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ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to explore the influence of creativity on the Knitting industry business owners Binong Jati Bandung and its effect on the competitiveness of businesses. This type of research is descriptive and the method used as the explanatory survey with saturated sample technique, with the number of samples as many as 76 people are business owners. Data analysis technique used is simple with linear regression tools computer software SPSS 22.0 for windows. The results of this research in the form of findings that creativity has a considerable influence on innovation conducted business owners for the progress of his efforts. Innovations made by entrepreneurs to result in profits for the company, one of which improves the competitiveness that is owned by the company. The company's strategy, structure and rivalry, the condition factor of production, demand, condition and related industries become a tool to determine competitiveness. The originality of this...
The role of SMEs can be said to be very important in the national economy. The role is mainly in the aspects such as increased employment opportunities, equity, income, rural economic development, and increase non-oil exports. Entrepreneurship is the ability to be creative and innovative basic, tips, and resources to look for opportunities to success. The essence of entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different through creative thinking and innovative action to create opportunities. The purpose of the study include: first to identify and analyze variables influence creativity and innovation simultaneously towards entrepreneurship. Second, to identify and analyze variables influence creativity partially towards entrepreneurship. Third, to identify and analyze the partial effect of the innovation variables on entrepreneurship. Fourth, to identify and analyze the dominant influence between creativity and innovation of entrepreneurship. Location of the research done on small welding shop in the district of Malang regency Pujon. This type of research is exploratory. Types of data used are data collected by primary and save a list of questions. The results are as follows: first, variables influence creativity and innovation simultaneously towards entrepreneurship. Second, creativity variables partially influence on entrepreneurship. Third, innovation variables partially influence on entrepreneurship. Fourth, innovation variables have the most impact on entrepreneurship.
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan
The purpose of this research is to examine the correlation between self efficacy and interest in entrepreneurship, the correlation between creativity and interest in entrepreneurship and, the correleation between self efficacy and creativity with interest in entrepreneurship. This research used quantitative approach with correlation method. Scales of self efficacy, creativity and entrepreneurship were given to 82 college students of School of Psychology from four different years who were selected using random technique sampling. This research applies 5% significant level. The data were analyzed using product moment, and multiple-correlation test. The significant value from correlation between self-efficacy and interest in entrepreneurship is 0,000, with correlation index of 0.703, which means that there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and interest in entrepreneurship. The significant value from correlation between creativity and interest in entrepreneurship is 0,...
Inspirasi adalah percikan ide-ide kreatif yang waktu dan tempatnya jarang anda kenali, kecuali anda sudah melatih-diri dengan pembiasaan. Inspirasi adalah akibat-hasil dari proses pengembangan diri (Marnie,2013). Inspirasi ini akan membawa dalam muculnya peluang bisnis atau memunculkan suatu konsep untuk memulai suatu bisnis. Namun, sebelum memulai suatu bisnis sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui peluang bisnis yang ada untuk dapat dimasuki.
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang berada di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Pada saat ini, perkembangan ekonomi di kawasan Asia Tenggara diprediksi akan tumbuh dengan pesat. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan adanya komunitas Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) yang mulai aktif pada tahun 2015. Indonesia dan sembilan negara anggota ASEAN lainnya telah menyepakati perjanjian Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) atau ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Kerjasama MEA akan diarahkan kepada pembentukan sebuah integrasi ekonomi kawasan dengan mengurangi biaya transaksi perdagangan, memperbaiki fasilitas perdagangan dan bisnis. Terdapat banyak hal yang membuat kekuatan Indonesia dalam menghadapi MEA masih kurang dibandingkan dengan negara ASEAN lainnya, salah satunya adalah kurangnya kemampuan masyarakat Indonesia untuk menciptakan suatu barang yang lebih bagus dengan masyarakat negara lain. PENGARUH PELATIHAN DAN KREATIVITAS TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN USAHA PADA USAHA KECIL DAN MENENGAH DI PERKAMPUNGAN INDUSTRI KECIL PULOGADUNG JAKARTA TIMUR ABSTRACT This research aims to determine influence the training and creativity on business development at small and medium enterprises small village industry Pulogadung East Jakarta. The research used survey method with correlational approach. Data recording, questionnaire are research technique. This research used the classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis and hypothesis test. Based on the results showed positive effect of training on business development with t count (3,600) > t table (1,697), positive effect of creativity on business development with t count (3,185) > t table (1,697) and positive effect of training and creativity on business development with F count (16,688) > F table (3,316). Influence variations of two independent variables can be determined based on the R 2 with value 0,527. This, 52,7% variation in business development was affected by the training and creativity and remaining were influenced by other factors outside the research model. Simultaneously, the strength of the relation between the variable of business development, training and creativity was strong, amount for 0,726.
