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1985, The Western journal of medicine
Acromegaly typically presents with elevated growth hormone levels, yet rare cases exist where patients exhibit normal growth hormone concentrations. This report describes three cases of patients with classical acromegalic features but normal serum growth hormone levels. Despite the absence of elevated growth hormone, two patients had identifiable pituitary adenomas, while one patient displayed a normal pituitary gland upon examination. Clinical implications suggest that normal growth hormone levels do not exclude the diagnosis of acromegaly and further investigation may be warranted in such cases.
Endocrine Reviews, 1998
The Journal of Pediatrics, 1997
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1996
Clinical Chemistry, 2006
concentrations during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). A nadir value <1 g/L is commonly used to define a normal response, but some authors suggest lower cutoff values. Methods: To compare the results and subsequent patient classification obtained with 3 GH assays, we obtained basal serum samples from 78 apparently healthy adult controls (43 women and 35 men; median age, 32.5 years) and from 71 treated (44 women and 27 men; median age, 55.2 years) and 7 untreated acromegaly patients (4 women and 3 men; median age, 54.6 years), and OGTT was performed on all patients and on 72 of the 78 controls. GH was determined by 2 immunometric assays-a double monoclonal (AutoDELFIA; Wallac) and a monopolyclonal (Immulite 2000; DPC) assay-and in a limited set of samples by an RIA (Spectria RIA; Orion). Results: There was a strong correlation (r ؍ 0.995; P <0.001) between the 2 immunometric methods, but the results obtained with the Immulite 2000 were, on average, 1.4-fold higher than those obtained with the AutoDELFIA. At concentrations around the cutoff (1 g/L), however, the difference was ϳ2-fold. Overall, the Orion RIA method also showed a good correlation (r ؍ 0.951-0.959) with the other methods, but it did not measure concentrations <2 g/L. Women had higher basal and OGTT nadir GH concentrations than men. Conclusion: Reference intervals should be determined separately for each method, and the need for establishing sex-specific reference values should be investigated.
Endocrine Practice, 2013
Objective: The purpose of this study was to define an appropriate nadir growth hormone (nGH) cutoff for patients with acromegaly in remission using the Access Ultrasensitive human growth hormone (hGH) assay (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA). Methods: This cross-sectional study included 55 acromegalic subjects and 41 healthy adult volunteers. All subjects underwent oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) for growth hormones (GHs). An optimal cutoff for nGH for patients with active disease versus those in remission was determined using receiver-operating curve analysis. Results: The nGH of 0.53 ng/mL revealed a sensitivity of 97% (95% confidence interval [CI], 83-100%) and a specificity of 100% (95% CI, 82-100%). All 22 patients with acromegaly in remission suppressed GH to <1 ng/mL, 20/22 (91%) suppressed to <0.4 ng/mL, and 19/22 (86%) of subjects suppressed to <0.3 ng/mL (the maximum nGH measured in our healthy volunteer group). Conclusion: When using the Access Ultrasensitive hGH assay for OGTT, a cutoff of 0.53 ng/mL was found to most accurately differentiate patients with acromegaly in remission from those with active disease. (Endocr Pract. 2013;19:937-945) Abbreviations GH = growth hormone; hGH = human growth hormone; IGF-1 = insulin-like growth factor-1; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; nGH = nadir growth hormone; OGTT = oral glucose tolerance testing; ROC = receiver-operating curve; WHO = World Health Organization
Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2000
Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2002
A Elamin, A Tuvemo, Growth Hormone Treatment in Children and Adolescents. 2002; 22(1-2): 47-55 The use of growth hormone (GH) in clinical endocrine practice is in an ever-expanding state, because the beneficial effects of GH in a variety of clinical conditions are increasingly appreciated. Although GH has been used to treat GH-deficient patients for more than 40 years, practical guidelines for GH therapy in children and adolescents have not been available until recently. 1-3 In the past, human GH was extracted from cadaver pituitaries in a tedious procedure and was available in limited quantities. In 1985, however, clinical data indicated that pituitary-derived GH was the likely source of contaminated material (prions), which was responsible for the development of a slowly progressive and fatal neurological disorder known as Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. 4 Consequently, production and distribution of pituitary GH for therapy were discontinued. Biosynthetic GH of recombinant DNA origin with an amino acid sequence identical to that of human GH became available for prescription in the US and Europe in 1986 and is produced commercially now by several laboratories. Current GH preparations contain minimal impurities, are apparently safe, and are available in unlimited supply. These characteristics, in combination with recent scientific enthusiasm, have prompted its use in several conditions for some of which neither efficacy nor safety has been proven. Concurrently, this unprecedented surge in the use of GH in clinical medicine has raised great concerns about the ethical and economical issues of such therapy. 