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2011, Engineering with Computers
A method for smoothing hexahedral meshes has been developed. The method consists of two phases. In the first phase, the nodes are moved based on an explicit formulation. A constraint has also been implemented to prevent the deterioration of elements associated with the node being moved. The second phase of the method is optismoothing based on the Nelder-Mead simplex method. The summation of the Jacobian of all the elements sharing a node has been taken as the function to be maximized. The method has been tested on meshes up to 18,305 hexahedral elements and was found to be stable and improved the mesh in about 112.6 s on an Intel Centrino Ò 1.6 GHz, 1 GB RAM machine. The method thus has the advantage of being effective as well as being computationally efficient.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2001
This research work deals with the analysis and test of a normalized-Jacobian metric used as a measure of the quality of all-hexahedral meshes. Instead of element qualities, a measure of node quality was chosen. The chosen metric is a bound for deviation from orthogonality of faces and dihedral angles. We outline the main steps and algorithms of a program that is successful in improving the quality of initially invalid meshes to acceptable levels. For node movements, the program relies on a combination of gradient-driven and simulated annealing techniques. Some examples of the results and speed are also shown.
JSME International Journal Series C, 2005
In this paper, we present a novel method, based on an implementation of quasi-statistical modeling, for improving hexahedral solid mesh. A method for improving meshes by producing elements with a Gaussian (normal) distribution of the mesh quality parameter values is discussed. The main intention is to attain a fairly smooth change from one mesh element to another without creating a significant difference between the shapes of neighboring elements. As regards the initial distribution of the mesh quality parameter values, we assume that after improvement the distribution varies from a rather random distribution to a smoother one, such as a normal distribution. The preliminary choice of the desirable distribution affects the new parameter values modeled by the formula presented here. Our proposed method can be used in a pre-processing stage for subsequent studies (finite element analysis, computer graphics, etc.) by providing better input parameters for these processes. Experimental results are included to demonstrate the functionality of our method.
Adaptive all-hexahedral meshing algorithms have many desirable features. These algorithms provide a mesh that is efficient for analysis by providing a high element density in specific locations, such as areas of high stress gradient or high curvature and reduced mesh density in other areas of less importance. In addition, inside-out hexahedral grid based schemes, using Cartesian structured grids for the base mesh, have shown great promise in accommodating automatic all-hexahedral algorithms. In these algorithms mesh refinement is generally used to capture geometric features.
There are some approaches for all-hexahedral mesh quality improvement by means of node-movement while preserving the connectivity. Among these methods, the most easily implemented and well known one is the Laplacian smoothing method; however, for this method mesh quality improvement is not guaranteed in all cases, and this approach might cause inverted elements especially in concave regions. In this work, a method for the improvement of hexahedral mesh shape-quality without causing inverted elements is proposed; which is based on optimization of an objective function calculated by means of the individual qualities of hexahedral elements in the mesh. The shape-quality for each hexahedral element is defined via the condition number of the relevant element. The numerical optimization scheme is the particle swarm optimization method, which originated from observations related to the social behaviors of bird, insect, or fish colonies. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the applicability of this approach to mesh smoothing. Some examples are given in order to demonstrate the applicability.
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2010
Mesh adaptation methods can improve the efficiency and accuracy of solutions to computational modeling problems. In many applications involving quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes, local modifications which maintain the original element type are desired. For triangle and tetrahedral meshes, effective refinement and coarsening methods that satisfy these criteria are available. Refinement methods for quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes are also available. However, due to the added complexity of maintaining and satisfying constraints in quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh topology, little research has occurred in the area of coarsening or simplification. This paper presents methods to locally coarsen conforming all-quadrilateral and all-hexahedral meshes. The methods presented provide coarsening while maintaining conforming allquadrilateral and all-hexahedral meshes. Additionally, the coarsening is not dependent on reversing a previous refinement. Several examples showing localized coarsening are provided.
Eighth International Meshing Roundtable (Lake Tahoe, …, 1999
Objective functions for unstructured hexahedral and tetrahedral mesh optimization are analyzed using matrices and matrix norms. Mesh untangling objective functions that create valid meshes are used to initialize the optimization process. Several new objective functions to achieve ...
