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Let $\Sigma$ be a finite alphabet, $\Omega=\Sigma^{\mathbb{Z}^{d}}$ equipped with the shift action, and $\mathcal{I}$ the simplex of shift-invariant measures on $\Omega$. We study the relation between the restriction $\mathcal{I}_n$ of $\mathcal{I}$ to the finite cubes $\{-n,...,n\}^d\subset\mathbb{Z}^d$, and the polytope of "locally invariant" measures $\mathcal{I}_n^{loc}$. We are especially interested in the geometry of the convex set $\mathcal{I}_n$ which turns out to be strikingly different when $d=1$ and when $d\geq 2$. A major role is played by shifts of finite type which are naturally identified with faces of $\mathcal{I}_n$, and uniquely ergodic shifts of finite type, whose unique invariant measure gives rise to extreme points of $\mathcal{I}_n$, although in dimension $d\geq 2$ there are also extreme points which arise in other ways. We show that $\mathcal{I}_n=\mathcal{I}_n^{loc}$ when $d=1$, but in higher dimension they differ for $n$ large enough. We also show that while in dimension one $\mathcal{I}_n$ are polytopes with rational extreme points, in higher dimensions every computable convex set occurs as a rational image of a face of $\mathcal{I}_n$ for all large enough $n$.
Let Σ be a finite alphabet, Ω = Σ Z d equipped with the shift action, and I the simplex of shift-invariant measures on Ω. We study the relation between the restriction In of I to the finite cubes {-n, . . . , n} d ⊂ Z d , and the polytope of "locally invariant" measures I loc n . We are especially interested in the geometry of the convex set In which turns out to be strikingly different when d = 1 and when d ≥ 2. A major role is played by shifts of finite type which are naturally identified with faces of In, and uniquely ergodic shifts of finite type, whose unique invariant measure gives rise to extreme points of In, although in dimension d ≥ 2 there are also extreme points which arise in other ways. We show that In = I loc n when d = 1, but in higher dimension they differ for n large enough. We also show that while in dimension one In are polytopes with rational extreme points, in higher dimensions every computable convex set occurs as a rational image of a face of In for all large enough n.
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2014
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2012
In this paper we study multi-parameter projection theorems for fractal sets. With the help of these estimates, we recover results about the size of A · A + · · ·+ A · A, where A is a subset of the real line of a given Hausdorff dimension, A+A = {a+a ′ : a, a ′ ∈ A} and A · A = {a · a ′ : a, a ′ ∈ A}. We also use projection results and inductive arguments to show that if a Hausdorff dimension of a subset of R d is sufficiently large, then the k+1 2 -dimensional Lebesgue measure of the set of k-simplexes determined by this set is positive. The sharpness of these results and connection with number theoretic estimates is also discussed.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2008
Let P be a convex polytope containing the origin, whose dual is a lattice polytope. Hibi’s Palindromic Theorem tells us that if P is also a lattice polytope then the Ehrhart δ-vector of P is palindromic. Perhaps less well-known is that a similar result holds when P is rational. We present an elementary lattice-point proof of this fact.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2008
In this paper we deal with the problem of studying the structure of the polytope of non-additive measures for finite referential sets. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for two extreme points of this polytope to be adjacent. We also show that it is possible to find out in polynomial time whether two vertices are adjacent. These results can be extended to the polytope given by the convex hull of monotone Boolean functions. We also give some results about the facets and edges of the polytope of non-additive measures; we prove that the diameter of the polytope is 3 for referentials of three elements or more. Finally, we show that the polytope is combinatorial and study the corresponding properties; more concretely, we show that the graph of non-additive measures is Hamilton connected if the cardinality of the referential set is not 2.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2004
Given A ∈ Z m×n and b ∈ Z m , we consider the integer program max{c x|Ax = b; x ∈ N n } and provide an equivalent and explicit linear program max{ c q|Mq = r; q ≥ 0}, where M, r, c are easily obtained from A, b, c with no calculation. We also provide an explicit algebraic characterization of the integer hull of the convex polytope P = {x ∈ R n |Ax = b; x ≥ 0}. All strong valid inequalities can be obtained from the generators of a convex cone whose definition is explicit in terms of M.
Monatshefte f�r Mathematik, 1991
We show that if P ~ ~:d, ip[ = d+ k, d~> k >i 1 and O~intconvP, then there exists a simplex S of dimension >~[dlwithvertieesinP, satisfyingO~relintS ' the bound being sharp. We give an upper bound for the minimal number of vertices of facets of a (j -1)-neighbourly convex polytope in ~d with v vertices.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1971
Analysis and Mathematical Physics
We show that the multivariate generating function of appropriately normalized moments of a measure with homogeneous polynomial density supported on a compact polytope P ⊂ R d is a rational function. Its denominator is the product of linear forms dual to the vertices of P raised to the power equal to the degree of the density function. Using this, we solve the inverse moment problem for the set of, not necessarily convex, polytopes having a given set S of vertices. Under a weak nondegeneracy assumption we also show that the uniform measure supported on any such polytope is a linear combination of uniform measures supported on simplices with vertices in S.