5 The controversy over the absolute and relative indications of GH treatment in clinical endocrine practice will not resolve until more data become available and clear evidence-based recommendations could be made. However, according to the code of safe clinical practice, GH should only be prescribed by endocrinologists and experienced physicians, and GH therapy should be taken seriously. In addition to the high cost, GH injections are painful and serious side effects, although uncommon, do occur. The present article reviews the available evidence in the medical literature regarding the safety and efficacy of GH treatment in children and adolescents, and summarizes the clinical practice guidelines in relation to its approved and experimental uses. Biosynthesis and Genetic Influence Human GH is a 191 amino-acid polypeptide hormone synthesized and secreted by the somatotropes of the anterior pituitary gland. Its larger precursor peptide, pre-somatropin, is also secreted but has no physiologic action. The GH, which is expressed by the fetal pituitary, has little or no physiological actions in the fetus until late in pregnancy due to the lack of functional GH receptors on fetal tissues. During pregnancy, pituitary GH expression in the mother is suppressed and human chorionic somatotropin (hCS), a GH variant expressed by the placenta becomes the predominant GH in the mother by the 20th week of gestation. This placental growth hormone acts in the mother to stimulate the production of insulin-like growth factors and modulate intermediary metabolism, resulting in an increase in the availability of glucose and amino acids to the fetus. However, despite its potent somatogenic activity, the hCS is not released into the fetal circulation and most of the intrauterine growth is influenced by the human placental lactogen (hPL). 6 The human GH and placental hPL gene family, which consists of two GH and three PL genes, is important in the regulation of maternal and fetal metabolism and the growth and development of the fetus. The GH gene (GH-1) is the first in a cluster of five closely related genes on the long arm of chromosome 17 (q22-24). The four other genes have more than 90% sequence identity with GH-1 gene. They consist of the CS1 and CS2 genes, which encode for hCS, a placental GH gene (HG-2), and a partially disabled pseudo-gene (CSP). When the fetal genome lacks the CS1 and CS2 genes, the hCS production is diminished, but fetal growth and postpartum lactation are not affected. 7 The GH-1 gene is expressed in pituitary somatotropes under the control of two hypothalamic hormones. Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) stimulates and somatostatin inhibits GH release. Alternating secretion of
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2001
The relationship between the hypothalamus-pituitary morphology and the somatotroph responsiveness to maximal provocative tests exploring the GH releasable pool is still unclear. We evaluated the GH-releasing effect of GHRH plus arginine (GHRH plus Arg) in 36 patients with congenital GH deficiency (GHD) according to their pituitary magnetic resonance imaging findings, consisting of anterior pituitary hypoplasia, stalk agenesis (neural and or vascular component), and posterior pituitary ectopia. Seventeen children (12 boys and 5 girls, aged 1--5.2 yr) were evaluated at the time of diagnosis of GHD (mean age, 3.6 +/- 1.4 yr), and 19 adults (13 males and 6 females, aged 15.9-28.6 yr) with childhood-onset GHD were reevaluated after completion of GH treatment (at least 6 months of withdrawal) at a mean age of 20.5 +/- 3.5 yr. Eleven children had isolated GHD, and 6 had multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD) whereas 7 adults had isolated GHD, and 12 had MPHD. A residual vascular component of the pituitary stalk was visualized in 7 children and 7 adults with isolated GHD, whereas magnetic resonance imaging showed complete pituitary stalk agenesis (both vascular and neural components) in 10 children and 10 adults, including 16 with MPHD (6 children) and 4 children with isolated GHD. In the children, the median peak GH response to GHRH plus Arg (7.6 microg/L; range, 2.4--40.2 microg/L) was significantly higher than that in the adults (1.8 microg/L; range, 0.8--37.4 microg/L; P = 0.0039); it was also significantly higher in the isolated GHD patients (18 microg/L; range, 3.3--40.2 microg/L) than in those with MPHD (1.9 microg/L; range, 0.8--7.6 microg/L; P = 0.00004). In the patients with residual vascular component of the pituitary stalk the median peak GH responses to GHRH plus Arg (19.1 microg/L; range, 1.6--40.2 microg/L) was significantly higher than that in patients with complete pituitary stalk agenesis (2.2 microg/L; range, 0.8--8.8 microg/L; P = 0.00005). There was a trend toward a decrease with age in peak GH response to GHRH plus ARG: Mean serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels were 36 +/- 7.1 microg/L in the children and 63.5 +/- 22.6 microg/L in the adults (P = 0.0001). The mean IGF-I level did not differ between the children with (35.7 +/- 4.8 microg/L) and those without (36.3 +/- 8.7 microg/L) the pituitary stalk; it was much higher in the adults with residual vascular pituitary stalk (81.1 +/- 17.7 microg/L) than in those with complete pituitary stalk agenesis (47.7 +/- 12.5 microg/L; P = 0.0002). The IGF-I level was 36.1 +/- 6.7 microg/L in the isolated GHD children and 36 +/- 8.6 microg/L in those with MPHD; levels were 82.1 +/- 19.4 and 52.7 +/- 16.8 microg/L respectively, in the adults (P = 0.003). In this study we have confirmed that the partial integrity of the hypothalamic pituitary connections is essential for GHRH plus Arg to express its GH-releasing activity and have shown that this provocative test is able to stimulate GH secretion to a greater extent in those patients with GHD, but with a residual vascular component of the pituitary stalk. This test is reliable in the diagnosis of congenital hypopituitarism in both children and adults when associated with complete pituitary stalk agenesis and MPHD. In younger children with congenital GHD but less severe impairment of the pituitary stalk the GH response to GHRH plus Arg may be within the normal range; deterioration of pituitary GH reserve with a GH response of less than 10 microg/L after 20 yr of age makes this test very sensitive in the diagnosis of adult GHD.
Pituitary, 2010
Growth hormone (GH) measurements are routinely used for important treatment decisions in patients with acromegaly, yet their reliability is affected by numerous factors including assay precision and variability, sampling intensity, and hormone pulsatility. The day-today variation in GH in acromegaly has not been studied. This study quantified the magnitude of day-today GH variability in patients with acromegaly by performing an analysis of previously obtained plasma GH profiles. The analysis was performed at the Michigan Clinical Research Unit at the University of Michigan. A total of nine 48 h Q10 min GH profiles obtained in nine patients with active acromegaly were examined. The study was planned after data collection and analysis was conducted using Altman-Bland methods. Day 1 vs. Day 2 values were examined. 95% confidence intervals of the D2 vs. D1 ratios were calculated on all individual subject data as well as on a single 0800 h GH sample and composite mean data for 2-, 5-, 9-, and 24-h sampling protocols. Confidence interval range was 0.66-1.50 for the 0800 h sample and was similar for all sampling protocols except somewhat more narrow for the 24-h sampling (0.75-1.32). Daily variations in GH levels introduce an additional confounding element when using a single GH level or even daily GH curves to assess a patient's GH milieu. It may have an impact on result interpretation and subsequent treatment decisions especially when GH results are considered borderline.
European Journal of Endocrinology, 2002
Objective: To compare baseline characteristics in adult patients with growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) who had previously been treated for Cushing's disease or acromegaly with data from patients with GHD of other aetiologies. To study the effects of GH therapy in those patients who had completed at least 6 months of GH replacement. Design: Data from a large outcomes research database (KIMS (Pharmacia International Metabolic Database)). Methods: 135 patients were identified with previous Cushing's disease, 40 had had acromegaly, and 1392 had GHD of other aetiologies. The number of additional hormone deficiencies, and the mean age of the patients were similar in the three groups. Similar proportions of patients in each group were treated using surgery, but radiotherapy was used more often in patients with acromegaly than those with other diagnoses. Results: At baseline, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension were significantly higher in the group treated for Cushing's disease, and the prevalence of stroke was significantly higher in the group treated for acromegaly. The incidence of coronary heart disease and claudication were similar in all three groups. Patients treated for Cushing's disease had lower bone mineral density and suffered fractures more often than other GHD adults. Body mass index, waist-hip ratio, serum concentrations of lipids and standard deviation scores of serum concentrations of insulin-like-growth factor-I were similar in the three groups. The dose of GH administered was comparable in the three groups and the effects of GH replacement on waist circumference, blood pressure and quality of life were also similar across the groups. The numbers and types of adverse events reported were not different between the groups. Conclusions: These data suggest that the characteristics of patients in these diagnostic groups depend on the primary disease which resulted in GHD, and that the clinical expression of GHD does not differ between the groups. Patients with previous hypercortisolism showed more long-term effects of their disease, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and fractures. A benefit from GH replacement was evident in patients previously treated for acromegaly and Cushing's disease particularly in relation to quality of life.
