Fatal traumatic heart wounds: review of 160 autopsy cases

2005, The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ

Despite many published retrospective analyses on cardiac injuries in treated patients, there is a striking scarcity of population-based studies that include autopsies. To provide data on fatal traumatic heart wounds in autopsied cases. We reviewed 2,487 medico-legal autopsy records from the morgue of the Bursa branch of the Turkish Council of Forensic Medicine for the period 1997-2001. Of these cases, 160 (6.4%) had cardiac injury; 13.8% were females and 86.2% males, and the mean age was 35.9 years (range 4-65). The most common cause of heart wounds was penetrating trauma (87.5%), namely sharp injuries (48.1%) and firearm injuries (39.4%). The two most common causes of blunt heart wounds were traffic accidents (5.6%) and falls from a height (5%). Rupture was present in 96.9% of the cases, and isolated left ventricle and isolated right ventricle were ruptured in 31.3% and 23.8%, respectively. In penetrating injury the risk of ventricle rupture was higher than of atrium rupture. Alcoh...