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2017, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2016)
North Sumatra is a richly multi-ethnic province is made up of dozens of ethnic groups, both indigenous to the province and migrants or their descendants. Overall, groups indigenous to the province make up about 36 percent; the rest are migrants where the majority of them are Javanese. Although the city famous pluralism and openness, as well as money politics is rampant, primordialism sometimes a factor in local politics. In the mayoral election in 2010 in the city of Medan, for example, although most of the city's Muslims recently that Rahudman Harahap background questionable when it comes to honesty, there is a campaign that is very powerful and effective way to mobilize their support behind him, given that his rival in the second round mayor race is Sofyan Tan, an ethnic Chinese and Buddhist. Ethnic Chinese and, to a lesser extent, non-Muslims also rallied behind Tan, though not so openly (Aspinall, Warburton and Dettman 2011). As stressed throughout this paper, the choice of a system of Proportional Representation (PR) lists open intensive level of competition between the candidates, especially between candidates of the same party. One interesting result, in the field as in many other parts of the country, is the high level of turnover positions: for DPRD Medan for example, only 30 per cent of the successful candidates were established. Patronage is important, though it comes in many forms-not just the distribution of individual gifts and cash, but also long-term social assistance program that the candidate has in some cases been providing for years. As a result, it tends to only the wealthiest candidates-those who have significant personal assets they have, or can borrow or take donations from relatives or rich sponsorswhich has a strong chance of victory. Only a few candidates entered the political rivalry with clear ideas on development policies or government programs.
Reform toward open-list elections in Indonesia has transformed the nature of campaigning to become more personalized. This has raised questions regarding the role of money in elections and calls for stricter campaign finance regulation. However, the merits of limits on campaign finance depend on whether and how campaign finance affects incumbents and challengers differently. Literature on this issue has produced ambiguous results, with only few studies conducted in a developing country democracy. This study estimates the effect of campaign money, along with other factors including list position and incumbency status, on the probability of a candidate being elected in the 2014 legislative election in Indonesia. Our econometric estimations confirm that campaign money effectively raises the probability of candidates being elected. The probability of getting elected will increase up to approximately 5 percentage points for each additional IDR 100 million of campaign money. Campaign mone...
Democratization, 2017
Press. 472 pages. ISBN-13: 978-9814722049. Paperback, $34.00. Edward Aspinall and Mada Sukmajati (eds.). 2016. "Unity in diversity" "from Sabang to Merauke"-if the two slogans that represent Indonesia's heterogeneity and geographical reach have become clich es, forgive me for combining the two to describe the fascinating edited volume Electoral Dynamics in Indonesia: Money Politics, Patronage and Clientism at the Grassroots by Edward Aspinall and Mada Sukmajati. The volume certainly comes very close to covering Indonesia's geographic expanse, although Eastern Indonesia gets short shrift as Sumatra and Java comprise the bulk of the cases, but the first slogan is certainly manifest in Electoral Dynamics. It is an exploration of two aspects of patronage in the Indonesian electoral system-the diversity of its implementation throughout the archipelago as well as its "unity," so to speak, in its persistence among victors and losers alike. Toward this end, several research teams examined 22 legislative elections in 2014 with an eye to studying patron-client ties. After a description of the volume's research goals and a discussion of the Indonesian party system, varieties of patronage and descriptions of mobilization networks, the case studies begin. Since the onset of democratization and the messiness that comes with it, Indonesian voters have many different parties to choose from (although among these parties there is little ideological diversity) and many opportunities for patronage windfalls at election time. "Success teams" are tasked with distributing patronage, and, as the book points out, voters are savvy enough to occasionally take the goods or benefit from broader patronage programs such as assistance to sports clubs and other community projects, or promises of development, without delivering a vote-in short, free riding. At the same time, authors argue that cultural norms of reciprocity or obligation may factor into a party's success as it is bolstered by kinship or ethnic relations, a common village heritage, or religious ties. Mostly absent from the analysis are connections to structural, institutional, or cultural approaches to the study of democracy and democratization. Francis Fukuyama receives a nod in the discussion of culture, but the examples are predominantly straightforward narratives of the campaigns and results. The volume, nevertheless, provides ample case studies for others to dissect, with an eye on these theoretical approaches. Lest one think that Indonesian politics is simply about delivering cash, goods or other benefits to (potential) constituents, the volume describes the strategies
NOMOI Law Review, 2021