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 2014
Background: Indirect quad mesh generation methods rely on an initial triangular mesh. So called triangle-merge techniques are then used to recombine the triangles of the initial mesh into quadrilaterals. This way, high-quality full-quad meshes suitable for finite element calculations can be generated for arbitrary two-dimensional geometries. Methods: In this paper, a similar indirect approach is applied to the three-dimensional case, i.e., a method to recombine tetrahedra into hexahedra. Contrary to the 2D case, a 100% recombination rate is seldom attained in 3D. Instead, part of the remaining tetrahedra are combined into prisms and pyramids, eventually yielding a mixed mesh. We show that the percentage of recombined hexahedra strongly depends on the location of the vertices in the initial 3D mesh. If the vertices are placed at random, less than 50% of the tetrahedra will be combined into hexahedra. In order to reach larger ratios, the vertices of the initial mesh need to be anticipatively organized into a lattice-like structure. This can be achieved with a frontal algorithm, which is applicable to both the two-and three-dimensional cases. The quality of the vertex alignment inside the volumes relies on the quality of the alignment on the surfaces. Once the vertex placement process is completed, the region is tetrahedralized with a Delaunay kernel. A maximum number of tetrahedra are then merged into hexahedra using the algorithm of Yamakawa-Shimada. Results: Non-uniform mixed meshes obtained following our approach show a volumic percentage of hexahedra that usually exceeds 80%. Conclusions: The execution times are reasonable. However, non-conformal quadrilateral faces adjacent to triangular faces are present in the final meshes.
Sweeping algorithms provide the ability to generate all hexahedral meshes on a wide variety of three-dimensional bodies. The work presented here provides a method to refine these meshes by first defining a path through either the source or the target mesh and next by locating the sweeping layer to initiate the refinement. A major contribution of this work is the ability to automatically find a minimal distance path through the target or source mesh. The refinement is accomplished by using the pillowing procedure as proposed by Mitchell.
ArXiv, 2021
In this paper, we extend our earlier polycube-based all-hexahedral mesh generation method to hexahedral-dominant mesh generation, and present the HexDom software package. Given the boundary representation of a solid model, HexDom creates a hex-dominant mesh by using a semi-automated polycube-based mesh generation method. The resulting hexahedral dominant mesh includes hexahedra, tetrahedra, and triangular prisms. By adding non-hexahedral elements, we are able to generate better quality hexahedral elements than in all-hexahedral meshes. We explain the underlying algorithms in four modules including segmentation, polycube construction, hex-dominant mesh generation and quality improvement, and use a rockerarm model to explain how to run the software. We also apply our software to a number of other complex models to test their robustness. The software package and all tested models are availabe in github (
34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1996
Hexahedral elements can be subdivided anisotropically without mesh quality problems that are associated with tetrahedral meshes. Furthermore, hexahedral meshes yield more accurate solutions than their tetrahedral counterparts for the same number of edges. Our adaption procedure uses an edge data structure that facilitates e cient subdivision by allowing individual edges to be marked for re nement or coarsening. Pyramids and prisms are used as bu er elements between re ned and unre ned hexahedra to eliminate hanging vertices. Preliminary results indicate that this new adaption procedure is a viable alternative to adaptive tetrahedral schemes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2009
An octree-based mesh generation method is proposed to create reasonable-quality, geometry-adapted unstructured hexahedral meshes automatically from triangulated surface models without any sharp geometrical features. A new, easy-to-implement, easy-to-understand set of refinement templates is developed to perform local mesh refinement efficiently even for concave refinement domains without creating hanging nodes. A buffer layer is inserted on an octree core mesh to improve the mesh quality significantly. Laplacian-like smoothing, angle-based smoothing and local optimization-based untangling methods are used with certain restrictions to further improve the mesh quality. Several examples are shown to demonstrate the capability of our hexahedral mesh generation method for complex geometries.
The 3D meshing process begins with the definition of the outer geometry. With a CAD system and a 2d quadrilateral mesh generator, a closed all-quadrilateral mesh is obtained, which is the start point for the process that this communication describes.
This article introduces a method to generate a hex-dominant mesh from an input tet mesh. We first compute a global parameterization, then we isolate the ``void'' (also called ``gap'' or ``cavity''), that is the zone where the global parameterization is singular or too much distorted. Once properly isolated, the void can be meshed with different algorithms. Thus, our main technical contribution is an algorithm that computes the boundary of the void and makes it compatible with both the hexahedra generated in the regular part of the parameterization and the input boundary. We tested our method on a large collection of objects (200+) with different settings. In most cases, we obtained very good quality results compared to the state-of-the-art solutions. In addition to improving the state-of-the-art in hex-dominant meshing, a second contribution of this work is to introduce a pipeline architecture, which can be used to compare present and future algorithms involv...
