Selection bias in prenatal care use by Medicaid recipients

2003, Maternal and child health journal


This study examines whether four types of selection bias in estimates of the effectiveness of prenatal care utilization for improving birthweight occur in a population of economically disadvantaged women. We categorized adequacy of prenatal care use using the Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index (APNCU) and the Revised-GINDEX for 142,381 Medicaid recipients who gave birth to a live, singleton infant in Washington State (1994-1998). Multinomial logistic regression was used to model categories of adequacy of prenatal care use as functions of variables chosen to indicate high- or low-risk status. A series of linear regression models were estimated to quantify the magnitude and direction of any bias in the effects of prenatal care on birthweight that could be attributed to accounting for each risk covariate. Results were examined for patterns of risk, prenatal care use, and estimation bias equated with the four selection processes. We found modest evidence of adverse, favorable, ...