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Numerous researchers have reported success in reasoning about properties of small programs using finite-state verification techniques. We believe, as do most researchers in this area, that in order to scale those initial successes to realistic programs, aggressive abstraction of program data will be necessary. Furthermore, we believe that to make abstractionbased verification usable by non-experts significant tool support will be required.
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '09, 2009
Predicate abstraction is a powerful technique to reduce the state space of a program to a finite and affordable number of states. It produces a conservative over-approximation where concrete states are grouped together according to a given set of predicates. A precise abstraction contains the minimal set of transitions with regards to the predicates, but as a result is computationally expensive. Most model checkers therefore approximate the abstraction to alleviate the computation of the abstract system by trading off precision with cost. However, approximation results in a higher number of refinement iterations, since it can produce more false counterexamples than its precise counterpart. The refinement loop can become prohibitively expensive for large programs.
Proceedings of the 21st …, 1999
cess support for formal methods. Model checkers and other finite-state verification tools allow developers to detect certain kinds of errors automatically.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
To enable scalability and address the needs of real-world software, deductive verification relies on modularization of the target program and decomposition of its requirement specification. In this paper, we present an approach that, given a Java program and a partial requirement specification written using the Java Modeling Language, constructs a semantic slice. In the slice, the parts of the program irrelevant w.r.t. the partial requirements are replaced by an abstraction. The core idea of our approach is to use bounded program verification techniques to guide the construction of these slices. Our approach not only lessens the burden of writing auxiliary specifications (such as loop invariants) but also reduces the number of proof steps needed for verification.
We formulate some research and development challenges that relate what a verifying compiler can verify to the definition and analysis of the application-content of programs, where the analysis comprises both experimental validation and mathematical verification. We also point to a practical framework to deal with theses challenges, namely the Abstract State Machines (ASM) method for high-level system design and analysis.
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2004
We define a model checking technique that applies to a finite state representation of sequential programs. This representation is built by means of an abstraction method which cuts the state explosion by introducing a special symbol, ' , to model 'unknown' variable values. Program properties are expressed by means of a temporal logic, which allow a further abstraction on the basis of the structure of the formulae. The satisfaction of the formulae is checked through a sort of symbolic execution of the programs which may produce a number of false results depending on the number of ' values associated to the variables. Each abstraction produces a different level of incompleteness of the verification result. q
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2007
Expander2 is a flexible multi-purpose workbench for interactive rewriting, verification, constraint solving, flow graph analysis and other procedures that build up proofs or computation sequences. Moreover, tailormade interpreters display terms as two-dimensional structures ranging from trees and rooted graphs to a variety of pictorial representations that include tables, matrices, alignments, partitions, fractals and turtle systems. Proofs and computations performed with Expander2 follow the rules and the semantics of swinging types. Swinging types are based on many-sorted predicate logic and combine constructor-based types with destructor-based (e.g. state-based) ones. The former come as initial term models, the latter as final models consisting of context interpretations. Relation symbols are interpreted as least or greatest solutions of their respective axioms. This paper presents an overview of Expander2 with particular emphasis on the system's prover capabilities. It is an adaptation of [21] to the latest version of Expander2. In particular, proof rules tailor-made for transition rule specifications have been added to the system and are discussed and exemplified here for the first time.
Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing - PODC '96, 1996
We propose a new and practical framework for integrating the behavioral reasoning about distributed systems with model-checking methods. Our proof methods are based on trace abstractions, which relate the behaviors of the program and the speci cation. We show that for nitestate systems such symbolic abstractions can be speci ed conveniently in Monadic Second-Order Logic (M2L). Model-checking is then made possible by the reduction of non-determinism implied by the trace abstraction. Our method has been applied to a recent veri cation problem by Broy and Lamport. We have transcribed their behavioral description of a distributed program into temporal logic and veri ed it against another distributed system without constructing the global program state space. The reasoning is expressed entirely within M2L and is carried out by a decision procedure. Thus M2L is a practical vehicle for handling complex temporal logic speci cations, where formulas decided by a push of a button are as long as 10-15 pages. 1 Introduction This paper is concerned with the speci cation and veri cation of distributed systems. Often, the relationship between a program and a speci cation is expressed in terms of a state-based re nement mapping, see 18] for a survey. Thus, when systems are speci ed by behavioral or temporal constraints, it is necessary rst to nd state-representations. In this process, important information may be lost or misconstrued. Basic Research in Computer Science,
BRICS Report Series, 1995
In [14], we proposed a framework for the automatic verification of reactive<br />systems. Our main tool is a decision procedure, Mona, for Monadic<br />Second-order Logic (M2L) on finite strings. Mona translates a formula in<br />M2L into a finite-state automaton. We show in [14] how traces, i.e. finite<br />executions, and their abstractions can be described behaviorally. These<br />state-less descriptions can be formulated in terms of customized temporal<br />logic operators or idioms.<br />In the present paper, we give a self-contained, introductory account…
Recently, formal methods like model checking or theorem proving have been considered efficient tools for software verification. However, when practically applied, those techniques suffer high complexity cost. Combining static analysis with dynamic checking to deal with this problem has been becoming an emerging trend, which results in the introduction of concolic testing technique and its variations. However, the analysis-based verification techniques always assume the availability of full source code of the verified program, which does not always hold in real life contexts. In this paper, we propose an approach to tackle this problem, where our contributed ideas are (i) combining function specification with control flow analysis to deal with sourcemissing function; (ii) generating self-complete programs from incomplete programs by means of concrete execution, thus making them fully verifiable by model checking; and (iii) developing a constraint-based test-case generation technique to significantly reduce the complexity. Our solution has been proved viable when successfully deployed for checking programming work of students.
