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2009, Toward a New Understanding of Space, Time and Matter
We provide a self-contained introduction to the quantum group approach to noncommutative geometry as the next-to-classical effective geometry that might be expected from any successful quantum gravity theory. We focus particularly on a thorough account of the bicrossproduct model noncommutative spacetimes of the form [t, xi] = ıλxi and the correct formulation of predictions for it including a variable speed of light. We also study global issues in the Poincaré group in the model with the 2D case as illustration. We show that any off-shell momentum can be boosted to infinite negative energy by a finite Lorentz transformaton.
Quantum Gravity Mathematical Models and Experimental Bounds, 2007
This is a self-contained introduction to quantum Riemannian geometry based on quantum groups as frame groups, and its proposed role in quantum gravity. Much of the article is about the generalisation of classical Riemannian geometry that arises naturally as the classical limit; a theory with nonsymmetric metric and a skew version of metric compatibilty. Meanwhile, in quantum gravity a key ingredient of our approach is the proposal that the differential structure of spacetime is something that itself must be summed over or 'quantised' as a physical degree of freedom. We illustrate such a scheme for quantum gravity on small finite sets.
J.Korean Phys.Soc. 65 (2014) 1754-1798
We review a novel and authentic way to quantize gravity. This novel approach is based on the fact that Einstein gravity can be formulated in terms of symplectic geometry rather than Riemannian geometry in the context of emergent gravity. An essential step for emergent gravity is to realize the equivalence principle, the most important property in the theory of gravity (general relativity), from U(1) gauge theory on a symplectic or Poisson manifold. Through the realization of the equivalence principle which is an intrinsic property in symplectic geometry known as the Darboux theorem or the Moser lemma, one can understand how diffeomorphism symmetry arises from noncommutative U(1) gauge theory and so gravity can emerge from the noncommutative electromagnetism, which is also an interacting theory. As a consequence, it is feasible to formulate a background independent quatum gravity where the prior existence of any spacetime structure is not a priori assumed but defined by fundamental ingredients in quantum gravity theory. This scheme for quantum gravity resolves many notorious problems in theoretical physics, for example, to resolve the cosmological constant problem, to understand the nature of dark energy and to explain why gravity is so weak compared to other forces. In particular, it leads to a remarkable picture for what matter is. A matter field such as leptons and quarks simply arises as a stable localized geometry, which is a topological object in the defining algebra (noncommutative ⋆-algebra) of quantum gravity.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2000
Quantum groups emerged in the latter quarter of the 20th century as, on the one hand, a deep and natural generalisation of symmetry groups for certain integrable systems, and on the other as part of a generalisation of geometry itself powerful enough to make sense in the quantum domain. Just as the last century saw the birth of classical geometry, so the present century sees at its end the birth of this quantum or noncommutative geometry, both as an elegant mathematical reality and in the form of the first theoretical predictions for Planck-scale physics via ongoing astronomical measurements. Noncommutativity of spacetime, in particular, amounts to a postulated new force or physical effect called cogravity.
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2010
In the present work we review the twisted field construction of quantum field theory on noncommutative spacetimes based on twisted Poincaré invariance. We present the latest development in the field, in particular the notion of equivalence of such quantum field theories on a noncommutative spacetime, in this regard we work out explicitly the inequivalence between twisted quantum field theories on Moyal and Wick-Voros planes; the duality between deformations of the multiplication map on the algebra of functions on spacetime F (R 4 ) and coproduct deformations of the Poincaré-Hopf algebra HP acting on F (R 4 ); the appearance of a nonassociative product on F (R 4 ) when gauge fields are also included in the picture. The last part of the manuscript is dedicated to the phenomenology of noncommutative quantum field theories in the particular approach adopted in this review. CPT violating processes, modification of two-point temperature correlation function in CMB spectrum analysis and Pauli-forbidden transition in Be 4 are all effects which show up in such a noncommutative setting. We review how they appear and in particular the constraint we can infer from comparison between theoretical computations and experimental bounds on such effects. The best bound we can get, coming from Borexino experiment, is 10 24 TeV for the energy scale of noncommutativity, which corresponds to a length scale 10 −43 m. This bound comes from a different model of spacetime deformation more adapted to applications in atomic physics. It is thus model dependent even though similar bounds are expected for the Moyal spacetime as well as argued elsewhere.
