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The book explores the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teacher education, emphasizing the importance of preparing future educators to effectively utilize ICT in their teaching practices. Initiated from research at the university of Jönköping, the contributions stem from an international conference aimed at sharing strategies and experiences from different cultural and demographic contexts regarding ICT in education. The work highlights the challenges facing teacher education in adapting to the rapid evolution of technology and the need for innovative approaches to better prepare teachers for the demands of modern educational environments.
Not very long ago, about fifteen years or so ago, just talking about the use of computers and information and communication technology (ICT) in education would make many teachers feel uncomfortable. Many feared these machines would replace them, and others believed they would mechanise human thought and relationships. Today, the situation is somewhat different and, some teachers are more enthusiastic than others. The current problem isn't the introduction of ICT in schools but how and for what purpose. We all know that a great number of teacher training schools, and also some primary and secondary schools, still don't use information and communication technology. There is no need to mention some causes because we all can think of some.The main problem is not to find answers to the how's but to find reasons to justify the use of ICT. Reasons that provide a good purpose for our efforts to learn as well as to use them in our daily personal and professional lives. As we all have surely noticed, new technology, as any other technology, bring new problems while little contributing to solving the old problems. Why? As they have appeared in answer too new economic and social needs, they demand new infrastructures, along with new ways of thinking and organising school as well as learning and training. Research has shown that ICT as an adds-on to existing practices is not an effective strategy. New technology must be placed in stimulating learning environments. There is also the
Education and technology are in separable in modern world. Education needs technology and technology needs educated persons. The world is changing very fast; new frontiers of knowledge are being added with passage of time. The latest developments in the field of energy, environment, communication etc. are to be included in the frontline curriculum. Few years ago technology has become an important part of education and providing fruitful base make teaching learning process joyful but still a huge gap between curricular stipulations and their implementation. Now the time has come when the teacher educators will have to learn how to be co-learner with the trainees. Naturally the trainees will also cultivate the habits of learning the areas of frontline curriculum. ICT has become an integral part of schooling process. The school curriculum has to gear up to challenges of ICT, accordingly the teacher education programmes should also respond to the changes brought through ICT. The pre-service and inservice programmes should be aimed to train prospective teachers to use ICT competently and making teaching learning process a joy.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are a major factor in shaping the new global economy and producing rapid changes in society. Educational systems around the world are under increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to teach students the knowledge and skills they need in the 21st century. The UNESCO World Education Teacher education institutions may either assume a leadership role in the transformation of education or be left behind in the swirl of rapid technological change. For education to reap the full benefits of ICTs in learning,
Despite years of attention, and the presentation in the literature of many successful teacher training efforts, the problem of preparing teachers to effectively integrate the use of ICT in their teaching is still am open one. The variety of proposals emerged during the past decades differ widely from each other not only for the kind of content and activities suggested, but also for what aspects are identified as key points. This paper analyses how the research has tackled, over the years, the relationship between ICT and teacher preparation. Based on a wide analysis of the literature, we attempt to characterise the different approaches encountered, in order to spot the main points addressed and see if it is possible to conceal them in a general teacher preparation framework. Far from being complete, this analysis aims to give a contribution towards the construction of such a framework.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are a major factor in shaping the new global economy and producing rapid changes in society. Within the past decade, the new ICT tools have fundamentally changed the way people communicate. They have produced significant changes in the field of Teacher Education and the roles of students and teachers in the learning process. This paper explores the possibilities of use of Information and communication technologies in the process of admission, regular classes, lesson planning, micro-teaching, teaching practice and coordination board in Teacher Education programme.
International Journal of recent scientific research. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 13, Issue, 06 (B), pp. 1504-1508, June, 2022 , 2022
The central objective of the study is to understand the nexus between ICT and Teacher Education. The specific objectives are: Why ICT Matters in Teacher education; Significance of ICT in the Contemporary era. What are the uses of ICT in teacher education and to highlight the role and relevance of ICT in teacher education? Teacher education is seen as a continuous process, beginning with a phase of initial training and continues throughout the teacher’s professional life through regular and sustained periods of their services. In the present era of information and technology, education system has changed to a greater extent which has made teaching learning processes much easier than earlier times. The complex teacher student relationship has become much easier even if more demanding in terms of learning through the computer aided learning techniques and methods. The latest technology of computer aided techniques has lessened the burden of teachers and has made learning easy and skillful. The use of ICT in teacher education has made teachers to improve their knowledge and understanding of subjects they have to teach, pedagogy and understanding of children and their needs and development of skills. UNESCO 2005 has reported that institutions of teacher education play a vital role in global education community and have the potential to shape the knowledge and skill of future generations if these institutions are aided by recent information and communication technologies.
Introduction Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) exemplified by the internet and interactive multimedia are obviously an important focus for future education and need to be effectively integrated into formal teaching and learning – especially in a teacher education institution. Yet ICT integration is not as easy in practice as it sometimes appears in theory or policy – hence an adequate recognition and support of relevant needs is crucial. The overview below condenses the points of two distinct 'discussion papers' developed out of discussions with colleagues [see links below to access full copies of these – Richards, 2003a; 2003b] which aimed to productively encourage further discussion about requirements, possibilities and implications of ICT integration in education not only at the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) but also worldwide. The first part identifies common misunderstandings often held externally by students, management and colleagues in other departments. The second part focuses on the common dilemmas faced internally by those of us trying to achieve an effective integration of ICT in teaching and learning. At issue here is the question of how ICT represents an important key to the harnessing the powerful implications of new learning models and opportunities (and vice versa). 'ICTs in education' is a specialized discipline in its own right, but it also represents an across-the-curriculum medium and everyday 'literacy' needing to be embraced by all teachers and their students. In short, a convergent model needs to be recognized and adequately supported to harness the powerful educational implications of ICTs.
conventional perspectives, where teacher education was appraised in conjugation with ICT.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavor within business and governance. Education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with learners. The use of ICT in education lends itself to more student-centered learning settings. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important and this importance will continue to grow and develop in the 21st century.. ICT helps in improving the quality of education stating that information and communication technology is an important instrument that can transfer the present isolated, teacher- centered and book-centered learning environment into a student –centered environment. ICT can change the traditional concept of learning process and the components of ICT should be integrated in the education program me in such a way that teaching should be enabled to face the new demands and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education at all levels in both formal and non-formal settings. Thus, we must accept the new paradigm and technology in teaching learning process. Educational institutions need to develop strategies, plan to improve teaching-learning process and ensure that all teachers are well prepared to use the new tools for learning. The emergence of the knowledge-based society is changing the global status of education .Now; it is the time to develop a new knowledge-based global society.
Seminar on Quality Assurance in teacher Education – Issues & Concerns, held at Dept. of Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad., 2009
In recent years, rapid technological and economic developments have brought about significant changes in societies and their associated markets. leading to the emergence of knowledge societies and economies. In this context. teachers need to take on new roles and develop new abilities in order to provide students with the guidance required in learning the skills required for the 21st century world: Technological literacy Information literacy Media creativity Global literacy Literacy with responsibility. Using ICT to increase the quality of education. support inclusive education. provide equal educational opportunities to disadvantaged and marginalised groups and communities. and bridge the digital divide. Smart boards. Jaws software. Braille computers. virtuous mouse. speech to text conversion software and the like are few examples in this direction.
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