Complexities of Career Development

2006, The Eagle Feather


The purpose of this research is to explore the increasing role of career development services and career counselors in today's increasingly diverse and complex career environment. In addition to the review of the existing literature in this area, original interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of career counseling professionals in the Career Counseling Center at the University of North Texas. Interviews were conducted with four career development specialists as well as the director and assistant director of the center. The first major finding of the research is that the career counseling services are under-utilized by the students are UNT, which is ironic since the cost of using these services is included in student fees. Second, students tend to misunderstand the purpose of career counseling. Many believe incorrectly that the careercounseling specialist will choose their careers for them, when in reality, the purpose of career counseling is to help the clients discover their career paths for themselves using the tools resources the counseling center can provide.