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2004, The Holocene
Shores of eastern Hokkaido rose by perhaps I m a few centuries ago. The uplifted area extended at least 50km along the southern Kuril Trench. It included the estuaries Akkeshi-ko and Hichirippu, on the Pacific coast, and Furen-ko and Onneto, which open to the Okhotsk Sea. At each estuary, intertidal and subtidal flats rose with respect to tide level; wetland plants colonized the emerging land; and peaty wetland deposits thereby covered mud and sand of the former flats. Previous work at Akkeshi-ko and Onneto showed that such emergence occurred at least three times in the past 3000 years. Volcanic-ash layers date the youngest emergence to the seventeenth century AD. New evidence from Akkeshi-ko, Hichirippu and Furen-ko clarifies the age and amount of this youngest emergence. Much of it probably dates from the century's middle decades. Some of the newly emerged land remained above high tides into the middle of the eighteenth century or later. The emergence in the last half of the s...
Marine Geology, 2003
Prograding beach^foreshore deposits with a basal ravinement bed are recognized from detailed AMS 14 C dating and grain size analyses of Holocene deposits of the Kujukuri coastal plain facing the Pacific coast of Japan. The Holocene deposits are about 20 m thick and consist of an upward-shoaling beach^foreshore succession that has a basal unconformity overlain by a thin layer of relatively coarse sand. The unconformity is a downlap surface, which originated from a ravinement surface. The overall succession was formed by a prograding beach^foreshore system during the highstand in sea level of the last 6000 years. Poorly preserved fossil shells, enclosed in the thin layer of coarse sand at the base of the succession, date from the transgressive stage in sea level before 6000 cal yr BP. Grain size distribution patterns are polymodal in the basal sand layer and unimodal in the remainder of the succession. Modal classes of the basal part are fine (3.3^2.6P), medium (2.3^1.8P), and coarse (1.2^1.0P). The fine mode and the unimodal grain sizes define an overall upward-coarsening trend, which correlates with the upward-shoaling succession. In contrast, the medium and coarse modes are restricted to the basal sand, and are interpreted as related to the ravinement process. The thin basal sand layer, an admixture of these modal classes, is interpreted as a type of ravinement deposit preserved during sea-level highstand. No transgressive deposit was preserved on the ravinement surface because sediment supply was so small that the sediment on this surface experienced thorough reworking by storm waves. ß
Island Arc, 2010
A flight of Holocene marine terraces on the southwestern coast of Cape Omaezaki of central Japan provides evidence of recurrent millennium-scale uplift events. We reconstructed the uplift history of these terraces by using facies analysis of drill core and geoslicer samples, environmental analysis of trace fossils, and 14 C age determinations. Coastal uplift can be identified by the displacement of beach deposits such as foreshore deposits, which represent the intertidal swash zone of a wave-dominated sandy coast. Three levels of former beach deposits facing the Nankai Trough were identified near the coast in the Omaezaki area. The highest of these, dated at about 3020-2880 BC, records a maximum of 2.2-2.7 m of emergence. The middle beach surface, of minimum age 370-190 BC, shows 1.6-2.8 m of emergence. The lowest beach surface, which is older than 1300-1370 AD, records 0.4-1.6 m of emergence. Our analysis of vertical crustal deformation data during the Holocene in this region suggests that rapid and strong uplift was restricted to the southwestern coast of the Omaezaki area and was probably caused by high-angle thrusting on subsidiary faults branching from the underlying plate boundary megathrust.
Recent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-Marine Stratigraphy, 2008
The examination of the detailed facies architecture of Holocene depositional systems contributes to the understanding of the rock record when coupled with high-resolution radiocarbon dating. Case studies of the depositional succession of Holocene to modern prograding shorefaces in the Kujukuri and Sendai areas along the Pacific coast of eastern Japan are summarized and compared to determine the relationships between the depositional architecture and wave conditions, and the shoreline trajectory. These areas differ from each other in history of relative sea level and characteristics of sediment source, but their wave climates are similar.
The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu), 1995
Low marine terrace sequence of Kunashiri Island includes Atlantic, Subboreal and Subatlantic terraces, reflected sea level oscillations during Middle-Late Holocene. The section of Atlantic terrace (5-6m elevation) exposes storm ridge deposits, covered lacustric silts and peat. Pollen and diatom fossils and 14C-dates (5,450-6,070yrs BP) correspond to development of large barrier forms with lakes in the Holocene Optimum. The paleostraits existed in the place modern Sernovodsky and Kruglovsky Isthmuses. Ocean level rose to 2.5-3m a. m. s. l. A minor regression took place during Atlantic-Subboreal cooling. Drainage of inshore zone led to development of large dunes. Subboreal deposits record two high sea level positions: about 4,010-3,400yrs BP and 2,950-2,620yrs BP. Small estuarian lagoons and inlets developed in that time. The coolinc and ocean level lowerinc at Subboreal-Subatlantic boundary accompanied by 60yrs BP, GIN-7895, GIN-7262). Subatlantic terrace (2.5m) formed during ocean level rise to 1m about 1,170-820yrs BP. Dunes were formed during Li Ice Age regression. The terrace study indicates their weak tectonic deformation.
