Uniform dynamic self-stabilizing leader election

1997, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems


A distributed system is self-stabilizing if it can be started in any possible global state. Once started the system regains its consistency by itself, without any kind of outside intervention. The self-stabilization property makes the system tolerant to faults in which processors exhibit a faulty behavior for a while and then recover spontaneously in an arbitrary state. When the intermediate period in between one recovery and the next faulty period is long enough, the system stabilizes. A distributed system is uniform if all processors with the same number of neighbors are identical. A distributed system is dynamic if it can tolerate addition or deletion of processors and links without reinitialization. In this work, we study uniform dynamic self-stabilizing protocols for leader election under readwrite atomicity. Our protocols use randomization to break symmetry. The leader election protocol stabilizes in O n D 'log a f time when the number of the processors is unknown and O D' a f, otherwise. Here D denotes the maximal degree of a node, ' denotes the diameter of the graph and n denotes the number of processors in the graph. We introduce self-stabilizing protocols for synchronization that are used as building blocks by the leader-election algorithm. We conclude this work by presenting a simple, uniform, self-stabilizing ranking protocol.