Political money are a forms of abuse, p olitik money can be done by granting the form of money or goods such as food to the people in order for them to vote for the party concerned a tau may also mean vote-buying in the political process and power and the act of handing out money either privately or by a party to influence the voter's vote. The method used in this paper is normative juridical legal research. In Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections Article 1 point 1 that Elections are a means of people's sovereignty to elect members of the DPR, DPD members, the President and vicepresident and to elect members of the DPRD which are carried out directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly. in the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Thus, elections are an important means for the people in the life of the state, namely by electing their representatives who in turn will control the wheels of government. However, in reality, few people are aware of the importance of the community's role in elections. As a result, it is difficult to prove the practice of money politics , thus making the candidates who will be elected freely practice money politics with the aim of getting the most votes in the implementation of the election .
Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs, 2016
Press. 472 pages. ISBN-13: 978-9814722049. Paperback, $34.00. Edward Aspinall and Mada Sukmajati (eds.). 2016. "Unity in diversity" "from Sabang to Merauke"-if the two slogans that represent Indonesia's heterogeneity and geographical reach have become clich es, forgive me for combining the two to describe the fascinating edited volume Electoral Dynamics in Indonesia: Money Politics, Patronage and Clientism at the Grassroots by Edward Aspinall and Mada Sukmajati. The volume certainly comes very close to covering Indonesia's geographic expanse, although Eastern Indonesia gets short shrift as Sumatra and Java comprise the bulk of the cases, but the first slogan is certainly manifest in Electoral Dynamics. It is an exploration of two aspects of patronage in the Indonesian electoral system-the diversity of its implementation throughout the archipelago as well as its "unity," so to speak, in its persistence among victors and losers alike. Toward this end, several research teams examined 22 legislative elections in 2014 with an eye to studying patron-client ties. After a description of the volume's research goals and a discussion of the Indonesian party system, varieties of patronage and descriptions of mobilization networks, the case studies begin. Since the onset of democratization and the messiness that comes with it, Indonesian voters have many different parties to choose from (although among these parties there is little ideological diversity) and many opportunities for patronage windfalls at election time. "Success teams" are tasked with distributing patronage, and, as the book points out, voters are savvy enough to occasionally take the goods or benefit from broader patronage programs such as assistance to sports clubs and other community projects, or promises of development, without delivering a vote-in short, free riding. At the same time, authors argue that cultural norms of reciprocity or obligation may factor into a party's success as it is bolstered by kinship or ethnic relations, a common village heritage, or religious ties. Mostly absent from the analysis are connections to structural, institutional, or cultural approaches to the study of democracy and democratization. Francis Fukuyama receives a nod in the discussion of culture, but the examples are predominantly straightforward narratives of the campaigns and results. The volume, nevertheless, provides ample case studies for others to dissect, with an eye on these theoretical approaches. Lest one think that Indonesian politics is simply about delivering cash, goods or other benefits to (potential) constituents, the volume describes the strategies
International Journal of Research in Community Service, 2022
In political contestation, the issue of poverty is still considered effective because it can be felt directly by the community. The contestants' use of poverty data for certain political purposes will make the sympathy of many people and prove to be able to gain people's votes because they feel represented. In the process, the contestants, both incumbent and opposition, will look for loopholes in each of their campaign programs regarding poverty suppression. On the other hand, our political contestation event is also still being polluted by the practice of money politics. The wide gap in economic inequality will trigger the practice of money politics. This practice is increasingly widespread by the presence of the rich elite as material givers and voters who are below the poverty line as recipients. Those who receive money sometimes do not really think about the consequences that will be received, such as bribery and vote buying which are clearly against the law, because the most important thing for them is to get money and be able to fulfill their needs. In this case, money politics is also growing and there are many kinds, not only in the form of money but those who carry out this practice will bandage it so that it is not too visible, such as by providing assistance, rewards, and material or other valuable things as well as by promising something. later inserted when campaigning by candidates or campaign teams in political contestations. To discuss these problems, the author uses a qualitative method through a literature study, namely collecting and analyzing data using various relevant references on poverty and money politics. This paper will explain about the existence of political-economic transactions in political contestation, the causal factors, the relationship between poverty and money politics, as well as efforts to prevent money politics in political contestation, which are explained through a poverty perspective.
Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 2010
This paper is based on my personal experience as a voter, citizen and supporter of candidates for the 2007 National Election in Papua New Guinea. Since the period of colonial era many developing countries have witnessed changes in political and leadership patterns and have interpreted them in their own ways. The paper is focused on two areas. Firstly, the roles of the "money-people" to give-and-take, and at the same time make political alliance to bring people under their influence. This role has been emerged from "traditional big-man" behaviour in Melanesian society. Secondly, the research looks at the impact of give-and-take and the mentality of "you give me money" and "I give my votes" on politicians that has developed among rural voters. It is unfortunate, but many rural voters think that a candidate must give in order to get votes from the people. For many rural voters, they believe they must make money during elections. Some people are, for example, so fed up with voting and they literally demand to be paid for their votes. The unfortunate expectation that candidates will host big feasts and deliver goods during elections has also made the people expect candidates to demand payments. The final outcome of this might as well be that politics will be left to the money-people and those who have the resource. For those who do not have the resources, forget politics. A further outcome will be that the candidates who have the means can simply buy their votes, which leads to bribery and or undue influence. One can argue that this is not bribery and undue influence, but the emerging tradition of the money-people being applied to gaining influence and winning followers.
Varia Justicia, 2022
In Indonesia, there are still people who are registered as permanent voters but have not exercised their voting rights. This study aims to analyze people's preferences in the implementation of simultaneous regional head elections in Ternate City, as well as the efforts made by the General Election Supervisory Agency to suppress the practice of money politics in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections in Ternate City. This research used the anthropological approach which studied the behavior or preferences of society during the simultaneous election of regional heads in Ternate City. This study used a sociological research method, where the author carried out direct observations or research in the field to obtain accurate data to answer the research problems. Results showed that voters in Ternate City tend to become irrational voters during simultaneous regional head elections and most respondents (40%) stated that they chose candidate pairs based on cash compensation, projects, and positions. Then, the General Election Supervisory Agency makes efforts to suppress money politics in the 2014 Simultaneous Regional Head Election in Ternate City by applying the participatory monitoring movement.
