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Multi Agent Systems - Strategies and Applications
The world has become a global village as a result of the information tsunami and knowledge explosion being experienced as a result of Information Communication and Technology (ICT). The industrialized nations are miles ahead of the developing countries as a result of the information revolution. Education is a process by which society transmits its values, norms, mores, and ethos to generation yet unborn across time and space. The medium of transmission cuts across formal, non-formal and informal settings. This paper examines the impact/roles of ICT on education as an agent of social transformation and the hindrances of developing countries such as Nigeria in adopting ICT to aid their educational development and transformation of the society. The interconnection between information, ICT and social transformations is succinctly discussed in this paper. Furthermore, the paper examines the relationship between ICT and education and suggests measures that can be taken in adopting the use of ICT in Nigeria as well as the crucial role of government and the educational sector in this regard. The paper concludes that ICT make a significant contribution to the educational development and the social transformation of the Nigerian society.
Crawford Journal of Part-Time Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1 September, 2017
All over the world, every sector is undergoing unparalleled revolution in the application of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and more importantly in the educational sector with great impact in learning. While this is rapidly unfolding, some countries are quick to rake advantage and utilize it for their socio-economic and cultural development. Others are simply lost or are just following the trend without adequate preparation on its impact on their values, culturally, politically and most fundamental educational. Indeed, this paper is intensely probing the impact of ICT on the educational sector, in particular the learning outcomes as it affects the youths. The paper is particularly interrogating on the measures taken by the policy makers to protect the traditional culture and particularly Nigeria as a nation-state in the face of ICT revolution in the educational sector; what efforts or strategies are put in place to protect the Nigerian culture and in particular the learning faculties, abilities and adaptability of the youths. The methodology is basically qualitative drawing on extant researches and comparative studies. The researcher wishes to impress on the authorities, a deliberate policy to integrate the various cultures that make us unique as a people in the development of ICT and learning in Nigeria be it in the classroom, part-time or distant learning. Keywords: Information Communication Technology (ICT), educational sector, Nigerian culture, learning, youth, part-time studies, distant learning
During the last decades, considerable resources have been invested in hardware, software, connections, training and support actions under the scope of improving the quality of teaching and learning. A major tenet of the policies that supported the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education was that they can become catalysts for change. Undoubtedly, some countries have made considerable progress in bringing networked ICT into education and made it possible for teachers and learners to use them on a daily basis. In many other cases, however, implementation policies have not been a consequence of systematic analysis and reflection. As a consequence, we still know little about the impact and effectiveness of ICT in education. To close this gap, this paper will be examining the positive and negative impact of ICT on education.
Over the past three decades and most recently, information and communications technologies (ICTs) have orchestrated obvious fundamental changes in the way mankind organises himself and does his own things, rendering the world into one digital global village. The greatest casualty in the mist of all these changes is the educational system, because the development, acquisition and dissemination of information is central to the educational system. This paper examines the shifting paradigms in the global education arena which is a direct consequence of advances in ICT and makes a strong case for the infusion of ICT into the educational system of Bayelsa State of Nigeria, in order that the state will maximally derive the benefits inherent in the use of ICT.
Educational Research Review, 2009
Information Technology for …, 2010
Education has always played a central role in human development while today the world accepts universal primary education as an achievable goal. Formal schooling for everyone is a relatively recent phenomenon, even when it was less formalized or standardized scientific and technical curiosity help moved mankind from agricultural to the industrial .Now into the knowledge economy know as the ICT. ICTs has been prime as the ''ultimate saviour'' for reaching the millennium development goals but they are more of an enabler. They have the potential to help reach both, but not without reliance on more traditional learning system and technologies. This research related the relationship between an education-centered approach with ICTs, adding tutorial and the efficiency of the educational system in the classroom and beyond.
Though it has been rightly said that what is wrong with education cannot be fixed with technology; there is no doubt that modern life is dominated by technology. There is universal recognition of the need to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education as we enter the era of globalization where the free flow of information via satellite and the internet hold sway in global information dissemination of knowledge. Already, Nigeria is on he wrong side of the international digital divide, as it has not made significant effort to integrate ICT into secondary school curriculum. A great deal of instructional and administrative work in secondary school in Nigeria is still carried out manually. This paper, therefore, examines the major obstacles militating against the use of ICT in secondary education in Nigeria. It identifies he high cost of computer hardware and software; weak infrastructure; lack of human skills and knowledge in ICT, and lack of relevant software appropriate and culturally suitable to Nigeria as the major stumbling block o the adoption of ICT in secondary education in Nigeria. Also, secondary schools in Nigeria are not given adequate funds to provide furniture, relevant textbooks and adequate classroom let alone being given adequate fund for high-tech equipment. At present the cost of subscribing to the Internet is too high for many of the impoverished secondary schools in Nigeria. In modern society, Nigeria needs ICT to aid teaching and learning and educational management. ICT is an instrument for the economic and technological development in the 21st century; therefore, Nigeria cannot afford to be on the wrong side of the digital divide.
