Angel investors and the market for angel investments

1998, Journal of Banking & Finance


The market for angel capital ± where individuals provide risk capital directly to small, private, often start-up ®rms ± operates in almost total obscurity. Very little is known about the market's size, scope, the type of ®rms that raise angel capital, and the types of individuals that provide it. In this paper I present evidence on the angel market gathered from my ®eld research which has involved interviews with more than a dozen angel investors in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The angel market appears to be a very heterogeneous and localized market. With that quali®cation in mind, I present some common characteristics of the angels I interviewed, and how they select and monitor their investments. I pay particular attention to how they address adverse selection and moral hazard problems. I compare their behavior with venture capital limited partnerships in the more formal market for venture capital.