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Technium Social Sciences Journal
13 pages
1 file
Birth has become a phenomenon of increasing concern. The population of Romania has decreased and is constantly decreasing, the downward evolution is not surprising, all the information on the natural and migratory movement after 1989 define a well-installed demographic decline. Romania's demographic decline is gaining new dimensions and amplifying the deterioration of the country's demographic situation. What is less known and evaluated at the true value is the depth of the deterioration of the age structure of the population in the context of the demographic decline and the implications of this deterioration from the perspective of the possible recovery of the demographic state of the country. The present demographic evolutions, respectively the characteristics of the components that have produced and are still producing these evolutions, foreshadow a strongly negative image regarding the population of Romania in the next decades, if by public policies the birth ratio will ...
Analele universitatii din Craiova. Istorie , 2016
This article describes, analyses and discusses some of the main demographic indicators of Romania during the last two decades, which we have entitled ‘Romania of the great transformations’, since the data analysed corresponds with a historical period characterised by a profound social, political and economic transformation following the fall of the Ceausescu socialist regime in 1989 and the rapid introduction of the Romanian society and State into the capitalist market and neoliberal logics, fostered eventually by its incorporation into the European Union in 2007. The analyses presented comprise statistical data from official Romanian institutions as well as excerpts from semi-structured interviews to specialised Romanian informants, and fieldwork notes taken by the authors in some of the main cities of the country. The data reveals an important decrease of the Romanian population in addition to a marked ageing, the feminization of the elderly and the masculinization of the young conditioned to a great extent by the excessive emigration during the last decade (which has not been rigorously estimated in the official statistics until recently), the fall of birth-rates, the rise ofife expectancy, and the second transition of its family demographic structures.
The trends of the main demographic phenomena provide useful information about the future evolution of the number and age structure of Romania’s population. The mutations in the social-economic structure of the country have led to a dynamic territorial mobility of the population; at the same time, they have direct consequences upon the socio-demographic structure of the population. In the past years, demographic migration has become a common fact. The young and mature population migrates from the rural to the urban environment, motivated by the living and working conditions in the urban centers. Consequently, the remaining rural inhabitants are mostly old-aged. The aging of the rural population is also caused by a series of demographic and social-economic factors. The economic effects of the demographic evolution will be seen in time and will bring about changes in the various subpopulations (school children, fertile population, inhabitants able to work).
Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, 2018
Demographic changes affect all countries of the world, with higher and more sensitive impact on economic and social development in nowadays than in the past. An important aspect for the development of the nations is its demographic potential. Country population is considered the main factor when we are talking about the evolution of the society and its sustainable development. The objective of the paper is to analyse the population of Romania in terms of dimension, age structure and trends in the context of the international demographic evolution. Changes in dimension and age structure of the population are important concerning the economic behaviour on national and international level. Birth rate, life expectancy, mortality rates, migration rates are important indicators for the analysis of the population dynamics. Birth decline and high mortality rates show a natural decrease of the population with negative impact on the development level of the country. The statistical figures show a deep demographic decline in Romania, the main causes being the natural decrease of the population and the negative net international migration. On the other side, as the European countries, Romania faces the complex economic and social consequences of the slow but steady process of demographic ageing. Changing of the population structure by age, more balanced on older ages, is the consequence of the evolution of two major factors: vital events and international migration on one hand and life expectancy on the other hand. National Institute of Statistics, Romania and Eurostat mainly provide data used in this paper.
Scientific Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi. New Series SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK Section, 2018
Several factors contributed to the current world demographic configuration: cultural, financial, and socioeconomic changes specific to the globalisation process. The improvement of alimentation, the recent progresses in the field of medicine, along with mass immunization , the information and education of the population in the fields of health and care for each stage of life, and practicing mass-sports contributed, as well. From the demographic viewpoint, the main responsible factors are the decreases of the birth rate, increased life expectancy, the migration phenomenon, and population ageing. This latter aspect is the subject of the present paper. The first part reviews the definition of old age from a general and demographic point of view. The second part analyses comprehensively the social vulnerability of this period of life. The third part is dedicated to the impact population ageing has on the configuration of social policies. From the methodological viewpoint, the paper relies on analysing the specialised literature dedicated to demographic ageing. The paper concludes that demographic ageing is analysed by the Romanian literature predominantly during the past two decades of the post-communist period. The phenomenon has impact on the social insurances system (pensions), medical services and social assistance system (so-cial services dedicated to long-term care).
