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2004, Proc. Sympos. Point-Based Graphics
This paper tackles the problem of computing topological invariants of geometric objects in a robust manner, using only point cloud data sampled from the object. It is now widely recognised that this kind of topological analysis can give qualitative information about data sets which is not readily available by other means. In particular, it can be an aid to visualisation of high dimensional data. Standard simplicial complexes for approximating the topological type of the underlying space (such asČech, Rips, or α-shape) produce simplicial complexes whose vertex set has the same size as the underlying set of point cloud data. Such constructions are sometimes still tractable, but are wasteful (of computing resources) since the homotopy types of the underlying objects are generally realisable on much smaller vertex sets. We obtain smaller complexes by choosing a set of 'landmark' points from our data set, and then constructing a "witness complex" on this set using ideas motivated by the usual Delaunay complex in Euclidean space. The key idea is that the remaining (non-landmark) data points are used as witnesses to the existence of edges or simplices spanned by combinations of landmark points. Our construction generalises the topology-preserving graphs of Martinetz and Schulten [MS94] in two directions. First, it produces a simplicial complex rather than a graph. Secondly it actually produces a nested family of simplicial complexes, which represent the data at different feature scales, suitable for calculating persistent homology [ELZ00, ZC04]. We find that in addition to the complexes being smaller, they also provide (in a precise sense) a better picture of the homology, with less noise, than the full scale constructions using all the data points. We illustrate the use of these complexes in qualitatively analyzing a data set of 3 × 3 pixel patches studied by David Mumford et al [LPM03].
SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling (GD/SPM 2011), 2011
We propose a new iterative algorithm for computing the homology of arbitrary shapes discretized through simplicial complexes. We demonstrate how the simplicial homology of a shape can be effectively expressed in terms of the homology of its sub-components. The proposed algorithm retrieves the complete homological information of an input shape including the Betti numbers, the torsion coefficients and the representative homology generators. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm based on the constructive Mayer-Vietoris sequence, which relates the homology of a topological space to the homologies of its sub-spaces, i.e. the sub-components of the input shape and their intersections. We demonstrate the validity of our approach through a specific shape decomposition, based only on topological properties, which minimizes the size of the intersections between the sub-components and increases the efficiency of the algorithm.
In this paper, we initiate a study of shape description and classification through the use of persistent homology and three tangential constructions. The homology of our first construction, the tangent complex, can distinguish between topologically identical shapes with different "hard" features, such as sharp corners. To capture "soft" curvature-dependent features, we define two other complexes, the filtered and tame complex. The first is a parametrized family of increasing subcomplexes of the tangent complex. Applying persistent homology, we obtain a shape descriptor in terms of a finite union of intervals. We define a metric over the space of such intervals, arriving at a continuous invariant that reflects the geometric properties of shapes. We illustrate the power of our methods through numerous detailed studies of parametrized families of mathematical shapes. In a later paper, we shall apply our techniques to point cloud data to obtain a computational method of shape recognition based on persistent homology.
Given a point-cloud dataset sampled from an underlying geometric space X, it is often desirable to build a simplicial complex S approximating the geometric or topological structure of X. For example, recent techniques in automatic feature location depend on the ability to estimate topological invariants of X. These calculations can be prohibitively expensive if the number of cells in the approximating complex S is large. Unfortunately, most existing simplicial approximation algorithms either give too many cells, or involve calculations which are tractable or valid only in low dimensional Euclidean geometry. In this paper we introduce the combinatorial Delaunay triangulation, a simplicial complex construction which can be efficiently computed in arbitrary metric spaces, and which gives reliable topological approximations using comparatively few cells.
19th International Meshing Roundtable (IMR '10), 2010
We consider here the problem of representing non-manifold shapes discretized as d-dimensional simplicial Euclidean complexes. To this aim, we propose a dimension-independent data structure for simplicial complexes, called the Incidence Simplicial (IS) data structure, which is scalable to manifold complexes, and supports efficient navigation and topological modifications. The IS data structure has the same expressive power and exhibits performances in the query and update operations as the incidence graph, a widely-used representation for general cell complexes, but it is much more compact. Here, we describe the IS data structure and we evaluate its storage cost. Moreover, we present efficient algorithms for navigating and for generating a simplicial complex described as an IS data structure. We compare the IS data structure with the incidence graph and with dimension-specific representations for simplicial complexes.
