Female genital cutting in Somaliland: Baseline assessment

SOFHA works in the field of reproductive health in Somaliland as well as all of its crosscutting issues. In Somaliland, there is no issue more interwoven into women's health than FGM/C. SOFHA is determined to see the end of FGM/C in one generation and is working with local and international partners to develop and implement evidenced based interventions. Orchid Project has a vision of a world free from female genital cutting (FGC). Orchid Project was set up in 2011 to pursue this vision and works as a catalyst for change to foster and accelerate the abandonment of FGC. As a UK charity with global reach Orchid Project works through partnering, sharing and advocacy to end FGC worldwide. Population Council confronts critical health and development issues-from stopping the spread of HIV to improving reproductive health and ensuring that young people lead full and productive lives. Through biomedical, social science, and public health research in 50 countries, we work with our partners to deliver solutions that lead to more effective policies, programs, and technologies that improve lives around the world. Established in 1952 and headquartered in New York, the Council is a nongovernmental, non-profit organisation governed by an international board of trustees.