Electronic tools for translators in the 21st century

2006, Translation Journal, Vol 4, Issue 4


Translation software has been the subject of many authors in recent years. However, these studies lack a realistic professional approach because they are mainly focused on CAT tools, without mentioning other tools commonly used such as image editors or PDF tools. The aim of this paper is thus to overcome these shortcomings, presenting a quick overview of a wide variety of electronic tools for Windows which make the translation process easier and faster and of which translators should have a good command in order to satisfy today's market demands.

Key takeaways

  • Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) software is helpful to translators, since it speeds up the translation process either with the help of translation memories when working with very repetitive texts or using translation software for texts written using controlled language (Nyberg, Mitamura and Huijsen, 2003).
  • Word processors are the main tools for translators.
  • Thus, thanks to Skype (, freeware), one can be in touch with other translators or clients in real time wherever they are.
  • Therefore, translators should know how to edit the images that constitute a full product, so translators are expected to have some basic image editing skills in order to undertake a translation job which deals with graphics.
  • Audiovisual translation is one of the most appealing modalities of translation, as many young translators prefer to translate a film rather than a legal contract.