Brazilian cooperation for international development 2010



This publication presents the expenditures and institutional arrangements for the execution of Brazilian cooperation for international development (Cobradi) by the federal government in 2010. The public expenditures considered in this report correspond to disbursements made by public officials in carrying out responsibilities assumed in treaties, conventions, agreements, protocols, institutional acts or international commitments. These expenditures refer to the provision of personnel, infrastructure and financial resources, by training individuals and strengthening organizations and institutions abroad; organizing or participating in missions or peacekeeping operations; managing of joint scientific-technological programs and projects with other countries and research institutes; offering humanitarian cooperation; supporting the integration of refugees in national territory; paying contributions and participation shares in international organizations, and official donations, organized by modalities according to prevailing international terminology. The survey of the Union's expenditures with Cobradi was carried out by involving and obtaining the commitment of approximately 91 federal institutions. These institutions made available their records and approved these in electronic form, in a web environment, with the mobilization of approximately 250 public servants and collaborators. Information regarding policy guidelines for international cooperation, obtained through interviews with officials, as well as the use of publications and official documents were also included in the survey of the expenditures and the description of the institutional arrangements.