Quaternary International, 2015
The Chiba composite section of the Kokumoto Formation in central Japan is a remarkable, thick marine succession and is a candidate for formal recognition as the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Middle Pleistocene stage. Although there have been numerous studies of the Kokumoto Formation, the sedimentology of the formation, particularly in the Chiba composite section, has been unclear. We use field observations and laboratory analyses to elucidate the sedimentary processes and depositional environments of the formation. The Chiba composite section includes the MatuyamaeBrunhes paleomagnetic reversal, which is the primary guide for the Lower eMiddle Pleistocene boundary, along with multiple tephra deposits that provide isochronous correlational tie points. One bed, Byk-E (also known as Ontake-Byakubi Tephra), immediately underlies the paleomagnetic reversal and hence provides a useful widespread marker for the boundary. The predominant silty beds of the Chiba composite section are intensely bioturbated and lack evidence of episodic deposition such as slumps or muddy turbidites. However, minor sandy beds intercalated within the silty section, particularly in its lower part, are either (1) fining upward sequences with faint planar or ripple laminations and an erosional base, or (2) sequences containing abundant mud clasts in a poorly sorted sand matrix with a sharp base and an irregular top surface. The silty beds are interpreted to be hemipelagite formed by deposition of fine-grained suspended material under stable and calm bottom-water conditions. The sandy deposits are interpreted to be sediment gravity-flow deposits (i.e., turbidites and debrites). These sedimentary processes and the trace fossil assemblage indicate that the Chiba composite section was formed in a continental slope environment. The depositional environments of the Chiba composite section, together with tephrostratigraphy, make it suitable for high-resolution studies on the paleoenvironment, paleoclimate, and paleoceanography of the northwest Pacific Ocean across the LowereMiddle Pleistocene boundary; it is therefore a suitable candidate to become the GSSP for the Middle Pleistocene.
Geomorphology, 2012
This paper addresses the influence of sea level changes on the stratigraphy and basal topography of latest Pleistocene-Holocene incised valley fill of the Arakawa and Menuma Lowlands in central Japan by using sedimentary drill cores and columnar geologic sections. In the study area, four buried fluvial terrace surfaces (I to IV) formed in response to sea-level fall during the last glacial period. Surface III is covered with As-YP tephra (15-16.5 ka) and extends at least 65 km landward from the present mouth of the Arakawa River. A buried valley named surface V that extends from at least 85 km upstream from the present river mouth to about 120 m below present sea level on the continental slope was incised in response to the sea-level lowstand of the Last Glacial Maximum. The incised valley fill can be divided into three units: unit A (gravelly river channel sediments including valley-bottom gravels), unit B (fluvial sediments), and unit C (marine sediments), which intertongues within unit B and pinches out up to 60 km upstream from the present river mouth. Unit C marks the landward limit of Holocene transgression. The lower part of unit B is a fining-upward succession formed during rising sea level and indicates retrogressive aggradation of floodplain sediments during transgression, whereas the upper part of unit B was formed during a sea-level highstand. The floodplain migrated more than 85 km upstream from the modern shoreline in response to sea-level rise until the middle Holocene and extends over several tens of kilometers beyond the landward limit of the Holocene marine transgression.
Sedimentary Geology, 2003
Kikai-jima (Kikai Island) is surrounded by four Holocene raised coral reef terraces, which are thought to be an offlapping sequence of reef deposits caused by combined effects of seismic uplift and Holocene sea-level change. Many studies in this region have investigated ...
