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2009, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)
Recently, democratic group signatures(DGSs) particularly catch our attention due to their great flexibilities, i.e., no group manager, anonymity, and individual traceability. In existing DGS schemes, individual traceability says that any member in the group can reveal the actual signer's identity from a given signature. In this paper, we formally describe the definition of DGS, revisit its security notions by strengthening the requirement for the property of traceability, and present a concrete DGS construction with (t, n)-threshold traceability which combines the concepts of group signatures and of threshold cryptography. The idea behind the (t, n)-threshold traceability is to distribute between n group members the capability of tracing the actual signer such that any subset of not less than t members can jointly reconstruct a secret and reveal the identity of the signer while preserving security even in the presence of an active adversary which can corrupt up to t − 1 group members.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
A (t, n) threshold signature scheme allows t or more group members to generate signatures on behalf of a group with n members, while any t − 1 or less members cannot do the same thing. In 2001, based on a variant of ElGamal digital signature scheme, Li et al. proposed two (t, n) threshold signature schemes with traceable signers. One of their schemes needs the assistance of a mutually trusted center, while the other does not. In this paper, we present a security analysis on their schemes. We first point out that in fact signers in their schemes are untraceable, since anybody can convert a valid threshold signature into a new one such that another subset of group members will be wrongly considered as the signers of the new threshold signature for the same message. Furthermore, we demonstrate an attack to show that their second threshold signature scheme is insecure. In our attack, (n − t + 1) colluding members can control the group secret key. Therefore, they can generate valid threshold signature for any message without the help of other members. Furthermore, honest members cannot detect this security flaw in the system, since any t members can generate threshold signatures according to the prescribed protocols.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
A (t, n) threshold group signature scheme is a generalization of group signature, in which only t or more members from a given group with n members can represent the group to generate signatures anonymously and the identities of signers of a signature can be revealed in case of dispute later. In this paper, we first present a definition of threshold group signatures, and propose several requirements to evaluate whether a threshold group signature scheme is secure and efficient. Then we investigate the security and efficiency of a threshold group signature scheme proposed by Li, Hwang, Lee and Tsai, and point out eight weaknesses in their scheme. The most serious weakness is that there is a framing attack on their scheme. In this framing attack, once the group private key is controlled, (n − t + 1) colluding group members can forge a valid threshold group signature on any given message, which looks as if it was signed by (t−1) honest group members and one cheating member. At the same time, all these (t − 1) honest members cannot detect this cheating behavior, because they can use the system to generate group signatures normally.
This paper presents fair traceable multi-group signatures (FTMGS), which have enhanced capabilities, compared to group and traceable signatures, that are important in real world scenarios combining accountability and anonymity. The main goal of the primitive is to allow multiple groups that are managed separately (managers are not even aware of the other ones), yet allowing users (in the spirit of the Identity 2.0 initiative) to manage what they reveal about their identity with respect to these groups by themselves. This new primitive incorporates the following additional features.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2020
We introduce in this paper a new identity-based threshold signature (IBTHS) technique, which is based on a pair of intractable problems, residuosity and discrete logarithm. This technique relies on two difficult problems and offers an improved level of security relative to an on two difficult hard problems. The majority of the denoted IBTHS techniques are established on an individual difficult problem. Despite the fact that these methods are secure, however, a prospective solution of this sole problem by an adversary will enable him/her to recover the entire private data together with secret keys and configuration values of the associated scheme. Our technique is immune to the four most familiar attack types in relation to the signature schemes. Enhanced performance of our proposed technique is verified in terms of minimum cost of computations required by both of the signing algorithm and the verifying algorithm in addition to immunity to attacks. 1. INTRODUCTION In 1971, the idea of digital signature was first presented by Diffie and Helman [1] that enabled a signer in possession of a secrete key to sign a message, while anybody using a public key could perform verification of the signature. The notion of threshold signatures was presented by Desmedt [2] in 1987. A secret key, and correspondingly, the signing power, is shared to a collection of players in a (,) threshold signature scheme, where this is accomplished in a manner that any subset of players is able to collectively deliver a signature on the account of the group, whereas a subset composed of up to −1 players is incapable. The threshold signature is fundamental yet of a great significance cryptographic scheme that is due to its bifold function: by boosting the opportunity of the signing agency while simultaneously improving the safeguarding process against fraudulence through completing the learn process of the secret signature key for the antagonist. Subsequent to Desmedt's creation, in the commonly-named threshold cryptography domain, several threshold signature approaches incorporated on diverse premise were formulated, such as [3-8]. In order to streamline key management processes in certificate based public key setting, Shamir [9] in 1984, called for identity-based (ID-based) encryption and signature methods. Thenceforth, in the scope of this commonly-named ID-based cryptography, scores of identity-based cryptography techniques were put forward, such as the works of [10, 11]. The remarkably prominent tool has proposed bilinear pairing [10] in constructing identity-based cryptography primitives, where ID-based could be substituted for certificate-based in public key setting. This is of a special interest particularly when there is a requirement for efficient key management while moderate security is needed. The entire developed literature put forward on ID-based threshold group signature contains approaches that rely on an individual hard problem such as factoring,
We provide a construction for a group signature scheme that is provably secure in a universally composable framework, within the standard model with trusted parameters. Our proposed scheme is fairly simple and its efficiency falls within small factors of the most efficient group signature schemes with provable security in any model (including random oracles). Security of our constructions require new cryptographic assumptions, namely the Strong LRSW, EDH, and Strong SXDH assumptions. Evidence for any assumption we introduce is provided by proving hardness in the generic group model.