The use of topological descriptors in modern machine learning applications, such as Persistence Diagrams (PDs) arising from Topological Data Analysis (TDA), has shown great potential in various domains. However, their practical use in applications is often hindered by two major limitations: the computational complexity required to compute such descriptors exactly, and their sensitivity to even low-level proportions of outliers. In this work, we propose to bypass these two burdens in a data-driven setting by entrusting the estimation of (vectorization of) PDs built on top of point clouds to a neural network architecture that we call RipsNet. Once trained on a given data set, RipsNet can estimate topological descriptors on test data very efficiently with generalization capacity. Furthermore, we prove that RipsNet is robust to input perturbations in terms of the 1-Wasserstein distance, a major improvement over the standard computation of PDs that only enjoys Hausdorff stability, yieldi...
Fix a finite set of points in Euclidean n-space E n , thought of as a point-cloud sampling of a certain domain D ⊂ E n . The Vietoris-Rips complex is a combinatorial simplicial complex based on proximity of neighbors that serves as an easily-computed but high-dimensional approximation to the homotopy type of D. There is a natural "shadow" projection map from the Vietoris-Rips complex to E n that has as its image a more accurate n-dimensional approximation to the homotopy type of D.
Simplicial complexes are used to model topology in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Line intersection is an essential operation to update them. We introduce a finite-resolution line intersection method, called Zero Order Intersection, and apply it to simplicial complexes. Any reliable implementation of a line intersection algorithm has to address the limitations of a discrete computational environment. If handled improperly, finite representation can cause drifting lines and similar effects in otherwise topologically consistent data.
We study the simplification of simplicial complexes by repeated edge contractions. First, we extend to arbitrary simplicial complexes the statement that edges satisfying the link condition can be contracted while preserving the homotopy type. Our primary interest is to simplify flag complexes such as Rips complexes for which it was proved recently that they can provide topologically correct reconstructions of shapes. Flag complexes (sometimes called clique complexes) enjoy the nice property of being completely determined by the graph of their edges. But, as we simplify a flag complex by repeated edge contractions, the property that it is a flag complex is likely to be lost. Our second contribution is to propose a new representation for simplicial complexes particularly well adapted for complexes close to flag complexes. The idea is to encode a simplicial complex K by the graph G of its edges together with the inclusion-minimal simplices in the set difference Flag(G) \ K. We call these minimal simplices blockers. We prove that the link condition translates nicely in terms of blockers and give formulae for updating our data structure after an edge contraction. Finally, we observe in some simple cases that few blockers appear during the simplification of Rips complexes, demonstrating the efficiency of our representation in this context.
Shape Modeling International 2011 (SMI '11), 2011
We propose a compact, dimension-independent data structure for manifold, non-manifold and non-regular simplicial complexes, that we call the Generalized Indexed Data structure with Adjacencies (IA∗ data structure). It encodes only top simplices, i.e., the ones that are not on the boundary of any other simplex, plus a suitable subset of the adjacency relations. We describe the IA∗ data structure in arbitrary dimensions, and compare the storage requirements of its two-dimensional and three-dimensional instances with both dimension-specific and dimension-independent representations. We show that the IA∗ data structure is more cost effective than other dimension-independent representations and is even slightly more compact than the existing dimension-specific ones. We present efficient algorithms for navigating a simplicial complex described as an IA∗ data structure. This shows that the IA∗ data structure allows retrieving all topological relations of a given simplex by considering only its local neighborhood and thus it is a more efficient alternative to incidence-based representations when information does not need to be encoded for boundary simplices.