Sedimentology, 2007
This study documents lowering of the surf zone (i.e. the upper shoreface) leading to intra-shoreface erosion, following two rapid relative sea-level falls along a tectonically uplifted coast during the Holocene, and the characteristics of the resultant prograding shoreface deposits. These findings are based on high-resolution analysis and radiocarbon dating of three new drill cores obtained from the Kujukuri strand plain, Pacific coast of eastern Japan, combined with previously published borehole data and information on modern shoreline profile adjustments. A shallowing-upward sandy succession composed of lower and upper shoreface facies, foreshore and backshore facies was recognized in the drill cores. Two rapid falls in relative sea-level at 2AE3 to 2AE6 and 1AE8 to 2AE0 ka are recorded by downstepping of the base of the foreshore facies, and farther seawards by the lowering of an erosional boundary between the upper and lower shoreface facies. Superimposed bed profiles of an adjacent modern beach define an envelope, the base of which reflects shore-normal migration of longshore bars and troughs. The base of the envelope represents an erosional surface that divides the surface mobile layer above from preserved deposits beneath. The surface is concave upwards and steeper than the mean beach profile, and exhibits a flat platform approximately at the lower limit of the upper shoreface equating to the storm surf zone. The seaward transition of this surface, rather than the mean equilibrium profile, controls the metre-scale to decimetre-scale internal structure of the Kujukuri shoreface deposits. Depositional models for sea-level fall based on an exponential equilibrium profile do not adequately account for the presence and migration of longshore bars and troughs.
Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), 2010
This article provides an overview of papers collected in the special issue titled "Geotectonic Evolution of the Japanese Islands under New Paradigms of the Next Generation (Part I-III) " for international readers. Research on the geologic evolution of the Japanese Islands started from the geotectonic subdivision with definitions of elements and boundaries in the late 19th century. Traditionally, some remarkable faults, such as Median Tectonic Line (MTL) , Fossa magna, and Tanakura Tectonic Line (TTL) , were regarded as the most important; however, these apparent features were in fact formed during the Miocene opening of the Japan Sea, whereas the major structures of Japan were made by the Pacific-type orogenies throughout the Phanerozoic after the initiation of subduction at 520 Ma (the Cambrian). Marine geophysicists have realized that the formation of accretionary complex (AC) along modern active subduction zones is rather exceptional; instead, tectonic erosion takes place dominantly. The estimated addition rate of juvenile arc crust (composed of tonalite-tronjemite-granodiorite suite; TTG) is negative at present for the entire globe, i.e., the total volume of the continental crust is currently decreasing. This indicates that tectonic erosion must also have occurred effectively in the past, and that its geological remnants need to be investigated carefully. A possible proxy geologic body for ancient tectonic erosion is a serpentinite mélange, which often includes calc-alkaline volcanics and coeval high-P/T blueschists within serpentinite matrices as shown in the geology of Japan. The largescale shortening of a fore-arc crust can occur solely due to tectonic erosion, which may involve more than 150 km-wide areas of missing rocks between volcanic arc and trench. The sporadic occurrence of tectonic blocks of older (520-150 Ma)TTG rocks in serpentinite mélange indicates that four arc crusts, out of the five made by Pacific-type orogeny in Japan during the past 500 million years, have already been consumed. The Pacific-type orogeny was revisited after recent critical discoveries of; (1) orogenic core of high-P/T regional metamorphic belt as a thin (< 2 km) solid high-T intrusion, bounded on the top and bottom by a paired fault; (2) rapid increase of 200-300 km-wide TTG belt formed by slab-melting; (3) these culminated with an approaching mid-oceanic ridge, associated with large-scale tectonic erosion; and (4) formation of an AC after ridge subduction and doming up of a sandwiched set of high-P belt
Geoarchaeology-an International Journal, 2009
In order to better understand modern human behavioral variability in Hokkaido, Japan, we consider the geoarchaeology of the Kamihoronai-Moi site in terms of its geochronology, stratigraphy, depositional environments, and post-depositional disturbances. A Paleolithic component is stratigraphically situated between the Eniwa-a (15,000–17,000 14C yr B.P.) and the Tarumae-d (8000–9000 14C yr B.P.) tephras. Moreover, six AMS 14C ages on charcoal from a Pleistocene-aged hearth feature are between 14,400 and 14,800 14C yr B.P. Quantitative examinations of patterns in artifact distributions show a low degree of vertical and horizontal displacement of chipped-stone artifacts, suggesting that post-depositional movement of the cultural material was insufficient to disrupt the original pattern of artifact distribution. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The Holocene
Rebun Island with Hamanaka and Funadomari among the 43 documented archaeological sites and the environmental archive stored in the Lake Kushu sediment proves to be one of the key areas to study the interplay between ecology, climate and human activities. This paper focuses on the potential of palaeobotanical records from Rebun Island for improving the chronological control and understanding of late Quaternary climate changes and habitation environments of northern hunter-gatherers in the Hokkaido Region of Japan. A set of 57 radiocarbon dates of the RK12 core (Lake Kushu) demonstrates that it represents a continuous environmental archive covering the last c. 17,000 years. The RK12 pollen record reflects distinct vegetation changes associated with the onset of the lateglacial warming about 15,000 cal. yr BP and the cold climate reversal after c. 13,000 cal. yr BP. The onset of the current Holocene interglacial after c. 11,700 cal. yr BP is marked by a major spread of trees. The middl...
