to men. These arguments rendered men superior to women and justified the need for women to subjugate themselves to their procreative powers and to the wisdom of their superiors. Western sexism and misogyny has its roots here. It is unsettling to witness the ease with which a few men writing millennia ago laid the groundwork for centuries of sexism and depressing to realize that many of our contemporaries embrace the residue of these ancient ideas. But it is important for us to understand how these sexist attitudes arose, how they maintained themselves, and how utterly contingent they are.
Diva Enterprises, New Delhi, 2020
Exclusion has been practiced towards individuals and groups since time immemorial. They are deprived of rights, dignity, amenities and possibilities, which are otherwise accessible to other people, in an organized, well-planned manner. People are isolated on the basis of gender; class; race, racial roots and skin colour; religious leanings; cultural preferences; economic status; political inclination/s; healthcare, academic standing; living style; appearance; and dressing style. Social exclusion is a forcefully aggressive process. It is advocated comparatively; an individual’s/ a group’s situation/s is/ are compared with those of another/ others based on socio-religio-historical contexts. It is not one-dimensional but multi-dimensional. Gender based seclusion can be witnessed everywhere even in present day. Women, who constitute fifty percent of the population, are denied social rights and resources; suppressed; cheated of social involvement and cultural inclusion. The reason behind this is that girls and boys are brought up differently. They are given distinct roles and taught contrasting values. In due course, this ‘gendering,’ at a very early age, leads to their exclusion at every stage of life, which results in oppression. The society fails, at large, in incorporating their due concerns in the social domain. Thus, seclusion, which is the result of apathy, provides, basis for inequality, making one member of the society feel superior to the other. This marginalization is a deep-rooted problem which is the consequence of the social system/s prevalent in the country. During the times of Vedas and Upanishads, women enjoyed respect and freedom. The advent of Smritis redefined the status of women. With the passage of time, her role changed. She was made more submissive and had to acquiesce to men. The present paper deals with the changed perception and status of women, primarily based on the Manusmriti. (288 words) Keywords: Women, status, perception, freedom, exclusion.
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2014
What is feminism? Is it an outburst or outcry against male-perpetrated atrocities on women? Or is it just the right of a woman to live as she wants to live, by her own ethics and values, as far as she causes no harm, physical or emotional, to anybody? Or is feminism just a chronological narrative of the movements and ideologies that define, establish and defend equal political, economic and social rights for women? Where do the roots of the struggles for women’s liberation lie? Who are the ones who are globally known for their fight against the injustice women are subjected to? This paper traces the roots of gender bias and throws light on the role and status of women down the ages all over the world. At the same time, it also brings to limelight independent women who have always existed in society and who never believed in gender inequality – Sappho, Christine de Pera, Aphra Behn, Olympe de Gorges, Mary Wollstonecraft, Sojourner Truth, to name a few. Marx and Engels viewed the libe...
Faculty of Social Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria11, 2017
In general culture can be described as 'a way of life.' Once this 'way of life' is accepted by the majority of citizens, people are expected and in some cases compelled to adhere to certain behaviours and practices. This paper argues that there are certain cultural practices, some of which are specific to certain cultures that are capable of impeding the development of women. Thus, limiting or restricting the enabling environment and opportunities for women to accomplish certain goals and fulfillment. A cross-cultural examination will be carried out to identify such practices and the impact they exert on women. Drawing from the feminist perspective on patriarchal systems as the theoretical framework, women's social roles and certain structural imbalances in society are seen as plausible explanations for the negative impact of culture on the progress of women. Hence, enlightenment, affirmative action, and a 'cultural revolution,' though gradual, are strategies that could enhance the prospects of women in all fields of endeavour, and at the same time contributing to national development.
Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 2020
Gender <html_ent glyph="@amp;" ascii="&"/> History, 1999
Current research journal of history, 2022
IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (ISSN 2455-2267)
IRORO: Journal of Arts, Ambrose Alli University , 2019
rahatulquloob, 2019
The Annual National Conference of Liberal Arts, 2017
shodh samagam, 2021
OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 2022