… on Topology-based Methods in Data …, 2011
In this paper we present an efficient framework for computation of persistent homology of cubical data in arbitrary dimensions. An existing algorithm using simplicial complexes is adapted to the setting of cubical complexes. The proposed approach enables efficient application of persistent homology in domains where the data is naturally given in a cubical form. By avoiding triangulation of the data, we significantly reduce the size of the complex. We also present a data-structure designed to compactly store and quickly manipulate cubical complexes. By means of numerical experiments, we show high speed and memory efficiency of our approach. We compare our framework to other available implementations, showing its superiority. Finally, we report performance on selected 3D and 4D data-sets.
This paper presents a set of tools to compute topological information of simplicial complexes, tools that are applicable to extract topological information from digital pictures. A simplicial complex is encoded in a (non-unique) algebraic-topological format called AM-model. An AM-model for a given object K is determined by a concrete chain homotopy and it provides, in particular, integer (co)homology generators of K and representative (co)cycles of these generators. An algorithm for computing an AM-model and the cohomological invariant HB1 (derived from the rank of the cohomology ring) with integer coefficients for a finite simplicial complex in any dimension is designed here, extending the work done in [9] in which the ground ring was a field. A concept of generators which are "nicely" representative is also presented. Moreover, we extend the definition of AM-models to 3D binary digital images and we design algorithms to update the AM-model information after voxel set operations (union, intersection, difference and inverse).
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2009
This paper presents a set of tools to compute topological information of simplicial complexes, tools that are applicable to extract topological information from digital pictures. A simplicial complex is encoded in a (non-unique) algebraic-topological format called AM-model. An AM-model for a given object K is determined by a concrete chain homotopy and it provides, in particular, integer (co)homology generators of K and representative (co)cycles of these generators. An algorithm for computing an AM-model and the cohomological invariant HB1 (derived from the rank of the cohomology ring) with integer coefficients for a finite simplicial complex in any dimension is designed here, extending the work done in in which the ground ring was a field. A concept of generators which are "nicely" representative is also presented. Moreover, we extend the definition of AM-models to 3D binary digital images and we design algorithms to update the AM-model information after voxel set operations (union, intersection, difference and inverse).
Recently several types of complexes have been proposed for topological analysis of data lying on a manifold in a high dimensional space. The effectiveness of the method in practice surely depends on the computational costs of constructing these complexes. The complexes such as restricted Delaunay, alpha complex,Čech and witness complex are difficult to compute in high dimensions. As an alternative, Rips complex, a well known structure in algebraic topology, has been proposed for computing homological information. While their computations are easy, their size tends to be large. We propose a Rips-like complex called geodesic complex which has smaller size than the standard Rips complex. The gain in size results from the fact that a geodesic complex is built by approximating intrinsic distances on the embedded manifold whereas a Rips complex is built with extrinsic distances in the embedding space. In the course of the development, we connect among various existing results which may find further use in topological analysis of data.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
Let K be a simplicial complex and g the rank of its p-th homology group H p (K) defined with Z 2 coefficients. We show that we can compute a basis H of H p (K) and annotate each p-simplex of K with a binary vector of length g with the following property: the annotations, summed over all p-simplices in any p-cycle z, provide the coordinate vector of the homology class [z] in the basis H. The basis and the annotations for all simplices can be computed in O(n ω) time, where n is the size of K and ω < 2.376 is a quantity so that two n × n matrices can be multiplied in O(n ω) time. The pre-computation of annotations permits answering queries about the independence or the triviality of p-cycles efficiently. Using annotations of edges in 2-complexes, we derive better algorithms for computing optimal basis and optimal homologous cycles in 1-dimensional homology. Specifically, for computing an optimal basis of H 1 (K), we improve the time complexity known for the problem from O(n 4) to O(n ω +n 2 g ω−1). Here n denotes the size of the 2-skeleton of K and g the rank of H 1 (K). Computing an optimal cycle homologous to a given 1-cycle is NP-hard even for surfaces and an algorithm taking O(2 O(g) n log n) time is known for surfaces. We extend this algorithm to work with arbitrary 2-complexes in O(n ω + 2 O(g) n 2 log n) time using annotations.
