Pengaruh Kreativitas Terhadap Daya Saing Usaha


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to explore the influence of creativity on the Knitting industry business owners Binong Jati Bandung and its effect on the competitiveness of businesses. This type of research is descriptive and the method used as the explanatory survey with saturated sample technique, with the number of samples as many as 76 people are business owners. Data analysis technique used is simple with linear regression tools computer software SPSS 22.0 for windows. The results of this research in the form of findings that creativity has a considerable influence on innovation conducted business owners for the progress of his efforts. Innovations made by entrepreneurs to result in profits for the company, one of which improves the competitiveness that is owned by the company. The company's strategy, structure and rivalry, the condition factor of production, demand, condition and related industries become a tool to determine competitiveness. The originality of this...