The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu), 1991
Recent progress in Holocene sea-level studies and studies on coastal evolution in Japan are reviewed. Several studies recorded either a slight fall or slow rise of sea-level in the early Holocene, and some studies recognized minor regressions after the culmination of rapid postglacial transgression. Coastal landforms have changed remarkably during the Holocene. Many drowned valleys were formed in the middle Holocene, and the coast lines in Japan were very rugged at the time. Various types of coastal evolution have been reported in numerous studies. Some of the studies were carried out as cooperative research using a variety of research techniques.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Based on diatom, aquatic pollen and non-pollen palynomorph (NPP), lake sediment microfacies, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses we define three main phases of lake basin development including a marshy phase (ca. 16,600-9400 cal. yr BP), lagoon phase (ca. 9400-5900 cal. yr BP) and freshwater lake phase (since ca. 5900 cal. yr BP). Marine influence on the lake system linked to global sea-level rise and the Holocene marine transgression reached a maximum between ca. 8000 and 6000 cal. yr BP. An increase of Aulacoseira subarctica at 5530 cal. yr BP marks the end of the Holocene Thermal Optimum (i.e. onset of Middle Holocene cooling) in the study region. Our results further suggest that freshwater Lake Kushu had a significant effect on the initial habitation of Rebun Island by sedentary hunter-gatherer populations. The reconstructed onset of stable freshwater conditions (ca. 5100 cal. yr BP) coincided with the appearance of the earliest permanent settlements during the Middle Jomon culture phase (ca. 5000-4000 cal. yr BP). On the other hand, there is evidence for human-induced changes in the limnological conditions. This includes enhanced sediment and nutrient input into Lake Kushu resulting in high eutrophication levels that caused strongly reduced diatom productivity and enhanced green algae growth, which can be attributed to human activities apparently associated with the Okhotsk (ca. 1450-950 cal. yr BP) and Classic Ainu (ca. 350-100 cal. yr BP) culture periods.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 1996
Mid-to late-Holocene sea-level variations have been obtained at sites along the west coast of Kyushu, Japan. Sealevel observations for this relatively stable area are very important for evaluating the crustal tilting associated with the hydro-isostatic adjustment due to the last deglaciation, and for examining the cause of underwater Jomon sites (submerged archeological sites during the Jomon period of mid-Holocene) typically observed in this region. For these purposes, we conducted systematic boring samplings at sites from Goto Island to Tamana along the latitude of about 33°N. Then we performed diatom assemblage and pyrite-sulfur analyses of these sediment samples and 14C datings for intertidal shells in order to get the sea-level variations for these sites. Observations at Tsumizu faced to Oomura Bay with tidal range of 0.9 m show a sea-level high-stand of 1 m at about 5500 yr B.P. (years before present) followed by smoothly falling to the present level. Evidences for sea-level oscillation of greater than 50 cm have not been found here. Relative sea-levels at about 5000 yr B.P. are, however,-2 m at Goto Island (125 km west of Tsumizu) and 2 m at Tamana (50 km east of Tsumizu). Thus observations at sites along the traverse from Goto Island to Tamana are indicative of crustal tilting of about ~3-4 m for the distance of 175 kin, which seems to be consistent with the prediction caused by the hydro-isostatic adjustment.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 1982
This paper deduces late Holocene eustatic sea-level changes from 14C dates and present elevations of almost all Holocene raised coral reefs in the Ryukyu Islands (an active island arc), without the assumption of a constant uplift rate. Stable relative sea levels are restored by using sea-level indicators, such as raised coral reef terraces, fossil coral, wave-cut notches, and beach rock. The oldest and the youngest 14C ages of calcium carbonate fossils, collected from a depositional terrace~urface, show their formative period. When all relative sea-level changes of thirteen islands are compared, the Ryukyu Islands form three groups according to the oldest age in the formative period of the Holocene raised reef terraces in each island, that is 6500 yr B.P., 5000 yr B.P., and 3500 yr B.P. The youngest of the terrace-formative periods in the three island groups correspond with each other. One eustasy explains the seismic upheaval and the formative process of the terrace~urfaces of the three island groups. The eustatic sea-level trend in the Ryukyu Islands can be summarized as follows. From 6500 to 3500 yr B.P., the sea level continued to rise generally. Around 6500 yr B.P., 5000 to 3500 yr B.P., and 3500 to 1700 yr B.P., the rates of sea-level rise became slower. The sea level between 3500 and 1700 yr B.P. was stable and it has been the highest in the Holocene. At that time its height was less than 1.0 m above the present sea level. The Holocene uplift rate of each island is estimated to be half to three times as great as that of the last 125 000 years. The uplift.rates of the three island groups in the late Holocene are inferred to have been decreasing exponentially. The crustal movement and the distribution of raised coral reefs are further discussed here.
