Positioning pensions for the twenty-first century



wing franion of the U.S. population is beginning lO contemplate iLS future ill retiremel1l with alarm. In this ,"o)ume we take a critical look at huw t:fft:rtin~I~' pd\"ate and puhlif pensions will contribute to the flllure of retirement well-being. make careful Hote of ,,"here they h~"'e slicceeded and failed on:r the last se\'t~ral decades, and highlight emerging and promising pension innovations. In addition. we examine public policY de'"e!opments ailecting pensions and point to issues in the-pension policy arena likely to he of grm\'ing concern over the next decarie. Several issues frame the discussion. In the Unit.ed States. lack of pro-rlllcti\;ty growth combined with resistance lO higher taxes is forcing recognition of the Social Securit~• system's pending insoh'ency (along with that 01' other go\'crnment-prO\ided retirement benefits), In turn. this is focusing renewed attention on company pensions, \\irh experts asking ho\\" to position these emplu~lllent-basedhenelit plans more effectively !O meetlhe challenges oflhe next se\'eral decades, Critical reforms must soon be enacted ,dth respect LO how pensions are otIered, managed, and regulated in the Cnited States-ill order to build on their strengths and I'enify thcir \\'caknesses. In recent~'ears there has also been a lremendolls change in the pension environment. with new pensions being created primarily of the defined contrihution or-1-01 (k) type. Defined lx:ncfit plans. scen in the past d~the righl plan for the majority of the workforce. arc losing ground and losing popularity. '•\11ether this shift is desirahle is a matter of great debate: some participants as well as plan sponsor!' expres!" concern that defined contributiun plans will undermine retirement income security" By cuntrast. other anal~"sts see defined cont1;butioll plans Cl.'5 ideall~' suited