This article includes a statistical analysis of the main Romanian demographic phenomena. The numerous red flags drawn by the scientists, reverberated in the media, refers to the demographic decline, accentuated by the visible populations aging trend. The main concern of many working age individuals are due to the most probable consequences: future challenges of the social security pensions system resulted out of the reversal age pyramid. The aging population will become more numerous than the working age population, those who pay social insurance will be less numerous than those entitled to receive pensions. This analysis is destinated for a statistical analysis of the relationship between the demographic phenomena, in an attempt to discover the specific relationships. This paper's conclusions may be relevant for the development of a coherent demographic policy based on measurable goals.
Demographic ageing appeared in the modern society and designates an important increase in the elderly population segment in the total of the senior population and has implications for all sections of the society. The main cause of this phenomenon is transition from the traditional system of population’s reproduction, with high birth rates, to modern regime, with both low birth rates
Acta Medica Transilvanica, 2021
Fertility is the ability of two cells, the egg and the sperm, to unite in order to conceive a biological child. The aim of this study is to analyse how the fertility rate has evolved demographically since the communist period and until now in Romania. In order to carry out this study, we analysed the data provided by Macrotrends regarding the fertility rate in Romania from the last 71 years (more precisely 1950-2021). The results of the study indicate that, in 1950 Romania had an average fertility rate of 3.25 children per woman. It gradually declined until 1965. In 1967, the number of births doubled to almost half a million new-borns in just 1 year. Such a rate has never been reached, the fertility rate being in a continuous decline until now.
The retrospective, descriptive, observational study of the phenomenon of natality and fertility in the North-Western Region of Romania in the period 2002 - 2006, as well as at national level, shows that there have been changes in the demographic behaviour of the population that have led to the reaching of natality and fertility rates that are inferior to those from the period before the year 1989. These phenomena have occurred due to a change in the demographic policy of Romania, to a modification of the demographic behaviour of the population, including the acceptance of family planning at national level, within the context of uncontrolled demographic transition and migration movement. After the dramatic decrease from the '90s, in the period 2002-2006 there was tendency of stabilization of the natality and fertility phenomenon, both at the level of the entire country and at the level of the North-Western Region of Romania, with values inferior to those recorded in the '80s....
As a result of the fact that at the end of 2011, in Romania, was conducted the Population and Houses Census, many studies were focused on the demographic evolution from our country. Our paper is focused on the factors that are influencing the evolution of population in Romania, in order to explain the evolution of demographics. The study was conducted on a 20 years timespan, using statistical data that are characterizing the macroeconomic and demographic environment between 1990 and 2010. To achieve our goals, we will use the statistical methods to analyze the data released (time series and cross section data) by the National Institute of Statistics. We will try to find some correlations between the evolution of population and social (natural increase of population, net migration) and economic factors (employment, average net wage, GDP). We conclude sustaining that the increase of emigrants and the ageing phenomenon in last 20 years decreased the number of population, while the increase of employment and GDP are two factors that have a positive influence on the population evolution. The average net wage may have two types of effects: an increase of the wage may represent an opportunity for some families to cover easily the cost of having a child, while for others, the opportunity of gaining higher wages may change their working behavior determining them to focus on career and postponing the birth of a child.
Romanian Economic and Business Review, 2012
Just like many other European countries, Romania is facing a demographic downtrend that accentuates over time. Despite studies show that the world is getting overpopulated as the total number of inhabitants should rise from approximate 6.5 billion to over 9 billion, Romania’s problem is completely different: Romania has been experiencing a negative population growth for the last decades. This article is modeling Romania’s demographic evolution and presenting an outlook of how the future looks for this country in terms of demographic stability, total population, evolution of average and median age, with an emphasis on the expected consequences of this evolution.
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