This study aims to undestand the influence of money politics to voting behaviours in Enrekang local election 2013. This topic is interesting because there were many money politics practiced during the election. Money was used as tool. To influence political behaviours of the voters during the campaign. Giving presents in the forms of cash, goods, political pledges were used to win the contestation. Due to the money politics practices, as described in the background, the author attempted to answer the research question: “How are the influences of money politics to voting behaviours in the Enrekang local election 2013 ?” The theory used to answer in the question is money in the political contestation, the existence of money democracy party arena, as described by political scientists. Besides this research using voting behavioral theory with sociological, psychological, rational choice as supporting theories factors approach. This study uses quantitative analys, while using sield survey as research survey as research method. Besides, the recearchr conducted interview to sather more deef information. The data were taken primary and secondary. Data gathering teorique undertaken by questionaires, interviews, and documentations study. The unit of analysis of the research the voters, where using multi stage random sampling as the sampling technique, and the number of responden were 276. Money politics practices involved all socio-economi sesments of the society. The practices invated by a candidate had trigger the others to do the same. However, en though the practices existed in the entine, regency, not all voters influenced by the aimstance. There are some area where the voters preter to a a candidate who either orisivaely from the some, village or districts, based on the candidater’s vision and mission, personalty, programs, personal relationship, team relation, or the candidate’s ability in program solving. More oves, in general, money politics tend to influence political behaviors. In some to the area most important factors for the voters to sine their vote. More oves, in saveral money politics tent to influence political behavior. In some area, money had became the most important factor to be considered to give votes. The result of regresion test of money politics rational voting behaviors is 0,429 with significansy value 0,05. If the money politics value increases by 1, the voting behaviors value increases by 0,261, with is the influence of money politics to voting behaviors is 26,1%. Keywords: Enrekang local election, money politics, voting bihavioral
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
This study explores and discusses the phenomenon of a single candidate in the local leaders’ election or Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, in 2018. The study is motivated by the phenomenon of a single candidate in the local leaders’ election. In Deli Serdang, the local leaders’ election should have a multi-candidate pattern, either independent or 3-4 political party candidates. This study has focused on the mechanism of the emergence of a single candidate. According to Dahl, the theoretical approach is the candidacy mechanism, and according to Norris, the significance of the right to vote. The study was conducted qualitatively with an ongoing explorative, independent, and case-oriented study approach. The data collected through in-depth interviews with nine key informants consisting of the Political Party Branch Management Board or Dewan Pimpinan Cabang (DPC), the General Elections Commission or Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), the Electi...
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (ICSPS 2017), 2018
General election is one of the indicators of democratization alongside the other values of democracy. Beside presidential election, the general local election was also held in Indonesia under the Law No. 32/2004 of Local Government. Adding to that, the government also composed the Law No.22/2007 about the implementation of the general election. The increasing number of civic participation in the local election can be seen from the comparison between the number of voters in 2012 election and the 2017 election. Despite the higher public engagement, money politics has been a prominent phenomenon in several election at the district level. Election Monitoring Institution (or in Indonesia known as Bawaslu) found that there are 600 cases of money politics from 101 districts in Indonesia, including the one happened in Jakarta. Regarding these matters, Edward Aspinal used the concept of patronage and clientelism which observe the significant benefits within political elite to distribute something in the form of money or other things to their constituent to get political support. Clientelism encompasses the reciprocal, hierarchical, the repetitional aspects.The society tends to think in a pragmatic way in addressing this issue. During the 2017 local election in Jakarta, the solution that was used to solve money politic issue was by continuously improving the political literacy for the society, especially for the political elites. Receiving money, things or services from the elite that would be exchanged by political right of constituent will break the high values of democratization.
e-Journal Universitas Tribuana Kalabahi, 2018
This paper discusses the politics of money in elections. The study was focused on two issues, namely political mapping money and solutions to overcome the problem of money politics in the elections. The method used in this study is a research participation. Researchers became a major factor in this study. The locus of this research is Mangkang Wetan Village as an urbanized area. The result of money politics mapping consists of (1) the mode of money politics; (2) a political cause money; and (3) as a result of money politics. While the solution to prevent money politics consists of (1) a moratorium on money politics; (2) socialization; (3) political education; (4) changes in legislation; (5) joint movement; (6) Khutbah and religious counseling.
Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), 2019
The phenomenon of the proliferation of political practices of kinship networking in Indonesia in the reform era has attracted the authors to conduct the research. It, theoretically, has the potential to endanger democracy due to the different treatment for competing political actors' opportunities, as well as undermine the party's internal mechanisms in recruiting candidates for public officials. The location of this research is Banten Province, where the phenomenon of kinship is very massive happened. The aims of the research are to explore: (1) the history of political dynastic involvement in Local Elections, (2) the factors drive the political dynasty actors to enter the political sphere; (3) the background of the political dynasties involved in the Local Election; (4) the function of political party recruitment in the Local Election, and (5) the instruments are utilized by political dynasty's candidates in the Local Election. The type of research is qualitative, using FGD, interview, and documentation study for collecting data, which will be analyzed using the triangulation method. The results show that democratization and decentralization policy have been the key point for the actors of political kinship network to involve. In addition, The mastery of the economic base became the main driver of the dynastic political actors, so that most of the actors were entrepreneurs. Meanwhile the functions of the party in recruitment are ineffective. Finally, the instruments frequently used by the political kinship network actors are money politics, kinship networks, and the use of mass organizations as a means of voters mobilization Keywords-political kinship network; local election; Banten I. INTRODUCTION Elections are often positioned as the main precondition of democracy due to its close relationship. Obviously, there is no democratic country that does not run elections on a regular basis. Elections become links that help to realize the idea of Government of the people, by the people and for the people as the normative meaning of democracy. Not just as an arena to express the freedom of the people in electing their leaders, elections are also a mechanism to appreciate the performance of leaders. Through elections, voters are able to assess whether the elected government and or elected representative institutions will be deserved to be re-elected or even need to be replaced due to their lack of capacity to execute the mandate of the people. No wonder if elections occupy a central position in a democratic order. Unfortunately, in many consolidating democracies elections are often hijacked and used as instruments of personal and/or group interests. One of the phenomena that is often considered to plow democracy is the existence of dynastic politics or kinship network. If the former pure political dynasty depended particularly on the status of nobility and politics, then the recent political dynasty plays over the arena of democracy. It proved that the dynasty was able to fight in any political weather. Political dynasty actors will continue to play in any political system because their glue is access to state resources. Dynasties can live in both authoritarian and democratic systems (Muhtadi, 2013). Many political dynasties and kinship networks in Indonesia use the election to rule, as is the case in Banten and South Sulawesi. The facts above show that the political network of kinship will not be destroyed only because of legal regulation. Sociological and historical factors become important, especially since there will be other networks ready to replace the dynastic outcast. One thing that can guarantee a fair competition in politics (or business) is if the bureaucracy that guards the political selection process (or economy) is professional, transparent and accountable (Vishnu, 2013). Pablo Querubin (2011: 2) defines the political dynasty as' a form of long elite mastery when a family or some monopolizes political power. Instead, he linked political dynasties in the Philippines in the framework of democracy, and so he criticized the policy of job restrictions that still had a gap for the political dynasty to remain in power. Querubin also attributed the continuity of political dynasties in the Philippines to the effects of incumbency. Various politically motivated killings in the Philippines witness how the political dynasty used various means to perpetuate its power by utilizing the existence of elections. Family descendants of politicians generally believe that public office is a birthright and is inherited (Tuazon, 2013). But in many countries, the political dynasty is legalized through the election process.
International Journal of Business, Law, and Education
Elections for Village Heads, Regional Heads, Legislative Elections and General Elections in Indonesia should be carried out without being coloured by political money fraud, because of the dangers of political money for a clean democratic process ahead of the election of village heads, regional heads, legislative elections and general elections in Indonesia 2024, to achieve that power and victory, they used all kinds of methods. And that power will later be used to recover losses due to money politics. For this reason, Money Politics is considered a serious crime in the world of politics that must be fought and eliminated together. Money politics is the biggest enemy of democracy and is a 'bogey' that is familiar with holding elections in Indonesia. In the implementation of post-reform elections, money politics is a violation that is always in the spotlight. Uniquely, both election participants and the public are both involved in money politics circles. To fight the practice ...
The most crucial issue of money politics in the election is the high cost of contestation borne by candidates in the election process. The study's objective is to analyze the causes of high political costs in regional head elections in Indonesia and the steps to reform the regional election system in the future. The study used a qualitative-descriptive method with a desk study technique, namely examining data sourced from literature and regulations and those related to the elections. The study found that political costs are high in regional head elections because, first, oligarchs control political parties because of the party's power to recruit candidates. In practice, recruiting candidates by political parties and coalitions of political parties are closed, elitist, and undemocratic. Party elites or oligarchs have the power to select and determine candidate pairs to fight in the regional elections. The nomination of candidates is not an arena for contesting capacities and ...