Quantum mechanics in its presently known formulation requires an external classical time for its description. A classical spacetime manifold and a classical spacetime metric are produced by classical matter fields. In the absence of such classical matter fields, quantum mechanics should be formulated without reference to a classical time. If such a new formulation exists, it follows as a consequence that standard linear quantum mechanics is a limiting case of an underlying non-linear quantum theory. A possible approach to the new formulation is through the use of noncommuting spacetime coordinates in noncommutative differential geometry. Here, the non-linear theory is described by a non-linear Schrodinger equation which belongs to the Doebner-Goldin class of equations, discovered some years ago. This mass-dependent non-linearity is significant when particle masses are comparable to Planck mass, and negligible otherwise. Such a nonlinearity is in principle detectable through experimental tests of quantum mechanics for mesoscopic systems, and is a valuable empirical probe of theories of quantum gravity. We also briefly remark on the possible connection our approach could have with loop quantum gravity and string theory.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2014
A link between canonical quantum gravity and fermionic quantum field theory is established in this paper. From a spectral triple construction which encodes the kinematics of quantum gravity semi-classical states are constructed which, in a semi-classical limit, give a system of interacting fermions in an ambient gravitational field. The interaction involves flux tubes of the gravitational field. In the additional limit where all gravitational degrees of freedom are turned off, a free fermionic quantum field theory emerges. *
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2012
We review applications of noncommutative geometry in canonical quantum gravity. First, we show that the framework of loop quantum gravity includes natural noncommutative structures which have, hitherto, not been explored. Next, we present the construction of a spectral triple over an algebra of holonomy loops. The spectral triple, which encodes the kinematics of quantum gravity, gives rise to a natural class of semiclassical states which entail emerging fermionic degrees of freedom. In the particular semiclassical approximation where all gravitational degrees of freedom are turned off, a free fermionic quantum field theory emerges. We end the paper with an extended outlook section.
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2011
Dedication: This article is dedicated to Josh Goldberg in appreciation of his friendship and his long years of service and contributions to the field of relativity.
These notes summarise a talk surveying the combinatorial or Hamiltonian quantisation of three dimensional gravity in the Chern-Simons formulation, with an emphasis on the role of quantum groups and on the way the various physical constants (c,G,\Lambda,\hbar) enter as deformation parameters. The classical situation is summarised, where solutions can be characterised in terms of model spacetimes (which depend on c and \Lambda), together with global identifications via elements of the corresponding isometry groups. The quantum theory may be viewed as a deformation of this picture, with quantum groups replacing the local isometry groups, and non-commutative spacetimes replacing the classical model spacetimes. This point of view is explained, and open issues are sketched.
Quantum Gravity, 2000
This is a self-contained introduction to quantum Riemannian geometry based on quantum groups as frame groups, and its proposed role in quantum gravity. Much of the article is about the generalisation of classical Riemannian geometry that arises naturally as the classical limit; a theory with nonsymmetric metric and a skew version of metric compatibilty. Meanwhile, in quantum gravity a key ingredient of our approach is the proposal that the differential structure of spacetime is something that itself must be summed over or 'quantised' as a physical degree of freedom. We illustrate such a scheme for quantum gravity on small finite sets.
A search for the uni cation of quantum theory and gravity has forced mathematical physicists to re-evaluate the meaning of geometry itself. The surprising answer has led to an explosion of research papers, a vast collection of examples, and to revolutions in at least three branches of pure mathematics. It o¬ers insights into the origin of the universe and the nature of physical reality.