European Endocrinology, 2008
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2007
Context: Similar to patients with severe GH deficiency (GHD), those with a more moderate impairment of GH secretion [GH insufficiency (GHI)] have abnormal body composition, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance. Given the inherent problems in the diagnosis of severe GHD, the situation is likely to be even more difficult in individuals with GHI. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the utility of GH stimulation tests and GH-dependent proteins in the diagnosis of GHI. Design: The study was a cross-sectional, case-controlled study. Patients: The study included 31 patients with GHD, 23 with GHI [peak GH 3-7 g/liter (9-21 mU/liter)], and 30 age-and sex-matched controls. Main Outcome Measures: Demographic and biochemical markers of GH status were measured. Results: Nineteen of the patients with GHI (83%) had no additional anterior pituitary hormone deficits. Ten GHI patients showed discordant GH status based on the two GH stimulation tests performed. GH status was defined by the highest peak GH value achieved; in four this was to the insulin tolerance test (ITT), four the arginine test, and two the GHRH-arginine test. In five of the six patients in whom GH status was not defined by the ITT, peak GH levels to the ITT were in the range 2.4-2.9 g/liter. IGF-I values for the GHI adults were significantly lower than the control subjects (121 Ϯ 48 vs. 162 Ϯ 75 g/liter; P Ͻ 0.05); however, only six (26%) had values below the 10th percentile of levels seen in the control group. IGF binding protein-3 and acid labile subunit levels of the GHI adults were not significantly different from the controls. Conclusion: The diagnosis of GHI in an individual is extremely difficult because the patients rarely exhibit additional pituitary hormone deficits, and levels of GH-dependent proteins are normal in the majority. Diagnosis relies heavily on GH stimulation tests and requires two tests in all patients to define GHI; obesity when present is potentially a major confounder.
Metabolism, 1997
The secretion of growth hormone (GH) stimulated by GH-releasing hormone ([GHRH] 100 l~g intravenously [IVlJ was determined in 33 patients with nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenomas before and after transsphenoidal adenomectomy and in 28 controls. Patients who needed substitution therapy for at least one additional pituitary hormone presented with lower GH secretion than the remaining patients with pituitary tumors. However, there was a marked overlap of stimulated GH secretion between these two groups (3.2-+ 4.3 ng/mL and 7.2-+ 6.6 ng/mL, respectively) and between either group with the control group (7.1 _+ 5.5 ng/mL). In an independent investigation, the effect of IV GHRH (100 i~g) on the secretion of GH in seven healthy volunteers was shown to be comparable to that seen during an insulin tolerance test ([11-1"] 0.1 U/kg IV}. Thus, the GHRH stimulation test, a simple and comparatively unharmful procedure, is a useful alternative to the iTr in patients with potential pituitary defects. However, the pronounced overlap of stimulated serum GH concentrations in patients with pituitary macroadenomas and those estimated in healthy subjects and in patients with nonpituitary diseases underlines the difficulty in biochemically defining acquired GH deficiency in adults. We suggest that GH therapy in adults should primarily be instituted in patients with additional defect s in anterior pituitary function.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1987
After completion of treatment with growth hormone (GH) 19 patients with isolated 'idiopathic' GH deficiency and 15 with post-irradiation GH deficiency underwent retesting of GH secretion with an insulin tolerance test or an arginine stimulation test, or both. Patients with post-irradiation GH deficiency comprised 13 patients with central nervous system tumours distant from the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and two with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, who had received cranial or craniospinal irradiation. All 15 patients with post-irradiation GH deficiency remained GH deficient (peak GH response <7 mU/l (n=10) and 7-15 mU/l (n=5)). Of the 19 retested patients with idiopathic GH deficiency, however, five (26%) had peak GH responses of >15 mU/l (regarded now as transient or false idiopathic GH deficiency) and were indistinguishable from the remainder (permanent or true idiopathic GH deficiency, peak GH responses <7 mU/l (n=12) and 7-15 mU/l (n=2)), by pretreatment anthropometry and post-treatment height standard deviation score, but had a lower first year height velocity (mean (SD) velocity 5*6 (0-5) cm/year for false idiopathic deficiency v 8-7 (1-75) cm/year for true idiopathic deficiency, p<O0O1) and height increment on treatment (mean (SD) increment 2*2 (1-5) cm/year for false idiopathic deficiency v 5-2 (2-3) cm/year for true idiopathic deficiency, p<O-05). By current practices two patients with false idiopathic deficiency may have been distinguished by sex steroid priming. Thus post-irradiation GH deficiency seems to be permanent, but errors in diagnosis in idiopathic GH deficiency are common.