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 2021
A simplicial complex is a generalization of a graph: a collection of =-ary relationships (instead of binary as the edges of a graph), named simplices. In this paper, we develop a new tool to study the structure of simplicial complexes: we generalize the graph notion of truss decomposition to complexes, and show that this more powerful representation gives rise to dierent properties compared to the graph-based one. This power, however, comes with important computational challenges derived from the combinatorial explosion caused by the downward closure property of complexes. Drawing upon ideas from itemset mining and similarity search, we design a memory-aware algorithm, dubbed STD, which is able to eciently compute the truss decomposition of a simplicial complex. STD adapts its behavior to the amount of available memory by storing intermediate data in a compact way. We then devise a variant that computes directly the = simplices of maximum trussness. By applying STD to several datasets, we prove its scalability, and provide an analysis of their structure. Finally, we show that the truss decomposition can be seen as a ltration, and as such it can be used to study the persistent homology of a dataset, a method for computing topological features at dierent spatial resolutions, prominent in Topological Data Analysis.
The Vietoris-Rips filtration for an n-point metric space is a sequence of large simplicial complexes adding a topological structure to the otherwise disconnected space. The persistent homology is a key tool in topological data analysis and studies topological features of data that persist over many scales. The fastest algorithm for computing persistent homology of a filtration has time O(M (u) + u 2 log 2 u), where u is the number of updates (additions or deletions of simplices), M (u) = O(u 2.376 ) is the time for multiplication of u × u matrices.
ArXiv, 2021
We introduce a linear dimensionality reduction technique preserving topological features via persistent homology. The method is designed to find linear projection L which preserves the persistent diagram of a point cloud X via simulated annealing. The projection L induces a set of canonical simplicial maps from the Rips (or Čech) filtration of X to that of LX. In addition to the distance between persistent diagrams, the projection induces a map between filtrations, called filtration homomorphism. Using the filtration homomorphism, one can measure the difference between shapes of two filtrations directly comparing simplicial complexes with respect to quasi-isomorphism μquasi-iso or strong homotopy equivalence μequiv. These μquasi-iso and μequiv measures how much portion of corresponding simplicial complexes is quasi-isomorphic or homotopy equivalence respectively. We validate the effectiveness of our framework with simple examples.
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications, 2015
An exact computation of the persistent Betti numbers of a submanifold [Formula: see text] of a Euclidean space is possible only in a theoretical setting. In practical situations, only a finite sample of [Formula: see text] is available. We show that, under suitable density conditions, it is possible to estimate the multidimensional persistent Betti numbers of [Formula: see text] from the ones of a union of balls centered on the sample points; this even yields the exact value in restricted areas of the domain. Using these inequalities we improve a previous lower bound for the natural pseudodistance to assess dissimilarity between the shapes of two objects from a sampling of them. Similar inequalities are proved for the multidimensional persistent Betti numbers of the ball union and the one of a combinatorial description of it.
Space or voxel carving is a non-invasive technique that is used to produce a 3D volume and can be used in particular for the reconstruction of a 3D human model from images captured from a set of cameras placed around the subject. In [1], the authors present a technique to quantitatively evaluate spatially carved volumetric representations of humans using a synthetic dataset of typical sports motion in a tennis court scenario, with regard to the number of cameras used. In this paper, we compute persistent homology over the sequence of chain complexes obtained from the 3D outcomes with increasing number of cameras. This allows us to analyze the topological evolution of the reconstruction process, something which as far as we are aware has not been investigated to date.
The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 2020
Topological data analysis tools enjoy increasing popularity in a wide range of applications. However, due to computational complexity, processing large number of samples of higher dimensionality quickly becomes infeasible. We propose a novel sub-sampling strategy inspired by Coulomb's law to decrease the number of data points in d-dimensional point clouds while preserving its Homology. The method is not only capable of reducing the memory and computation time needed for the construction of different types of simplicial complexes but also preserves the size of the voids in d-dimensions, which is crucial e.g. for astronomical applications. We demonstrate and compare the strategy in several synthetic scenarios and an astronomical particle simulation of a dwarf galaxy for the detection of superbubbles (supernova signatures).
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