Quaternary International, 2003
Eighteen metres of laminated sediments were recovered in a Holocene sediment core taken from Lake Tougou-ike in 1992. The lamination, evident from the alternation of light-and dark-coloured laminae, records cyclic deposition of biochemical sediments. Annual environmental changes in and around the lake caused seasonal variations in sediment flux to the lake floor, explaining these cyclic variations in sedimentary facies. AMS 14 C dating of organic remains from 40 horizons in the succession supports the interpretation of each light-to-dark couplet as an annual increment. Each laminated couplet is identified as a non-glacial varve, formed mainly by seasonal changes in diatom productivity. Varve counting and 14 C dating provide a detailed Holocene chronological framework, with time resolution on the order of individual years, within which to reconstruct paleoenvironmental changes recorded in the sediment core. Holocene relative sea-level changes at Lake Tougou-ike were estimated with 710 yr precision using the variable authigenic iron mineral content of the sediment as a proxy. The results demonstrate that the relative sea level at Lake Tougou-ike rose abruptly at about 8900, 7700, 5600, 4000, 3600 and 2700 cal yr BP, and decreased gradually in the intervening intervals. These relative rises in sea level are demonstrated to be coeval with ice-sheet discharge events recorded in sediment cores from the North Atlantic Ocean. Abrupt coastal environmental changes caused by sea-level changes likely took place throughout the Japanese islands, and will probably be identified in both the Holocene and the last glacial interval, the latter being a time when Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles were clearly active in the North Atlantic region.
Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2010
The present study is based on the sedimentological data from a piston core KCES1 off the southern Ulleung Basin margin, the East Sea (Sea of Japan). The data include sediment color (L*), X-ray radiographs, grain size distribution and AMS14C date. Four kinds of sediments (homogeneous, laminated, crudely laminated and hybrid sediments) are identified according to the characters of the sedimentary structures that were considered to reflect changes in bottom-water oxygenation. Alternations of dark laminated/crudely laminated sediments and light homogeneous sediments represent millennial-scale variations that are possibly associated with the high-resolution changes in the East Asian monsoon (EAM). The relative contributions of the East China Sea Coastal Water (ECSCW) and the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) were likely the main reasons for the repetition of the anoxic and oxic depositional conditions in the East Sea since the last 48 ka BP. During the interstadial, the strengthen summer EAM was attributed to the expansion of the ECSCW because of more humid climate in central Asia, and then more strongly low-salinity, nutrient-enriched water was introduced into the East Sea. The ventilation of deep water was restricted and therefore the dark laminated layer deposited under the anoxic bottom water condition. During the lowest stand of sea level in the last glacial maximum (LGM), the isolated East Sea dominated by stratified water masses and the euxinic depositional environment formed. The homogenous sediments have been predominating since 17.5 ka BP indicating that the TWC has intruded into the East Sea gradually with the stepwise rise of sea level and the bottom water oxygen level was high. During the late Younger Dryas (YD) period, the last dark laminated layer deposited because the ventilation of bottom water was restricted by stronger summer EAM. The TWC strengthened and the bottom water became oxic again from 10.5 ka BP.
The Kanto Plain is the tectonically active setting of the Tokyo metropolitan area. It is characterized by widespread uplands, consisting of Pleistocene fluvial, marine sediment, tephra layers, and narrow lowlands filled with thick Holocene alluvium. This landscape owes its origin to the interaction of basin-forming movements, eustasy, erosion, and sedimentation during the Quaternary Period. Marine transgressions in marine isotope stages (MIS) 11, 9, and 5.5 repeatedly overlapped the land, producing Paleo Tokyo Bay, with its wide mouth facing the Pacific Ocean to the east. In contrast, the Holocene (MIS 1) marine transgression was limited to the river valleys incised since MIS 4, and instead of Paleo Tokyo Bay, Modern Tokyo Bay has appeared. Modern Tokyo Bay, which opens to the south, resulted from the combination of: (1) a lower sea level in MIS 1 than in MIS 5.5; (2) tectonic uplift of the Kanto Plain, especially the east side; and (3) the accumulation of fluvial sediment and tephr...
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