Two-spin entanglement distribution near factorized states

2007, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical

We study the two-spin entanglement distribution along the infinite S = 1/2 chain described by the XY model in a transverse field. Closed analytical expressions are derived for the one-tangle and the concurrences Cr, r being the distance between the two possibly entangled spins, for values of the Hamiltonian parameters close to those corresponding to factorized ground states. The total amount of entanglement, the fraction of such entanglement which is stored in pairwise entanglement, and the way such fraction distributes along the chain is discussed, with attention focused on the dependence on the anisotropy of the exchange interaction. We find that, as factorization is approached, the anisotropy rules a complex behavior of the entanglement properties, which results in the fact that more isotropic models, despite being characterized by a larger amount of total entanglement, present a smaller fraction of pairwise entanglement: the latter, in turn, is more evenly distributed along the chain, at the point that, in the fully isotropic model, the concurrences do not depend on r.