International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics, 2016
Group Signature, extension of digital signature, allows members of a group to sign messages on behalf of the group, such that the resulting signature does not reveal the identity of the signer. The controllable linkability of group signatures enables an entity who has a linking key to find whether or not two group signatures were generated by the same signer, while preserving the anonymity. This functionality is very useful in many applications that require the linkability but still need the anonymity, such as sybil attack detection in a vehicular ad hoc network and privacy preserving data mining. This paper presents a new signature scheme supporting controllable linkability.The major advantage of this scheme is that the signature length is very short, even shorter than this in the best-known group signature scheme without supporting the linkability. A valid signer is able to create signatures that hide his or her identity as normal group signatures but can be anonymously linked regardless of changes to the membership status of the signer and without exposure of the history of the joining and revocation. From signatures, only linkage information can be disclosed, with a special linking key. Using this controllable linkability and the controllable anonymity of a group signature, anonymity may be flexibly or elaborately controlled according to a desired level.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1997
. The concept of group signatures was introduced by Chaumet al. at Eurocrypt "91. It allows a member of a group to sign messagesanonymously on behalf of the group. In case of a later dispute adesignated group manager can revoke the anonymity and identify theoriginator of a signature. In this paper we propose a new efficient groupsignature scheme. Furthermore we
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
This paper provides theoretical foundations for the group signature primitive. We introduce strong, formal definitions for the core requirements of anonymity and traceability. We then show that these imply the large set of sometimes ambiguous existing informal requirements in the literature, thereby unifying and simplifying the requirements for this primitive. Finally we prove the existence of a construct meeting our definitions based only on the assumption that trapdoor permutations exist.
Corr, 2004
In this paper, we propose a Directed Threshold Multi-Signature Scheme. In this threshold signature scheme, any malicious set of signers cannot impersonate any other set of signers to forge the signatures. In case of forgery, it is possible to trace the signing set. This threshold signature scheme is applicable when the message is sensitive to the signature receiver; and the signatures are generated by the cooperation of a number of people from a given group of senders.
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2002
A set of group-oriented blind (t, n) threshold signature schemes is proposed based on the discrete logarithm problem. Using these schemes, any t out of n signers in a group can represent the group in signing blind threshold signatures. A threshold signature in the proposed schemes is the same size as an individual signature, and the signature verification process is simplified by means of a group public key. The schemes are suitable for single-authority applications in privacy protection, secure voting systems, and anonymous payment systems for distributing the power of a single authority. The assistance of a mutually trusted authority is not required. In addition, individual signers can choose their own private keys, and all the members together decide on the group public key.
International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2008
In this paper, we describe a new cryptographic primitive called (One-Way) Signature Chaining. Signature chaining is essentially a method of generating a chain of signatures on the same message by different users. Each signature acts as a "link" of the chain. The one-way-ness implies that the chaining process is one-way in the sense that more links can be easily added to the chain. However, it is computationally infeasible to remove any intermediate links without removing all the links. The signatures so created are called chain signatures (CS). We give precise definitions of chain signatures and discuss some applications in trust transfer. We then present a practical construction of a CS scheme that is secure (in the random oracle model) under the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption in bilinear maps.
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security
We propose a decentralized but collaborative attribute-based tracing mechanism (a signer-identifying mechanism) for group signatures. Instead of a central tracing party in our scheme, a set of tracers satisfying the attribute set used for generating the group signature can identify the signer. Thus our proposal limits the parties who can identify the signer. On the other hand, it decentralized the tracing authority. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Public key encryption; Digital signatures.
