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1991, Progress of Theoretical Physics
12 pages
1 file
Outlining the idea of quaternion non-Abelian gauge formalism and that of the structural symmetry between generalized fields of dyons and gravito-dyons, it is shown that this formulation characterizes the Abelian and non-Abelian structure of dyons in terms of pure real and imaginary unit quaternions. Extending this formalism to the case of gravito-dyons it has been shown that pure imaginary unit quaternions advocate the curvature in the theory of gravito-dyons and hence the SL(2, c) gauge group of gravitation plays the same role as that of SU(2) gauge group does in non-Abelian gauge theory. Furthermore, we have unified the theories of electromagnetism and gravitation in terms of single parameter a by means of quaternion-gauge formalism and the corresponding field equations have also been derived ina unique and consistent way.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Theory, 2006
Starting with the generalized potentials, currents, field tensors and electromagnetic vector fields of dyons as the complex complex quantities with real and imaginary counter parts as electric and magnetic constituents, we have established the electromagnetic duality for various fields and equations of motion associated with dyons in consistent way. It has been shown that the manifestly covariant forms of generalized field equations and equation of motion of dyons are invariant under duality transformations. Quaternionic formulation for generalized fields of dyons are developed and corresponding field equations are derived in compact and simpler manner. Supersymmetric gauge theories are accordingly reviewed to discuss the behaviour of dualities associated with BPS mass formula of dyons in terms of supersymmetric charges. Consequently, the higher dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories for N=2 and N=4 supersymmetries are analysed over the fields of complex and quaternions respectiv...
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The quaternionic formulation of generalized field equations of the field associated with dyons has been developed and it has been shown that the quaternionie generalized field equations are unique and consistent ones which reproduce the usual clectrodynamics in thc absence of magnetic charge on dyons.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2011
Postulating the existence of magnetic monopole in electromagnetism and Heavisidian monopoles in gravitational interactions, a unified theory of gravi-electromagnetism has been developed on generalizing the Schwinger-Zwanziger formulation of dyon to quaternion in simple and consistent manner. Starting with the four Lorentz like forces on different charges, we have generalized the Schwinger-Zwanziger quantization parameters in order to obtain the angular momentum for unified fields of dyons and gravito-dyons (i.e. Gravi-electromagnetism). Taking the unified charge as quaternion, we have reformulated manifestly covariant and consistent theory for the dynamics of four charges namely electric, magnetic, gravitational and Heavisidian associated with gravi electromagnetism.
The quaternions are first hyper-complex numbers, having four-dimensional structure, which may be useful to express the 4-dimensional theory of dyons carrying both electric and magnetic charges. Keeping in mind t’Hooft’s monopole solutions and the fact that despite the potential importance of massive monopole, we discuss a connection between quaternionic complex field, to the generalized electromagnetic field equations of massive dyons. Starting with the Euclidean space-time structure and two four-components theory of dyons, we represent the generalized charge, potential, field and current source in quaternion form with real and imaginary part of electric and magnetic constituents of dyons. We have established the quaternionic formulation of generalized complex-electromagnetic fields equations, generalized Proca-Maxwell’s (GPM) equations and potential wave equations for massive dyons. Thus, the quaternion formulation be adopted in a better way to understand the explanation of complex...
In this paper, we use four-dimensional quaternionic algebra to describing space-time geometry in curvature form. The transformation relations of a quaternionic variable are established with the help of basis transformations of quaternion algebra. We deduced the quaternionic covariant derivative that explains how the quaternion components vary with scalar and vector fields. The quaternionic metric tensor and geodesic equation are also discussed to describing the quaternionic line element in curved space-time. Moreover, we discussed an expression for the Riemannian Christoffel curvature tensor in terms of the quaternionic metric tensor. We have deduced the quaternionic Einstein’s field-like equation which shows an equivalence between quaternionic matter and geometry.
Arxiv preprint hep-th/0607212, 2006
Abstract: Superluminal electromagnetic fields of dyons are described in T^{4}-space and Quaternion formulation of various quantum equations is derived. It is shown that on passing from subluminal to superluminal realm via quaternion the theory of dyons becomes the ...
Analysis of covariant derivatives of vectors in quaternion (Q-) spaces performed using Q-unit spinor-splitting technique and use of SL(2C)-invariance of quaternion multiplication reveals close connexion of Q-geometry objects and Yang-Mills (YM) field principle characteristics. In particular, it is shown that Q-connexion (with quaternion non-metricity) and related curvature of 4 dimensional (4D) space-times with 3D Q-space sections are formally equivalent to respectively YM-field potential and strength, traditionally emerging from the minimal action assumption. Plausible links between YM field equation and Klein-Gordon equation, in particular via its known isomorphism with Duffin-Kemmer equation, are also discussed.
Canadian Journal of Physics, 2018
In this study, we describe a novel approach to quantum phenomena of the generalized electromagnetic fields of dyons with quaternionic analysis. Starting with quaternionic quantum wave equations, we have established a quantized condition for time coordinate that transforms microscopic to macroscopic fields. In view of the classical electromagnetic field equations, we propose a new set of quantized Proca–Maxwell’s equations for dyons. Furthermore, a quantized form of four-current densities and the quantized Lorentz gauge conditions for electric and magnetic potentials, respectively, of dyons are obtained. We have established the new quantized continuity equations for electric and magnetic densities of dyons, which are associated with a torque density result from the two spin states. The quantized Klein–Gordon-like field equations and the unified quaternionic electromagnetic potential wave equations for massive dyons are demonstrated. Moreover, we investigate the quaternionic quantized...
CP 6065, 13081-970 Campinas (SP) Brasil deleo/
Universe, 2019
By using complex quaternion, which is the system of quaternion representation extended to complex numbers, we show that the laws of electromagnetism can be expressed much more simply and concisely. We also derive the quaternion representation of rotations and boosts from the spinor representation of Lorentz group. It is suggested that the imaginary “i” should be attached to the spatial coordinates, and observe that the complex conjugate of quaternion representation is exactly equal to parity inversion of all physical quantities in the quaternion. We also show that using quaternion is directly linked to the two-spinor formalism. Finally, we discuss meanings of quaternion, octonion and sedenion in physics as n-fold rotation.
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Annals of Physics, 1980
Annals of Physics, 1980
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1982
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1982
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2021
The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 2008
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics, 2019
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2021
arXiv (Cornell University), 2014