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology
In this paper, we extend a simultaneous untangling and smoothing technique previously developed for triangular and tetrahedral meshes to quadrilateral and hexahedral ones. Specifically, we present a technique that iteratively untangles and smooths a given quadrilateral or hexahedral mesh by minimizing an objective function defined in terms of a modification of an algebraic quality measure. The proposed method optimizes the mesh quality by a local node relocation process. That is, without modifying the mesh connectivity. Finally, we present several examples to show that the proposed technique obtains valid meshes composed by high-quality quadrilaterals and hexahedra, even when we start from tangled meshes.
The Visual Computer, 2001
In a landmark paper, Catmull and Clark described a simple generalization of the subdivision rules for bi-cubic B-splines to arbitrary quadrilateral surface meshes. This smooth subdivision scheme has become a mainstay of surface modeling systems. Joy and MacCracken described a generalization of this surface scheme to volume meshes. Unfortunately, little is known about the smoothness and regularity of this scheme
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2017
We introduce a robust and automatic algorithm to simplify the structure and reduce the singularities of a hexahedral mesh. Our algorithm interleaves simplification operations to collapse sheets and chords of the base complex of the input mesh with a geometric optimization, which improves the elements quality. All our operations are guaranteed not to introduce elements with negative Jacobians, ensuring that our algorithm always produces valid hex-meshes, and not to increase the Hausdorff distance from the original shape more than a user-defined threshold, ensuring a faithful approximation of the input geometry. Our algorithm can improve meshes produced with any existing hexahedral meshing algorithm --- we demonstrate its effectiveness by processing a dataset of 194 hex-meshes created with octree-based, polycube-based, and field-aligned methods.
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2017
In this paper, we describe a robust meshing algorithm for obtaining a mixed mesh with large number of hexahedral/prismatic elements grown over the domain boundary respecting the user imposed anisotropic metric where physics matter the most and in areas where it is required to have the least number of elements. The inner section away from the boundaries is filled with the terminal octants of a non-conformal octree. The remaining unmeshed portion of the domain within the hexahedral/prismatic faces is filled with narrow bands of tetrahedra. The novel idea of the meshing algorithm is the formation of the cavity as slim as possible between the exposed faces of the outer most boundary layers and the octant faces of the inner most terminal octants, in such a way that the length scales of the cavity mesh spacings would allow the frontal tetrahedral meshing algorithm robustly succeeding to fill the cavity respecting its boundary faces without recovery issues. The algorithm could be applied to non-cubical, arbitrary geometries that can also be non-manifold. Each domain region is meshed recursively and within which, the tetrahedral filling algorithm constructs as many manifold cavity shells as the problem constrains are imposed by the boundary layers and the mesh size settings. The final hexahedral dominant mesh is exported to a face-based finite volume format (OpenFoam) so that the non-manifold nature of the mesh is captured by flux based numerical solvers consistently and accurately.
Automatic mesh generation and adaptive refinement methods for complex three-dimensional domains have proven to be very successful tools for the efficient solution of complex applications problems. These methods can, however, produce poorly shaped elements that cause the numerical solution to be less accurate and more difficult to compute. Fortunately, the shape of the elements can be improved through several mechanisms, including face- and edge-swapping techniques, which change local connectivity, and optimization-based mesh smoothing methods, which adjust mesh point location. We consider several criteria for each of these two methods and compare the quality of several meshes obtained by using different combinations of swapping and smoothing. Computational experiments show that swapping is critical to the improvement of general mesh quality and that optimization-based smoothing is highly effective in eliminating very small and very large angles. High-quality meshes are obtained in a...
Proceedings of the 18th International Meshing Roundtable, 2009
We proposed a new, easy-to-implement, easy-to-understand set of refinement templates in our previous paper to create geometry-adapted all-hexahedral meshes easily [
Computers & Graphics, 2017
We introduce a simple and practical technique to untangle and improve hexahedral (hex-) meshes. We achieve that by enabling the deformation of the boundary surfaces during the untangling process, which provides more space to reach a valid solution. To improve the element quality, an angle optimization strategy is proposed, which has much simpler formulation than the existing method. The deformed volume after optimization is then pulled back to the original one using an inversion-free deformation. In contrast to the current methods, we perform the untangling and quality improvement within a few local regions surrounding elements with undesired quality, which can effectively improve the minimum scaled Jacobian (MSJ) quality of the mesh over the existing method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods by applying it to the hex-meshes generated by a range of methods.
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