Journal of Systems and Software, 2004
In the ðt; nÞ proxy signature scheme, the signature signed by the original signer can be signed by t or more proxy signers out of a proxy group of n proxy signers. Recently, Hsu et al. proposed a nonrepudiable threshold proxy signature scheme with known signers. In this article, we shall propose an improvement of Hsu et al.'s scheme that is more efficient in terms of computational complexity and communication cost.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
A group signature scheme allows a group member of a given group to sign messages on behalf of the group in an anonymous and unlinkable way. In case of a dispute, however, a designated group manager can reveal the signer of a valid group signature. Based on Song's forward-secure group signature schemes, Zhang, Wu, and Wang proposed a new group signature scheme with forward security at ICICS 2003. Their scheme is very efficient in both communication and computation aspects. Unfortunately, their scheme is insecure. In this paper we present a security analysis to show that their scheme is linkable, untraceable, and forgeable.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
Traceable signature scheme extends a group signature scheme with an enhanced anonymity management mechanism. The group manager can compute a tracing trapdoor which enables anyone to test if a signature is signed by a given misbehaving user, while the only way to do so for group signatures requires revealing the signer of all signatures. Nevertheless, it is not tracing in a strict sense. For all existing schemes, T tracing agents need to recollect all N signatures ever produced and perform RN "checks" for R revoked users. This involves a high volume of transfer and computations. Increasing T increases the degree of parallelism for tracing but also the probability of "missing" some signatures in case some of the agents are dishonest. We propose a new and efficient way of tracing-the tracing trapdoor allows the reconstruction of tags such that each of them can uniquely identify a signature of a misbehaving user. Identifying N signatures out of the total of N signatures (N << N) just requires the agent to construct N small tags and send them to the signatures holder. N here gives a trade-off between the number of unlinkable signatures a member can produce and the efforts for the agents to trace the signatures. We present schemes with simple design borrowed from anonymous credential systems. Our schemes are proven secure respectively in the random oracle model and in the common reference string model (or in the standard model if there exists a trusted party for system parameters initialization).
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, 2014
In group signature schemes, the members of the group are allowed to sign messages anonymously on the behalf of the group. In this case, other group members and the outsiders from the group cannot see which member signed the messages. The organizational structure which should support the safety of privacy may need to provide a degree of anonymity to the individuals conducting the transactions. Moreover, the current methods of revocation property of the group signature scheme do not revoke to allow valid signature under an old secret key of the group manager. And it is remaining as a challenge to be independent on the size of the group public key when the group size is increasing. For this above facts, this paper will be proposed to achieve anonymous revocation based on the concept of group signature more effectively.
Traceable signatures schemes were introduced by Kiayias, Tsiounis and Yung in order to solve traceability issues in group signature schemes. They wanted to enable authorities to delegate some of their detection capabilities to tracing sub-authorities. Instead of opening every single signatures and then threatening privacy, tracing sub-authorities are able to know if a signature was emitted by specific users only. In 2008, Libert and Yung proposed the first traceable signature schemes proven secure in the standard model. We design another scheme in the standard model, with two instantiations based either on the SXDH or the DLin assumptions. Our construction is far more efficient, both in term of group elements for the signature, and pairing computation for the verification. Besides the "step-in" (confirmation) feature that allows a user to prove he was indeed the signer, our construction provides the "step-out" (disavowal) procedure that allows a user to prove he was not the signer. Since list signature schemes are closely related to this primitive, we consider them, and answer an open problem: list signature schemes are possible without random oracles.
Abstract. Since the introduction of Identity-based (ID-based) cryptography by Shamir in 1984, numerous ID-based signature schemes have been proposed. In 2001, Rivest et al. introduced ring signature that provides irrevocable signer anonymity and spontaneous group formation. In recent years, ID-based ring signature schemes have been proposed and all of them are based on bilinear pairings. In this paper, we propose the first ID-based threshold ring signature scheme that is not based on bilinear pairings.
Annotation: This paper presents a threshold designated receiver signature scheme that includes certain characteristic in which the signature can be verified by the assistance of the signature recipient only. The aim of the proposed signature scheme is to protect the privacy of the signature recipient. However, in many applications of such signatures, the signed document holds data which is sensitive to the recipient personally and in these applications usually a signer is a single entity but if the document is on behalf of the company the document may need more than one signer. Therefore, the threshold technique is employed to answer this problem. In addition, we introduce its use to shared signature scheme by threshold verification. The resultant scheme is efficient and dynamic.
Public Key CryptographyPKC 2003, 2002
We propose a robust proactive threshold signature scheme, a multisignature scheme and a blind signature scheme which work in any Gap Diffie-Hellman (GDH) group (where the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem is hard but the Decisional Diffie-Hellman problem is easy). Our constructions are based on the recently proposed GDH signature scheme of Boneh et al. [8]. Due to the instrumental structure of GDH groups and of the base scheme, it turns out that most of our constructions are simpler, more efficient and have more useful properties than similar existing constructions. We support all the proposed schemes with proofs under the appropriate computational assumptions, using the corresponding notions of security.
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