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The 1999 Tennessee General Assembly passed into law several acts that affect Tennessee municipalities. This Hot Topic summarizes some of these acts. However, do not rely solely on these summ aries before giving advice or taking action. Refer to the act itself. MT AS will publish the complete 1999 Tennessee Public Acts next month.
Users of this publication are cautioned that much judgment is involved in determining which Public Acts to summarize and how to summarize them. Before taking action or giving advice based upon any Public Act summarized here, one should consult the act itself and not rely on the summary.
The Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) was created in 1949 by the state legislature to enhance the quality of government in Tennessee municipalities. An agency of the University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service, MTAS works in cooperation with the Tennessee Municipal League and affiliated organizations to assist municipal officials. By sharing information, responding to client requests, and anticipating the ever-changing municipal government environment, MTAS promotes better local government and helps cities develop and sustain effective management and leadership. MTAS offers assistance in areas such as accounting and finance, administration and personnel, fire, public works, law, ordinance codification, and wastewater management. MTAS houses a comprehensive library and publishes scores of documents annually. MTAS provides one copy of our publications free of charge to each Tennessee municipality, county and department of state and federal government. There is a $10 charge for additional copies of "Tennessee Public Acts 2007." Photocopying of this publication in small quantities for educational purposes is encouraged. For permission to copy and distribute large quantities, please contact the MTAS Knoxville office at (865) 974-0411.
The Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) was created in 1949 by the state legislature to enhance the quality of government in Tennessee municipalities. An agency of the University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service, MTAS works in cooperation with the Tennessee Municipal League and affiliated organizations to assist municipal officials. By sharing information, responding to client requests, and anticipating the ever-changing municipal government environment, MTAS promotes better local government and helps cities develop and sustain effective management and leadership. MTAS offers assistance in areas such as accounting and finance, administration and personnel, fire, public works, law, ordinance codification, and wastewater management. MTAS houses a comprehensive library and publishes scores of documents annually. MTAS provides one copy of our publications free of charge to each Tennessee municipality, county and department of state and federal government. There is a $10 charge for additional copies of "Tennessee Public Acts 2004." Photocopying of this publication in small quantities for educational purposes is encouraged. For permission to copy and distribute large quantities, please contact the MTAS Knoxville office at (865) 974-0411.
Alcoholic Beverages Chapter No. 64 (SB1477/HB1207). Serving alcoholic beverages at certain speedway. Amends T.C.A. § § 57-4-101 and 102 to allow alcoholic beverages to be served on the premises of a speedway in Wilson County. Amends T.C.A. § 57-4-301(b)(i) to require the speedway to pay an annual state tax of $1,000, thereby allowing the county and municipality, if the speedway is located in a municipality, to levy a similar tax.
Chapter No. 48 (SB 31/HB 65). Recorder certification-exemption for certified public accountants. Amends T.C.A. § 6-54-120(b) to exempt certified public accountants from recorder certification requirements.
Alcoholic Beverages Chapter No. 672 (SB 3127/HB 2853). Retail liquor licensees-holding opened containers of unmarketable product and sales demonstrations. Amends T.C.A. § § 57-3-404(h) and 406(f) to allow retail liquor licensees to hold open containers of damaged or unmarketable product to return to the wholesaler or for sales demonstrations. Allows wholesalers and retailers to conduct sales demonstrations on the premises of retail establishments and to give free samples to permitted employees of the retailer for consumption on the premises. No one other than wholesalers or their representatives, retailers, and permitted employees may be present at these demonstrations.
The 1987 Tennessee Legislature passed three distinct pieces of legislation that will affect the way a municipality provides services outside its corporate limits or receives services inside its corporate limits from another local government. Following is a brief synopsis of each act: Local Government Emergency Assistance Act of 1987, Chapter 155, Public Acts of 1987, This Act authorizes any municipa. lity or other local governmental entity to go outside of its local jurisdiction in response to a request for emergency assistance by another local government. It does not create a duty to respond to or to stay at the scene of an emergency outside its jurisdiction.
This act requires utilities that are relocating because of a state highway project to make monthly progress reports to the state Department of Transportation and to other affected utility owners. Reports made at pre-construction meetings between the contractor and the Department will be sufficient to meet this requirement even if the meetings are not held on a monthly basis. Effective date: April 24, 2002.
MTAS operates in cooperation with the Tennessee Municipal League in providing technical assistance services to officials of Tennessee's incorporated municipalities. Assistance is offered in areas such as accounting, administration, finance, public works, ordinance codification, and wastewater management. Each MTAS MUNICIPAL LAW REPORT provides an in-depth analysis, discussion, or review of a legal issue of interest to Ten nessee municipal officials. The LAW REPORTS are free to Ten nessee local, state, and federal government officials and are available to others for $15.00 each. Contact MTAS for a list of recent LAW REPORTS.
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