This paper presents FLAVERS, a finite state verification approach that analyzes whether concurrent or sequential programs satisfy user-defined correctness properties. In contrast to other finite- state verification techniques, FLAVERS is based on algorithms with low-order polynomial bounds on their running time. FLAVERS achieves this efficiency at the cost of precision. Users, however, can improve the precision of the results by selectively and judiciously incorporating additional semantic information into the analysis problem. The FLAVERS analysis approach has been implemented for programs written in Ada. We report on an empirical study of the performance of applying the FLAVERS/Ada tool set to a collection of multi-tasking Ada programs. This study indicates that sufficient precision for proving program properties can be achieved and that the cost for such analysis grows as a low-order polynomial in the size of the program.
Automated verification tools vary widely in the types of properties they are able to analyze, the complexity of their algorithms, and the amount of necessary user involvement. In this paper we propose a framework for step-wise automatic verification and describe a lightweight scalable program analysis tool that combines abstraction and model checking. The tool guarantees that its True and False answers are sound with respect to the original system.
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2002
Software verification is an important and difficult problem. Many static checking techniques for software require annotations from the programmer in the form of method specifications and loop invariants. This annotation overhead, particularly of loop invariants, is a significant hurdle in the acceptance of static checking. We reduce the annotation burden by inferring loop invariants automatically.
Proceedings of the second …, 1998
Finite-state verification (e.g., model checking) provides a powerful means to detect errors that are often subtle and difficult to reproduce. Nevertheless, the transition of this technology from research to practice has been slow. While there are a number of potential causes for reluctance in adopting such formal methods in practice, we believe that a primary cause rests with the fact that practitioners are unfamiliar with specification processes, notations, and strategies. Recent years have seen growing success in leveraging experience with design and coding patterns.
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2005
Bytecode verification is one of the key security functions of several architectures for mobile and embedded code, including Java, Java Card, and .NET. Over the past few years, its formal correctness has been studied extensively by academia and industry, using general-purpose theorem provers. The objective of our work is to facilitate such endeavors by providing a dedicated environment for establishing the correctness of bytecode verification within a proof assistant. The environment, called Jakarta, exploits a methodology that casts the correctness of bytecode verification relatively to a defensive virtual machine that performs checks at run-time and to an offensive one that does not; it can be summarized as stating that the two machines coincide on programs that pass bytecode verification. Such a methodology has been used successfully to prove the correctness of the Java Card bytecode verifier and may potentially be applied to many similar problems. One definite advantage of the methodology is that it is amenable to automation. Indeed, Jakarta automates the construction of an offensive virtual machine and a bytecode verifier from a defensive machine, and the proofs of correctness of the bytecode verifier. We illustrate the principles of Jakarta on a simple low-level language extended with subroutines and discuss its usefulness to proving the correctness of the Java Card platform.
Finite-state machines (FSMs) are among the oldest models employed in the formalization and analysis of both software and hardware. Owing to their simplicity, there exist various implementations to support their practical application in mainstream programming languages. Through such software libraries, programmers can explicitly define states, events and transitions in order to delegate the machine's execution to an underlying engine. However, as far as we know, no such library provides formal verification capabilities alongside its execution engine. That is to say, once an FSM is defined, the resulting program cannot be used as a formal specification to be subject to formal verification , thereby not making the analytical tractability of FSMs available. Formal verification, if any, is conducted in an independent model separate from the program, thus duplicating the information and creating the possibility of discrepancies between both. In this paper we show how to overcome this limitation. To this end, we present the Verum library, which allows the specification, execution and verification of FSMs in the Ruby language, largely bypassing the need to explicitly employ an additional modeling language. Formal verification is achieved by automatically translating the source program of the FSM into a Timed Automaton (TA) specification for the UPPAAL model checker. To illustrate the value of the approach, we present the industrial problem which inspired the creation of this tool and is currently using it, namely, a payment system. Besides the technical aspects of the tool, a number of practical lessons learned with this application are explored. Although we describe very concrete artifacts and applications, the overall approach is quite general.