During the last decades, considerable resources have been invested in hardware, software, connections, training and support actions under the scope of improving the quality of teaching and learning. A major tenet of the policies that supported the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education was that they can become catalysts for change. Undoubtedly, some countries have made considerable progress in bringing networked ICT into education and made it possible for teachers and learners to use them on a daily basis. In many other cases, however, implementation policies have not been a consequence of systematic analysis and reflection. As a consequence, we still know little about the impact and effectiveness of ICT in education. To close this gap, this paper will be examining the positive and negative impact of ICT on education.
International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences IJIRES, 2018
The paper describes Information and Communication Technology (1CT) in education as a vendor of high efficiency, high productivity, and bigh educational outcomes, including the quality of cognitive, creative aod innovative thinking. The advantages of applying ICT io teachiag and learning have not only led 1o expansion of learning opportuoities thereby making education accessible to much more participants tban erstwhile, but have also facilitated advancing koowledge and skills necessary for effective functioning in the modern world. Besides portraying the various ways in which the use of ICT afMects teachiag and learniog, thereby making ICT central to education in the 21st century, the paper discusses the "knowledge maps" that reveal what is koown about the bene its of lCTs to education, including contrivances that transform cooveD-tional classroom situations into digital forms that make them more exciting and intellectually challenging. Special atiention was given to ICT-based technology or teacher education io the 21 century while proffered recommendations higblight the prospects of overcoming the obstacles confronting the successful use of ICT in Nigerian secondary schools.
In this era of information technology propelled by Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the human race is overtaken by electronic revolution. It is now common place to talk of e-governance, e-government, e-voting, e-banking, e-booking, e-world, e-learning and so on. In this momentous change, the electronic learning is of unique importance to humanity especially in the area of capacity building, research, teaching, and distance learning among others. In the process, educational and research information and materials are speedily transferred or exchanged. Interaction between teachers and students is greatly enhanced; in fact, e-learning has brought unparalleled leverage to education in bridging the divide between the regular-face-to-face education system and the disadvantaged or disabled persons through e-learning and distance learning. ICT, like globalization is anchored on borderlessness, hence, has the capacity to enhance competition between the developed and undeveloped countries. The paper is anchored using descriptive, qualitative method of analysis The result which is the fulcrum of this paper, is that much as e-learning is good, it may portend great danger for African students that have been carried away by the technology and hence become addicted to its negative applications such as downloading assignments, projects and copying same for their school work without any input,; also the downloading of obnoxious and pornographic materials among others. In this way, the students have completely neglected reading or real studying; a situation that has impacted nefariously to their cognitive reasoning such that some students are unable to think on their own again. The paper is probing further the consequences and outcomes of these negative applications of ICT to learning as exhibited by some Nigerian students and the general outcomes on the continent if measures are not put in place to checkmate them. Keywords: ICT, education, distance learning, e-learning, computer, computer-assisted learning
The relationship between Information and Communications Technology (ICT) supported education system and economic development of a developing country has been documented by several studies (Anderson, 2009; Selwood et al, 2003; and Unwin, 2009). ICT can significantly and positively impact the educational and economic landscape of Nigeria if deployed. This paper explores how ICT supported education reforms can have the effect of increasing the efficiency of the economy of Nigeria. It also highlights some of the challenges that need to be addressed to implement a comprehensive ICT reform plan.
Library Philosophy and Practice, 2010
The role of education to the sustainable development of a nation cannot be overemphasized. And the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in facilitating education cannot be overvalued. However, Nigeria as a nation is yet to fully reap the potentials inherits in ICT. This paper analyzes the relevance of ICT to education and the various ways ICT is use in education. The paper went on to proffers ways to reconstruct the ICT education in Nigeria in order to reap its full benefits. This recommendations judiciously followed will significantly improve the ICT education and consequently leads to a sustainable development in the nation.