Alain Connes' noncommutative theory led to an interesting model including both Standard Model of particle physics and Euclidean Gravity. Nevertheless, an hyperbolic version of the gravitational part would be necessary to make physical predictions, but it is still under research. We shall present the difficulties to generalize the model from Riemannian to Lorentzian Geometry and discuss key ideas and current attempts.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011
A spinless covariant field ϕ on Minkowski spacetime M d+1 obeys the relation U (a, Λ)ϕ(x)U (a, Λ) −1 = ϕ(Λx + a) where (a, Λ) is an element of the Poincaré group P ↑ + and U : (a, Λ) → U (a, Λ) is its unitary representation on quantum vector states. It expresses the fact that Poincaré transformations are being unitary implemented. It has a classical analogy where field covariance shows that Poincaré transformations are canonically implemented. Covariance is self-reproducing: products of covariant fields are covariant. We recall these properties and use them to formulate the notion of covariant quantum fields on noncommutative spacetimes. In this way all our earlier results on dressing, statistics, etc. for Moyal spacetimes are derived transparently. For the Voros algebra, covariance and the * -operation are in conflict so that there are no covariant Voros fields compatible with * , a result we found earlier. The notion of Drinfel'd twist underlying much of the preceding discussion is extended to discrete abelian and nonabelian groups such as the mapping class groups of topological geons. For twists involving nonabelian groups the emergent spacetimes are nonassociative. *
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2003
In this paper, starting from the common foundation of Connes' noncommutative geometry (NCG) [1,2,3,4], various possible alternatives in the formulation of a theory of gravity in noncommutative spacetime are discussed in detail. The diversity in the final physical content of the theory is shown to the the consequence of the arbitrariness in each construction steps. As an alternative in the last step, when the staructure equations are to be solved, a minimal set of constraints on the torsion and connection is found to determine all the geometric notions in terms of metric. In the Connes-Lott model of noncommutative spacetime, in order to keep the full spectrum of the discretized Kaluza-Klein theory [5], it is necessary to include the torsion in the generalized Einstein-Hilbert-Cartan action.
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 1989
The structure of amanifold can be encoded in the commutative algebra of functions on the manifold it sell-this is usual-. In the case of a non com.mut.ative algebra thereis no underlying manifold and the usual concepts and tools of diffe.rential geometry (differentialforms, De Rham cohomology, vector bundles, connections, elliptic operators, index theory.. .) have to be generalized. This is the subject of non commutative differential geometry and is believed to be of fundamental importance in our understanding of quantum field theories. The presentpaper is an introduction for the non specialist and a review oftheprincipal results on the field.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2005
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2010
In this article we construct the quantum field theory of a free real scalar field on a class of noncommutative manifolds, obtained via deformation quantization using triangular Drinfel'd twists. We construct deformed quadratic action functionals and compute the corresponding equation of motion operators. The Green's operators and the fundamental solution of the deformed equation of motion are obtained in terms of formal power series. It is shown that, using the deformed fundamental solution, we can define the Weyl algebra of field observables, which in general depends on the spacetime deformation parameter. This dependence is absent in the special case of Killing deformations, which include in particular the Moyal-Weyl deformation of the Minkowski spacetime.
Physics Letters B, 2003
A novel geometric model of a noncommutative plane has been constructed. We demonstrate that it can be construed as a toy model for describing and explaining the basic features of physics in a noncommutative spacetime from a field theory perspective. The noncommutativity is induced internally through constraints and does not require external interactions. We show that the noncommutative space-time is to be interpreted as having an internal angular momentum throughout. Subsequently, the elementary excitationsi.e. point particles -living on this plane are endowed with a spin. This is explicitly demonstrated for the zero-momentum Fourier mode. The study of these excitations reveals in a natural way various stringy signatures of a noncommutative quantum theory, such as dipolar nature of the basic excitations [7] and momentum dependent shifts in the interaction point . The observation [9] that noncommutative and ordinary field theories are alternative descriptions of the same underlying theory, is corroborated here by showing that they are gauge equivalent.
Foundations of Physics, 2009
In this review article we discuss some of the applications of noncommutative geometry in physics that are of recent interest, such as noncommutative many-body systems, noncommutative extension of Special Theory of Relativity kinematics, twisted gauge theories and noncommutative gravity.
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