Electron. Commun. Eur. Assoc. Softw. Sci. Technol., 2012
We propose an approach to formally verify Plural specifications of concurrent programs based on access permissions and typestates, by model-checking automatically generated abstract state-machines. Our approach captures all possible relevant behaviors of abstract concurrent programs implementing the specification. We describe the formal methodology employed in our technique and provide an example as proof of concept for the state-machine construction rules. We implemented the fully automated algorithm to generate and verify models as a freely available plug-in of the Plural tool, called Pulse. We tested Pulse on the full specification of a Multi Threaded Task Server commercial application and showed that this approach scales well and is efficient in finding errors in specifications that could not be previously detected with the Data Flow Analysis (DFA) capabilities of Plural.
National Technical Infornation Servici U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ' ■ mim mCLAüüIl IED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEfHT,», D.I. Enl.r.rfJ lhe_paper investigates msthods for applying an on-line interactive vtnlication system derigned to prove properties or PASCAL programs. The methodology is intended to provide techniques for developing a debugged and verified version startin,: from a program, that (a) is possibly unfinished in some respects, (b) may not satisfy the given specmcations, e.g., may contain bugs, (c) may have incomplete documentation, (d) may be written in non-standard ways, e.g.. may depend on user-defined data structures. The methodology involves (i) interactive application of a verification condition generator, an algebraic simplifier and a theorem-prcver; Uij techniques for describing data structures, type constraints, and properties of programs and subprograms (i.e. lower level procedures); [Hi the use of (abstract) data types in structuring programs and proofs. Within each unit (i.e. segment of a problem), the interactive use is aimea at reducing verification conditions to manageable proportions so that the non-trivial factors may be analysed. Analysis of verification conditions attempts to localize errors in the program logic, to extend assertions inside the program, to spotlight additional assumptions on program subfunctions (beyond those already specified oy the programmer), and to generate appropriate lemmas that allow a verification to be completed. Methods for structuring correctness proofs are discussed that are similar to those of "structured programming-, A detailed case study of a pattern matching algorithm illustrating the various aspects of the methodology (including the role played by the user) is given. ii UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEfirh»n Oaf« Km.r.dJ " wmm'*^^*'*
Compositional verification and abstraction are the key tech- niques to address the state explosion problem associated with model checking of concurrent software. A promising compositional approach is to prove properties of a system by checking properties of its compo- nents in an assume-guarantee style. This article proposes a framework for performing abstraction and assume-guarantee reasoning of concurrent C code in an incremental and fully automated fashion. The framework uses predicate abstraction to extract and refine finite state models of software and it uses an automata learning algorithm to incrementally construct as- sumptions for the compositional verification of the abstract models. The framework can be instantiated with dierent assume-guarantee rules. We have implemented our approach in the ComFoRT reasoning framework and we show how ComFoRT out-performs several previous software model checking approaches when checking safety properties of non-trivial concurrent programs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1996
In [14], we proposed a framework for the automatic verification of reactive systems. Our main tool is a decision procedure, Mona, for Monadic Second-order Logic (M2L) on finite strings. Mona translates a formula in M2L into a finite-state automaton. We show in [14] how traces, i.e. finite executions, and their abstractions can be described behaviorally. These state-less descriptions can be formulated in terms of customized temporal logic operators or idioms. In the present paper, we give a self-contained, introductory account of our method applied to the RPC-memory specification problem of the 1994 Dagstuhl Seminar on Specification and Refinement of Reactive Systems. The purely behavioral descriptions that we formulate from the informal specifications are formulas that may span 10 pages or more. Such descriptions are a couple of magnitudes larger than usual temporal logic formulas found in the literature on verification. To securely write these formulas, we introduce Fido [16] as a reactive system description language. Fido is designed as a high-level symbolic language for expressing regular properties about recursive data structures. All of our descriptions have been verified automatically by Mona from M2L formulas generated by Fido. Our work shows that complex behaviors of reactive systems can be formulated and reasoned about without explicit state-based programming. With Fido, we can state temporal properties succinctly while enjoying automated analysis and verification. * Previously announced under the title: Using Monadic Second-Order Logic with Finite Domains for Specification and Verification.
Finite-state verification provides software developers with a powerful tool to detect errors. Many different analysis techniques have been proposed and implemented, and the limited amount of empirical data available shows that the performance of these techniques varies enormously from system to system. Before this technology can be transferred from research to practice, the community must provide guidance to developers on which methods are best for different kinds of systems. We describe a substantial case study in which several finite-state verification tools were applied to verify properties of the Chiron user interface system, a real Ada program of substantial size. Our study provides important data comparing these different analysis methods, and points out a number of difficulties in conducting fair comparisons of finite-state verification tools.
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