International Journal of Business, Law, and Education
This article is attempting to comprehend the effects of Information and Communication Technology in the exercises of Adult and Non-Formal and Education. It diagrams various techniques to confer training by using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) apparatuses, developments, and arising patterns. Simultaneously, this text features the benefits accumulated by the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in teaching and learning processes. The effect of Information and Communication Technology on all schooling areas raises difficulties for legislatures, educators and learners. There is a more noteworthy interest for and reception of innovation in training in adult and non-formal education. The realization of the potential of ICTs to improve educational practices is a series of pedagogical and practical challenges. This article considers the issues starting with the basic motivation behind instruction and closes by raising a progression of difficulties...
As the development and deployment of ICT as a powerful tool to live and compete in this ever changing globe continue to grow globally, there is increasing universal recognition of the need for the developing nations to incorporate it into the education system. Nigeria as a nation, is yet to fully adopt ICT in her secondary education system, as a great deal of instructional and administrative work in secondary school in Nigeria is still carried out manually, the chalk and talk method of learning and teaching still dominates the secondary school system. This paper therefore seeks to know the extent of the use of ICT in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria and the factors affecting its adoption. The mixed method approach was used for gathering data for this study. A sample of 16 secondary schools was selected randomly out of the 48 secondary schools in Owerri. Semi-structured interview was used to get data from one teacher each purposively selected from each of the 16 secondary schools. The 16 teachers and 200 students randomly selected from the 16 secondary schools, were also surveyed. The self-designed questionnaire was used to collect pertinent data which were analyzed using SPSS. The findings revealed that ICT has not been fully integrated into the secondary schools as ICT facilities are lacking in most of the schools. Notable challenges of ICT integration include; lack of funds, lack of teaching guidelines and curriculum, non availability of ICT facilities, lack of maintenance and irregular power supply. It is therefore recommended that adequate funds should be made available for the schools and the government should formulate a comprehensive curriculum with a view to incorporating the use of computer and ICT- assisted instruction in the schools. Also, the government should improve the power supply to the schools.
Everywhere in the world, new technologies such as mobile phones, computers, Skype, internet and cybercafés abound. For example, one can find even in remote parts of Nigeria, mobile phones, satellite dishes and mobile phone masts. With so much of life depending on the use of technological gadgets, its usefulness to teaching/learning cannot but be acknowledged. These new technologies are changing society by changing the way we socialise, the way we communicate and the way we learn. That is, it is changing the way students learn and the way teachers teach. There is therefore a pressure on the education system to 'move with the times' in order to have a more result oriented learning and working in the global digital age. If one is to give in to the pressure for change, computers and the new technologies will be popular in schools. This hopefully, will in turn enhance teaching/learning and prepare students for twenty first century education.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2014
The role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education can never be over emphases, as the general standard of education continues to deteriorate; there is a need to look for ways of improving the learning system in the Nigeria educational system. This paper dwelt on the meaning of information and communication technology and education, explain methods and resources used by information and communication technology (ICT) in education. The paper also revealed the benefits and challenges of information and communication technology (ICT) in the educational system of Nigeria. The authors suggested some recommendations for uplifting the standard of education in Nigeria.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2020
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become more of a classroom to all nation in carrying out academic activities. This research work used descriptive research method of analysis. This study was concerned with looking at the significance and hope of nations through the use of ICT in academic development in secondary and university education in Owerri municipal Imo state, Nigeria. Out of the Two hundred and five (205) respondent used for this research from different schools, including teachers the majority of respondents 132 (64.4%) were females and the remaining 73 (35.6%) were males. Their ages were 73 (36 %) for 16-20 years, 61 (30 %) for 10-15 years, 51 (26%) for 20-25 years and 17 (8 %) for 26 years above. All the 205 respondents indicated that ICT is the only hope for distance learning during national pandemic for academic development. The researcher went further to ask the respondents the frequently used ICT software that aids online learning and the highest respond shown that whatsapp (50 %) was the highest used app due to its ability to reduce data consumption followed by Google classroom (24%). They found out that the use of ICT encourage research activities since all information needed for any form of online research is found on the internet. Majority of the respondents strongly agreed that ICT permits online assignment (57.5 %). Communicating high expectations, emphasizing time on task, creating quizzes and exams, immediate feedback mechanisms are major principles underlying teaching. This research can conclude that ICTs are said to help expand approach to education, support the relevance of education to the progressively digital workplace, and raise educational quality.
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