Asia-Pacific Journal of Elections and Democracy
How do oligarchs finance local elections, and what motivates their involvement? This study aims to examine the involvement of oligarchs in funding elections campaigns in Central Sulawesi. The research design uses case studies. This study found that oligarchs were, directly and indirectly, involved in local election activities. They become part of candidates’ campaign teams, finance political activities, play a role in issuing parties’ recommendations, mobilise mass campaigns, pay political consultants, control public opinion, distribute social assistance and design political parties coalitions. The involvement of oligarchs in local election activities is motivated by their desire to promote political parties in Central Sulawesi and the interests of running a business. This orientation of growing political parties is more dominant in influencing oligarchs to be involved in local elections, rather than the orientation of maintaining their business continuity. This finding shows that t...
This article seeks to expose incumbents' tendencies and strategies in using charitable alms (zakat) in regional elections in two areas. Strategies identified include determining binding regulations regarding the use of zakat money, as well as the positioning of persons considered loyal and strategic to incumbents within the leadership structures of zakat institutions. Meanwhile, incumbents worked to integrate and interconnect government programmes with local zakat distribution agencies and attracting public sympathies through the sharing of zakat funds. Incumbents benefit from their power and legitimacy, and can thus easily use zakat funds as an economic resource for gathering the support of zakat recipients (mustahiq 3). With their power and legitimacy, incumbents are able to claim credit and thus enjoy greater popularity in their re-election campaigns. This power and legitimacy, as well as its benefits, are managed strategically and intelligently to avoid giving the impression of illegality and ease social acceptance. The findings of this research are opposite to those of Samantha May; where May has found that state dominance and control of zakat has met widespread resistance, this research has found that state dominance and control of zakat has not only been well-received by society, but has also had implications for politicians' role in zakat management and distribution. This research, conducted through observation and interviews with zakat distributors/recipients, indicates how clientelism is formed through the government zakat distribution agency (Badan Amil Zakat, 'Zakat Distribution Agency'), the structural/instrumental approaches used by incumbents, and the response of zakat recipients. This article takes two elections in two regions as case studies: Kulon Progo in the 2017 regional election and Magelang Regency in the 2013 regional election.
European journal of social sciences, 2020
This study examined and analysed the election expenditures incurred by local candidates during the latest 2013 village level election in Guadalupe, Cebu City, Philippines. The study also assessed the capability of Guadalupe village election candidates to run and win elections taking into account their income, campaign funds and incurred expenditures. A descriptive survey research design was employed in the study through one-on-one interviews with identified respondents. Secondary data substantiated the primary information generated from the research respondents. Findings revealed that campaign funds of election candidates are too high compared to the average income of ordinary village residents. In effect, only 15 candidates ran for election in Guadalupe village out of 33,000 registered voters. Ordinary aspiring candidate could not afford to raise the huge campaign needed funds. Because of limited income, Guadalupe residents aspiring to run in the local election were not able to tak...
Political parties in Indonesia and in other parts of Southeast Asia have become vitally dependent on the financial support of individuals or conglomerates with large private fortunes. A remarkable new development is that some of the billion-aires who have long sponsored political parties have decided to out themselves as political leaders, and thus to adopt the style of oligarchs. I define an oligarchy as a society featuring systematic conflation of political and economic power within the same individuals or within small, elite groups of such individuals in a manner that is visible, tolerated and hence legitimated. The gradual shift from clandestine money politics to open oligarchy is a significant challenge for contemporary liberal democracies. Conflicts of interest between the demands of public office and their private interests would seem difficult to avoid for politicians who also run large business empires and own great estates. On the other hand, for billionaire sponsors of political parties to come forward and stand for public office personally also means that their hitherto clandestine influence is becoming more transparent, and their conduct and decisions more subject to public scrutiny and accountability. This article describes how both direct and indirect ways of conducting money politics operate and coexist within different types of political parties in Indonesia today, and what the significance of these differences is and what is changing; with special reference to the 2014 parliamentary elections in Indonesia.
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