Clinical Endocrinology, 1977
European Journal of Endocrinology, 1989
Profiles of plasma GH, plasma somatomedin-C and serum PRL concentrations as well as serum GH response to iv TRH were determined in 11 patients with acromegaly before and 10 days after surgery. Blood for profile determinations was drawn from a peripheral vein with a continuous withdrawal pump changing the recipient tube at 30-min intervals. Before surgery all patients had high plasma GH concentrations with irregular peaks and somatomedin-C concentrations were elevated. The response to TRH was abnormal in 8 patients. Three patients had slightly elevated PRL concentrations and one had high PRL concentration (6900 mU/l). Ten days after surgery GH concentrations were still high in 2 patients (>5 mU/l), as were somatomedin-C concentrations (3.2 and 2.4 U/l, respectively). In 3 patients basal GH concentrations were <5 mU/l and somatomedin-C concentrations were normal, but there were no major peaks in plasma GH concentrations. In 2 patients major peaks in GH concentrations appeared after surgery, but basal GH concentrations were 1.9 and 0.95 mU/l, respectively. One patient with hyperprolactinemia still had slightly elevated PRL concentration (486 mU/l), but the response to
Growth without growth hormone (GH) has occasionally been described in patients with organic pituitary pathology, and even more rarely in patients with idiopathic pituitary hormone deficiency. The mechanism of growth without GH remains a mystery. We describe a 17-year old male who grew 38.5 cm in height over a 7-year period, despite the fact that he had established panhypopituitarism. The hypopituitarism was initially attributed to a presumptive hypothalamic hamartoma which was not, however, confirmed on subsequent and prolonged follow-up. Regular endocrine evaluation confirmed persistent anterior and posterior pituitary hormonal deficiencies with severe concomitant hyperinsulinemia as shown by an exaggerated insulin response to a standard oral glucose tolerance test. In our patient, a postulated mechanism could be the severe hyperinsulinemia, acting either through the insulin and/or IGF receptors and thus potentiating the mitogenic effect. This case illustrates that final height attainment within or above target height may occur in patients with idiopathic pituitary hormonal deficiency despite persistent, severe GH insufficiency.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1999
GH secretion was reevaluated after completion of GH treatment at a mean age of 19.2 Ϯ 3.2 yr in 35 young adults with childhood-onset GH deficiency (GHD). The patients were subdivided into 4 groups according to their first pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings: group I, 11 patients with isolated GHD (IGHD) and normal pituitary volume (280 Ϯ 59.4 mm 3 ); group II, 7 patients with IGHD and small pituitary gland (163.1 Ϯ 24.4 mm 3 ; P ϭ 0.0009 vs. group I); group III, 13 patients (5 with IGHD and 8 with multiple pituitary hormone deficiency) with congenital hypothalamic-pituitary abnormalities such as pituitary hypoplasia (95.8 Ϯ 39.3 mm 3 ; P Ͻ 0.00001 vs. group I and P ϭ 0.003 vs. group II), pituitary stalk agenesis, and posterior pituitary ectopia; and group IV, 4 patients with multiple pituitary hormone deficiency secondary to craniopharyngioma. Pituitary MRI and GH secretory status were reevaluated after GH withdrawal using arginine, insulin induced-hypoglycemia, and sequential arginine-insulin tests. Serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) were determined at the time of retesting and 6, 12, and 24 months after discontinuation of treatment in the patients with permanent GHD and after 6 months in those with normal GH responses to stimulation. The patients in groups I and II showed a normal response to stimulation after completion of GH
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1991
A 31-year-old woman presented in 1985 with a &year history of galactorrhoea and oligomenorrhoea. Clinical examination was normal apart from a superior bitemporal quadrantanopia and expressible galactorrhoea. In particular there were no features of acromegaly. The serum prolactin (PRL) was slightly elevated at 40@l (normal ~2 0 ) and a CT scan showed a pituitary macroadenoma with suprasellar extension. A 4-week trial of bromocriptine 2.5 mg twice daily had no effect upon her galactorrhoea despite prolactin falling to 2 pgA. Growth hormone (GH) remained elevated at 22-30 &I. She was therefore rcferred for surgery. At that time the free thyroxine (T4) was 16pmoUl (normal 13-32) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) 1.0 mull (normal <5), LH 7 IUA (normal 4) and PRL 2 pgh. Basal GH was 30 pgh (normal <5) and did not suppress during an oral glucose tolerance test ). The capacity of the patient's sera to bind iodinated G H was normal
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