Arbeitsschlüssel zur Bestimmung der Polychaeten der Ostsee

1985, Mitteilungen Aus Dem Museum Fur Naturkunde in Berlin Zoologisches Museum Und Institut Fur Spezielle Zoologie

An identification key for the polychaetes of the Baltic Sea is presented in this contribution. It comprises all species (a total of 117) that have been mentioned in the available literature as having been found in the region fro'm Kiel Bight to the northern and eastern parts of the Baltic. The most important taxonomical characters of these polychaetes are illustrated (393 figures on 45 plates). An attempt has also been made to take into account the meristic features of the polychaetes occurring under brackish water conditions in the Baltic. A brief diagnosis is given for all Baltic species, together with an outline of their distribution and ecology.