Data Mining System and Applications: A Review

2010, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel systems


In the Information Technology era information plays vital role in every sphere of the human life. It is very important to gather data from different data sources, store and maintain the data, generate information, generate knowledge and disseminate data, information and knowledge to every stakeholder. Due to vast use of computers and electronics devices and tremendous growth in computing power and storage capacity, there is explosive growth in data collection. The storing of the data in data warehouse enables entire enterprise to access a reliable current database. To analyze this vast amount of data and drawing fruitful conclusions and inferences it needs the special tools called data mining tools. This paper gives overview of the data mining systems and some of its applications.

Key takeaways

  • Though, data mining and knowledge discovery in databases (or KDD) are frequently treated as synonyms, data mining is actually part of the knowledge discovery process [1,3,5].
  • Data mining is one of the tasks in the process of knowledge discovery from the database.
  • The domain experts play a significant role in the selection of algorithm for data mining.
  • To mine the patterns and thus knowledge from this data, different types of data mining algorithms are used.
  • Most of the domain specific data mining applications show accuracy above 90%.