Hubungan Kreativitas dan Inovasi dalam Kewirausahaan dengan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 : 2008 1. Pendahuluan Seiring perkembangan dan pesatnya persaingan dalam berwirausaha menuntut wirausahawan untuk lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam mengembangkan produk atau jasa yang dimilikinya dalam rangka menyelaraskan kebutuhan konsumen yang semakin beragam dan tanpa batas. Terlebih dalam menyambut era perdagangan bebas seperti AFTA Asian Free Trade Area), APEC (The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), NAFTA (NorthAmerica Free Trade Asia) dan ditandatanganinya berbagai macam persetujuan bilateral maupun multibilateral yang pada intinya untuk mendukung persaingan bebas dalam perdagangan, seperti GATT (General Agreement on 120 Tariffs and Trade), Eropa Bersatu (European Union) dan sebagainya.
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB), 2017
This article aims to determine the relationship between creativity, self efficacy and student entrepreneurship intent of Faculty of Economics (FE), State University of Jakarta (UNJ) This research uses survey method with correlation approach.The results showed that there is a significant correlation between creativity, self efficacy and intent entrepreneurship of FE UNJ students where the result of calculation of double correlation coefficient test (Ry.12) = 0,635 and F count (F Change) = 49,785, and p-value = 0,000 <0,05, and coefficient of determination (R square) = 0,404 , which implies that creativity (X1) and self efficacy (X2) together influence 40.4% of entrepreneurship intentions (Y). Keywords: Creativity, Self Efficacy, Entrepreneurship Intention
Penumbuhan Kreativitas dan Inovasi sebagai Usaha Pengembangan Potensi Kewirausahaan P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara Kreativitas dan inovasi adalah suatu fenomena psikologis yang menarik. Walaupun sejarah sudah membuktikan, bahwa di setiap jaman, manusia selalu berkreativitas dan berinvoasi, namun menurut Richards (2007), sampai saat ini, kreativitas dan inovasi masih merupakan potensi manusia yang tersembunyi (hidden potential). Mengapa potensi tersembunyi? Potensi tersembunyi karena terdapat persepsi bahwa: (a) kemampuan kreativitas dan inovasi tersebut sulit diakses, atau sulit dimunculkan setiap hari atau bahkan setiap saat; (b) kreativitas dan inovasi hanya terdapat, atau hanya dilakukan oleh individu-individu tertentu. Dapatkah potensi yang tersembunyi tersebut terrealisasi setiap hari atau setiap saat, tanpa perlu menunggu sampai akhir tahun maupun sampai akhir abad, baru kita dapat menghitung dan menyadari bahwa kreativitas dan inovasi sudah terjadi? Dapatkah potensi yang tersembunyi tersebut, kita yakini juga ada pada diri kita, tidak saja ada pada diri orang-orang tertentu? Kreativitas dan inovasi diyakini sebagai aspek yang membuat kehidupan terus berlangsung. Tanpa mengurangi kekuasaan dan keyakinan terhadap Sang Pencipta, sebagian besar individu di muka bumi ini, dapat survive dari kondisi yang sesulit apapun, karena adanya kreativitas dan inovasi. Individu dapat mengatasi masalah kebutuhan dasar, keamanan, ekonomi, dan masalah/konflik interpersonal, karena adanya kreativitas dan inovasi. Dua pertanyaan pada alinea ke dua dari atas, dapat dijawab dengan bertanya kembali, apakah masalah kebutuhan dasar dan masalah ekonomi tidak terjadi setiap hari? Apakah masalah keamanan dan masalah/konflik interpersonal tidak terjadi pada diri kita? Jawaban dari kedua pertanyaan tersebut,
Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Konseling: Jurnal Kajian Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Konseling
This study aimed to examine the direct effect of creativity on the meaning of life, and an indirect effect through performance. Subjects were 186 teachers (113 male and 73 female). The data were collected by the creativity scale, the job performance scale, and the meaning in life scale. The data were analyzed by moderated regression analysis. The results showed that performance play a role in strengthening the relationship between creativity and the search for a meaningful life (p <.01), but not in the relationship between creativity and the presence of meaning of life (p> .05).
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Prosiding SNasPPM, 2019
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Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi: Kajian Empiris & Non-Empiris, 2020
Jurnal Manajerial Dan Kewirausahaan, 2020
Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen Multiparadigma (JEAMM)
Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Ekonomi Asia, 2018
Jurnal Bina Manajemen, 2020
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2021