Let v 0 , ..., v k be vectors in Z k which generate Z k. We show that a body V ⊂ Z k with the vectors v 0 , ..., v k as edge vectors is an almost minimal set with the property that every function f : V → R with periods v 0 , ..., v k is constant. For k = 1 the result reduces to the theorem of Fine and Wilf, which is a refinement of the famous Periodicity Lemma. Suppose 0 is not a non-trivial linear combination of v 0 , ..., v k with nonnegative coefficients. Then we describe the sector such that every interior integer point of the sector is a linear combination of v 0 , ..., v k over Z ≥0 , but infinitely many points on each of its hyperfaces are not. For k = 1 the result reduces to a formula of Sylvester corresponding to Frobenius' Coin-changing Problem in the case of coins of two denominations.
Monatshefte f�r Mathematik, 1990
We call a convex subset N of a convex d-polytope P c E d a k-nucleus of P if N meets every k-face of P, where 0 < k < d. We note that P has disjoint k-nuclei if and only if there exists a hyperplane in E d which bisects the (relative) interior of every k-face of P, and that this is possible only if/~-/~< k ~< d-1.
Mathematical Programming, 2018
In this paper, we study the following problem: given a polytope P with Chvátal rank 1, does P contain an integer point? Boyd and Pulleyblank observed that this problem is in the complexity class NP ∩ co-NP, an indication that it is probably not NP-complete. We solve this problem in polynomial time for polytopes arising from the satisfiability problem of a given formula with at least three literals per clause, for simplices whose integer hull can be obtained by adding at most a constant number of Chvátal inequalities, and for rounded polytopes. We prove that any closed convex set whose Chvátal closure is empty has an integer width of at most n, and we give an example showing that this bound is tight within an additive constant of 1. The promise that a polytope has Chvátal rank 1 seems hard to verify though. We prove that deciding emptiness of the Chvátal closure of a given rational polytope P is NP-complete, even when P is contained in the unit hypercube or is a rational simplex, and even when P does not contain any integer point. This has two implications: (i) It is NP-hard to decide whether a given rational polytope P has Chvátal rank 1, even when P is contained in the unit cube or is a rational simplex; (ii) The optimization and separation problems over the Chvátal closure of a given rational polytope contained in the unit hypercube or of a given rational simplex are NP-hard. These results improve earlier complexity results of Cornuéjols and Li and Eisenbrand. Finally, we prove that, for any positive integer k, it is NP-hard to decide whether adding at most k Chvátal inequalities is sufficient to describe the integer hull of a given rational polytope.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2005
A complete set of N + 1 mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) exists in Hilbert spaces of dimension N = p k , where p is a prime number. They mesh naturally with finite affine planes of order N, that exist when N = p k. The existence of MUBs for other values of N is an open question, and the same is true for finite affine planes. I explore the question whether the existence of complete sets of MUBs is directly related to the existence of finite affine planes. Both questions can be shown to be geometrical questions about a convex polytope, but not in any obvious way the same question.
The uniform probability measure on a convex polytope induces piecewise polynomial densities on its projections. For a fixed combinatorial type of simplicial polytopes, the moments of these measures are rational functions in the vertex coordinates. We study projective varieties that are parametrized by finite collections of such rational functions. Our focus lies on determining the prime ideals of these moment varieties. Special cases include Hankel determinantal ideals for polytopal splines on line segments, and the relations among multisymmetric functions given by the cumulants of a simplex. In general, our moment varieties are more complicated than in these two special cases. They offer challenges for both numerical and symbolic computing in algebraic geometry.
Topology and its Applications, 2003
We give an affirmative answer to a question raised by Khalid Bouhjar and Jan J. Dijkstra concerning whether or not every one-dimensional partial n-point set contains an arc by showing that a partial n-point set is one-dimensional if and only if it contains an arc.
Advances in Mathematics, 2004
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012
We consider the problem of determining the cardinality ψ(H 2,k) of minimal doubly resolving sets of Hamming graphs H 2,k. We prove that for k ≥ 6 every minimal resolving set of H 2,k is also a doubly resolving set, and, consequently, ψ(H 2,k) is equal to the metric dimension of H 2,k , which is known from the literature. Moreover, we find an explicit expression for the strong metric dimension of all Hamming graphs H n,k .
One classical result of Freimann gives the optimal lower bound for the cardinality of A + A if A is a d-dimensional finite set in R d . Matolcsi and Ruzsa have recently generalized this lower bound to |A + kB| if B is d-dimensional, and A is contained in the convex hull of B. We characterize the equality case of the Matolcsi-Ruzsa bound. The argument is based partially on understanding triangulations of polytopes.
Metric dimension is a generalization of affine dimension to arbitrary metric spaces (provided a resolving set exists). Let $F$ be a family of connected graphs $G_n : F = (G_n)_n ≥ 1$ depending on $n$ as follows: the order $|V (G)| = ϕ(n)$ and $lim n→∞ ϕ(n) = ∞$. If there exists a constant $C > 0$ such that $dim(G_n) ≤ C$ for every $n ≥ 1$ then we shall say that F has bounded metric dimension, otherwise F has unbounded metric dimension. If all graphs in $F$ have the same metric dimension, then $F$ is called a family of graphs with constant metric dimension. In this paper, we study the metric dimension of some classes of convex polytopes which are rotationally-symmetric. It is shown that these classes of convex polytoes have the constant metric dimension and only three vertices chosen appropriately suffice to resolve all the vertices of these classes of convex polytopes. It is natural to ask for the characterization of classes of convex polytopes with constant metric dimension.
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